End Of The Year

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A/N: Okay, I gotta be honest. I'm running low on ideas for this book, so I may skip ahead a bit. If anyone has a suggestion or an idea, I'd love to hear it! And I do apologize for slow updates- I just haven't had a spare moment to update. Anyways! On with the story...

Shore was still in shock that the school year was actually over. He sat outside the entrance of the academy, not wanting to leave. He understood now why his parents loved this place so much. 

"There you are!" Orange's familiar voice exclaimed as she sat down next to him. "We've been looking all over for you." As if on cue, the rest of the Jasper Winglet crowded around and sat on the ledge. Ember stifled a laugh.

"My parents said that this was always the spot they'd meet at when the school year ended." He commented.

"Like father like son, then." Shore agreed, grinning at him. Permafrost sighed.

"I wish we didn't have to leave." she complained. "I don't wanna go back to the Ice Kingdom. Everyone there is so...." she trailed off, failing to think of the right word.

"Frosty?" Cypress suggested.

"Cold as ice?" Anaconda offered.

"Soulless." Haze deadpanned. "I'm pretty sure Permafrost is the only Icewing who can feel emotions."

"She's got a point." Shore agreed. "All the royal Icewings and their delegates are like living rocks." Dusk raised an eyebrow.

"I thought only the current queen and her heirs got to meet with delegates." He wondered out loud. Shore shrugged.

"I just acted like a bodyguard for Apple, Rin, and Ander." 


"How is Apple, anyway?" Ember questioned, attempting to sound casual. "I haven't heard from her in a while." Permafrost started to grin, and Ember whacked her, scowling. 

"Neither have I." Shore admitted with a frown. "None of them have written. It's weird. Ander usually sends me a letter a week. Although she only writes in Latin, so I have to wait for Rin to send a translation."

"Oh, she's going to be fun to have here next year." Orange declared, grinning. "Imagine Webs struggling to grade her homework." They started to laugh.

"The best part is that they'll probably call up Glory for help, and she doesn't know Latin either!" They laughed harder until a voice called out to their group.

"Permafrost!" an angry voice yelled out.

"Uh oh," Permafrost announced. "I've been spotted mingling with dragons of other tribes." She rolled her eyes and sighed. "Time to go get my head chopped off. See you all next year!" She turned to face them as she backed away. "Shore- don't spend too much time making out with Orange, okay? Ember- I expect you to have kissed Apple BEFORE school starts, got it? Boysen- write to your girlfriend. Cypress- have fun with your PRIIINCE. And Haze- Don't kill anyone."

"Hey!" Shore yelled after her.

"No promises!" Haze declared.

"What's THAT supposed to mean?" Anaconda asked, slightly concerned.

"I will!" Boysen agreed.

"PERMAFROST!!" Ember screeched, his face going redder in embarrassment. The Icewing burst out laughing and skipped away.

"Ember," Shore began. "You kiss my cousin, and I'll have to kill you."

"I'm not gonna kiss her!" he exploded. Haze, Cypress and Orange burst out laughing.

"Oh my moons," Orange cried. "Your face is SO red!" Ember glared at them.

"Wait. Haze, you're not actually going to kill anyone, are you?" Boysen asked worriedly.

"Maybe I will, maybe I won't." She teased, winking at him. Boysen looked more concerned.

"That's not reassuring."

"Too bad." 

"Shore!" Another voice called out. Shore glanced over and grinned at the sight of his parents.

"My time to go, guys." he admitted. "Stay cool, don't lick tree frogs, and send me a letter if you're in my territory!"

"Does that mean I have to send you a letter before I go home?" Orange questioned with a smile.

"You, darling, can get in for free." Shore proclaimed before racing down to his parents.

As he got closer, he noticed the serious looks on their faces. The solemn looks that greeted him wiped the grin from Shore's face.

"Did something happen?" he asked carefully, eyeing their expressions. Joy and Kelp exchanged a glance.

"Yes," Kelp began. "Shore....it's... It's Ander."

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