~Flashback~ Geysershell

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A/N: Yes it has been decided. Geysershell shall rule! I think you'll like him if you actually learn who he is, so that's what this whole part basically is. This takes place just 2 years after Seashell and Kelp graduated from JMA.

A faint smile toyed on Seashell's face as she swam through the sea. It was her favorite place to be now, even though she didn't really know any aquatic. Kelp rarely hung out with her anymore, if he was even home. Her twin had taken to staying in the Rainforest for long amounts of time, annoying a certain silver-eyed princess. It seemed to Seashell that all the couples she knew were together. Well- except for Moon, Qibli, and Winter. They had some weird three-way thing going on that no one really wanted to know about. But Seashell didn't have anybody. Yet.

A bright flash jolted her out of her thoughts. There it was again! A Seawing slowly appeared, eyeing her curiously. Seashell gasped in a mouthful of water and coughing out a stream of bubbles. She didn't know that Seawings could be green! She thought they were all blue! The dragon before was making some kind of hand gesture that she didn't understand. Oh, she remembered. Aquatic. She flashed the only thing she knew how to say.

I don't speak aquatic. Can we talk at the surface? He nodded and then swam upward.

"Hi," he greeted her properly.


"I've never met a Seawing who can't speak Aquatic before." he burst. She snorted.

"Come to my family and you'll be lucky if you find someone who can." He tilted his head.

"How strange."

"Could be worse. My parents met after my mom accidentally flirted with him and then attacked him." He burst out laughing.

"That's hilarious!" he paused, remembering. "Oh! I'm Geyser."


"Nice to meet you, strange dragon."

"You too, although I must say, I always expected a dragon named Geyser to smell really bad." He laughed again.

"I do not smell bad."

"True." As if to emphasize her point, she inhaled over-dramatically. "You smell like fish."

"And you smell like sand."

"....Why are we discussing what we smell like?"

"I have no idea." 

They started laughing again, although Seashell had no idea why. They talked for hours, and she learned more about him. Geyser. He was an only child, and his parents worked as guards for Queen Coral. He knew the names of the 32 princes better than their own mother. He'd been helping to guard them for years. He liked jokes and codfish. He had an entire scroll dedicated to bad jokes about clownfish. He was homeschooled and had never been to Jade Mountain, or away from the ocean for that matter. He didn't have many friends, but he didn't mind.

"Solitary is good for inventing more jokes about fish." he insisted. It wasn't until the sun was halfway set that they realized they should be heading home.

"See you tomorrow?" he asked. Seashell grinned.

"Of course." They both dived into the sea and swam their separate ways.

She walked onto the sand to find Kelp waiting for her.

"Where have you been all day?" he questioned, attempting not to sound suspicious. But the grin on Seashell's face made him want to growl and stab someone with the sharp end of a swordfish.

"I met someone. We were talking and lost track of time." she explained. Kelp's brotherly instincts were screaming.


"His name is Geyser." she said dreamily. "I'm meeting with him again tomorrow." She wandered away, leaving Kelp with wide eyes and clenched fists.

"Dad!" Riptide glanced up as Kelp stormed over.

"We have someone to kill." 

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