I Miss You

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Ember had smiled and wished them luck when Apple and Rainkeeper had left to go back to the rainforest, but on the inside, he was a bit upset. They were the only familiar dragons he had at the Colors of the Wings. He missed his sister desperately, and his parents too. The fact that he didn't know if they were okay or not only made him long for them more. He just hoped they were alright.

Rainkeeper wasn't sure what to expect when he entered the rainforest, but he didn't think it would end well. Pear was probably going to kill him. He paused, thinking about that. No, he corrected himself. Pear was going to kill him. Dead. He'd have a better chance of survival if he walked into the Ice Kingdom carrying "I'm a hybrid" banner. His parents were relieved to see him, and they caught him up on what was going on, including the fact that Kelp was imprisoned. That explained Joy's distracted state pretty well, as if she was worrying and plotting to kill at the same time. Finally, Rainkeeper decided he had put off seeing his wife for long enough. Despite how much she was going to rip him apart, he missed Pear.

She froze at first when he walked through the door, but then regained her composure. She leaned against the counter and thought for a moment.

"Apple, could you leave for a little while please?" She asked. Apple glanced between them and left. A heavy silence filled the room as Pear stared at the ground, deep in thought. Rainkeeper thought too, but he didn't say anything. There was nothing to say, and he didn't have the right to speak anyway. Finally Pear looked up and walked over to him, red streaking her scales. With a flash of anger, she slapped him across the face. Rainkeeper's head whipped to the side as a smack sounded. There was another pause.

"I deserved that." Rainkeeper agreed.

"You think?" Pear demanded. She paused, staring at him. "What the hell were you thinking, Rainkeeper?" He winced as if she had slapped him again. Pear never used his full name. Ever. She always called him Rainy, or some other weird nickname, but never Rainkeeper. It really sunk in how much he had messed up at that moment.

"I didn't mean for this to hurt you," he began.

"Then what exactly did you mean?"

"I left because I thought it would protect you and Apple, and I thought telling anyone would risk that." Pear practically gaped at him.

"For a smart dragon, you really are a moron."she declared. "Cause, news flash, it didn't work. And you didn't say anything because you thought it would risk someone finding out?"


"I am your wife, Rainkeeper! If you do something to protect me or our daughter, you better freaking tell me! I can keep a secret, whether you believe it or not! I'm not just some dragonet you need to worry about!"

"I never said you were! And I don't think you are. I just- I didn't think, and I'm sorry. But I can't go back and change things now can I? So at least let me try to fix things now." She thought for a minute.

"I think you need to fix things with your daughter before you try to fix them with me." She offered. There was a pause, as if she didn't really want to say the next thing she did. "And I think you need to find somewhere else to stay tonight." Rainkeeper nodded, staring at the floor. He let out a shaky breath.

"Alright." He agreed.

It was getting late. Joy cleaned off the dishes silently. Shore and the girls had already gone to bed. Or so she thought. At the creak of the floorboards, she looked over and spotted Shore in the doorway, watching her.

"Hey," she said fondly, trying to smile at her son. He looked hesitant, as if he didn't want to ask something.

"I heard you met with Queen Coral to talk about getting Dad back." He admitted. Joy froze.

"And where did you hear that?"

"The Rainwings. They like to gossip, and I'm a good listener." There was a pause and Joy stared down at a plate, unwilling to meet his eyes. "Did she make you an offer?"

"Yes," Shore looked hopeful.

"And you're going to do what she asked, right?" Joy sighed and turned to face him.

"No," she admitted, shaking her head. "No I'm not." Shore looked at her with a shocked expression.

"Bu-why not?" He asked softly.

"Because I could never do what she wants."

"Well... then I'll do it! Just tell me what she wants and I'll do it for you, and then we can get him back!"

"No, Shore."

"Why not? Don't you want him back?"

"Of course I want him back, but Coral is not going to get what she wants, whether it's you or me that does it."She sighed. "Why am I even having this conversation with you?"

"Come on! Please, I'll do whatever you need me to. I'll-"

"She wants me to kill you, Shore." Joy blurted. There was a pause.


"What Coral wanted in exchange for your father back was you and your sisters dead. And I refused." Surprisingly enough, Shore remained calm. He stood frozen for a minute before staring down at the ground.

"I just want my dad back." He whispered. He didn't have to look up for Joy to know he was fighting back tears.

"Oh Shore," she murmured, crossing the room to wrap him in a hug. She held him tight and wondered how such a small dragonet had gotten so much pressure put on him. With Kelp gone, and when Rainkeeper had been too, he had taken charge and made sure that She, Pear, Apple, Rin, and Ander were okay. It was a big weight to put on a three-year old.

"I miss him too," Joy declared.

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