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As Shore began to contemplate everything he had ever thought about his existence, his sisters were much more relaxed.

Rin was swinging on tree vines with Parrot, the only real friend she had outside her family.

Apple had locked herself in her room ad was painting the walls with patterns and as many colors as she possibly could.

Ander, quirky as always, was sitting under a tree, meditating. Her mind felt perfectly clear; the world was silent for the very first time. Come closer, the stars beckoned her. Come closer and we'll show you our true faces, yes yes... Ander reached out further in her mind and-

"Hey Ander." a voice interrupted the stillness, jolting Ander out of the state. Her eyes shot open and landed on Stardust.

"You!" she roared, launching to her feet. She grabbed a rock from the ground and hurled it at him. "HOW DARE YOU INTERRUPT A DRAGON THAT IS SECONDS AWAY FROM ENLIGHTENMENT?!!?!?" Stardust let out a yell as she pelted him with rocks. "WHAT RIGHT DO YOUHAVE YOU MALEDICTUS PAULO STELLA!!!!!?!?!? I SHALL HAVE YOUR HEAD! I'LL WRAP IN ON A CHAIN AND WEAR IT AS FINE JEWELRY!!!!" Stardust screamed and ran away, Ander chasing after him.

"Redire hic daemonium stella!" She yelled. " Oportet vos in servitutem redigo!!!!!" 


A few hours later.....

Rin laughed with Parrot as they walked through the village. Then she caught sight of Stardust. The poor dragonet was covered in bruises, blood, and feathers. 

"What the heck happened to you?" she exclaimed. He huffed, blowing one of the feathers off. There was a traumatized look on his face.

"Never interrupt Ander." He replied vaguely, his eyes wide. "Never." He shuddered, walking away as Parrot and Rin stared after him.

"....Why does Ander hate him so much?" Parrot asked.

"I have no idea." 

As they gaped at Stardust, back in the forest, Ander settled back down by her tree with a sigh. A fresh pile of rocks was beside her, and blood was on her talons as she resumed her pose. 

"I do apologize for the delay," she murmured in both Latin and her native language. "Nolite dare veniam pro ipso et mora. I was distracted by a demon. Ego daemonium Hyrcano bello distinebantur. Please accept this sacrifice as requital for my interruption." She nodded at the dead, featherless bird before her. "Scio te oderunt, quam plumis."


Moon's eyes widened as Stardust walked through the door. 

"What in all the three moons happened to you?" she demanded.

"I don't want to talk about it." he grumbled, trailing feathers behind him.

"Is that blood?"

"Don't worry. It's not mine." he deadpanned as he left the room. "It's the toucan's." 

"That what? Get back here." Moon ordered, rushing after him.


Apple grinned as she set down her paintbrush, which was still coated in bright red paint.

"Finished!" she announced, admiring the colorful look of the walls. There were swirls and spirals, zig-zags and polka dots, hearts, and even stars on the ceiling. It had taken all day. She opened a window, hoping it would help the room dry faster- and get rid of the paint fumes. She like how paint smelled, but it wasn't a scent she wanted in her room forever. 

An unfamiliar bird call echoed in her ears, and Apple leaned out the window to see if she could find what bird had made the noise; or better yet, a monkey. But before she could even glance, talons hot out of nowhere and grabbed her, pulling her out of the room. Apple yelped in surprise before vanishing into the thick forest. Back in her room, another dragon entered, and grabbed the paintbrush, leaving a little note on the floor in bright, blood-like paint. The second dragon quickly flew out the window and followed the first into the forest.

And then, as quick as the event had begun, it was over. But now, a dragon had vanished.

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