New Year

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A/N: Because I can, we're gonna jump ahead to the next year at JMA.


That was the only word the teachers of JMA could think of that would accurately describe the first day of school. Returning students would run amuck, searching for their friends and screeching when they were found. New students would either shove away from their parents or beg them not to go. It was utter chaos.

"Are you sure you'll be alright here by yourself?" Pear questioned.

"Yes, I'm fine. I'm good. Can I go now?" Apple insisted quickly. She was anxious to get rid of her parents and to go find Ember. 

"Okay! I just want to make sure you'll be okay and that you'll make friends-"

"Mom!" Apple declared. "I already have friends!" And I'm kinda dating one of the students here, she added in her head. "And I've got Shore and the twins. I'll be FINE. Now can I go?"

"You seem oddly eager to get rid of us." Rainkeeper commented. "Are we really that bad?"

"Right now? Yes." Apple confirmed. Rainkeeper smirked and pulled her in for a hug.

"Alright. I won't keep you." he insisted. "But your mother is another story. Run while you can."

"Hey!" Pear objected. 

"Advice taken!" Apple yelled before running off.

"Don't kiss any boys!" Rainkeeper called after her.

"Too late!" Apple whispered to herself.


"You take care of your sisters, alright?" Joy announced. 

"Don't worry. They're in good hands." Shore promised. 

"And....." Joy glanced worriedly at Ander. "Try to help her make some friends."

"She'll be fine Mother. Ember and I have a protection squad going. We make sure nobody's little siblings get picked on."

"That's.... actually pretty impressive."

"I know."


"You are going to love it here." Dusk declared. 

"I hope so." Dawn said skeptically. "Oh! Does this mean I get to meet that dragon you ran away with?" Dusk scowled at his sister.

"Her name is Haze, and yes."

"Isn't she related to us?"

"I honestly don't know anymore."


"Hi there!" Rin announced, sidling up next to an Icewing.

"Hello." Permafrost replied. 

"So, a little bird told me that you are the main source of gossip in the school. Is that correct?"

"Well, I don't like to brag, but yea."

"Well, give me the rundown, and I'll tell you the details of all the newbies." Permafrost grinned.

"I think I'm gonna like you." Rin smiled back.

"Same here, sister."


Cypress stood amongst the rest of her family, watching as more and more students arrived. Finally, she caught sight of a familiar prince with brown scales.

A prince that landed at the entrance, only to be tackled to the ground a moment later.

"ANACONDA!" Cypress yelled. Anaconda yelped as she pinned him to the ground. 

"Uh, Hey Cypress." he admitted awkwardly, knowing this conversation wasn't going to end well for him.

"You told me that you would write all summer long." 


"Then WHY did you stop?" Anaconda held his talons up innocently.

"I swear it was not my fault!" he pleaded. "My brother ripped up one of your letters and refused to let me send any more! I wanted to write- Moons, I wanted to talk to you more than my own family! But my brother's got more power than I do. I didn't want him to find a way to hurt you." Cypress released her hold on the Mudwing and crossed her arms, still sitting on him. 

"And what is this brother's name?"


"And is he present at this location?"

"No. He hardly ever leaves the palace."

"Well, find a way to tell him that I'll kick his ass."

"With pleasure." A moment of silence passed. "So....." Anaconda began.


"Are you just going to sit on me forever or...?"

"Do you have a problem with it?"

"Not particularly."

"Then yes."

"Okay. Just checking."

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