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(Guess who just got in the mail a jar of Loganberry Jam!? Alsoooo, Guess who got casted as Romeo in a school performance?? Guess who's also a girl unsure how to act as a guy?? Guess who also just realized she writes about two beans of guys that make up this book so it shouldn't be too too hard?? Guess who needs to actually start writing this chapter-)

"V-Virge!" Roman yelled out, or at least he hoped it was a yell, but he knew that with the door closed that Virgil would most likely be unable to hear him. Roman clenched his fists together and slammed them down on the bed in frustration, "FUCK!" He wished so bad that Virgil had articulated so he could read the other's lips, what had Tom said that upset Virgil so much? Did Virgil know something now that Roman wasn't aware of?

Roman's hate towards Tom seemed to only fuel from the other's call, and now Virgil was gone, who the hell knew where.

Roman curled up in a small ball on Virgil's bed, shaking his head, Why did it seem everything always came to tears? Roman grabbed Virgil's pillow to place under his head, and in doing so he noticed something else on Virgil's bed, and object that was under his pillow. Roman slowly grabbed the item and examined it before his heart fluttered, it was a black, stuffed bear, the bear Roman had given Virgil the day after he was in the hospital, before he lost his hearing and before this whole mess happened...Virgil still had it?

For some reason, this made Roman begin to sob. Roman rarely cried. Rarely. But within the past year...he had tried even more to be strong, he couldn't be selfish, he had to keep his up, for Virgil, but now? Now it was all crashing down on him and he was letting out loud, ugly sobs while he shakily hugged the bear to his chest.

I want my old life back
I want my hearing back
I want my voice back
I want my friends back
I want my Virgil back

Roman let out a loud scream just for the hell of it, to let it out, an agonizing scream scream for all the screams he held back, he felt like a child throwing a tantrum, I have the fucking rights Roman was hugging the life out of this bear as he continued to break down...his vision was getting blurry...not just blurry, splotchy, black-spots were taking over it as he began to feel like he was fainting, he couldn't though, he didn't want to, but he wasn't...it was as if time was suspended, he was awake but he couldn't see or hear anything, and this terrified him, he began to gasp out as he then suddenly felt a hand on his back, he began to kick and flail his arms and legs around helplessly, he didn't know what else to do, he was terrified, it was like all of his senses were gone but he could still feel and was awake, he hated it, so much, he then curled up into a tight ball once again, clinging to the bear, it being the only familiar thing around him, and then he felt something drip onto his cheek and he broke again, just as he was getting a grip, he had no idea what was happening, he just needed to hug the bear- where was it?

Oh god.
He lost the bear.

Roman began to reach out frantically before finally feeling the bear and grabbing hold of it and squeezing it tightly as he sighed in relief at its comfort.

Roman's mind was a mess at the moment as he felt so much pain, but as long as he was capable of focusing his attention on one thing, it would work out...it had to work out...it will...

Roman wasn't sure how long it was before he came-to and was able to see again, he blinked a few times before his gaze focused, and he was quite startled when he saw a mass of black in front of him, his heart-rate increasing again, causing him to tilt his head back a little to see what the mass of darkness was.

It felt and looked like...jeans...?-

Roman was clinging to Virgil's leg.

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