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Virgil woke up to a warm embrace, something he hadn't quite been expecting after what had just happened, but when he looked up he saw Roman and everything made sense. Virgil gave a small smile before kissing Roman's chest, waking up the other.

Roman blinked away the sleep in his eyes as he himself had also fallen asleep.

"Good morning, Princey." Virgil murmured.

Roman smiled warmly, giving a face to pretend to know what Virgil had been saying, he couldn't read lips when they were slurred together, which Virgil tended to do shortly after waking up.

Nonetheless, if Virgil thought Roman could understand him, it lessened the other's pain, which lessened Roman's pain which-


What time was it?

Roman's head whipped to his left to look at a digital alarm clock with glowing red digits, easily being able to see the time of-

Oh shit.

It was 1PM- Virgil was supposed to be out of here by 2PM, that or his stuff would get donated.

Roman quickly pointed to the time and Virgil lazily looked over before his eyes widened.

"Oh- Oh shit." Virgil hissed.

Shit was a word that Roman could lip-read.

Virgil scrambled to his feet, tripping over Roman's legs, and then beginning to fall towards a rug face-plant, but not before Roman could swiftly move a hand forward and snatch the other's hood, pulling him back.

Virgil let out a few choking noises as he sat on his knees on the mattress, "Some- birthday this is turning out to be." Virgil cleared his throat, "Eh, thanks I guess." Virgil nodded to Roman who hadn't the slightest idea as to what he just said...

Virgil was still getting used to talking with Roman, despite it being a year since the other had lost his hearing, Roman had been in and out of operations in attempts to fix his hearing, making it so he was either always in operation or knocked out from the medications, leaving Virgil to be unable to visit the other as often, which was probably why he was so gentle to him, trying to hold back usual snappy remarks, though it really was hard to get used to not verbally talking with one of the chattiest guys around.

Virgil was trying though, and he knew Roman was too, but they had only recently been able to spend some true down time together and it surely hadn't been enough time to establish any communication forms other than verbal speech, this could always be done later though, for at the moment, Virgil had to pack up his entire life in a matter of an hour, this was going to be hell.


There hadn't been as many items as one might think, more clothes than anything, keepsakes as well. Virgil hadn't taken a lot from his house because there wasn't much to take, other than some photos, hoodies, necessities, and a plush bear that Roman had given him while he was in the hospital, before...well, his ears.

Roman looked up at Virgil with a determined grin before grabbing his phone.

Roman: I think that's everything

Virgil: Yep, Ready?

Roman: Indeed <3

Virgil smiled at the ground, not wanting Roman to see it, though Roman did anyway, but said nothing.

As Virgil picked up a box he began to head towards the door, but stopped in for the doorway, "I love you, princey." He beamed as he waited for a response, however, when he didn't get one, he turned around to see Roman simply picking up some more boxes, and another reminder hit Virgil that he could no longer call that phrase from across the room.

There was a lot of pain for both Roman and Virgil, but the first month of Roman being hospitalized was probably the worst month for Virgil.

All Virgil could do was point fingers as he awaited the time when he could see the boy he loved once again; The fault mainly landed on two people: Virgil himself, and Tom.

Just the mention of Tom's name made Virgil tense up and his legs ached; He never wanted to see Tom ever again, and even if he never did see the other's face again, it would be too soon.

Five years from now and Tom would be free...the thought sickened Virgil.

One positive aspect of losing hearing is that all other senses become heightened as they're all you've got now, and you're more alert; This is how Roman could tell now with ease when Virgil was upset, his body language showed it.

Roman slowly approached Virgil, placing a hand on his shoulder as Virgil looked up slowly.

"It's just hard." Virgil met Roman's eyes before looking down and cursing, pulling out his phone.

Roman shook his head and put his hand on top of Virgil's to stop him from texting, "I know."

Virgil's eyes shone with sadness and brightness, an odd combination, as he heard Roman's raspy response.

Roman was capable of speaking, it wasn't like he had somehow forgotten how to speak...it just came out odd because Roman couldn't hear himself, so he wasn't sure how his voice was pitching.

Virgil quickly cleared his throat before nodding to the boxes and pointing to the door.

Roman nodded as well and finished stacking the boxes, filled with Virgil's stuff, in his arms before heading out the door, Virgil following soon behind him.

Virgil looked at the room that he had lived in for the past almost year now before shutting the door and looking to Roman, the other already heading down the hall to the staircase at the end.

Virgil was located on the second floor of the care-home so it was a bit of a struggle getting down the stairs, with the both of them almost falling.

However, they finally made it down the stairs and into the main lobby of the building where the secretary greeted them, dipping her head to Roman and then giving a quick side-hug to Virgil, who awkwardly smiled in return, his arms too full to hug.

The secretary waved the boys out as she opened the front doors of the building to allow Roman and Virgil out.

Roman was the first out with Virgil once again following him, and the two were now side by side at the front of the building while Roman tried to remember where Logan had parked his car.

Since Roman had lost his hearing, he hadn't gotten his driver's license back, so he had gotten Logan and Patton to drive him places, mainly in their cars, but since Roman had planned to return home with Virgil this time, he had requested that Logan drive his car here.

Roman locked eyes with his car and grinned. Before Virgil, Roman's car had been his most beloved thing, his precious as some might word it, so it took a lot for him to trust anybody else to touch the steering wheel, though he knew he had to since he was no longer able to drive it, and he had chosen Logan over Patton simply because of...well, Logan probably had the list of the laws printed on the back of his skull.

Thankfully nothing had happened to it, and now Virgil got the opportunity to drive it...despite Virgil only having his learner's permit...and not owning a car of his own.

Roman started to panic before setting the boxes down and pulling out his phone.

Virgil cocked his head in confusion before narrowing his eyes to see what Roman was looking at, scoffing when he saw the Uber app open.

Well, you win some, you lose some, and sometimes you just Uber.

I just realized the coincidence that this chapter takes place on Virgil's birthday and today (April 24th) is Thomas Sanders' birthday, wowee! Well, happy birthday to Thomas and I hope it's a wonderful one and on another note

Today is also Armenian Genocide Remembrance day so I'd just like to put out there that I have full support to this day and hope that in the near future there will be justice as well
I personally got to perform in an Armenian Musical this last week in Remembrance so that was a very touching experience for me

And on a final note, I hope all of you enjoyed this chapter and have a wonderful week and remember to take it easy guys, gals, and non-binary pals, peace-out 😁


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