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TW: Anxiety attacks

Roman knew that Virgil had been kidding around and not meant anything but the moment that the word left Virgil's lips, Roman knew exactly what he had said and he immediately could hear the word in his head, but it wasn't Virgil's voice, it was Tom's.

It had been the last word, the last thing, that Roman had heard.

Roman's breathing immediately hitched and his eyes got blurry and he grabbed his ears as they began to ache, he curled into a tight ball on the chair and began to shake his head continually, unaware that he was letting out various whimpers and that Virgil was looking at him with an absolutely terrified and guilt filled face, all Roman was aware of was the growing pain spreading throughout his body until he began to let out screams and then- pitch-black darkness.


Virgil trembled as he watched Roman pass put briefly after screaming like someone was ripping his heart out through his mouth. Virgil could feel that he was going into an anxiety attack of his own as his breathing also began to pick up, but he shook his head as his mind struggled to prioritize Roman's safety and security over his.

Virgil looked frantically around the room for where Roman's bed might be so he could lay the passed out boy somewhere safe; his eyes landed on the far-left door and nodded surely.

The dark-clothed boy had to admit that Roman still looked so peacefully adorable even while passed out from...whatever had just happened...but he couldn't think of this as he hoisted Roman up bridal-style- despite popular belief, Virgil was actually, get ready for this, stronger than Roman was.

It came as a surprise to Virgil when he was able to lift Roman at all, though it made somewhat sense as Virgil had had to work out a lot more since his legs had been broken, he had to keep them in shape while they were healing so muscle-memory didn't set as stiff, apparently the elliptical had payed off because he was now able to cradle Roman, whisking the prince-like boy to the left door and then struggling some more to open the knob before finally doing so.

What Virgil saw almost made him drop Roman as his heart swelled and his arms turned to almost jelly, though he managed to keep a grip.

Virgil looked out at a lavender colored room with a dark-purple carpet and a queen-sized bed with black sheets and a purple and black plaid comforter with matching pillow-case, and to top it all off, the pillow-case had a storm cloud emblem with a lightning bold.

Along with this there was also a dark-brown wooden dresser and a closet that consisted of mirror-doors. Virgil loved Roman more than he could tell as he was fairly certain this is where he'd be staying.

Virgil soon snapped back to the task at hand and considered for a moment wether or not he should check if the far-right door was Roman's room, and if so, drop the boy off there, but despite Virgil's increased strength, Roman was pretty heavy and Virgil's arms were getting tired, so this was most likely he best option.

Virgil took in a deep breath and then headed towards the bed, grabbing the top corner of the comforter and swiftly pulling it back while trying not to drop Roman before finally setting the princely boy down with a pant of relief.

"Man, you've got some muscle there, huh, princey?" Virgil sighed as he made sure Roman was in a fairly comfortable position with one of the three total lightning-cloud pillows under his head. Virgil then peeled the comforter over Roman's body, rounding the bed to sit beside Roman who faced towards the center of the bed. Virgil laid on top of the comforter, beside Roman, not sure wether it was okay to rest under the comforter as well...he didn't want to try this out without Roman being awake...however, at this very moment, things had settled down, leaving Virgil to wonder what had went wrong.

Virgil sighed and looked at the sleeping Roman with sad, adoring eyes..."I'm sorry...for whatever happened- it was probably me but I'm not sure..." Virgil paused to bite his lip guiltily before continuing, "God, I wish you could just tell me what's wrong...I wish you would use your voice more often- I know, I know, it's difficult because you can't hear and correct yourself but...I still love your voice, even just one word is beautiful...your voice has so much power...power in love and power in harm...it killed me to hear you earlier with those agonizing screams..." Virgil shuttered, "Well, the one good thing, I guess, is that, as long as your eyes are closed, I can admit and say whatever I want to you...I just...wish you could reply back...I want to tell you I love you and t-to hear you say I-I love you t-too-" Virgil's voice shook as he reached forward to gently press a palm to Roman's cheek, brushing a stray piece of hair behind his ear, though pausing at Roman's ear as he saw that it was slightly red from Roman gripping at it...his ears were sill fragile...Virgil was careful with them, but he hadn't had the courage to get near touching them in a year, even to do something like this as to brush hair from Roman's face, he didn't want to hurt the other. Though, Roman said he couldn't feel anything from his ears, which the doctors took as a bad sign of permanent damage to the hairs inside the ears...Roman said he would give almost anything to be able to hear Virgil's voice again, which melted and shattered Virgil's heart at the same time.

'If I ever hear again, the first thing I'm going to say is your name...I want to hear it again...I want to hear you again...'

Virgil recalled the other say this and he smiled, creeping closer to him and sitting up slightly. He loved Roman with all his heart, and he wished the other knew...not just what he knew now- Virgil wished he could admit things to him- and all of a sudden, a horrible realization came across Virgil's mind...prompting him to lean forward and bend down by Roman's ear, kissing it lightly, hesitantly, but sweetly, and then whispering, "I love you, Roman."

Roman never got to hear him say that before he went deaf.

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