Chapter one

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Running. That was all he could do. Being pelted by tomatoes was not the greatest way to start your morning, Amadeus knew.

Being a Popplio was hard when you had a group of tormentors hard on your tail: that's for sure! Amadeus dragged himself as fast as he can, Pokémon haring behind him.

" That's right! Run you thieving brat!" One yelled. A shiny Growlithe. What he said was not right. He payed him the right amount. The Pokémon around here always ask for more money when a Popplio pays afterward.

The money asked afterward was a 500% jump in what it had been. Such a ripoff. Why does he treat me as if I'm dung? That's not right. Someone ought to do something about that.

He slowed his pace, stomach growling. He did in fact have enough for food, but they always increase the price whenever he goes in the market or any other place.

And no other Pokémon wants to pay for an ugly Popplio, Amadeus thought, gloomily. His tongue lolled, panting From the effort of trying to run away from a scoundrel of a Growlithe.

If only mother and father were here. He continued to walk to the best of his ability. He was abused a lot by other Pokémon, especially while he was sleeping. Who even does that?

He sighed as he reached a pool of water. " At least you don't think I'm ugly, River." He remarked, bending his neck down to the best of his ability to drink from the delicious, cool body of water.

He was thirsty. It had been two days since his last drink of water. He had been running from criticizers, hater, and been just trying to sweep the area for food. Weeks. Three weeks now.

His stomach was shrinking. You could see the ribs. He lapped at the pool, thankful no one was stopping to harm him. He lapped for a solid five minutes before licking his lips, as quenched as can be-for now.

He lifted his head, searching in case there were more attackers. Nothing. Good. He struggled to his paws, feeling weak from hunger. It wasn't his fault his life was like this. His mother died giving birth to him, and his father died when getting attacked by a Pikachu.

They didn't stop, even when he was dead. The Pikachu had attacked because he assumed that the Primarina was doing something illegal. His father had just been minding his own business until a killer Thunder killed him.

Amadeus was lucky. He was lucky to live this long. Many Pokémon are aggressive around him. He was lucky he was super fast, or else he would have been dead by now.

Things are always this bad for Popplio. In fact, Popplio aren't the only Pokémon being abused. Ghosts, Dark, Psychics, sometimes Fairy, even Fire are being abused because of their powers.

It's hard living in the 1700s where everyone wants to either hang you, kill you, or burn you for being different than them. Any sign you're a witch and they'll burn you. Any sign that you're a killer clown, you're hanged. Any signs that you are different they will kill you, Attack you, or insult you.

Amadeus wished life wasn't like this, but you can't get everything you want. Everyone fears change, and destroys those who try to change the world. That's just how life is.

Nothing can be changed for the better. The Pokémon were always so afraid. Taking pokemon as their slaves; Amadeus was lucky he wasn't because Popplio are popular choices for being taken away to be slaves.

He shivered as he started to weakly walk. The warm air did no good. The harsh coldness of the villagers was fifteen times worse than any type of cold weather.

If only things could change, but change gets spanked in the butt. Amadeus wondered if Arceus truly never meant for all Pokémon to be equal: others are more equal than the rest.

His flipper slipped a little on the bank of the river, snickering could be heard from a rather small crowd. It smaller than normal. Oh no! What's going to happen?! Did they give up on their torments?! Or are they trying to make me less suspicious to where they can kill me?!

The fearful Popplio backed away from the crowd. They all continued in their laughter at him. " We don't even have to threaten them. They always back away from us. Why don't you go back to the distortion hole you came out of?" Snorted a Hippopotas, smug in their victory.

" Yeah! Why don't you jump off a cliff! That's even better. Ah! The world without a dumb clown. That would be nice. I witnessed a Mr. Mime doing suicide. He shot himself because Pokémon deemed him: ' too creepy' for the Pokémon world. Arceus only favors the cute, and powerful kinds of Pokémon; never would he go for this freak Popplio." Ranted a Sandile.

So it's a Ground-type brigade trying to make me do suicide? As always then. Amadeus sighed as he hobbled away from the taunts of the privileged ground-types.

He gloomily sighs as he waddles into a forest. At least no one will see me here. I hope. He took another sigh from the air, hoping that someone or something didn't want to eat, kill, or attack him in there; it was a Popplio, so he probably was going to get attacked by something or someone there.

He peers into the trees. He doesn't see anything as he begins his trek to hide from the non-believing villagers. He looks back: I should have left long ago.

He sadly hobbles into the forest, unaware of the fate that he was going to face in there.

Leaves and twigs littered the ground as he walked. There was not much water in the forest, but Amadeus hoped that at least he would have a better chance to eat, for he would go back into the town as soon as he finds something to eat that doesn't get Pokémon to chase after a hungry Popplio.

A yawn escaped a young Litten as she opened her eyes. It was the afternoon. Guess I better get up. She thought before wincing. My mother might yell at me once again for oversleeping.

She stretched her limbs out, letting each leg kink. She rubbed her nose with a paw. Stupid cold, she scolded, lashing her tail in anger that she got sick.

Who was she? Pyxis: that was her name. How did she get sick? Pyxis put a paw on her chin as she remembered that her younger sister Vulpecula had insisted that they go for a walk in the village.

What Vulpecula wasn't was a Weather'Mon, so they got soaked in rain for around seven hours because Vulpecula is bad with directions. So that's how that happened. Now here she was sitting in the forest camp wet, sick, and miserable.

Pyxis sniffled again as she padded over to her mother: a shiny Torracat. " Greetings my love. You don't look too hot." The Torracat greeted her. Pyxis sniffled, " I don't really feel that great to be honest, mother. Can I have the day off from hunting?" The she-mon asked a little too excited about that.

Her mother purred in amusement. " I'm sorry, my love. You need to be punished for getting your sister, and yourself lost. Please don't take this the hard way. You know I'm cooped up in this camp until I have more Littens."

That-that was another thing. Her mother was pregnant with her father's Litten for the second time after she and her sister were born. Then again, they had a whole big group of Litten, Torracat, and Incineroar in their group; it might be good to have more Litten around.

The more the less I have to actually hunt! She purred with that thought as she left her mother to go hunting in the forest: cold still hanging on her like a nest of flea pokemon.

Pyxis lifted her tail as she sniffed the air with her scent glands. Prey scent was all over the winds. Glee was clearly shown on her features.

It has been a while since I've smelled the scent of prey. It's good for me. Her ears pricked. She straightened her tail, careful of brushing leaves...then she smacked her forehead with an invisible paw.

There was nothing here. She was just overexcited for the prey that lay beyond the trees. Beautifully colored leaves lay at her paws: red, orange, brown, and green. The leaves are starting to fall. She realized as she tried to follow her nose, eyes, and ears.

She heard scuffling. The scent of Rattata hung on the air. The sun was beginning to set. The Rattata had a different scent. Alolan! She was lucky. Alolan Rattata were more rich tasting, and had more meat on them in comparison to other Rattata.

She got excited. She almost sprang to her paws and stomped on the ground in her excitement. She let her tail go lower, her hackles lowered as well. Her eyes were fixed on the black rat in front of her.

She slowly walked forward. If she even made a sound the Alolan Rattata would notice and start a fight. She crept forward, afraid to lose this catch. She hoped no other group of Pokémon came by. She hoped no stupid'mon walked by loudly and caused her catch to run off.

She was a tail length away now. She almost purred in delight. My hunts are almost never this lucky. She thought as she pounced on the surprised Rattata. The Rattata struggled, trying to use Hyper Fang on her throat.

The rat couldn't reach her throat, as she sank a Fire fang in it's body; it fell limply at her side. She proudly dropped her catch. She was lucky she caught it when she did. She could hear heavy footsteps.

It was a while aways, but the noise could be heard for miles. She snorted. Fat Pokémon. She thought with an eye roll as she went to bury her catch. She was halfway through burying it when a Pokémon crashed into her: sending her, her family's meal, and the blue blur into the air.

They landed with a crash in a frenzied pile. She instantly got up, and snarled at the clumsy fool. The creature...a seal shook his head as he struggled to his paws.

Pyxis investigated the fool. He was some sort of seal. He didn't seem to have any back feet...just fronts. He was blue, and he had a tutu on his neck. It made him look silly.

This Pokémon is the strangest Pokémon I've ever seen. I've never seen anyone like him, she noticed. He seems weak. Is something wrong with him? Why does he look so thin?

The anger from her gaze faded as she gazed at his rib cage. The Rattata fell on his head. He shook it off, yelping when he saw it was dead.

" Calm Down, I killed it. You didn't kill it. You might have killed a few of my brain cells, but I will live." She teased the mysterious seal pokemon. He seemed to loosen up after that.

" That's a relief!" He sighed, " My name is Amadeus. What is yours?" The Popplio challenged. He doesn't seem like he trusts me, but it wouldn't hurt to tell this guy my name.

" They call me Pyxis, and you just knocked away my catch." She replied as she picked up the Rattata. " Oh." He seemed to reply. " If I may ask: Why are you so thin?" She queers him.

He sighs. " Because I'm a Popplio." The Litten turned her head around to look at him. He seemed to have trouble speaking. What did those monsters do to him? She wondered, feeling pity and worry for this stranger.

" I can never get much food...if I get any at all, and I am always chased around by the villagers. I go here to get food. I've been three weeks without food." Amadeus said sadly. Before Pyxis could rethink what she was about to say she meowed: " Would you like to come to my family? I'm sure they will let you in."

And without a second response the Popplio replied with a, " Yes, please!" Then the two trekked back, Pyxis having a lot to explain to her family about.
Authors note: So this is a story put out for LittenIsSwagg67's birthday. Hope you've enjoyed this. Some of this is based off of the Warrior Cats series. Please vote, comment. I would love to hear your thoughts on this. 😎

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