Chapter 12: Old enemy

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As I kept running extremely fast I saw what seemed like other universes pass by me with me getting a small glimpse of each one.

Y/N: I think I'm getting used to this Multiversal travel. If I'm correct I should be home in no time.

But as I kept running I saw what looked like a beam coming towards me, and when it hit me I felt like it was pulling me towards something.

Y/N: What the!

As I tried to get away it pulled me in until I was in some unknown universe

Y/N: Where am I? And why is this place familiar.

As I looked around I tried to figure out what this place is.

???: Hello Hedgehog.

I turned around but I soon got knocked out and I felt myself landing on the sand.


I felt my head groggy as I looked around and saw I was suspended in the air and my arms and legs locked up.

Y/N: What the, my head. What happened.

???: Oh look who's finally awake.

I looked forward to see a blurry figure come into frame with my vision adjusting until I saw who it was

Y/N: Robotnick! But how your dead!

???: Not quite, but close. Does this look familiar?

He held a blue pacifier as he put it in his mouth.

Y/N: Wait, it can't be. Dr. Babbles? What happened to you?

Dr. Babbles: Oh hedgehog after you sent me and Mr. Doctor Eggman here, we were left with nothing as we were stranded.

Y/N: But it hasn't been that long.

Dr. Babbles: Oh quite the contrary, in certain universes time works rather differently. So for you while it might be a few days for you, it's been over 40 years!

Y/N: 40 years you've been here?! How are you even alive.

Dr. Babbles: Oh my sheer hatred for you Hedgehog was enough to sustain me. But now that I have you in my grasp I'll finally be able to escape this, hoard waste land and you'll be helping me.

Y/N: Like I'll help you!

Dr. Babbles: Oh like you have a choice. With my newest machine I'll drain the paradox energy from you like a sponge.

He went over to a lever and pulled it as I felt tons of electricity surging through my body with me crying out in pain. I soon fell to the ground as I still felt the electricity surging through me.

I soon saw my shoes where normal and that the paradox energy was put into a massive battery.

Dr. Babbles: Now with this I'll be able to return to you world to build a new yoke city. No more like, a empire.

I tried to stand but I was in too much pain, as I saw he boarded a massive fleet and flew off with me barely getting a good look at it.

Y/N: ( Weak ) Get back here.

As it flew off I tried to chase it but I was too exhausted and passed out.


As I felt myself wake up again I got up rubbing my head and seeing my shoes and gloves were normal.

Y/N: So it wasn't a bad dream.

I soon saw I was by a campfire of some sort with someone standing across from it wearing a cloak.

Y/N: Who are you?

???: Oh don't you remember me Y/N

They took off the cloak to show it was.

Y/N: Surge, what the? How are you here.

Surge: Let's just say a rift open where I was at and I was here and I'll be honest it's not so bad. Until you came here.

Y/N: ( Stands up ) Oh yeah like I had a choice and what do you mean by that.

Surge: Simple, this place was great cause it's the one place where your face can't be seen. But now that your here I guess we can finish this.

She dashed towards me at the speed of lighting but even though I was weak I was able to dodge her attack.

Y/N: Surge I don't have time for this! I have to stop that guy before he gets to my world.

Surge: You think I give a damn, right now you should be focusing on me! Now come on blue, let's end this!

She kept trying to attack me but I was able to dodge her attack and counter attack when I can. I soon heard what sounded like a ship and when I looked up I saw Babbles fleet. When I tried to go after it Surge attacked me again sending me into a rock.

Surge: Oh what's wrong. Not so tough when you don't have your fancy shoes hah.

By this point I was getting tired of this so when Surge went to attack me again I dodged and grabbed her by the collar and slammed her into a boulder.

Surge: Finally there's some fight in you after. Maybe your not much as a wimp as I thought.


Surge: What's wrong, you mad I called you a wimp.

Y/N:... Shut up.

I shoved into the boulder and I felt anger rising as my quills turned black and my eyes were a darker green.

Y/N: Listen here runt, here's what we are going to do. Your going to help me get aboard that fleet and get back the paradox energy he stole from me.

Surge: Oh really what makes you think I'll help

Before she could finished I punched her in the face really hard with her landing on the ground and when she checked where she got punched she saw she was bleeding which made her shock up a bit.

Surge: You. Made me bleed? What the hell!? I thought you were this big softy.

Y/N: Surge, do you know how hard I hold back my anger.

I grabbed her by the collar again and raised her up into the air with one hand with her shocked by my strength.

Y/N: Let's just say if I wasn't so nice, I could've torn you apart the first day we met. You should be lucky I choose to hold back cause if I didn't I would make you wish you were dead.

Surge was looking at me with nothing but pure fear as she looked at my soon soulless white eyes as I had turned dark

Y/N: ( Dark voice ) Now again here's what we are going to do. You and I are going to work together to get into that fleet and get back the paradox energy, got it.

Surge: ( Scared ) Y-Ye-Yes sir.

Y/N: Good cause if we don't, you better pray you can run faster then me cause if we fail. Your going to be trapped in this world with me.

I then let go of her with me turning back to normal.

Y/N: Come on. We don't have time to waste.

Surge: Ri-right.

Both me and Surge started chasing after Dr. babbles and his fleet.

And that is it I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you later

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