Chapter 1: Scorched Metal

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We soon arrived in a universe with us seeing the place with the place looking rather abandoned with no one in sight.

Boom: Uh you sure this is the place cause it looks like a ghost town.

AOSTH: Your telling me.

Static: Is there anyway we can find anyone.

Android Sonic: I do have a radar that can help us.

Y/N: Great, try setting it up to find any Mobians nearby.

Android's eyes flashed blue as he looked around.

Android Sonic: I've got something it's not far from here either.

Y/N: Lead the away.


As they made their way to where the radar is picking up something or someone was watching them.

???: Target Spotted


As we kept going we looked around to see if anything else is here.

ASOTH: That's strange, there's not even a little critter in sight

Classic Sonic just nodded in agreement.

Static: This place reminds me one of those apocalypse films. You know the ones where there's nothing left after when a bomb goes off.

Boom: I know those type.

Android Sonic: The singal is close, it's in that bush.

We looked over to a bush Android Sonic was looking at. I walked over to it and checked what it was to see this version of Tails hiding for some reason

Y/N: Hey are you ok?

He quickly turned to us startled as he had a knife in his hand but was shocked to see us.

Tails: Sonic is that you, and Sonic, Sonic, and a Tenrec? What's going on?

Zonic: You see we are Sonics from different universes. We are here looking for the Sonic from-

AOSTH: I hate to interrupt but do you guys smell that?

We all started to sniff the air a bit.

Boom: I smell, smoke?

Tails: Oh no, he's back!

He soon went into hiding again

Y/N: Wait who's coming?

Soon something blasted by with us scattering all over the place.

Y/N: What was that?

???: Target spotted!

We looked up and saw what looked like a metal Sonic

Boom: Metal Sonic?

AOSTH: Metal What now?

Y/N: Is kinda like a robot version of us made by Eggman, but he looks different?

Static: Wait where's classic at?

Android Sonic: He's up there

He pointed upwards to what looked a bridge with Classic being chased down another Metal Sonic

Boom: There's two of them.

AOSTH: I'll help out classic you guys take care of this.

Static: Stay safe.

AOSTH: Back at you

He started to chase after Classic and the other metal Sonic with us looking at the other one with us getting ready to fight.

Boom: Five vs one this is going to be a peice of cake. Besides what is he going to do

Then the metal Sonic blasted out a huge burst at fire at us with us all dodging out of the way

Static: You had to ask!


Classic Sonic was running with Furnace 1.0 chasing after him. He charged up a massive blast that made the bridge started to fall apart, and while Classic fell down but he was able to platform off the falling bits of the bridge and was able to bounce off Furnace 1.0 and started running on the bridge with it falling apart behind him and Furnace 1.0 chasing after him.

Furnace blasted towards Classic and with Classic jumping out of the way of his attack with AOSTH spinning at him and hitting him in the head and caught up with Classic.

AOSTH: Hey Classic how about we show this bucket of bolts we can do.

Classic nodded with the two still running. Furnace 1.0 flew at them with him shooting a stream of fire at them but Classic Sonic was able to jump out of the way and while the fire hit AOSTH but as the fire died down he was wearing a fire proof suit.

AOSTH: Good thing I packed this with.

As Classic Sonic was in the air he landed on Furnace 1.0 and hit him in the head with him crashing on the ground a bit with AOSTH following it up with him doing a sonic spin that started chipping away at Furnace 1.0 head and jumping off him and joined Classic with the two running fast with Furnace 1.0 launching up in the air and kept chasing them.

Furnace 1.0 spun up into a ball of fire and blasted towards them and while Classic did a peel out and blasted forward while AOSTH used his cartoon-like abilities to squish under Furnace 1.0 and attacked him from behind and as Furnace 1.0 was launched forward with Classic doing a spin dash at Furnace 1.0 and did a kicked that launched him into the air, then both Classic and AOSTH jumped into the air and kicked Furnace 1.0 flying with him exploding.

AOSTH: I guess it was too hot for him to handle.

Classic did a little break dance and jumped into the air with him wagging his finger.

AOSTH: Come on let's help the others.

Classic nodded and jumped down

AOSTH: Does he make that sound all the time he jumps

AOSTH jumped after him.

Meanwhile back with the others were dealing with Furnace 2.0 with them dodging his fire attacks and rockets.

Zonic started firing at Furnace 2.0 with him flying into the air, Android Sonic spun up into a ball and launched him at Furnace 2.0 with him chipping away of Furnace 2.0 armor. Boom Sonic fired out his tether beam at at Furnace 2.0 with it wrapping around him and boom throwing him into the ground with a biggest explosion of dust with Boom landing next to the others.

Boom: Is it over?

Soon Furnace blasted out of the dust and fired a stream of fire at Static.

Y/N: Look out!

Y/N pushed Static out of the way with him taking the flames head on but as Y/N kept facing off against the flames Y/N paradox gear started to glow along with his eyes turning purple along with some of his quills turning purple. He then paired the attack which sent a surge of paradox energy at Furnace 2.0.

Static: Y/N?

They all soon saw Y/N had changed with him gaining a power boost.

Y/N soon got into a running pose and blasted towards Furnace 2.0 at extreme force with him able to bounce off nothing with it seemingly being the power of the paradox energy itself. Y/N kept blasting through Furnace 2.0 multiple times, Y/N landed in the ground with him spinning into a ball with him blasting through Furnace 2.0 with him being shattered into multiple pieces.

Boom: Woah.

Static: That was so cool.

Y/N soon powered down with him back to normal.


After I powered down I looked at my hands.

Y/N: Was that, the paradox energy power or the anarchy Beryl power?

Static: Maybe it was both.

Boom: Uh what are you guys talking about

Y/N: To put it simply my shoes and gloves give me strange abilities.

Boom: Ok I guess?

Soon both AOSTH and Classic came back.

Y/N: You two ok?

AOSTH: We're fine, we just want to know what they hay was that thing.

Tails: You guys beat both Furnace 1 and 2

We looked back at the Tails from before

Y/N: Was that what that thing is called.

Boom: Must be the Metal Sonic of this world.

Static: Nevertheless are you ok?

Tails: Yeah I think I'm ok?

As I looked at this Tails I saw that this Tails only had one tail.

Y/N: Hey what happened to your other tail?

Tails paused for a second with him not really wanting to talk about it but he decided to speak.

Tails: Furnace 1.0 ripped it off.

We were all shocked by what he said.

AOSTH: He did what!?!

Static: That's crazy!

Zonic: Do you need medical attention?!

Tails: It happened awhile ago, while I healed fine, I can't fly anymore because I have one tail.

Y/N: We're sorry to hear that.

Tails: It's ok, I think. I don't know anymore to be honest there's so much that's happened I don't really think about it.

Static: What even happened here?

Tails: I don't know, Eggman went crazy one day and all this happened. My Sonic went to stop him but he's been gone for days, I'm worried for him.

I looked at Tails as he looked scared so I walked over to him and looked up at him with me trying to comfort him.

Y/N: It's ok we're going to find him. Do you know where he went last?

Tails: He went to, Scrap Brain that's where Eggman lab is at.

Y/N: Then that's where we need to go.

Tails: We can take my plane there.

Tails went to his work shop that was rusted down a bit with his Tornado still in good condition with him getting in the pilot seat.

Y/N: Alright then, everyone hop on we're off to go save this world's Sonic.

They all nodded and hopped onto the plane with Tails flying us up into the air as we flew to Scrap Brain with the Tornado flying us through the dark brown sky.

And that is it, this took awhile to make but I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you later

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