Chapter 12: Salavaged Peices

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After a long rest we opened another gateway to the next universe to check out.

Zonic: From what me and Stealth can gather this might be the last universe we have to check to see if there's a Sonic we can recruit or a EXE we might need to stop.

Static: In that case let's get going.

We opened the portal and when we went through we found ourselves in a smaller version of Mobius

Sonica: What the? Where are we and why is everything is so small?

AOSTH: Beats me, we might have to watch our step more then usual, that includes you big guy.

Soniczilla nodded in response as we looked around I saw something a bit strange about this place.

Y/N: Say is all of this made of Lego?

Sonic Man scanned it and nodded.

Sonic Man: I can agree this is all Lego.

Static: You mean the building toy? This whole world is made out of Lego.

Y/N: It seems like it.

Sonica: Could that mean the Sonic in this world is made out of Lego too?

Y/N: Only one way to find out, we better start looking and remember watch your step.

We all started to walk around making sure not to step on anything.

Scrap: Good thing we have shoes or else this would be really painful.

AOSTH: Tell me about it.

As we kept looking we soon looked like Green Hill.

Y/N: You know it's rather strange to see Green Hill at this size and made of Lego.

Sonica: Agreed, I feel like I'm at Lego land where it has all those sets on display.

As we kept looking around we soon saw what looked like the Sonic of this world and as we expected he was made out of Lego too

Scrap: There he goes but how do we stop him?

Sonica: How you think.

Sonica put her hand in the way of him and picked him up with the other.

Lego Sonic: Hey what is going on here.

Y/N: Woah listen we aren't here to hurt you.

He soon saw what we looked like.

Lego Sonic: Woah, I never seen anything like this, you guys certainly don't like your made out of Lego. What are you guys made of.

Static: Well some of us are flesh and some of are made of metal or both.

Lego Sonic: Ok so why are you guys here?

Y/N: We are here cause we need your help.

Lego Sonic: Well I would like to help but I'm looking for my friends, one day we were all hanging out and then next moment they all went missing, I'm worried for them, even though they can't really die cause again they are Lego.

Y/N: Don't worry we understand, how about this we work together to find your friends, and in turn you help us out, how does that sound.

Lego Sonic: Sounds like a deal, let's shake on it.

I held out my pinky finger as he shuck it with his hand.

Sonica: So where was the last place you saw them?

Lego Sonic: I think the last time we were all together was at Marble Zone, come on let's go.

He tried to run off but Sonica still held him.

Sonica: How about you just point us in the direction where Marble Zone is at, we are bigger so it will be easier.

Lego Sonic: Alright then.

He gave us directions with us arriving at Marble Zone within a few seconds.

Sonica: Yeah this is definitely quicker.

Lego Sonic: This was the last place me and the others were after that they disappeared.

Sunky then tapped my shoulder.

Y/N: What is it Sunky?

He pointed over to what seemed like some strange path way that looked rather obedience.

Sonic Man: My sensor is telling me that they might be in there.

Lego Sonic: Then let's get in there.

Boom: Yeah but one problem, all of us are way too big to go inside there.

Y/N: Wait I think I have an idea.

I switched to the power of the purple gem and shrunk myself down to Lego Sonic size.

Y/N: There now both me and Lego Sonic can go inside and check it out.

Psycho really seemed tempted to follow me in there.

Y/N: Sorry Psycho your way too big to fit inside there, you'll have to stay here with the others.

She didn't seem to like it but understood.

Sonica: Be safe guys.

Sonica then put Lego Sonic down as the both of us entered that strange pathway.


After we kept going we saw what seemed like Lego Sonic's friends.

Y/N: There they are let's get them out of here.

We hurried over to them and started to get them free but as we worked on that I started to get this bad feeling like something was watching us. Suddenly something came on by and sliced Lego Sonic head off as it rolled onto the ground I jumped out of the way of the same attack.

Y/N: What was that

Soon I saw who did that

Y/N: Who are you?

???: You can call me NeedleMouse.

Y/N: NeedleMouse? Strangest name I can hear for an EXE.

NeedleMouse: Nevertheless I'll kill you like your friend here.

Y/N: Are you sure about that.

I pointed over to Lego Sonic as he walked over to his head as he put it back on.

NeedleMouse: How is that possible?

Lego Sonic: Cause I'm made of Lego we are meant to be taken apart.

Y/N: Heck I even knew about that that's why I didn't panicked.

NeedleMouse: Either way I'll make sure you both suffer.

Lego Sonic: Why, we never done anything to you?

NeedleMouse: Doesn't matter you will suffer like I've suffered.

I was confused on what she meant but as I saw she changed a bit I knew I had to get her out of here

After she changed I grabbed a hold of her and held her tight.

NeedleMouse: What are you doing!?

Y/N: Simple I'm taking you somewhere else.

I reved up my legs and started running fast.

Y/N: Hey Lego go tell the others I'm taking NeedleMouse here to a different universe, you guys can track me there.

Lego nodded and left with his friends while I kept running until eventually I teleported to a different universe with me returning back to normal size and when I did I passed out as I laid on the ground.

And that is it I decided to make this a two parter again so I can fully think about what I wanted to do with Sarah, just to let you know ahead of time I always had Sarah planned for this story I just need to think what I want to do with her. Either way I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you later

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