Chapter 2: Cold Feet

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The next place we arrived to was a place covered in snow with it looking like a ski resort.

Y/N: Wow, this is really cool. Literally

NiGHTS: That is true, lots of people who dream about this world are ones who never usually have snow, so this is their only experience of seeing snow.

Y/N: I see, well better get a move on. The faster we can get those Ideya the better.

We started to look around for the Ideya with us taking in what this world had to offer, but as I ran around I saw what seemed like a blue light coming from the summit.

Y/N: I think I have a feeling where the Ideya is.

???: Then that saves us the time looking for it.

We looked up and saw Scourge and a Jester that looked like NiGHTS but red.

Y/N: Scourge.

NiGHTS: Reela

Reela: Glad to see you remember me dear sibling, it seems your still in that rebellious phase of your's after all these years.

NiGHTS: Says the one who's a royal lap dog.

Relea: Anyway we'll be taking the Ideya.

With a wave of his hand and some type of creatures showed up.

Y/N: Let's split up, I'll deal with Scourge, NiGHTS you got Reela, Psycho go for the Ideya.

We split up with me chasing after Scourge with the two of us clashing with each other as we ran through the world at top speed.

Scourge: You can beat me Blue, I'm the most powerful in the an entire Multiverse!

Y/N: That's not what happened last time when I saw you, I'm pretty sure Psycho destroyed you.

Scourge: That's because I was only super, let me show you what else I can do!

After a bright dark light I saw Scourge had turned into some type of hyper form

Scourge: Behold my new power Blue!

Scrouge then blasted at me at hyper speed and sent me flying into the cold depths of the water which was freezing cold. I soon summoned the seven world rings and turned Darkspine and blasted out of the water.

Y/N: You're not the only one who has some tricks up their sleeves!


As Y/N and Scourge battled through the snow falling skies while NiGHTS and Reela fought the freezing cold depths with both be able to breath underwater.

NiGHTS: You're normally not the type to work for someone besides wizeman, what possibly have to gain from this little scheme.

Relea: That's for me to know and you to find out eventually.

Reela did a drill dash at NiGHTS with NiGHTS doing to do with the both clashing with each other, and soon enough blasting out of the water with Reela trying to do Paraloop which caused a black hole which started to tear the world apart but NiGHTS did one too to seal it.

NiGHTS: "He must be desperate if he's willing to tear this place apart just to kill me"

As NiGHTS thought about what Reela blasted through NiGHTS but as NiGHTS fell into pieces NiGHTS were able to put themselves back together.

NiGHTS: Good thing I'm a being of dreams.

As NiGHTS kept fighting Reela Psycho was hurrying to the Ideya with her slicing through Reela monsters with her bare claws.


As me and Scrouge kept fighting I kept trying to hit him but it was like I was hitting a brick wall. He then proceeded to grab me by the neck and held me in the air.

Scrouge: You really think turning purple was going to help you beat?

As he held me in the air I could feel something burning up inside me like a roaring fire. As I was held by Scourge I could feel the rings that were on my ankles and wrist crack and then break. My eyes soon ignited like a fire and gained a fire aura.

I then let out a blast of fire which sent Scourge back, I then started attacking him multiple times with a phantom rush with the punches being made of pure fire. As he went flying I fired out multiple blasts of fire at Scourge which hit him multiple times. As he was sent back I flew over to NiGHTS where I started slash away at Reela with my claws that were on fire. I then did a powerful axe kick that sent him plummeting down, I then held my hands in the air with two fire dragons coming out and fired them at him

They then bite into Reela as he falls onto the ground which causes a powerful explosion.

NiGHTS: When could you do that?

Y/N: Just now really.

We both landed on the ground to see Reela was gone.

Y/N: You think that killed him?

Reela: I'm not sure, seeing he is also a being of dreams like myself I don't that was able to kill him.

Y/N: So he must've gotten away. We can worry about him later, we better check with Psycho.

NiGHTS nodded as the both of us made it to see Psycho eating Reela minions like snacks.

Y/N: Glad to see your ok.

She smiled creepy as she handed over the blue Ideya with NiGHTS putting it into a cage like that last one.

NiGHTS: That makes two, now only three left.

Y/N: That's good, now come on we better move, the faster we can get the rest of the Ideya the better.

We soon hurried over to the next world to get the next Ideya.


As they hurried Reela and Scourge returned back to the spaces between multiverses.

Scourge: I thought you said can handle that jester?

Relea: And you said that hedgehog wouldn't be a problem.

Scrouge: Oh you want to go tough guy!

Relea: No, clearly we'll need more when brawn.

Scrouge: Like what?

Relea: Oh I have some friends that can help us.

Soon more of wizeman's minions arrived.

Scourge: This will do perfectly, well you know what to do.

Relea: Go find the Ideya and bring them to us.

They all soon went out with them invading the other worlds to find the Ideya.

And that is it I hope you enjoyed it and I will see you later

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