Chapter 4: Unleash The Power

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As I flew out through the crack I saw that Scrouge was attacking NiGHTS and Psycho with the him throwing Psycho away with him about to punch NiGHTS but I was able to move so fast it was like I teleported with me holding NiGHTS in my arms as I set her down with Psycho going over to him.

Y/N: You watched over NiGHTS, I can handle Scourge.

I looked over to Scrouge and flew over to him.

Scrouge: I see your not dead Blue, but I'm not sure what it is. I can feel something different about you, what happened?

Y/N: I don't know, how about you come here and find out.

Scrouge smirked and flew in and went into a punch but I disappeared and reappeared behind him.

I turned around and looked at Scrouge.

Y/N: What's wrong Scrouge, you too slow. Want to try again?

I held my hand out and did a gesture to tell him "Come at me"

Scrouge flew at me with me flying at him too with both of us soon crashing into each other with us pushing against each other which caused a massive ripple in the air. He soon tossed me away, as I was thrown anyway I soon fired out a homing shot with it hitting him and sending him flying a bit. I soon recovered and landed on the ground safely, as I looked up Scourge recovered from my homing shot.

As soon doing one of my moves with him firing out Sonic booms at me, I soon boosted into the air dodging the attacks with me moving so fast I was blitzing everywhere. I soon appeared a little bit in front of Scourge, I then punched him hard in the gut, as I punched him I blasted forward with the both of us flying into the air and soon teleporting to the grim.

Scrouge then headbutted me and grabbed my arm and threw me to the ground. I soon flipped in the air to recover with me landing on the ground, he soon launched out a phantom hand with it grabbing me and trying to squeeze me but it didn't affect me. I then broke out with me flying at him and grabbing him and performing a pile driver with us crashing into the ground making a crator in the ground. As he was momentarily stunned I started doing a phantom rush on him with me making an avatar to keep performing the phantom rush while I pulled out Caliburn slashing away at Scourge extremely fast.

As the avatar finished the phantom rush it soon disappeared with me jumping into the air and infusing Caliburn with Chaos energy and turning him into the chaos blade

I jumped into the air and slashed him, and with the single slash the entire grim universe was sliced in two and destroyed with Scrouge looking for me amongst the debris of the destroyed grim.

I soon appeared behind him and grabbed him by the back of the head. I soon started blasting around with me slamming into different chunks of debris from the grim before slamming him into a massive chunk of the grim with us soon teleported back to desert world and throwing him away with him crashing into the mountain.

As he stood up weak he looked up at me with me floating in the air with me having a golden aura.

He seemed to be charging something up in his hands, as I waited for his attack. He soon fired out a dark beam of hyper chaos energy so I then spun up into a spin dash with me hitting the beam and as I pushed forward I started to split the beam into two, I then untucked and dived down with a kick with me hitting him with me appearing behind him.

I soon turned around and saw Scourge was coughing up blood with him looking at me.

Scourge: How? How did you get so much power?

Y/N: Let's just it pays off actually doing good, something you'll never understand since your nothing but hatred and greed.

Scourge stood up with him looking me dead in the eyes.

Scrouge: Just you wait blue, my little friend has been busy getting the Ideya from a different universe while I've done the same while pubbling your friends in.

He soon pulled out the yellow Ideya along with the blue and green one we've gathered with him chuckling a bit while bleeding from the mouth.

Scrouge: See you later blue.

He soon disappeared with me turning back and heading over to Nights and Psycho.

Y/N: You two ok?

NiGHTS: We are fine, it seems Psycho regainerstion is rather powerful while with me being a being of dreams I can't truly be killed so I'll be fine, just give me a moment.

NiGHTS got up and spun around with them soon being good as new with them pretty much acting like a cartoon character with them pretty much able to bounce back from anything.

NiGHTS: There we go, all better.

Y/N: Anyway it seems Scourge had his partner get the other Ideya while he came here to not only get the Ideya from here but deal with us too.

NiGHTS: Indeed, but he took the Ideya we have gathered.

Y/N: Which means they have four which means we better hurry and get that last one before they get their hands on it.

NiGHTS: Indeed let's hurry posthaste.

We started to head out in a hurry to get the final Ideya before Scourge or Relea could get it first.


Elsewhere in the releam of Nightmares Scourge made it back with him seeing Relea with the white Ideya.

Relea: I see you have finished your mission.

Scourge: Yeah, but I took one hell of an ass whooping. Last time me and him fought I was able to wipe the floor with him in my Hyper form but now he beat the shit out of me in his normal super form. How?

???: I might know

Scrouge turned with him seeing Wiseman the wicked

Relea: Master ( bows )

Scourge: What the hell do you know about Y/N sudden power boost?

Wiseman: It seems Y/N has had an encounter with Arien the Creator of Dreams, I've reckon she must've unlocked Y/N true power and remove hid limiters.

Scourge: So you saying Blue had sometype of help?

Wiseman: Correct.

Scourge: Then how am I suppose to beat that, I'm the king I should be better than him!

He than pointed at Wiseman in anger.

Scourge: Can't you do the same to me like she did to blue and remove these damn limiters.

Wiseman: No but I can do something more.

Scrouge: Just do whatever you have to do, just make me stronger already!

Wiseman: Very well.

Wiseman fired out tentacles of dark energy with them soon stabbing Scourge in different areas with nightmare energy flowing into him with his vains turning dark and after awhile Scourge fell to the ground and soon after a black aura formed around him he soon broke out with him in a new form.

Scourge looked at himself as his eyes had turned into a dark purple while he saw his fur turned white with him grinning.

Scourge: Blue I hope your ready cause Nightmare Scourge is coming for you!

And that is it I hope you enjoyed, it's been awhile since I've worked on this but I hope you truly enjoyed and I'll see you next time.

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