Chapter 7: There can only be one

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As I ran through the rift I soon saw the trail end of Scourge.

Y/N: Scourge!

Scourge turned to me as I ran after him.

Scourge: What the how did you get here? I thought Wiseman would've killed you?

Y/N: Let's just say I die hard.

Scrouge: Oh really in that case let's fix that!

He then jumped backwards and tried to dive kick me so I than did a side step and jumped in the air and dropped kicked him.

As he got hit in the head he stumbled back a bit but still kept running with him still running extremely fast with the both of us crashing into each other with pulses of energy going everywhere.

As they two of us kept going we soon arrived with us jumping out of the gateway with us seeing nothing but other universes

We soon then saw what seemed to be like ancient temple

As it stood before us Scrouge peeved himself and kicked me with both his legs. As I fell back a bit I saw Scrouge ran up them. I than spun up my legs into a figure eight and blasted off with me chasing after Scrouge as he went up the stairs of the temple.

As he went up I tackled him and spun into him but he kicked me off but I grabbed a hold of his leg and punched him in the face and took Ideya and ran up the steps.

Scrouge: OH NO YOU DON'T!

Scourge than flew off with him grabbing me and smashing me into the ground.


Y/N: Sorry Scourge I can't let you do that!

I grabbed him by his quills and spinning around and slamming him into the ground with me running again.

As I kept running I felt a surge a power come from behind me as Scourge blasted at me with the two of us crashing into the side of the temples walls. I soon felt what seemed like energy bands wrap around me as they bidded me to the walls. He than reached out and took back the Ideyas.

Scrouge: I'll be taking these back, thanks for keeping them warm

He soon floated over to the door and started to insert them into the door. As I tried to get out I soon went Chaos Super and flew into him with the both of us crashing into the floor with the both of us looking up and seeing the Fragment of Creation

As we saw it glow Scrouge kicked me off him with him flying at it with me chasing after him and hitting him too which sent him crashing into a wall. As he recovered he flew at me with me flying at him too, with the two of us crashing into each other.

As the both of us pulsed with power suddenly there was a bright flash that knocked us back making us fall down the stairs and saw we were in our base forms.

Scourge: What the hell? What did you do?

Y/N: Me I was about to ask you the same thing.

???: Actually we are the ones who did that.

We both looked up and saw two people standing next to the Fragment.

Y/N: Who are you two?

???: Greetings I am Galaxina and this is my sister Cosmo.

Cosmo: Hello.

Scourge: What's the big idea? Don't you know who I am, I'm.

Galaxina: Scourge the hedgehog, former king of Moebius and you are Y/N the Hedgehog, hero of Mobius and the one who slayed Fatal Error.

Y/N: Wait you know us?

Galaxina: Indeed, we know all and we know you both are fighting for the Fragment of Creation.

Scourge: Yeah what's it to yah?

Cosmo: Well first we must congratulate you both on making it here, none in the entire hyper complex multiverse have been able to make it here with you two being the first.

Galaxina: But as you know only one of you can claim the Fragment as your own.

Cosmo/Galaxina: Which is why the only way to settle it is a fight to the death. Winner keeps the Fragment.

The two of us looked at each other with us both nodding.

Y/N: Alright then sounds good to me.

Scrouge: I'm going to crush you.

The two of us walked across the room with both of us turning around so we can face each other.


Galaxina/Cosmo: Go!

Both Y/N and Scourge dashed towards each other at high speed with the both of them crashing into each other and turning super on the spot.

After that they soon flew up into the air with both clashing in the air, Scourge went to attack Y/N from behind but he teleported out of the way with him appearing behind Scourge and blasting him with a homing shot.

As Scrouge went flying back Scrouge soon recovered and blasted at Y/N with Y/N doing the same with the two crashing into each other with the impact being so powerful the two teleported into a different multiverse entirely.


In a different universe people where trying to get out of this place of multiple gateways. As a people tried to run from the fight that was taking place both Scourge and Y/N came out of a gateway with the two still fighting with Y/N throwing Scrouge at a vortex of fire.

As he came out he was covered in blood as he had the head of whoever was inside it in his hand

Scourge just rolled his eyes and threw it over the edge. Scourge than went hyper with him flying at Y/N with him grabbing a hold of him and throwing him onto one of the path ways which broke sending thousands of people falling down the abyss.

As Y/N fell Y/N went straight to Chaos Super and flew up into the air and grabbed a hold of Scrouge and threw him into the center of the platform which made a small crator, Y/N than blasted at Scourge with the two going down and even taking the entire platforms with them falling down with both fightingnas debris fell along with them as they fell deeper into the abyss.


As all the debris fell along with Scourge and Y/N they soon found themselves in a new world of somesort

As they crashed Scourge emerged out in his nightmare form with him looking around for Y/N. At first he thought he won but soon was punched by Y/N who was in his Chaos Hyper form. As Scourge flew back he slid across the ground he soon lifted up his finger from what he was in and licked it.

Scourge: Vanilla Ice cream? What the heck is this place.

Y/N: Beats me?

Scrouge than got up and flew at Y/N with the two still fighting with Scourge trying to do a phantom rush but Y/N did a flip backwards and firing a multiple beams at Scourge but he soon teleported behind Y/N and grabbed a hold of Y/N arm and through him with enough force that the entire universe shattered with him throwing Y/N to a place known as the Edge of Existence.

As Scourge followed Y/N, he had turned into his Chaos Omega form with him facing down Scourge.

Scourge: ENOUGH OF THIS!!!

Scrouge then charged up a dark beam and fired it out with full force

As the beam came closer to Y/N he held his hand up and blocked the attack like it was nothing. He soon held up his other hand with energy building up in his hand forming the same attack that NiGHTS did

He soon threw the soul punisher at Scourge with the orb entering Scourge and soon a massive explosion happened as a result of the soul punisher.

As Scourge was stunned Y/N used time break to slow down time and blasted at Scourge with him charging up a fist. As he hit Scourge a massive explosion happened with Scourge being reduced to nothing with Y/N being the victor.


After Scourge was destroyed I soon caught my breath as I was taken back to the temple with me seeing Galaxina and Cosmo standing in front of me.

Cosmo: Congratulations Y/N you are the winner.

Galaxina: As promised The Fragment of Creation is yours.

As they stepped aside I walked up the steps and held it in my hands as it glowed brightly as if it wanted me to have it. It then entered my body with the Fragment appearing on my chest with it feeling warm.

Y/N: Thank you, well I got to go, see ya later maybe.

I soon held my hand and used the power of the Fragment to open a gateway back home.


After I made it back I saw the place was a wreck.

Y/N: What happened here?

???: Y/N!

I was soon tackled by Amy who was hugging me tightly.

Amy: Your back, Your back!

I soon saw the others showing up.

Nine: Good to see you back.

Y/N: You too buddy.

I bumped his fist with everyone else around me.

Rouge: Say Blue where did that come from?

She pointed to my chest seeing the Fragment there.

Y/N: Oh let's just say I got the Fragment and Scourge is no more.

Knuckles: Good job Y/N, even though I could've done it much faster.

Amy: I never doubt you could do it.

Y/N: So mind explaining what happened here?

Nine: It's a long story.

Y/N: Take your time for once I actually want to take it slow for a bit, but first let's go eat I'm hungry.

Aleena: Then let's head back to the castle we can have a feast there.

Vanilla: I can help cook too.

Y/N: Cool I love your cooking, let's go guys.

We soon left as we went back to the family castle.


And that is it I hope you enjoyed Little Blur 4 and I'll see you next time

In Ariem's realm the energy that Y/N had given up was floating in the form of an orb started to glow a more violent gold with it starting to change with it starting to gain a form of its own with it seemingly becoming alive.

???: I live.

As it changed it seemed to look similar to Y/N to a degree but more chaotic with it laughing like a crazy person

Fleetway: I LIVE!!!!

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