Chapter 11: Crafting up Disaster

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After we made it through the portal we saw the world we where in was strangely enough really blocky

Static: Where do you suppose this is?

Flash: Not sure but it is blocky.

Lego Sonic: It's sorta like home to me but too big and everything is a square.

Rockstar: Where do you suppose the Sonic of this world is?

Y/N: I'm not sure ( started to walk around ) I'm sure we'll find them.

It's like as soon as I said that I passed by a tree and found him hacking away at a tree.

Boom: Hah that was fast.

Y/N: Uh hey there.

He turned to us with him looking rather confused about our looks.

Y/N: Whatcha doing hacking down that tree?

It seemed he couldn't talk so he pulled out a piece of paper and wrote something on it and gave it to us.

Sonica: 'I am mining for wood' Mining for wood? Don't me hacking for wood?

Douche Bag: Who cares lady Sonic it means the same god damn thing.

Y/N: Either way listen we need your help you-

He then started jumping up and down while pointing at the sun with its setting.

Y/N: What is it? The sun is just setting what's there to worry about?

He pointed over a few feet and what seemed like zombies and skeletons coming out of the ground.

Douche Bag: Oh no not zombies again. Oh and skeletons too. Hooba duba

The Skeletons then pulled out bow and arrows and started firing so we ran to take cover.

AOSTH: Anyone got any bright ideas?

We than looked over with this blocky Sonic wanting us to follow him.

Y/N: Come on, this way guys.

As we ran after him Sonicman started to gun them down with him minigun arm as we made a break for it. As we kept going we came across more zombies and Skeletons with them shooting at us but Static was able to make a electric magnetic drill to push the arrows back. As we kept going we soon saw a house in the distance

We saw him run inside with him holding the door open for us.

Sonica: Let's get in before more of those show up.

Static: Don't need to tell me twice.

We all got inside with this Sonic closing the door behind us with him then blocking the door with some random blocks.

Crystal: Thanks for keeping the door open bud.

He nodded with that probably translating to "you're welcome".

Sarah: So where are we? And why is everything so blocky?

Wachowski: I think I know where we are. I think this is Minecraft.

Sarah: Minecraft?

Wachowski: It's kinda like this game where you're supposed to build and survive and all that.

Y/N: I think I've heard about it too but I wasn't completely sure.

Scrap: So basically we're in a game world?

Static: Seems to be like it.

Y/N: Anyway listen we are here cause there's someone known as Fleetway and she's been going around other worlds and stealing powers, have you seen her?

He than shock his head no in response.

Zonic: Do you know anything she might want?

He sat there again and shock his head no.

Sonica: Nothing, you can't be serious.

Y/N: I'm afraid so, maybe we might find something in the morning. Want to tag along?

He than started nodding his head yes.

ASOTH: Why don't we just split now.

Static: You want to fight a pack of zombies and armed skeletons be my guest.

ASOTH:... You know what some sleep does sound nice.

Y/N: Yeah let's hit the hay, see you in the morning.

We all then went to sleep with all of us trying to get comfy despite the fact there isn't a lot of room here.


As they slept a portal opened with Fleetway coming through it.

Fleetway: Well ain't this quite the world to see.

As she looked around an arrow was fired into her head but instead of dying she reached up and pulled the arrow out of her head with it not having no blood on it.

Fleetway: Alright, who had the bright idea to shoot this at me!

She than got hit between the eyes with another with her seeing a skeleton was the one shooting arrows. She then crushed the arrow she was holding. Her angry expression changed to one of a psychotic smile.

Fleetway: Ah so you're the one who had the nerve to shoot me, how about I show you a true attack.

She held her hand out with it glowing red and an orb being formed.

Fleetway: Chaos Torrent!

She than fired out a powerful blast which caused a massive explosion which obliterated the skeleton and the land around it until there was nothing but a massive crator. After that Fleetway floated in the air with her laughing like a mad woman.

Fleetway: Well that was rather fun! And now. I'm bored, what should I do now?

She went into a more lesser form as she floated on her back thinking what to do, until she sensed something.

Fleetway: What's this, an energy source that is parallel to my own. Y/N must be here, it's been awhile since I've seen my supposed creator, better drop by and see how he's doing.

She then teleported to a nearby house with her peaking inside the house seeing him sleep.

Fleetway: Oh there you are. Sleeping peacefully with your new friends, well just you wait cause I have great plans in mind for US later.

She then teleported away from the house with her getting to work on her plans.


I started to wake up with me stretching with all of us soon getting up.

Y/N: Morning everyone. You all sleep well?

Static: Yeah I slept alright?

Rockstar: It was fine for me granted for me I sleep in the equivalent of a RV moving around.

Sonica: So what do we do now?

Before I could answer our gizmos went off with it showing that Fleetway had showed up here.

Boom: Wait Fleetway is here? When did she get here?

Flash: She must've showed up last night while we were asleep.

AOSTH: And where is she exactly?

Zonic: Got her coredents set, follow me.

We all soon then booked it over to where she was.


We soon made it to a village that was burning down.

Static: Holly shit!

Flash: Did she really do this?

Sonica: Who else could?

Fire: She is here, I can sense her!

Soon a blast of energy came down which sent us back with some of us crashing into some of the destroyed debris of the village. As we got out of some of the debris we looked up with Fleetway floating in the air.

Fleetway: Oh hi there. Long time no see everyone? Glad to see you're all doing good especially you Y/N.

Y/N: Wait how do you know my name? I never said once said who I am.

Fleetway: And you don't have to cause I know everything about you Y/N besides I am you, or at least a creation of yours.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Fleetway: You see, since we are all together how about I catch you up all to speed. You see when Y/N was dealing with Scrouge there was a point he had to give up some power to make himself stronger, and well to put it simply some of that power was taken away was me. Eventually I soon gained my own conscience and became alive, soon to put it simply I am you Y/N, and you are me. We are both sides of the same coin, that's why I know so much about you and your friends here, cause I have all your memories Y/N.

Fleetway than close to me with us looking eye to eye.

Fleetway: Just imagine how powerful you truly are if you would just let go. Let go of these morals, you could be the strongest in the entire multi complex multiverse.

Sarah then pushed me aside with Sarah pointing a finger at her.

Sarah: Oh like you know how strong he is?

Fleetway: Well of course I know how powerful and strong he is, I literally came from him. As an example, while Fatal Error could only turn people into EXES Y/N mean cod create his own and not only that, he made me without even thinking. Imagine what he could do if he was aware that he made me. But maybe I said too much, for now I'll leave you with a gift.

She teleported back with her holding a block

She then tossed it into the air with it glowing purple and suddenly some creature came out of it.

Fleetway: Have fun.

She then teleported away leaving us with this giant creature as it looked around with it having sometimes of beams coming out of it with everything pulled into it.

Static: What the hell is that thing!?

Y/N: Beats me but I know we don't want to get pulled into it.

AOSTH: Then let's juice!

We all ran off as the town was pulled into the creature. After we got far away we looked up with it still sucking in everything.

Sonicman: That thing is sucking everything in, if we don't destroy that thing this universe will cease to exist.

Sonica: Ok so the plan is take that thing down and go from there.

Sarah: And how are we supposed to kill it?

I than looked over at the Sonic of this world.

Y/N: Hey your from here right, do you know someway we could kill it.

He wrote down on a piece of paper saying "Lightning".

Y/N: Lightning? Ok then, we just need to shoot that thing down with a powerful bolt.

Static: I'm up for a challenge but I don't think I can make something that powerful to destroy whatever that is?

Flash: Same and I've dealt with many crazy things.

Y/N: Wait, I have the yellow gem. What we can do is that you guys charge up your lighting and then fire it at me. I than use the yellow gem to absorb that lightning and doubling it's power and then firing at that thing.

Boom: Alright everyone one pitch in, we need to give him as much juice we can.

We all then got to work with Static charging herself up with her going into Overcharged form and building up tons of electricity, Flash started to spin his arm with it building up electricity, Wachowski was running around in place alongside Boom, Rockstar had a guitar and started playing, Sonicman busted out his electrical weapons with him putting them into overdrive, AOSTH had his lightning rod, this Sonic and Link had sometype of electric arrows firing from a crossbow, Lego Sonic was throwing electrical pieces, Stealth was using his metal limbs to shoot electrical webs at me, and Soniczilla was using his chaos breath on me.

After getting enough of a charge I felt the energy building up.

Y/N: Everyone, get back!

Everyone ran with me unable to hold it in. I started to charge up a Kamehameha, as it built up it sparked with power and soon after it was finished I then let it out with it being a massive beam with it hitting the creature with it being blasted into space and within a bright flash it exploded clearing the sky.

After that I had to catch my breath as electricity pulsed through me. With that the others came back with Sarah checking with me.

Sarah: You ok?

Y/N: Yeah I think I'm fine, infact I feel like some of you guys might've given me a power boost. Like you guys gave me some of your powers.

Static: Like what?

Y/N: Well I think one of them was that Speed force thing, but I think mine is it's own version.

Static: So like a Y/N force or something?

Y/N: Maybe I'm not sure how it works.

Flash: Well normally how the speed force works if there are more people who channel the speed force it makes it weaker, so maybe yours works on its own set of rules.

Y/N: Probably, and some of wachowski too, and as for the rest maybe it just powered up my already obtained abilities or something else or has given me powers or abilities I don't have yet.

Stealth: Well seeing how the ones who had powers that boosted you up were Static, Flash, Wachowski, and Soniczilla maybe you got some of their abilities while the rest of us used stuff like electrical based items to give you a boost.

Y/N: Maybe, either way we know what Fleetway is now and comparing her to me, she's definitely strong.

Zonic: If that's the case we'll need more help, let us move on to the next world to see if we can find someone to recruit.

We then opened a gateway to the next world to see where to go next.

And that is it I hope you enjoyed, also I'm going to need your help again to pick which will come next, so here are what's left

Archie Sonic

IDW/ Game Sonic

And Nikki aka Manga Sonic

And if you're wondering about Sash she'll be the last one since I have plans with her. Anyway I'll see you next time

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