Chapter 12: Chaotic Trouble

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We soon arrived with us looking around to see we have found ourselves in the middle of the woods.

Static: Where are we now?

Sarah: How am I supposed to know.

Flash: Well I know one thing, we are definitely lost.

Sarah: And your not helping.

Block Sonic soon waved at us.

Y/N: Hey you got something?

He nodded with us following him and soon us finding train tracks.

Static: Train tracks, in a place like this?

Wachowski: Why would train tracks be in the middle of the woods-

Soon a train blasted by with must of us being flung into the air with some of us landing onto the train and some of us landing on the side of the train with them running by.

Boom: Well there's your answer buddy, like what's next, a giant robot is going to come out of the train.

Soon a robot did blast out of the train with it standing on top of one of the carts.

Boom: Me and my big mouth.

It stood tall with it turning to Wachowski.

Wachowski: Oh ok big boy. You don't want none of this.

Before it could do anything a rock was hurdle at it with it turning to see Classic, Sunky, AOSTH, and SAS ( Something about Sonic ) running by the side with them getting it's attention.

Y/N: Hey you guys hold of tin man here, we'll try to stop the train.

They nodded with us soon going up to the front with them staying behind to deal with the big guy.


All four of them were running right next to the train with them keeping up with the train as the E 106 ETA burst with steam.

AOSTH: Looks like the bucket of bolts is angry, let's deal with them while they help the others on the train.

They nodded with AOSTH grabbing a rock and tossing it at E 106 with it stairing at them as it's eyes flashed red.

AOSTH: Come on you tin can, come get us.

It then started firing away with it's gun arm with Classic and AOSTH jumping out of the way. Meanwhile SAS appeared above E 106.

Speedy: You're too slow.

E 106 fired away again but Speedy dodged it and soon started rapidly hitting it multiple times as it tried to snatch Speedy, during that Sunky raised his hands in the air with a portal opening and milk pouring down on E 106, Classic followed it up by spin dashing into it knocking it back a bit with AOSTH doing a spin attack and slicing through it's legs with them breaking off and Speedy running into it and launched it flying with it exploding like fireworks.

AOSTH: Piece of Cake.


While they dealt with that we went through the other carts with us soon running into another Sonic

Zonic: Archie.

Archie: Zonic?

Wachowski: Wait you know each other.

Zonic: He's another Sonic I've worked with a few times in the past.

Y/N: At least we won't need to explain why we are here.

Archie: Something going on with the multiverse?

Boom: Bingo.

Archie: Well it might need to wait, cause I in the middle of something here.

We looked over he was trying to get a pod open with two people inside.

I stood there for a bit as I looked at Uncle Chuck. As I looked at him I placed a hand on the glass with flashbacks playing back in my head, with the fire and the blood. Chucks Blood.

Archie: Is he ok?

Sarah: He's been through a lot.

Archie: Oh, well then I'm trying to bust my Uncle and Professor Pickles out this pod thing.

Stealth: Well it seems to have magnetic time lock, I can probably overload it and

I didn't let him finish as I had a back tendril come out of my back and rip the top right off.

Stealth: Or that can work.

Archie: So uh mind explaining that then?

Zonic: We'll explain later, right now we must get out of this train.

Archie: No arguement there.

As we got them out of the train cart and onto the roof of the cart with it going faster.

Boom: How fast is this train going?

Y/N: Beats me? ( Uses coms on Gizmo ) Hey do any of you guys can shut down the train?

Scrap: Yeah one problem, we tried to slow down the train, but one of those E 106 models blasted through and shot the controls meaning.


Y/N: We need to get out of here.

As we said that two planes flew on by.

Archie: Perfect timing.

Tails: Come on let's go!

Antoine: Why are there so many Sonics?

Archie: They'll explain later, come on we have to go this train is out of control.

We all then got onto both the tornado and the twister as we flew off with the others getting on too afterwards with us soon flying off as the train tipped over and crashed onto the ground and soon exploded.

Archie: Good thing you guys showed up or else we would've joined that train in that explosion.

Sally: Now let's head back, and then your new friends can explain what is going on.

We soon flew off as we made our way back.


As we flew back we were in New Mobotroplis with us landing nearby the castle in the center of the city

After we landed we soon got off the planes with us going through the halls of the castle.

Archie: So mind explaining why you are all here?

Zonic explained what was going on with him catching everyone up to speed. As he stood there I still looked at this version of Chuck with me sighing and going outside.


As he left some saw he went outside.

Archie: Listen I know you said he's been through a lot but mind telling me what's up with him?

Sarah: He lost his Uncle Chuck awhile ago, I guess seeing your Uncle Chuck brought back some bad memories.

Static: How did you know that?

Sarah: He told me awhile ago when I first moved into his world.

After that Uncle Chuck followed Y/N outside with him seeing him leaning against the castle balcony.


???: Hey kiddo.

I looked over and saw Archie Uncle Chuck standing next to me.

Y/N: Hey Chuck, what brings you here?

Chuck: Listen I learned about what happened to you're Uncle and I wanted to give my condolences.

Y/N: Thanks it's just. It's been a long time and I think I should be over it by now but I'm not, I just don't know why.

He placed a hand on my shoulder as I looked at him as he rubbed a tear of my check.

Chuck: Listen, sometimes we think we are but really we're not. We try to make like it's ok but deep down it isn't, like you think you're better about what happens but deep down it's still there eating away at you.

Y/N: Then how do I make it go away.

Chuck: To tell you the truth, you can't sometimes it sticks with you, makes it a part of you and to make sure you never let it happen again.

I stood there with my head down with me not looking into his eyes.

Y/N: I miss him, and it's not like I can bring him back.

Chuck: How come?

Y/N: It's just, he sorta died at one point but he came back robotized but when he died again his soul kinda died too, so even if I could bring people back, he's just the one I can never bring back.

Chuck: I see, but he'll be with you both in here.

He placed two fingers on my head.

Chuck: And in here

And then moved his fingers to where my heart is.

Y/N: Thanks I just sorta wonder how he would react to, well this.

I took off my eye lens and showed him my true eyes

Chuck: Heh, well if he's anything like me, he would still love you like how I would love my nephew no matter what would happen to him.

Y/N: Yeah thanks.

Chuck: Anytime, you feel better?

Y/N: Yeah let's head inside

We went inside to see what to do next

And that is it I hope you enjoyed and before we end this part of here's some Sonics I might add.

Sonic X


Sonic Z

Anywat I'll see you later

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