Chapter 16: A Shard Hunt

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Team 3 POV

Team 3 had made it to Scrap brain zone with Sonicverine was sniffing the air.

Scrougina: So is it here or not?

Sonicverine: Oh it's here alright.

He popped out his claws and dug into the wall with him digging his way inside with the others following behind and soon seeing the shard with it glowing brightly with scraps of metal being pulled towards it and creating robots that were protecting the shard.

Sonicpool: What the shit?

Stealth: The shard is creating an army of robots protecting it. I honestly want to know how it works.

Sonicverine: Study it later kid, right now we need to snatch it.

Wachowski: So how are we suppose to take it without them noticing?

Zonic: I don't think there's no way we can sneak it out.

Sonicverine: Then we do it loud and dumb.

Scrougina: Good that's how I like it.

Sonicpool: Same here sister, good thing I packed these.

Sonicpool: Also this is the best image we can find people, unless you wanted to see guns of the size of tic tacs then this is the best you get. Anyway you ready?

Sonicverine: Fuck yeah I'm ready.

Sonicpool: Then let's do it maximum effort.

Sonicpool fired off some shots which got the robots attention as the group made their entrance

As the robots charged at them Sonicverine popped his claws out, Wachowski charged up, Sonicpool reloaded his guns, Stealth had his spider arms out, Zonic held a blaster and Scrougina simply cracked her knuckles while putting her shades.

As they got closer Team 3 charged in with all of them fighting their way through the horde of bots with Sonicpool firing his guns rapidly with Sonicverine ramming his claws into one and ripping it in half while slicing through more with his claws.

Wachowski was moving around at Sonic speed with him acting like an electrical pinball with him bouncing off the ones he smashed up.

Scrougina did the same but she was much more violent with her tearing off one of the arms and smashing it in the head and then tossing the arm as a makeshift javelin and tossed it into the head of a drone which crashed into the ground and delivering an axe kick to another which ripped it in half.

Stealth swung around with his webs with him webbing one up and lifted the robot off the ground and slammed it into the ground which made an explosion that wiped a few out, he then jumped off one with ripping the head off and tossed it into another which was rammed into it's head.

Zonic was standing on the air sideway with him blasting drones out of the sky with his blaster, he then tossed a detonator which made a big explosion. He put the blaster with him doing a spin attack as tons of drones fell to the ground.

Scrougina caught one of the drones and ripped the propeller off and used it as a makeshift weapon as she tore her way through them.

Wachowski still rolled up into a ball went to Scrougina with her picking him up and tossed him like a baseball with him smashing through and kicked one to Sonicverine with ramming his claws into it's head.

Stealth fired off webs that electrocuted a bot with him jumping onto it's back and rammed the spider limbs into it's back and tore it apart with him swinging off and fired off some electro webs that caused all the drones to short circuit and power down with them crashing to the ground.

Sonicpool kept firing with him running out of bullets so he tossed his guns into the air with them landing into the hosters as he pulled out his katanas and sliced his ways through them with him jumping on one of the robots shoulders and sliced their head off.

As the head flew off Zonic caught the decapitated head and tossed it with it slicing one of them in half.

They soon got overwhelmed but soon burst out of the bot pile with each one performing a different pose with them now close to the shard.

Stealth swung up to the shard and fired off some web which was attached to the shard. He pulled it in with the production of bots being stopped.

Stealth: Got the shard

As he wrapped it up in webs for easy transport most of them were sorta tired with Sonicpool taking his mask off.

Sonicpool: Man I forget how stuffy this mask is.

They all looked at him with them except Sonicverine being surprised from his look.

Sonicpool: What?

Scrougina: Why the fuck you look like that?

Sonicpool: Long story short I was a human who got injected with some of Sonicverine DNA and that's why I look like this. Trust me that's why I wear the mask.

He put his mask back on with him looking normal again.

Stealth: Yeah let's just meet back with the others.

Wachowski: Agreed

Team 4 POV

In the deepest part of the woods Team 4 with them seeing the shard in the air with vines wrapped around the shard.

Sonicman: There's the shard.

Archie: Then let's go get it.

As they got close to it the shard glowed brightly with the forest coming alive with two Kaijus forming from the woods

Shadic: I guess these two aren't going to let us take the shard.

Crystal: Me and Soniczilla got this you fusion on the shard.

Soniczilla's spins glowed blue and Crystal morphed into his Kaiju form and Soniczilla roared at them

They roared back with all of them charging in and attacking each other while Sonicman, Archie and Shadic made their way past them and went for the shard.

Soniczilla slammed into the tree Kaiju with him slashing away at it with his claws. When it morphed its arms to spike clubs Soniczilla blocked it with him using his spines, he then smacked it with tail and then blasted him with Chaos breath.

Crystal meanwhile was slashing away the grass kaiju with a crystal sword he made out of his arm. As he impaled the grass Kaiju with his blade arm he snapped his arm to pin the Kaiju to the ground and soon his arm growing back he then poured out a spew of lava onto it with it slowly melting to death while Soniczilla blasted the tree Kaiju with his Chaos breath with it soon breaking in half.

While they fought the Kaijus Archie, Sonicman and Shadic made their way up the vines as they avoided what the shard threw at them with Sonicman using buzzsaws slashing through vines while Shadic used a powered up light speed dash attack to blast through the walls it tried to make out of stone.

Shadic: Go Archie!

Archie blasted through with Lego building him a pathway. Archie Then jumped and took the shard with him holding the shard.

Archie: Peice of cake.

Team 1 POV

Team 1 were in the middle of the sea with Y/N and Hog running on the water while Sunky, Fire, Sarah, and Pyscho flew besides them.

As they traveled through the sea they saw the Shard with it causing a massive storm.

Sarah: Looks like the shard is the cause of this horrible weather

Y/N: That's not the only thing it's causing, MOVE!!!

Everyone moved out of the way with a giant kraken coming out of the water

Sarah: Is that a fucking kraken?

Y/N: Sadly yes, the shard must be provoking it.

Sarah: So get the shard kraken's happy and the storm goes away.

Y/N: Yep Sunky, Hog you two go for the shard the rest of us will handle this.

They nodded with Hog jumping and Sunky caught him as they went to the shard.

As they flew off the kraken attacked the others with Fire and Sarah holding it back with hell fire while Y/N run on the Kraken's tentacles while Pyscho flew besides him. They soon jumped and started doing multiple homing attacks on the kraken, it freaked it smacked both Sarah and Fire into the water with the both of them getting out with Fire's flames of igniting again.

As the Kraken freaked out both Y/N and Pyscho were flying off it, Y/N used the sky gem to blast himself into the air and used the Paradox gears hover boots to slow his decent while Psycho well deep into the water the kraken snapped her in half with it's beak but both halves healed with them both now separate beings.

Both of them ganged up on the kraken with both slashing away at it until it launched the two out of the water with one recovering and the other crashing into a volcano with it going off. Fire raised his hand and the molten lava flew to his side where he fired it at the kraken which burned and peeled its flesh.

As Sunky and Hog got close Sunky stretched his arms out so Hog can get close and take the shard and as predicted the storm died down and the Kraken was calm with Y/N hovering to it and using chaos energy to heal it.

Y/N: There you go, no more pain. Take care big fella

It seemed happy as it drove back into the water as it went into the bottom of the ocean.

Sarah: Who knew a giant sea monster was such a sweetheart.

Fire: Its an animal it had no bad intentions, it was just in pain

Y/N: Yeah anyway we have the shard and that's what matters

Team 5 POV

Team 5 found themselves in the moutains Infront of some caves.

Douche Bag: Who this is really spoopy.

Scrap: You said, come on let's go.

They entered inside and as they looked around there was nothing but a bunch of fog. As they went deeper the fog got thicker with them unable to see each other anymore.

With Ember as she walked through the fog she lost the signal for the shard. As she looked around she stepped in something with her lifting her foot up seeing blood, as she looked forward she saw a blood trail which lead to her friend Tailia was on the ground with her bleeding out. She hurried over to her but when she got close Tailia was scared.

Talia: No stay, stay away!

She tried to talk to her but couldn't she even tried to force her jaw open so she can speak but as she looked back to see Tailia gone with her being held by the throat by Starving.

Talia: Sonica help me!

At this point if Ember could scream she would.

With Scrap he looked around with him the fog bothering his eye, and after rubbing his eyes he saw Tails with him looking lost.

Scrap: Tails?

Tails: Sonic where are you?

As he made his way to him he saw Starved right behind Tails.

Scrap: Tails behind you!

Starved: Hello little fox

He turned around with him scared with him crawling away.

Tails: Sonic help me!

The fog soon consumed Tails and Starved

Scrap: Tails!

With Link as he travels through the fog he soon smelt smoke, as he got closer he saw he was back home in Hyrule but it's all in flames. As he ran towards it multiple monsters charged at him with him slicing his way through them but was overwhelmed as he saw the creature forming and consuming the castle.

As all of them freaked out they were all splashed with water.

Scrap: Gah! What happened?

Douche Bag: You all were acting freaking dealing infacf Classic 1 here was about to go crazy too but Block here splashed him with fire and he was fine.

Scrap: So that must be the shard's power, it made us hallucinate some of our memories or our fears. If that's the case we just better take the shard and go.

Douche Bag: Already got it

He held the shard as it glowed yellow.

Scrap: Say how did you not hallucinate?

Douche Bag: Simple I'm Sonic I'm too cool to hallucinate.

Scrap:... Right? Let's just go

They soon left as a voice echo through the cave

???: You're going to be just fine Donkey!

Team 2 POV

In the dessert Team 2 had made it there with them seeing the final shard only a few feet away with it glowing brightly.

Sonic: There it is. Come on we can take it.

???: Oh I don't think so

Fleetway blasted by with them taking the shard.

Fleetway: Thanks for keeping this warm for me. I appreciate it.

Static: Oh no you don't.

Static dashed at Fleetway but she smirked as she put the shard away.

Fleetway: Let's get this over with.

She punched Static away with her crashing into the ground. Boom and Sonica tried to double ganged him but she was able to beat the both of them at the same time with her countering their attacks. While Boom did a spin attack Fleetway caught the attack and tossed Boom at Sonica with the two being buried in the sand.

As Underground used his guitar to make it rain lightning she absorbed the lightning and blasted AOSTH who tried to sneak attack her. As AOSTH fell to the ground some sparks hit Static with her getting super charged

Static flew at Fleetway with her trying to punch her but Fleetway caught the punch like it was nothing.

Fleetway: This is just sad.

She pushed her back with Static turning back and Fleetway did a chop attack that sent her crashing to the ground. As Static fell Boom used the tether to jump off her and tried to attack Fleetway but she dodged it and grabbed Book by the leg and spun him and made him crash into Classic 2.

Both Sonic and Sonica tried to attack her but she countered with her beating both of them with both crashing into the ground.

Fleetway: I wasted enough time as it was. I'll see you later

She teleported away with Sonica tapping a button on her gizmo.

Sonica: Hello, anyone there we need help. We've been beaten bad and Fleetway got away with one of the shards.

Zonic: We are on our way


After we regrouped we treated Team 2 injuries.

Y/N: Will they be ok?

Sonicman: They'll be fine.

Zonic: What matters we got most of the shards, if she doesn't have all of them so she won't have max paradox power.

Tails: I'm glad it worked out for us.

???: Oh did it.

We looked over and saw Fleetway floating with her having the shard.

Boom: Hey you might've beaten us but we got the shards and you got only one.

Fleetway: The shards? Oh honey the shard weren't what I was after.

Y/N: What?

Fleetway: I just needed something to keep you busy so I can get something more.

She showed us several things such as the seven world rings, the Calibur scavern, a capsule of hyper go on energy, the metal virus, the warp topaz and the phantom Ruby.

Sonica: So the paradox prism.

Sonicverine: It was just a rouse so she can get those things without us noticing.

Fleetway: Bingo, the prism shard is just a bonus. I'll leave you with a due.

Sonic soon stood up

Sonic: Listen you don't have to do this-

Fleetway: Before you can make a speech I am free and I want to do this, anyway I'll be seeing you. Maybe

She soon vanished as the ground shock

Tails: Without that last shard this world will fall part.

Y/N: I have an idea.

I pulled out the phantom Ruby with it glowing as I changed to paradox form. As I held the Ruby it glowed brightly a long with myself and soon I started to channel Paradox/Phantom Ruby which soon made me change

In this new form I used both the paradox energy and phantom Ruby to create a replica of the last shard as I merged it with the other shards and soon after everything was normal

Y/N: Just in time. Seem to be cutting it lately

Wachowski: Tell me about it.

Scrap: What made you think she could've been talked to.

Sonic: I thought she can change, maybe she would've turned around

Scrap: Look some do change some don't and besides even if she would I don't think she would listen to you.

Y/N: Look we'll need to go after her you two in?

Sonic: Yep

And Classic 2 nodded, we gave them some gizmos with them liking them as we open a portal.

Y/N: Come on let's go after her.

We went through the portal as we went to the next world.

And that is it I hope you enjoyed and for the next part I'll let you guys pick which is next

Sonic X


Sonic Z


Until then I'll see you in Chapter 17

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