Chapter 4: True Colors

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I was running with Rusty on my tail with me looking back unable to see Tails workshop anymore.

Y/N: This seems to be far enough.

I than stopped and turned to face her.

Rusty: Surrender now and your death will be painless.

Y/N: Sorry this Hedgehog ain't no quieter.

Rusty: Then you shall suffer a slow and painful death.

I spun up into a ball and dashed into her but she caught me and tossed me into a tree which I spun where I landed feet first on the tree where I bounced off it and tried to do a homing attack but she spun her uphalf like a top and punched me across the face and crashed into a tree with it falling over and resting on a rock with me rubbing my head.

Y/N: Ok clearly this isn't working.

I saw the tree that fell over on the rock which looked like a ramb.

Y/N: Maybe that can help.

I jumped on my feet and did a figure eight and ran up the destroyed tree and jumped off it where I was above her and was about to do an axe kick, but she extended her legs to where she was above me where she punched me on the head which mad crash into the ground. She than lowered herself and grabbed a hold of my legs and started spinning with extending her arms and smashing me across multiple tree's not before smashing my face into the ground and started running dragging my face across the ground afterwards she raised me up and tossed me into a the mountain I destroyed after facing Dr. Deep, I than got up with me on one knee.

Y/N: You know for being a robotic version of Amy your really heartless.

Rusty: Birdy would disagree.

She opened her chest cavity showing a flicky being used to power her like it was her heart and it looked like it was in constant pain.

Y/N: That's messed up.

The flicky tried to get away but Rusty closed the door on it keeping it trapped in her. She than launched herself at me ready to finish me off until something made a shield that blocked her attack and sent her back a bit with her feet dragged across the ground and looking up.

Rusty: What is this?

Y/N: Wait it can't be

After the bright light I saw an old friend

Y/N: Yacker long time no see how've you been?

Yacker started talking but I didn't understand him.

Y/N: Man if I had Tails translater, hey you think you can lend a hand?

Yacker nodded and pointed up with the other wisp arriving and circling around me.

Y/N: Alright got the band back together, let's show her what you guys can do!

I spun my legs up and charged at her.

Rusty: Your arrogance will be your down fall.

She fired her arms out with Cyan by my side.

Y/N: Let's do this

Cyan entered my body where I can feel Cyan energy.


I turned into a Cyan laser and blasted at her with me hitting her and bouncing off the trees and destroyed mountain really fast and hitting her multiple times along with her unable to react. I soon turned back to normal with her extending her legs to be taller with her about to crush me with her foot, with Yellow arriving and lending me his power.


I turned into a yellow drill and started to dig under ground before she could crush me with her raising her foot and looking for me

Rusty: Where did you go?

I started to drill upward to Rusty with Orange passing following after me and lending me his power. I soon emerged out of the ground and turned into the next wisp form


I turned into an orange rocket and flew upward and hit Rusty in the head with me above her and starting to dive down to her, she than extended her arms out with Blue arriving and lending his power


I turned into a massive cube which she caught but I was too heavy for her so she had to toss me away with me hitting the ground and some blue rings popping out after which I turned back to normal and taking one of the blue rings and using it to heal myself which was faster than my healing factor.

Y/N: There we go all healed up.

I than spun up into a ball and dashed at her with her firing her arms out with Pink lending me they're power next


I turned into a massive pink spike ball and dashed forward into her where I started to slice up her torso and her face which I flew into the air, after which I turned back to normal, she than crushed me with her hands, but I felt a rythem in my step.


I started bouncing my way out of Rusty grasp until I came out playing a melody

Rusty: Stop that music hurts my ears.

Y/N: ( Auto tune ) No can do. Wow auto tune that's new.

I turned back to normal with Eagle swooping on in


I soon transformed into a magestic eagle as I flew down towards her at extreme speed and blasting at her with me turning back again.

Y/N: Man I've never used so much color power in such rapid succession.

I looked up and saw Rusty throwing the destroyed mountain top at me with Jade giving me they're power next.


I flew through the mountain top with it being destroyed in the back and Rusty fired her arms at me but they went right through.

Y/N: ( Echoing ) Really I'm a ghost how was that supposed to work.

Rusty: My combat protocols are malfunctioning. Does not compute, does not compute.

I flew out of her arms and turned back with me turning back and throwing a ring which made a trail rings that wrapped around Rusty.

Y/N: Green your up.


I used the light speed of hover and circle around Rusty damaging her in the process after which I turned back to normal.

Y/N: How about we try your trick.


I turned into a massive vortex with me taking in debris and creating massive projectiles made of debris and started firing them at Rusty with her trying to dodge them but each one had their own gravitational pull which pulled in close to her and was able to smash her a bit. I turned back to normal which I switched to my next color power.


I charged at her with me getting close to her leaving an electric trail with me zipping around her after making my trail of lighting I left an electric after image which I turned into my next form


I fired off with the after image doing the same with the both of us double teaming on Rusty dealing fire and lightning damage to her after which I landed on the ground and turned into my next form thanks to the power of Gray


I soon spun up and rolled at her and jumped at her and hit her in the head and making her falling into the ground after which I launched myself into the air.


I landed on top of Rusty and blew up which sent her flying into a tree. She than got up and grabbed me with her hands.

Rusty: Any last words.

Y/N: Just one.


I turned into a massive crupted creature and chomped down on her waist where I started to shake her around like a rag doll and tossed her away where she skid across the ground which she struggled to stand up and which I turned back to my normal form with the wisp all together and lending me their energy and forming into something powerful.

Announcer: Laser, Drill, Rocket, Cube, Spikes, Rythem, Eagle, Ghost, Hover, Asteroid, Lightning, Burst, Quake, Bomb, Frezeny, Void, Boost! Ultimate final color blaster!

Y/N: Alright everyone give it everything you got!

I jumped into the center where we all rocketed towards her where we hit her in the head which left a massive dent in her head where she collapsed onto the ground with her sparking, I landed on the ground on my feet with the wisp around me.

Y/N: Thanks guy I really needed the help, maybe we can do this again sometime without the headache, see you around Yacker.

Yacker raised up their tentical while what looked like smiling.

Y/N: Right on!

I high fived him along with the others with them soon leaving the planet and returning home with me waving goodbye, soon after I felt the exhaustion catch up with me with falling onto my knees and tired.

Y/N: Man I never used so much wisp or color energy so fast, I'm exhausted I don't think I can move my legs.

Soon more of those robots arrived here to retrieve me.

Y/N: Just my luck.

Rusty POV


I opened my eyes and stood up and saw Y/N exhausted with me retrieving my new orders

Orders: Protect Y/N at all cost, and serve him till the end of time.


Suddenly they're heads where smashed in with two falling onto the ground. I turned my head to see Rusty was the one who destroyed that robots.

Y/N: Friendly fire much?

Soon more showed up and surprisingly Rusty started to protect me with her tearing the robots apart.

Y/N: What the, um Rusty are you ok? What's with you wanting to go from killing me to protectkng me.

Rusty: My orders are clear, I must protect and serve you no matter the cost.

Y/N: Ok?

What's with her she wants to kill me with her now wanting to protect me and serve me. I soon saw the dent that me and the wisp left into her head, maybe the power of the wisp must have messed with her programming making her do the opposite, or at least that's my best guess.

Y/N: Um ok, I can work with this.

I tried to stand but I fell on my knees again.

Rusty: You are too exhausted to move.

Y/N: No it's ok, I just need to catch my breath is all.

I took my breath but it didn't help but soon felt her pick me up and carry me.

Rusty: You are too exhausted I will carry you back to your base.

Y/N: Uh ok, but can you make it fast?

Rusty: As you wish.

She extended her legs and started making our way back to Tails workshop.

Y/N: I never thought I be carried by not only a robot but a robotic version of her.

Rusty: Wrong cybernetically enhanced, would you like cybernetic legs?

Y/M: No I like my legs, now come let's kick things up a notch full speed ahead

She started running to Tails workshop with her holding onto me very carefully.

Mr. Doctor Eggman POV

Mr. Doctor Eggman: What is that bucket of bolts doing, call her back at once Dr. Don't!

Dr. Don't started messing with his control pad but nothing, she wasn't responding.

Dr. Don't: ( Groans ) This stupid thing doesn't want to work right, she won't listen.

Dr. Babbles: ( Babbles )

Mr. Doctor Eggman: Your right that energy that boy was using must've have corrupted her programming to the point it's unreverseable.

Dr. Done it: That boy just stole something else from use! Ow my back

Mr. Doctor Eggman: Your right, first that boy kills Dr. Deep and now he steals our greatest creation!

I looked at one of the monitors that showed some of those new rebels fighting back against our robots with an old man that looked not only liked a machine but also looked like the boy which gave me an terrible idea.

Mr. Doctor Eggman: ( Smiles menacingly ) So that boy thinks he can take what is ours! How about we take something from him, Dr. Don't go out and kill that old man.

Dr. Don't: Whatever.

He than blower his hair out of his hair and soon left while playing his stupid game.

Mr. Doctor Eggman: Y/N you will know what happens when you mess with the Chaos Council! ( Laughs menacingly )

And that is it I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you later. BYE!!!

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