Chapter 6: Corrupted Dreams

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I started to wake up with my head feeling foggy. I got up and looked around and saw what looked like a destroyed waste land

Y/N: What's going and where am I

I started to walk forward where I saw what looked like a destroyed fountain.

Y/N: This place looks familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

I soon heard what sounded like a flute playing but I didn't see anyone around. I than looked up and saw what looked like a jester playing a flute made of air while floating in the air.

Y/N: What the, um hello do you live here?

I think it's a she opened her eyes and looked down at me and stopped playing and floated down to my level.

???: Strange it's been awhile since I saw you here yet you look like you haven't aged a bit.

Her voice sounded feminine so I think she's a girl.

Y/N: Yeah it's complicated but- Wait you know me?

???: Indeed you used to come here a long time ago don't you remember who I am.

Y/N: Let me think. Think Y/M think where have you seen her before.

I started tapping my foot until it hit me.

Y/N: Your name wouldn't be NiGHTS would it?

NiGHTS: Indeed it would be.

Y/N: Wow it has been awhile, and if you are NiGHTS then this must the dream gate, what happened to it.

NiGHTS: Simple, you happened.

Y/N: What you mean, "I happened"?

NiGHTS: Chuck's death, it effected you deeply.

Y/N: Yeah I miss him.

NiGHTS: I know you do but after what happened to him, it really affected you deeply.

Y/N: I guess, but why am I here do you need my help?

NiGHTS: Nope this time it's you who needs help.

Y/N: What do you mean?

NiGHTS: Follow me

I started to follow her to a gateway.

NiGHTS: Go in here.

Y/N: Ok.

I opened the door and was welcomed to a room full of darkness with the only light was a light that was above me.

Y/N: Hello is anyone here?

I soon saw another light and saw Mr. Doctor Eggman torturing Tails.

Y/N: Tails!

I felt something gripped my legs in place as I had to watch Tails being tortured, another light appeared showing Dr. Deep having knuckles pinned to a walk with his blades in his hands as he had his hand on the master emerald.

Y/N: Knuckles!

I saw Dr. Don't making Amy serve him with a collar around her neck electrocuting her.

Y/N Amy!

I saw Babbles playing with Charmy's wings with him dead on the ground with him playing on vector with him being skinned as a rug.

Y/N: Charmy, Vector!

I than saw Don't using Omega's body as a mech suit while he beat Shadow to the ground with Rouge unconscious.

Y/N: Shadow Rouge!

I soon saw the rest of my friends suffering being used as slaves with the sound of the Chaos Council laughing at me.


I turned into my dark form and forced myself out of the darkness grasp, I than saw the Chaos Council turn into sometype of monsters.


I started blasting my way through them with me tearing them apart and slicing through the but the more I fight them the more just keep coming.


I did a cycloop around them which sent them flying into the air which I fell into the air and fired a homing shot at them with them blowing up into peices but they just kept coming.


???: Because they won't go until you let this go.

I charged up a some energy and looked up who was placing their hand on my shoulder but I stopped until I saw who it was.

Y/N: Uncle Chuck?

Uncle Chuck: Hey kiddo.

Y/N: How are you here and alive.

I hugged him while crying.

Y/N: I know you just passed by I missed you.

Uncle Chuck: Same thing here kiddo but I'm still gone.

Y/N: What you mean?

He moved his arms showing the whole was where he was blasted and his heart was gone, which brought back the memories of what happened.

Y/N: I'm ( Cries ) I'm so sorry Uncle Chuck it's just.

He started rubbing my head when I looked up at him he was his normal self again and not robotized.

Uncle Chuck: It's ok Y/N like I said all stories come to an end eventually, my story ended so your story can go on.

He placed a hand on my check where I looked at him.

Uncle Chuck: You still have hatred for what happened to me and what could happen to your friends if your not around to help them.

Y/N: Yes.

Uncle Chuck: I understand why, they're your friends and family they love you and will love you no matter what.

Y/N: I know it's just, I don't want to lose them too.

Uncle Chuck: I know, but do they want to see you like this.

He than showed me what I did to Dr. Don't with all the rage and anger in my pale eyes as I beated him to the ground.

Y/M: No, I don't do that, that wasn't me.

Uncle Chuck: I know it isn't but do you want your friends to remember you like this.

I was quiet until he made me look at him.

Uncle Chuck: Listen sometimes you don't want to think of these things and you don't want them to happen but there are something's that are out of your control, you can't save everyone you can only do what you can.

Y/N: Then what do I then?

Uncle Chuck: Simple, you know you might lose the ones you love someday so instead of worrying about it, spend as much time with them as you can, life is a gift and you should be using it to spend as much time with your friends as possible.

Everything got brighter as I saw some of the good memories I have had with all my friends, with me stopping Tails bullies, helping knuckles getting the master emerald back, meeting Amy for the first time and so many other memories with them. But as I reached out to them I saw I was in my dark form and tried to turn back to normal but nothing.

Y/N: Why won't I turn back!

Uncle Chuck: Simple, right now your rage is controlling you, this form is controlling you. You must let the pain go if you want to move on. You need to let me go to move on.

I looked up at him with me still crying with me looking down but he lifted my head up to him.

Uncle Chuck: It's ok let it go, like I said all things come to an end eventually, like I said it's ok to let go.

I closed my eyes and tried to calm down with all those memories coming back to me giving me strength and when I opened my eyes I was still in my dark form but this time I had control. I looked up and Uncle Chuck was in his robotized form again smiling at me, I than hugged him one last time.

Y/N: I'll miss you.

Uncle Chuck: I'll miss you too, and Y/N you've already made me proud.

He started to fade away and turned into petals.

Uncle Chuck: I love you Y/N.

He than disappeared where outside the dream gate was restored back to normal and me returning back to my normal form.

Y/N: I love you too Uncle Chuck.

I stepped outside where I saw the dream gate was restored with fresh green trees all over the place.

NiGHTS: Did you find what you where missing.

Y/N: Yeah I did, thanks NiGHTS, maybe we'll see each other again sometime and maybe we can have an adventure like old times.

NiGHTS: That would be grand, until we see each other again.

Y/N: Till we meet again.

I fist bumped her after which I started to wake up back at Tails workshop, I saw Rusty was still active.

Rusty: Did you sleep well my scans are telling me you are no longer sad.

Y/N: Yeah I just needed some rest is all, are the others still here.

Rusty took me to the others where everything was repaired with Amy greeting me.

Amy: Hey did you sleep well?

Y/N: Yeah I'm good I'm feeling better now.

Amy: That's glad to hear nothing from Vector and the others yet.

She started to walk away with everyone else still around.

Y/N: Hey Amy, would you like to hangout?

Amy stopped and turned to me.

Amy: Really?

Y/N: Yeah, I mean it, and you guys can come with if you like.

Rouge: Really, what is this all of a sudden little blue?

Y/N: You see after Uncle Chuck's death I kinda realized how short life can be and well I want to spend as much time with you as possible.

Amy: Well sure I would love that.

Rouge: That does sound, sometime away from here would be nice.

Honey: Agreed.

Y/N: Sure who else wants to come with

Alot of people agreed with some staying behind.

Tails: We'll stay here and keep you posted if we hear anything from Vector.

Y/N: Thanks bud, come on guys let's go to the city I know a good place to get some dinner.

Amy: Is this kinda like a date?

Normally I would say no but this time I felt a different feeling, kinda like a happy feeling but I don't know what.

Y/N: Sure Amy it's a date.

Amy squealed as she hugged me where we went to station square where all of us can spend time together.

And that is it I hope you enjoyed if you still want to add some people to the harem let me know and I'll see you later. BYE!!!

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