Chapter 7: Bonus Round

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In the city of Knothole Sally and the freedom fighters who recently had won against the battle RUN's forces were in the castle of Knothole with Nine, Sarah and Rebel along with others from G.U.N trying to help out with any damages or casualties they faced.

Rebel: Glad to see you all were able to hold your own until we came along.

Sally: We've fought in our fair share of wars ourselves so this wasn't the first time we went to battle.

Nine was checking on his watch to see where Chaos Sonic was.

Nine: Where's Chaos Sonic?

Rotor: We don't know, he was here when those EXEs attacked us but afterwards he never came back?

Antoine: Can't you track him on that watch thing of yours?

Nine: What do you think I've been doing, of course I have, but I can't pick up his signal.

Sally: Then could it be possible that he?

Soon something showed up on Nine's watch.

Nine: Wait I just got something now.

Sarah: What is it?

Nine: It's Chaos Sonic I just got his signal, it says he's right outside?

They where soon interrupted when the doors open where the saw Chaos Sonic filled repaired and someone with him

Fiona: Hello.

Sarah: Who are you?

Sally: Fiona.

Nine: Wait you know each other.

Sally: How can I not, she is the one who betrayed us a long time ago and left with Scourge.

Nine: What?!

Fiona: Are you still on that, can't you let it go?

Sally: Oh am I supposed to let that go after you betrayed us for that green hedgehog and tried to turn Tails on Y/N after you try to crush his heart.

Nine: She did what?

Fiona: Listen a lot has changed since then, besides wouldn't Y/N give me a second chance or what not, he's given Eggman how many chances yet he's done horrible things.

Sally: He's different since he's willing to work with us when something or someone tries to invade us and he's pretty much has shown to change since he's became a father.

Fiona then blasted at her.

Fiona: Oh really, just because he's a dad now that means everything is ok! Well let tell you what, you know one thing he has but I lost once.

Nine: And what that be?

Fiona: My freedom. Y/N let's pretty much everyone else be free even Eggman but unlike Eggman who takes that for granted I meanwhile was actually sent to prison. You don't know what it is like to be locked in a cell and practically trying to fight to survive with other people who are willing to kill to just for one meal. I was lucky that I was able to get out and after that Scourge had to gul to propose to me after he was the reason I got thrown in prison. After that I've been alone for a long time and prison really made me think of my past decisions, while I might not be able to change what I did and I probably never will and will most likely live with that for the rest of my life I want to at least atone for what I did. So if you will not give me a chance to fix things I'm still going to stay and help so hopefully make amens.

After her long speech Sally stood there for a moment.

Bunnie: Sugar Cube you have to be smart on this decision.

Sally: I know. Listen Fiona while I do have pity to what happened I still have my doubts so I'll give you a chance but if you try anything your on your own.

Fiona: Thank you.

As everyone went back to work Nine looked over to Fiona

Nine: Listen the others might given you a second chance but I'm keeping a close eye on you cause if there's anything I hate more than anything are traitors so if I were you I watch my back.

Fiona: Whatever just do your science stuff fox.

Nine: It's Nine.

Fiona: Yeah yeah.

Soon the ground shock a bit with everyone looking around.

Bunnie: What just happened?

Antione: Could it be an earthquake?

Rotor: Earthquakes don't happen around here.

Nicole soon appeared before everyone else.

Nicole: It's something else.

Nicole summoned a holo screen of what was outside the castle walls

Antione: What is that monstrousity?!

Sarah: OLR. Or as some would call him One last round the first wave must've been scouts while he is the main unit.

As OLR kept attacking the castle walls the shield was starting to break as tentacles tried to break through.

Nicole: The shield won't hold for long, if they break then.

Sarah: I'll handle it. Fiona isn't the only one who has to repent for what they have done.

Bunnie: Listen Hun I know you've done some bad things but you don't need to prove yourself.

Sarah: I'm the only who stands a chance against him, so I'll handle it.

Sarah soon disappeared with her soon appearing outside the castle walls with her soon flying into OLR and kicking him through a gateway that led to her universe where she followed.

They soon arrived to her universe where OLR looked around to see where they where.

OLR: I see you brought us to your world Sarah, but tell me why you want to fight me when we should be working together to kill those pathetic creatures.

Sarah: Those creatures are my friends, and the reason why I refuse to work with you cause I decided to change and I feel like as a start I should get rid of you.

OLR: Oh really, and tell me? What makes you think you can kill me?

Sarah: Simple, we are in my world now and in my world there is no god?

Sarah's eyes had changed to a more black and red color as she floated into the air as the sky had turned dark

Sarah: Only me

Sarah turned her hands into sharp claws with her dashing forward and impaling OLR in the stomach but he still had his normal crooked smile as tentacles fire out his mouth and trying to impale Sarah but Sarah was able to dodge out of the way of the attack by turning into a fury of pixels to appear behind and slammed him into the ground.

He soon got up with him healing and cracking his neck with him soon firing out his arm with each finger turning into tentacles, with Sarah taking a page out of Y/N book did a spin slash with her slicing up the tentacles. But as they were sliced apart they reoformed into different tentacles with them wrapping around Sarah, they soon threw here into the ground with her falling into a web.

OLR: This little friend of mine had an encounter with one of your "Sonic society" friends, luckily I was able to fix him up.

Soon a giant spider EXE came out with his skin and flesh singed and he was about to tear into Sarah but Sarah soon changed forms with her able to free herself and chomped down on the spiders head

Sarah: GAH, taste like expired pork.

Sarah soon teleported out of there with her impaling OLR in the back with her claws but he then turned his head around in a 360 angle and fired out a harpoon like tongue from his face into her head but it seemed to do nothing as they broke free from each other with the two pushing against each other with both distorting the space around them.

OLR then pushed Sarah away and sent her crashing down on a pit of spikes but she soon recovered with her flying at him and shooting a blast of fire point blank which melted his face a bit with one half being his skull and the other being his actual face.

Sarah: You might want to have that be checked?

OLR: Why you insignificant bitch!

He then grabbed her by the neck with him soon flying into the ground and chocking her but it seemed to have no effect with her manipulating the world to have the world flip so she can kick him off her with her soon grabbing him and the two crashing into a mountain with them soon arriving in a hidden palace where to two kept fighting with Sarah soon being tossed into a gray portal ring which the OLR followed through where the two found themselves in a strange location with it looking like a lake.

OLR: Do you remember this place Sarah?

Sarah looked around with it clicking to her.

Sarah: This is where I died. All those years ago.

OLR: Of course, if I can't kill you then how about I torture you by making you relive the past.

Sarah fell to her knees as the memories of the past fludded her mind as she cried to herself.

OLR: Now I have other business to deal with.

As OLR was started to walk away Sarah soon heard a voice.

???: Hey Sarah

She looked up to see Luther

Sarah: Luther?

Luther then got on one knee and looked at her while a smile.

Luther: It's ok Sarah, it's ok.

Sarah: How is it ok? All those things I did, I'm a horrible person. I'm a monster

Luther: Yes you where those things but you clearly changed. You where those things yes but you have changed to the better, and if Y/N gave you a chance to make things better then you should keep to it. You can and will be better Sarah. I know you can, we know you can.

Soon the rest of her old friends arrived with them smiling to her. Sarah soon smiled with her soon getting up and impaling OLR through the back again.

OLR: Impossible how can you easily forget what You've done.

Sarah: I didn't forget, infact I remember all of it and I know I can be better and how about for a start I give you the treatment you deserve.

OLR tried to manipulate the world but Sarah was able to overpower his own power.

Sarah: I guess your losing your touch cause I think I'm getting better at this then you are. How about we give this power boost a test drive.

Sarah ripped out OLR spin and as he fell out of the ground with hands grabbing a hold of OLR

Sarah: I died here a long time ago but know it shall be the place you suffer for the rest of eternity.

The hands soon dragged him into the ground with him slowly being consumed into the ground but he was unable to struggle with him being paralyzed and in a matter of time he was gone. Sarah soon turned back to her normal form.

Sarah: Time to go home.

Sarah soon disappeared with her returning back to Mobius.

And that is it I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you later for the last two parts of the story.

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