Chapter 10

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The settlers began running and chasing us on horseback as the women and children began to run and scream and while the men tried grabbing their weapons or wounding the horses to cause the men to fall off. Men and women shouting around me as I ran in look of Nek and my sister. Children cried as they got lost or were trying desperately to hid as the settlers began shooting. Loud pops of gunshots rang out as one by one, the villagers were shot and killed. The men were trying to get their weapons and fight back against the settlers but against guns, it was no use. The screaming and the sound of gunfire mixed with the noises coming from the horses made it hard to hear anything or anyone around me as I ran through the crowd desperate to escape. I could see people being shoved into the ground or climbing over each other in the confusion as I went to try and hide in a nearby hut that wasn't yet burned. As I was doing so, I could see a few of the settlers scalping a few of the villagers, their screaming filled my ear as I couldn't help but ran into the hut and threw up, appalled by what I saw.

The bloody image of the settler's knifes scalping their heads entered my mind as I tried to calm myself down but nothing helped as I tried to think of what to do next. My breathing fastened but then slowed after I took a few deep breaths and thought to myself on what my plan was. I knew if I continued hiding in here, I would be found eventually and dragged out or if I tried running again, I could be shot at again. Both options weren't very good but I had little choice, I had to run.

I peeked out of the hut very carefully, trying not to draw attention. The sound of gunfire continued to echo in the distance and I could hear people running and shouting as they went. Horses ran in all directions as their riders tried to fire, their breath racing as they did so. I then decided to run towards the woods in hopes that the riders wouldn't try and kill me before I got there. I looked in both directions before I made my way towards the woods in the mists of the chaos, dust coming up from every direction as I did so. As I was trying to get out of the village, I could see some of the settlers dragging women into huts, ripping off their clothes and putting their manhood and into their womenhood, as the women cried out and screamed for them to stop while others were muffled and crying, trying to push them away and escape but to no avail. Tears ran down my cheeks as I tried fighting my way through the crowd and towards the edge of the village. But then, a second later I was sudden pushed down hard into the ground. The world around me felt dizzy and it took me a moment to realize what was happening. I quickly looked at who or what knocked me over and I looked in horror as a settler tried to grab at my feet and drag me. I kicked him hard, making the man yell in pain, giving me enough time to get up and try to run again.

The man however didn't give up so easily. He chased after me, struggling to grab me as I tried desperately to get him off me and run. Just then, I heard a loud battle cry coming from behind us. We both looked in the direction of where it was coming from and it was little wolf, running towards us with axe in hand. The settler turned to face little wolf and pulled out a knife ready to fight. Little wolf swung at the man but missed as the man dodged it and began trying to stab him as little wolf continued to try and land a blow to the man's body. Both continued to try and kill each other until finally the man made the final blow to little wolf by stabbing him in the heart. Little wolf yelled in a loud scream before falling the ground, gripping the wound with his hand as the axe fell along side him. The man then took off somewhere else while I ran to little wolf, crying, tears falling down my face as I let out a small no.

"Little wolf! Little wolf! Please! You got to get up! We have to get out of here!" I scream.

"Little feather. Please run. Leave me." He said, coughing and gasping from trying to breathe.

"N-no, I can't do that. You need help."

"No, run. You have to flee and live for the both of us and our tribe." He said, couple tears ran down his face as he continued to cough and struggle for breath.

I sighed, shaking my head in frustration and anger at me not being able to help him.

"Little feather, go now before it's too late."

"I-I can't. I can't just leave you and everyone like this."

"You must."

He had a look on his face that told me everything that I needed to know. He was going to die and I needed to run and live.

I sighed again and said "Fine, I'll will go."

There was a faint smile on his face as he put a hand on my cheek and said "I would have given anything to be with you, you know that, little feather? Even if, I had to defy the gods to do it. I will always love you. And I pray you live, not only for me but for you self too."

I cried as I put a hand on his and sniffed. I watched him look up at the sky and slowly stop moving, his eyes looking peaceful as I could no longer hear him breath. I screamed at the thought of losing my best friend and put my head down on his chest and cried before having to force myself to get up and run.

I ran as fast and as far as I could from the village, making sure that the settlers didn't see me fleeing as I went into the woods.

Once safe in the woods, I stopped running and caught my breath, taking deep breaths as I did so. I looked behind me to see if anyone else had either followed me or escaped but there was no one. I was the person who managed to escape and the only one now who needed to survive. All I saw as I looked at the village now was a burning inferno of huts as the settlers set them ablaze and I knew in that moment, I had nothing left. Nothing but a little feather still stuck in my hair, white and painted black on the end.

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