Ch.12.Little Fox.

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{I Don't own BNHA or The Reader}

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"To be in the presence of greatness is a pleasure indeed" Izuku tugged his hand out of the grasp of the newbie, quite a strange one indeed, "my apologies I must of stepped out of line for doing such a thing, will I be getting a punishment for my deeds?".

"No" the male responded, annoyed and disgusted by this new requite, honestly he had no times for flirts on the team, unless they were honestly good at their job, and this one he honestly did not know, their hair was covered by their hood, their eye color was hidden by the dark cloth that was in the eye holes of their mask, the mask they chosen hid their eyes and nose not their mouth, clever but it could need work, "anyways you shall refer to me as Rouge, I shall be leading this expedition, do give me the names you have chosen to be called".

"Hell Hound" a quiet voice spoke up, her villain costume included a dark full face mask, what seemed to be a support gear headset shaped like dog ears, her hair was pink and the suit she had on was full body and dark in color as well, leaving nothing exposed, she seemed actually ready for this kind of work.

"Raze at your service" the flirt stated winking "but you may call me yours" honestly the green haired male was uncertain if they were winking at him from behind that mask, they probably were, Izuku was indeed going to dislike this task.

"Please do not flirt with our superior, Raze" a silky voice stated as a female with long dark locks hit the flirt on the back of the head with what appeared to be a paper fan, their outfit unlike the others contained a dark blue kimono top and a pair of black pants with red flowers printed on them, their mask was a pure white and covered their entire face, with the kanji for love printed on the side, "pardon my rudeness you may call me Chi".

"Thank you for hitting him Chi" Izuku or rather Rouge stated with a sigh "I assume this is all of you?" he thought their would be a few more wishing to join but it seems he got three, he could indeed work with this group, Raze not so much but Hell Hound and Chi showed potential unlike the flirt so far, "than it is time we began the plan of infiltration, this is a two day mission, I do hope you all have come up with cover up stories for your families".

The three nodded and made their way towards their superior for this mission, the three had indeed been the ones picked to go with the male for this mission their had been others but they were assigned with a different task, something along the lines of babysitting.

Rouge pulled out what he had been given by his father, a map of the building they would be infiltrating soon, and he began telling the group his plan for what they would be doing for the next two days, and so far there was no disagreements.

Hopefully the group of four would be able to do this mission without complications, with their plans set the group was soon gone from their meeting spot heading to do their mission with the help of one of Kurogiri's portals, a man whom needed to be paid for all the glorious work he did.


"How did you loose a child!?" 

"I-I don't know!"

"Stop your whining boss will have our heads if we don't find her!"

Three teenage villains had somehow 'lost' the child they were supposed to be watching unaware to the fact that said child was with a certain fox and the two were enjoying lunch under the floor boards, all while watching the three run around from the laptop that was with them, cameras indeed came in handy.

"Kit-chan their funny I like them, can we keep them?" {Y/N} questioned her teacher with a giggle, before taking a bite out of her sandwich, "Do you think Nii-Chan is having fun with his new friends?".

"Hopefully the young Prince is enjoying himself, the three chosen seemed rather interesting" the fox hummed, mask down as they sipped at their smoothie, "Little fox do you wish to leave them be and head to the aquarium, I heard their giving out dolphin plushies today".

The {H/C} and green haired child lit up, "I wanna go, we can also pick up some cake afterwards for my new friends" she giggled "we going to go zoom zoom?" she tilted her head as the fox picked her up.

"Yes we are going as you call it Zoom zoom there" the fox replied, and soon the two had vanished like they were never there to begin with only leaving their little picnic behind, to be found by one of the males whom had accidently fell through the floor. 

Unfortunately the three would spend four more hours trying to find the five year old before she and the fox came back from the aquarium, and the newbies would learn the hardest task was keeping an eye on a child.

Because apparently the hardest mission yet was babysitting, because if the child didn't like you, well you die, they were honestly lucky she liked them and didn't dislike them, {Y/N} was honestly going to have fun with her new friends.

Hopefully they would be able able to stay because she really loved playing hide and seek with them, they were bad at seeking but it was funny watching them run around, that day had ended with them eating cake while Kitsune hid their face from view.

Because the newbies shall not see their face till they have proven themselves, and speaking of masks they had gotten their little fox a mask to hide her face so in case the newbies betrayed them well nobody would be able to recognize the child.

Not like anybody would believe them, because of the fact she was a child a very innocent cinnamon roll, according to those who met her, and soon these three would be wrapped around her little finger just like all the others before them.

Because nobody could break free from her clutches once they had been caught, soon the world would learn that the most innocent things could in fact be the most dangerous.

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{I might rewrite this chapter, honestly uncertain if I will...I like some parts not all of them, oh well~ hope you all enjoyed this confusing thing that may or may not be rewritten, also have fun guessing the traitors~}   


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