Ch.16.Little Fox.

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{I Don't own BNHA or The Reader}

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"I need a favor" Izuku sat in a booth located in an old diner, a plate of greasy fries covered in a toxic yellow melted cheese sauce, Chili and onions sat on the table in-front of him along with two milkshakes, and chili cheese covered hotdogs.

He had overheard certain things at lunch the other day, and the sports festival would be tomorrow after all, he didn't have time for getting his hands dirty, he had to keep his act up after all, luckily he had a contact that wasn't afraid to dirty his hands with the blood of a hero.

"Depends on the favor kid" the mans green hair was tied back as his eyes stared into the soul of the teen across from him, lifting his milkshake to take a sip as his scales began to itch. He was curious the kid only ever called if he needed a hitman, and well it was worrying, I mean the kid was sort of like his boss, he was once the kids body guard for a mission.

"There's a man I need taken care of, you see he's a bit abusive" Izuku twirled his hand a bit before grabbing one of the fries from the basket, it was oh so greasy but oh so good even if it may kill him one day, "currently he's the number two hero, though I don't think that's to much of a challenge for you is it?"

The man's eyes glinted, "The flaming fucker?" he chuckled before seeing the look on the kids face, "Ya' serious really 'kid?", he hated the guy as well I mean his roommates despised the guy after all, "I'll do it on one condition"

"That is?" Izuku leaned forward curious as to what the male wanted to do this job, it was either cash, which wasn't a problem or a favor of sorts which wasn't impossible depending on what ever it was, an eye for an eye they always say.

"You owe me a favor, not telling you what kind and we both know your mind shit don't work on me because of my quirk so no diving into my mind" Izuku really hated the fact the man was right, "so do we got a deal?"

"Of course" he reached his hand across the table, "It's always a pleasure doing business with you Lee" he slid out of the booth after the man had shook his hand, he would get his food to go in a take out container, because this was his favorite spot after all, "hopefully you pull through with your end of the deal", and with that he left with his food in a take out box.

Leaving Lee alone in that diner, as the man sighed that kid really got on his nerves sometimes, honestly he wouldn't have it any other way, if the kid didn't get on his nerves he'd be worried it was an imposter, though Lee did realize he was left to pay the tab not that he minded this was what usually occurred after all.

But now Lee had another thing to do, and that was to figure out how to kill the flaming pile of trash that was the number two hero.

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Cuddled together on the couch was Eri and {Y/N}, a fluffy blanket wrapped around them both as the T.V flashed with a horror movie of some kind, the two children watched it in complete interest never taking their eyes off it.

Eri moved closer to her savior when another jump scare had her quiver in fear, luckily she had the {H/C} and green haired girl by her side, the two were being watched by a certain fox and Ninja, whom at the moment were refiling the popcorn bucket.

All in all the four were just having a movie day while everyone else was at work, the newbies were no longer allowed to watch the children in the league until next week after all, it's quite sad that nobody realized that there wasn't just one imposter among them in that school, in all hero schools for that matter.

"You know kids are cute" Kakashi told his partner, watching as they covered the popcorn in melted butter, as he popped more in the popcorn maker, honestly the Kitsune was tempted to drown the popcorn in milk duds and chocolate candies, "Maybe we could have a kid of our own some day".

"Seeing as I am capable of reproduction by the fact I do indeed have both parts due to my origins I am not against the idea" the fox told their partner, "though I regret to inform you that our activities as of now we have no time to raise a child for we have the little Kit to take care of, till this is all over we can try to reproduce".

Kakashi blinked, before sighing honestly he expected no less from his partner, "I'll wait however long we need to" he stated, because they weren't good people, they weren't meant to have a life like this but that was how the world worked after all, there fate was to play the villains and stand beside the one destine to change the outcome of the society.

With the popcorn done along with their conversation the two headed back to the children, joining them on the couch and passing them the bucket of popcorn, for now they'd enjoy their free time before tomorrow.

For the sports festival would have them quite busy after all.

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