A Very Hetic Day

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to the people who wanted the drawing of baby Anti here it is. I hope you enjoy I haven't drawn in a hot minute so apologies if it's bad or not as great as you hoped. yes I know I forgot to color in the ear ik I realized that after so sorry!

Also Side Note: Theres a lot of like things happening at once. Like of lot of "Back downstairs" and such so just now that I'm trying to say while one thing is happening in that area another thing is happening at the same time. If that makes sense I'm sorry if this is confusing just wanted to let you know.

@Virtual_Foxy came up with the idea for Darks accident and @lgcutie4 suggested that Mark and Dark get closer so thank you to you two as well as many others !

The sun came through the slight opening of the window causing it to shine in Marks face. Mark scrunched up his face before his eyes fluttered open. He rubbed at his eyes for a bit before seeing the sight in front of him. Jack with his arms around Anti holding him close. Anti was snuggled into Jack's chest his head buried. The sight made Mark smile.

Mark sat up in bed stretching a bit. He looked back over to see Jack awake smiling. "Good morning you." Mark smiled at him. Jack gently got up, careful to not wake up Anti before laying him on the bed. Jack yawned as Mark checked Anti. He was still burning up badly, he also checked Anti pull up. A small "hmfp" came from Mark causing Jack to look up.

"What's wrong?" Jack asked. "Let's just say it was a good idea for him to be in a pull-up." Mark replied. A small chuckle left Jacks lips. "Can you hand me a new pull-up please?" Mark nodded before getting up and handing Jack the supplies needed. Jack started to change Anti careful not to wake him up while Mark spoke quietly. "His skin is still boiling."

Jack sighed as he finished up throwing the extra stuff away and washing his hands. "Poor boy. Looks like he's gonna have to stay in bed for a while until he gets over it." Mark got up making sure Anti was comfortable before nodding. "Well since we're up you wanna make breakfast? I don't hear anyone awake right now." Jack smiled as he followed Mark out the door and too the kitchen.

"So what are you thinking for breakfast?" Jack said as he entered the kitchen, seeing Mark looking in the fridge. "Hmm eggs, bacon, and some waffles?" Mark said looking at Jack. "Hungry huh." Jack laughed as Mark rolled his eyes a little smiling. The two started getting the ingredients together. Jack started making the eggs while Mark cooked the bacon. The two enjoyed each other's time together something they haven't gotten for a bit.

The two where happily chatting making a lot of food since they had 13 people living in the house. While cooking they heard the faintest sobbing before it got louder and louder. Both Jack and Mark looked over to the doorway of the kitchen to see a crying Anti. Still in his clothes form last night. His face was a bit red from crying and he had big tears rolling down his little cheeks, his soother dangling from his shirt.

"Anti what are you doing up? You're not supposed to be down here you should be resting." Jack said coming over to pick him up. Anti clung to Jack crying into his shirt. "Y-You w-w-weren't th-there whe-en I woke up! I-I m-m-m-issed yo-you." "Anti I'm gonna put you back to bed okay? You're sick you need to lay down." Jack said rubbing Anti back while Mark turned off the fire on the stove. "NO!!! I-I want yo-you th-there!!" Anti held on tighter to Jack his crying getting louder.

Due to him crying so much he started coughing very harshly. Jack started patting Anti back while Mark tried to shush him. "Jack maybe you should go upstairs with him. It's obvious he's not gonna stay there unless you're there." Mark said as he put Anti soother in his mouth as he slightly suckled on it. "Yeah but I don't wanna leave you alone with all the other egos." Jack said still rubbing Anti back who was now only muffle crying into Jack's neck.

"I can handle it Jack don't worry about me. Just worry about him he's sick at least you can keep an eye on him. I'll be fine I promise just have him rest." Mark said pleading with Jack. "Fine I'll go upstairs. If you need anything don't be afraid to ask okay?" Mark nodded as Jack headed upstairs. "How are you feeling Anti?" Jack entered his room closing the door before sitting on the bed with Anti on his lap.

"Bad and yucky." Anti mumbles into Jack's chest. "Yeah I bet let's get you a trash can just Incase." Jack set Anti down causing him to whine loudly but Jack didnt say anything and got a trash can. He set it at the side of the bed before picking up Anti again. His skin was still hot but at least not as bad as last night. Felt like he was on fire. "Here let's watch cartoons what do you wanna watch?" Jack said getting the remote.

"CatDog." Anti said. So Jack put it on for him to watch but he wasn't paying too much attention to it. All Anti did was whine out. "What's wrong bug?" Jack was laying on some pillows that where on the leaning on the head rest of his bed. Anti was sitting on Jack's lap laying back on Jack's stomach and such. "Hurts." Anti said tears forming from his eyes. "Hey hey I know it hurts it's gonna but don't cry. It's okay I'm here." Jack said running his fingers through Anti hair.

Anti started to calm down a little. Some silent tears running down his face. He snuggled up with Jack watching TV. Back downstairs Mark was finishing up cooking breakfast. During this time Wilford, Google, Schneep, Dr.Iplier, Jackieboy, and Dark where all downstairs watching cartoons. Mark was finishing the last bits of breakfast.

While also making some soup for Anti, since he had a feeling he couldn't eat anything big. Mark from the kitchen was keeping an eye on the egos. The two doctors talking to themselves while the rest watch TV. Well Wilford was also bugging Dark to. Once Mark finished he put all of their food on a plate and cut up their waffles.
He set their plates on the table, but for the one in highchairs he set them on the counter.

As he needed them to be in the seat before giving them their food. Mark saw that not all of the egos where there so he went upstairs to get the others. First he went Jack's ego room to wake up JJ and Chase. It was still kinda weird for him but he tried to brush it off the best he could. He walked over to their crib before gently shaking them.

"Hey you two wake up now. I made breakfast come eat yeah?" The two woke up yawning as Mark helped them get out. He helped them down the steps making sure to watch them as they held on to the side rails of the stairs to get down. Once they where safely downstairs he went over to his egos room. Again doing the same thing to King just gently waking him up, before he put his head on his collarbone.

"You gotta wake up now King, I made breakfast." Mark spoke softly. King whined a little before rubbing his eyes as they walked downstairs. "Breakfast is ready guys." Mark called as he walked into the dining room/kitchen having the rest follow. The oldest sat at the table while Mark helped the youngest into their highchairs.

While Mark was buckling them up he handed them their food as well. Now it was time for Dark. But of course he didn't wanna he picked up not at all. "Dark come on let me help you." Mark said. "No I don't need your help! Why do I have to sit in this!? Why can't I sit at the table!?" Dark stomped his foot. They where outside the room (like in the living room in a way) so the other didnt see.

"Dark we aren't gonna do this right now. Just let me help you so you can eat alright? The longer you stall the longer you have to be in it." Dark huffed but let Mark pick him up before reentering the kitchen and being buckled into the highchair. He handed Dark his plate along with handing out everyone something to drink. "Mark did you have to cut it up?" Dr.Iplier asked looking up at him.

"It's easier to eat trust me it's fine." Mark replied. "Hey wherez Jack and Anti?" Schneep called from the table. "Oh Anti sick so Jack's watching him. Which means no one is allowed in the room. We don't want anyone else sick." Mark states. They all nod and went back to eating. Now that they where taken care of he got Jack and Anti food brining it upstairs. "I'll be back." Mark calls as he heads upstairs with a plate of food.

Mark gently opens the door to see Anti still looking very ill laying in a ball next to Jack. Jack held him close. "Breakfast is ready." Mark said smiling. Both Jack and Anti got up as Jack smiled. "You didn't have to bring it up here, I could have come downstairs you know." Jack said helping Mark place the food on the bedside table.

"Yeah but I have a feeling Anti wouldn't let you." Mark felt Anti forehead. "Still hot?" Jack asked. "It's cooled down but not by a lot at least he's not boiling." Mark replied. Jack nodded, "Thanks Mark." "No problem I should probably get going now though. Don't know how much longer until something happens." Jack nodded as Mark left the room closing the door.

Jack moved Anti's bowl to the side while getting his plate, and setting it on the bed. "Oh crap he didn't bring me syrup. Hold on Anti I'll feed you in a second." "Why do I have to have soup?" Anti asked. "Cause you're sick and throwing up, and I highly doubt you can handle anything big right now." Jack replied. "I can handle it!" Anti whines. "No Anti." Jack got his phone to text Mark if he could give him some syrup.

Since Jack was on his phone not paying attention Anti, he decided to take advantage of this moment. Jack's food was nicely placed on the plate next to him. He didn't want soup he wanted food! Everything on that plate looked so good! Especially the eggs. Anti discreetly looked up at Jack still on his phone. So he took a little pice of his egg as it was scrambled egg and ate it. It tasted so good! But then regret started to kick in as Anti felt really sick.

Like REALLY sick. Wanting to throw up sick. Uh oh. "Jack." Anti quietly called out ready to throw up. Jack put his phone down seeing Anti clearly uncomfortable. "I feel s-sick." Anti quickly put his hands over his mouth and Jack got the message. He moved his plate to the bed side table again and got the trash can from the floor.

He put it in front of Anti helping him before Anti threw up again. Jack was patting his back making sure Anti didn't spill and get it on himself or the bed. He didn't care if it got on him he just wanted Anti to be okay. After he finished Jack set the trash can aside while wiping his mouth with a napkin. Anti's bottom lip quivered as tears kept streaming down his face. He hated throwing up it always hurt every time. Jack held him close to his shoulder as he rubbed his back.

Anti clutched Jack shirt crying and mumbling things in his shirt. "I know it hurts bug I know it hurts. You got it out just breath okay? Take deep breaths for me." Jack ran his fingers through Anti hair as Anti took deep breaths. "Bug how'd you throw up you didn't eat anything." Anti stayed quite. "Anti." Anti whined. "I-I..I had a pice of your egg when you weren't looking..." He said in shame. "I told you not to eat that bug it's too much for you right now." Jack said making Anti look at him.

Anti cried again mumbling something into Jack's shirt. "What was that bug?" Jack asked. He mumbled something again. "You need to speak up bug I can't hear you." Jack said once again. "I-I-I sowwy daddy!!" Anti cried loudly wrapping his arms around Jack neck. "I'm sorry!!" Jack stood there frozen. Did he just call him what he thinks he called him? Is that how he saw him? Or is it just the baby like part of his brain?

Anti crying brought him back into reality as he hugged him close to him. Playing with his hair and rocking him slowly. "It's okay Anti really it is. I know you wanted to eat my food but you couldn't I told you. I only told you cause I care okay? I want the best for you. Now do you think it's okay to eat the soup?" Anti pulled away nodding while rubbing at his eyes. Jack set him down on the bed getting his food and Anti.

Jack texted Mark to bring some syrup and while he waited he fed Anti. Mark was downstairs At this point the boys where finishing up their food so they where already gone. The only ones who where there where King, Dark, Dr.Iplier, and Chase. Mark was cleaning up the rest of the of the plates and table waiting for the others to finish. "Almost done?" Mark asked. Chase nodded and so did King meaning they where ready to get out of their high chair.

Mark took their stuff setting it aside while taking them out and setting them on the ground. "Go hang out in the living room okay?" Mark told them. Chase nodded going to the toy chest they had in the living room getting his toy . "Mark come with me!" King said raising his arms up. "Hold on King. I gotta clean up just go hang out in the living room for now." Mark said putting the rest of the dishes in the sink. King whined pouting before going into the living room.

Dr.Iplier finished going into the living room with the others. The only one left was Dark. "Almost done Dark?" Mark asked. Dark was sitting there still a bit upset for being put in a highchair but said yes anyways. While Mark was taking away his plate Dark called for him. "Mark can I have more" he held up his sippy cup. "Please?" He didn't wanna look at Mark so he looked to the side with his head on his hand.

"That's your third cup already Dark." Mark took his cup before pouring more juice in it and screwing on the lid and handing it over to Dark. Mark got Dark out of the highchair as Dark left the room drinking from his cup. Mark got a text from Jack asking for some syrup. Mark got the syrup brining it upstairs to Jack. "Heh sorry." Mark said closing the door.

"It's okay Mark, thanks though." Jack said taking the syrup and putting it on his waffles. Mark saw he was trying to feed himself and Anti at the same time which obviously wasn't gonna work. "Here Jack let me help you." Mark started to cut Jacks waffles and feed him. "It's like a train!" Jack laughed making Mark smile. "So how's Marvin?" Jack asked turning his full attention to Mark. "He's well it's hard to say." Mark answered.

"Did you talk to him last night?" Mark said putting the soup bowl away. Anti didn't mind he wasn't paying he was watching cartoons. "I just told him I'll talk to him in the morning, but Anti got sick so I got distracted. I told him I would talk about his punishment but I still haven't. I should probably talk to him though." Jack said looking a little guilty.

"Hey Jack it's okay. Don't feel bad you can go talk to him I'll watch Anti." Mark offered smiling. "Thanks Mark." Jack got up from the bed, exiting the room closing the door behind him before going to the living room. Anti saw this and started to tear up and tried getting off the bed before Mark stopped him. "It's alright Anti he'll be back let finish eating okay?" Mark said as he stated to spoon feed Anti who accepted.

Jack went downstairs seeing everyone on the couch. They where all watching the Corpse Bride. They all seemed memorized by the movie that was until Jack called. "Marvin? Can you come here please?" They all looked up some smiling Marvin not looking the best. He looked at Jack with an annoyed angry look on his face. "Please Marv I need to talk to you." Jack asked calmly . Marvin sighed but got off the couch and walked over to him.

Jack picked him up walking upstairs. Any other time Marvin wouldn't mind this but right now was different though he didn't fight it. He just sat there. He went into his egos room before sitting down on the floor and having Marvin sit across from him. "Marvin about last night-" "I don't care!" Marvin spoke. "What?" Jack said. "I don't care just get me in trouble already!" Marvin pouted looking down. "Marv I just wanted to ask as to why you did it." Jack said calmly again.

"Can you answer me that please?" Jack continued. "Cause he's mean. He's always been mean and he was always making fun of me when I was younger because he was "older." Well now I'm older than him and now he can see what a jerk he's being! Now he knows what it feels like and what he did to all of us!" Marvin said. He sounded hurt when speaking it hurt Jack too. He knew Anti was being mean he knew. "Marv I know he's been mean and was being mean but that doesn't mean you should fight back like that. It doesn't fix it it just makes it worse for the both of you."

"He's changing though." Jack continued. "He's been trying to get better he just feels defenseless now. Being a kid just like you, you all hated it and still do. Your personality's are changing because it's two things mixing together. Your adult minds and your young minds. Plus you're older too. You don't have to be his role model because you're older but at least try and set some example that it's okay to be good. You're one of the greatest people I know. And I know it's hard for you in this state but you're doing so well."

Jack said letting the words sink in to Marvin. "And another thing I love all of you. You all mean so much to me and telling someone no one wants them around isn't right. I know you don't believe in people doing that too." Jack added. Marvin looked up with some tears falling down. Jack saw this and hugged Marvin close to him. Marvin didn't hold back he held on to Jack tightly crying. "I'm sorry Jack! I didn't mean for you to be mad at me I'm sorry I'm sorry! I'm such a bad person!!"

Marvin sobbed into Jack's chest. "Hey." Jack said cashing Marvin to look up. "You're not a bad person you made a mistake it happens. One mistake doesn't mean you're the worst. I still love you very much and I don't see you as a bad person. I just need you to know to never to do that ever again. We could have lost someone." To be honest Marvin did feel bad when he did it. He wasn't thinking when he did it and thought Anti was gonna get a simple timeout or something.

Or it was gonna blow over but it didn't. He didn't show it but he was so thankful Anti was found but also incredibly angry. He didn't know why he just was. So he thought being mean and saying stuff to Anti would make him feel better, but it didn't. It made him feel worse. When he cried last night it wasn't cause he got yelled at. It was the guilt he was carrying and how much a terrible person he felt.

Hearing these words from Jack made him feel better and crying it out helped. Marvin cried for a while as Jack started humming to sooth him which helped. "You're gonna be okay, I promise." "Is he mad at me?" Marvin asked as he wiped his tears with his sleeves. "I'm not sure Marv but I thinks it's best to apologize. You guys are technically related I'd hate to see you two fight." Marvin put his head back on Jack's chest.

"But first your punishment." Jack said. "No mask for the whole week and you have to have early nap and bed time for the week. Understand?" Marvin nodded seeing as there was no point to argue. He was sad to lose the mask though he didn't feel complete without it. Jack knew this too but Marvin needs to understand how bad the situation could have gotten if he didn't find Anti. "Now I think you should apologize."

Marvin nodded again as Jack picked him up going to his and Mark room. "Hey Anti I think Marvin here wants to talk to you." Jack said. Once Anti heard the word Marvin he whimpered and hide next to Mark who set the bowl aside and and held onto him. "It's okay Anti he's not gonna do anything he's here to say sorry." Jack said placing Marvin on the bed next to Anti. Mark did the same for Anti he was scared and tried going back but Mark stopped him.

"Just listen to him okay?" Mark said softly. "Uh Anti I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I did it was really really mean. It's just cause you where mean to me and the others so I wanted to show you how it felt like, but I took it too far. I'm sorry for saying those mean things too I didn't mean any of them. I was just mad. I'm sorry you didn't deserve that." Marvin said. Both he and Anti has some tears slip.

"I-It's okay Marvin. I deserved it for being so mean." Anti said. "I shouldn't have done it even if you where mean I'm sorry." Marvin said. "It's okay I forgive you." Anti replied. Marvin hugged Anti who hugged back. It was cute because of their hight difference anti being smaller and Marvin being just a bit taller. Anti started coughing so Mark pulled him away form Marvin so he doesn't get sick. "You did so well Marv!" Jack praised him picking him up.

"I'm gonna take you to the living room now so you don't get sick okay?" Jack said to Marvin who nods before waving bye to Anti. Anti waved back as Jack carried him downstairs. He got to the bottom set before he ran off and Jack went back upstairs. "So how'd it go?" Mark asked. Jack then told him the whole story and what his punishment is so Mark knows.

Downstairs while that was happening everyone was watching the Corpse Bride. Well except for Dark he was paying attention to something else. Having four cups of juice was now becoming a bad idea. He was trying to focus on not doing something really embarrassing. He kept crossing his legs to help. What DIDNT help was that Wilford who was next to Dark would scare him. Dark would sometimes Yelp causing the others to stare.

Though he tried playing it off and was tired of Wilford scaring him. "Will stop that!" Dark shouted. "What stop getting so scared. Unless you're a chicken." Wilford said with a sly look of his face. "Wilford I'm not scared it's just annoying." Dark turned away and Wilford scared him once again. Dark got frustrated and definitely needed to use the bathroom it wasn't helping.

So Dark got off the couch and tried going to the stairs but Wilford wasn't letting him. "Dark come here!" Wilford said pulling him away from the stairs. "Will stop I need to-" Wilford led him to the kitchen for some reason. "Watch this!" Wilford said so fast and in a blink of an eye he vanished. Dark was now crossing his legs. "Wilford please let me go-" a pink sparkly cloud came before him as Wilford let out a big scare.

The pink cloud went from a darker color and took a form like a monster behind him. A giant scary one. It had multiple eyes and claws with sharp teeth. It's head was twisted and so was it's body. It was surprising to see he had this much control over his power though he was a bit older. Or maybe it's just Darks child like brain making it look scary. Dark let out a scream making Wilford laugh. "Hahah! You should see the look on your face!" Wilford ran off to the living room laughing and giggling.

Dark was angry ready to go upstairs to go to the bathroom. When he realized something. Something didn't feel right. Something felt wet. Dark looked down seeing a puddle. Oh no. NO NO NO No this CANNOT be happening! Darks breathing picked up as tears started to well up in his eyes. He felt so embarrassed and mortified. Did he really just do what he think he did!? He felt even more embarrassed with his instincts.

His instincts where to cry and call for Mark. He didn't know why he wanted to call and get help from him. But that's what he wanted. It was very noticeable seeing of how much there was. His pants where soaked as well. He tried holding back his tears but he felt like he was gonna start choking on them. He let them fall as he ran out the sliding door and closed it, hidding behind a tree Jack had his backyard. He sat behind the tree and just cried hoping it would all go away.

As Marvin walked downstairs he saw Chica in the kitchen. Just walking around sniffing. Naturally he wanted to pet her but noticed something on the floor. There was a puddle. Not just any puddle a pee puddle. Marvin thought Chica went to the bathroom in the kitchen so he ran to go get Mark. "MARK!!" Marvin called running upstairs knocking on the door.

Both Mark and Jack heard the knocking so Mark got up opening the door. "Yes Marvin?" "Chica peed in the kitchen." Marvin said looking up at Mark. "Ugh really?!" Mark said rolling his eyes. "Okay thank you Marvin I'll get it right now you can go play now." Marvin left downstairs as Mark looked over at Jack. "Sorry Jack I didn't think she would, you know." Mark said. "Oh no it's okay really. It just happen." Jack said smiling as he played with Anti hair.

As Anti was laying on Jack's lap. Still coughing. Mark got the plates and started to clean up the area. "Thank you Mark." Jack said. "It's not problem. Anyways I should probably get going before the smell lingers." Jack and Mark both laughed before Mark left the room closing the door and heading downstairs. He passed the living room seeing as they where playing Little Big Planet3. It was Wilford, Jackieboy, JJ, and Chase playing.

Mark set the dishes in the sink before getting a mop and such cleaning up the mess on the floor. "Come one Chica you're trained you knew where to go yesterday what happened?" Mark mumbled to himself. Once finished and after he washed his hands he saw Chica enter the kitchen. "Chica bad girl! You know not to go in the house." Mark said sternly. Of course Chica didn't care as she had no idea what he was talking about.

"Bad girl you go outside." Mark opened the back door to the yard. To Chica it seemed like she was just going outside so she happily ran out. Mark was just about to close the door but saw that she ran behind the tree. He thought Chica was gonna go to the bathroom so he made sure to watch, to make sure she knew. But instead she was sniffing something and he saw a little hand try and push her away.

Mark slowly got closer to the tree hearing whimpers and cries to what sounded like a child. Once he got close enough he saw Dark. Curled up in a ball crying what sounded like his heart out. Chica was still there sniffing him which he clearly didn't want. "Chica bed." He stated causing her to run back inside to her bed. Mark crouched down next to Dark speaking softly.

"Dark what are you doing out here? What happened why are you crying?" But Dark didn't answer. He just kept crying into his hands. Mark sighed softly before picking up Dark and setting him on his hip. And in that second he knew exactly what was wrong. "Dark did you..where you the one who had an accident in the kitchen?" Mark asked still in a soft voice. Again Dark didn't say anything he just cried and cried.

Dark himself didn't even noticed Mark picked him up. All he knew was someone was there and Dark held onto them. That someone being Mark. Dark had a tight grip on Marks shirt and cried into it. "Hey Shh Shh it's okay Dark. I cleaned up the mess already, let's just get you all cleaned yeah? You're gonna be okay I've got you. You're alright." Mark said rubbing Darks back as he went back inside closing the screen door.

In a way Dark was okay with this. Again he didn't really understand what was going on. All he knew was that someone was gonna fix it and make it better. They where helping him. Mark was helping him. He didn't noticed they where walking as he just cried and didnt even bother looking up. "It's okay Dark it happens sometimes you're okay." Mark said as he entered his and Jack's room.

As soon as he entered with a crying Dark Jack looked up at him concerned. "Whats wrong what happened?" Jack asked his eyes following Mark. Mark open the closet door as that's where they kept the pull ups and such and got one from the bag. "He had a A-C-C-I-D-E-N-T." Mark said causing Jack to frown. "Poor baby." "Oh uh do you need one for him?" Mark said pointing at Anti who was wrapped up in a blanket still watching cartoons. He was gently sucking on his space pacifier he grew attached to it very quickly.

Jack shook his head no."No it's okay I changed him already." Mark nodded grabbing a pull up and left the room closing the door once again. He went to his ego room and got some new clothes from the door. This whole time Dark was crying while Mark was trying to shush him. Once they got to the bathroom his sobs turned into hiccups. Mark set the clothes and such to the side while turning on the water to a nice temperature and even adding bubbles.

They got this stuff when they where all asleep at the baby store. They got them all bathroom related things for their age. Soaps, toys, lotions, everything. They had gotten a toy that sticks to the side of the tub and it pours water out. It even had little toys on the side.

(This I'm not sure how to explain it so that's why the description is bad but that's what it is I'm sorry but I think it's cute and they'd like it)

Mark set Dark down and started taking off his shirt and then he went to his pants. But once Mark tried to take off his pants Dark shuffled away or tried. He was whimpering and looking down. "Dark it's okay, you need to be cleaned and we can't do that unless we take off your clothes. It's nothing really we all have the same parts." Mark said lightly. Dark didn't answer as Mark took off his pants and such setting him in the water.

Mark put some toys in the water for Dark while he put some Shampoo in his hand. "I'm not a child Mark I don't need-" Dark cut himself off looking at the brightly colored toys. They did kinda look fun and so did the bubbles. Dark started playing with the bubbles just a little not even noticing Mark was washing his hair. Though Dark did catch himself and crossed his arms. "I-I'm not a child!" Dark said.

Mark smiled as he spun the little toys on the side of the tub catching Dark attention. Dark lifted his hand slowly and spun the toy. Causing it to make little noises and water to sprinkle around it. Dark spun it again giggling as he added some bubbles. He then stopped when he heard himself laugh looking away turning red. "Dark you can play with it it's okay. I'm not gonna tell anyone."

Mark smiled at him as he gently massaging the shampoo in his hair. Dark crossed his arms again looking away. Mark sighed but continued with the bath anyways. He washed his hair with water adding conditioner and doing the same thing. Dark was pouting being angry mumbling things like how the toys were dumb and he didn't need it. Sometimes he would move his head or hit the water.

Mark let out a frustrated sigh. He knew Dark was just upset and embarrassed about what happened so he didn't push it too much. Mark again pushed the toy letting it play once again getting Dark attention. Mark again smiled and spun it again. Dark just kept looking in amazement.

He giggled as he played with the bubbles making it spin again. His giggling grew seeming as his 2 year old self was shining threw. He added more bubbles with it. Mark let out a relived chuckle since Dark was being easy now. Mark was washing his body lifting him up and then once he was done he grabbed a towel. "Come on Dark it's time to get out."

He gently lifted him out of the tub wrapping him up in a towel while he drained the tub. He grabbed the clothes and such and went into his ego room. He closed the door and started drying him but now Dark was being difficult again. He tried pushing him away and wrapped the towel around himself. "I can do it myself!" He stomped his foot. "Dark please let me help you." Mark said.

"NO! I don't want or need your help! I can do it myself!"

"Dark please let me just help you."

"You've never wanted to help me anyways! I know how to put on my own clothes!!"

"Dark.!" Mark said raising his voice just a bit at least to get his attention but Dark didn't like that. Tears welled up in the corners of his eyes. He clutched his fits and started stomping before he burst out screaming in a tantrum fit. His aura flashed blue and red growing in size. He was screaming as tears went down his face. He was sitting down the towel covering him as he squirmed and kicked.

Mark rolled his eyes having no time for this. He just picked him up drying him off as he laid him down. Dark was still screaming kicking his feet and moving his fist. Mark gently put his feet down holding it as he grabbed the pull up. Dark took a second from his screaming fit and looked down seeing the pull up and his eyes grew.

"NO! NO! NO! NO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING I DONT NEED IT IM NOT A CHILD!!!" He screamed more tears coming down. His aura flashed blue and red growing with each scream. And what sounded like cracking here and there. Screaming at the top of his lungs. "Dark we don't wanna risk it. It's just for protection." Mark said as he got Dark ready before sliding the pull up on him. He screamed and cried and kicked. Red and Blue flashed more. Mark picked him up and again he wasn't being easy.

Pushing him off or hitting his chest. He started putting on his clothes after many failed attempts of just trying to put his shirt on his clothes where on. Dark turned away from him before putting his head in his knees obviously upset. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Mark asked kneeling behind him.

"Talk about what!?" Dark snapped. "There's nothing to say!"

"Dark why are you always fighting me, I'm just trying to help you I don't know why you hate me."

"You know what you did!" Dark shouted again. Not in a tantrum like way just angry. Blue and red calming down just a bit but still very visible.

"I really don't so if you could please tell me what I did it could help us both."

"Don't act dumb you know what you did! You did everything to me and William! And you go on like it's nothing!! I never needed you and I don't wanna be here in this stupid body!!!" Dark finally stood up looking up at Mark. He had a mix of angry and hurt expression on his face. Tears once again treating to leave his eyes. The crackling sound coming back.

"..Dark are you talking about-"

"You took away everything from me! EVERYTHING!! You took it like it was nothing!" Dark said wiping his eyes trying not to cry. Red going first but blue taking over.

Mark staid silent. Dark kept wiping his eyes whimpering. Holding in hiccups of cry's trying not to burst out again.

"Dark are you talking about the events of Who Killed Markiplier?" He said concerned.

"What els-e would I be t-t-talking about?!" Red coming over.

"Dark you know that wasn't me."

"Oh sure it wasn't you! That doesn't make sense it was you. Don't t-try and co-over up what y-o-ou did! You made it b-a-ad." Now tears were leaving his eyes he was stuttering. Red and blue clashing together.He was trying to keep his defenses up but it was slowly falling down.

"Dark I may have dressed up and acted. But that's what it was, an act. I didn't know it was gonna actually effect you. And you do know me and the other Mark aren't the same. We're different people from different worlds. That's not me me it's just act me." Mark said now sitting on the floor as he gently pulled Dark close to him.

Dark was trying to fight but he didn't put up much of a fight. He just kept moving his head but allowed him to move closer to him. He gently made Dark look up at him wiping some of the tears off his face. "I never meant to hurt you. I didn't realize how much it would effect you." "Wh-Why cause we're nothing?! Jus-st some s-stupid characters!?" "No Dark that's not it. I just thought it wouldn't harm you. There was gonna be no trauma or someone getting hurt."

"You helps built this channel, you mean a lot. Not just to me but even the viewers too. I know I make those dumb jokes I don't care about you guys but I really do. I promise. No one was meant to get hurt and I'm really sorry I should have been more considerate. I'm really really sorry Dark I didn't know." Mark now had Dark sitting on his lap petting his hair as Dark bursted into tears latching on to Marks neck. His aura gone and so was the cracking sound. Just back to normal.

Mark being a little surprised by this slowly accepted and hugged him rubbing his back as he bounced him a little. "Just let it out, you need it." And he was right. Dark did need this. He was so angry and had so much built up hatred for Mark that he never said or did anything about it. Now in such a venerable state it was much harder to keep his composure. Especially since his child self came into play.

Mark would talk in a deep shushed voice saying comforting words to him still petting his hair. "I'm sorry." He mumbled out as his head was hurried in Marks shoulder so it sounded muffled. "For what?" "For being so difficult it's dumb and child like." "Dark you did nothing wrong it's understandable okay? You're okay and it's okay to act your age sometimes I've seen you guys do it."

Dark had calmed down still holding onto Mark his head leaning on his shoulder. "So about what happened in the kitchen..could you not make it or?" "I-I had to go and I was trying to go upstairs but Wilford wouldn't let me. So he took me to the kitchen and scared me and th-en." "Shh Shh I get it now thank you Dark."

The two spent just a few more minutes there on the floor. Mark holding him close thinking this was good for him and Dark. He looked at his watch seeing the time. "Oh damn I better be making lunch soon." Mark set Dark down but he quickly ran up to Mark clutching his shirt. Mark looked down confused as Dark just looked up at him. His one red eye and the other blue looking back up at Mark, making grabby hands.

((Btw I headcannon Dark has two different color eyes. One red one blue. Along with very floofy hair so imagine that anytime you see Dark in these chapters I should have said it earlier but oh well))

"Come on Dark let's go downstairs for lunch-" "Up! Up! Please Up!" Dark begged. Mark gave in picking him up carrying him on his hip. Dark laid his head in Mark neck playing with his own outfit. Dark was now wearing a green long sleeved shirt with a little soft bear on the front of it. Which took up the whole middle part of it. Along with great sweat like pants but still comfortable. It also had animals printed on it. Dark was still unsure of the pants just because what was under.

He tried hiding it by putting his hands over the front of it as they left the room. "It's okay Dark no ones gonna know I'll make sure of it." Mark whispered to him.  They walked downstairs seeing everybody still in the living just playing with each other. Mark went to the kitchen and started to pullout a bag of chicken nuggets and started to cook them.

While waiting in the nuggets he got a big plate for the food he did have to make a lot. Dark was still being held by Mark. He laid his head on his shoulder, arms wrapped around his neck as he played with the end of his sleeves. "Okay Dark I need to put you down for a second." Mark said now trying to put down Dark but he wouldn't let him. He held onto him tighter and whined. "Nooo!" He mumbled into Mark chest.

"Dark please these are very hot and I don't want either of us getting hurt." Mark said but Dark wasn't taking no for an answer. Mark said before speaking, "Would you be okay if I put you on the counter for a bit. Just while I get the nuggets out of the toaster oven." Dark sat there for a second thinking, before slowly nodding. Mark gently placed him on the kitchen counter obviously away from the toaster oven.

Dark watched as Mark got the big plate and a rag towel like thing to pull them out. Gently placing it on the plate. "Why are you placing it there?" Dark asked as Mark got plates for their ages. "I'm putting it here so it's easier for me and so I know everyone gets equal." He put some of the plates on the table and the rest to the side again highchairs. Everyone got eight Dino nuggets. And there where extras just Incase.

((Did I mention they're Dino nuggets. Dino nuggets slap.))

"Dark what kind of fruit do you want?" Mark also got bowls for them. "Watermelon." He answered kicking his feet slightly. Mark checked the fridge not sure if Jack had any watermelon. "You're in luck he has watermelon!" He cut up some pieces of watermelon and set it in the bowl. Mark picked up Dark again buckling him into his highchair, then setting his food on the tray. He gave him a sippy cup with water and called the others in.

"Don't they get some sides to?" Dark asked. "Of course they do, I just want them in here first so they can pick just like you did." Mark said getting condiments out from the fridge. Everyone came in smiling seating in their usual spots. Mark helping the others into their highchair and have everyone their food. They all got water in a sippy cup (not counting JJ, Chase, and King they had a bottle) and some fruit.

Chase had bananas, JJ also had watermelon, Schneep had oranges. Marvin had blueberries and Jackieboy had peaches. King had some mangos, Google had green grapes, Wilford had raspberries, and Dr. Iplier has strawberries. Everyone had a condiment for the nuggets as Mark texted Jack.

Mark: Hey is Anti hungry and are you hungry?

Jack: I'm not sure if he's hungry.

Jack looked down seeing as Anti was laying on his chest. Wrapped up in a soft blue blanket his space soother in his mouth gently sucking on it. He was very limp but he wasn't sure if it was cause he was sick or just tired. Jack ran his fingers through his hair while Anti was watching Invader Zim.  "Anti are you hungry? Do you wanna try some apple sauce?" Anti didn't answer he just nodded not really paying attention. Jack texted Mark.

"If you can bring some apple sauce and a spoon for Anti that would be great."

Mar texted back. "Do you want anything? I got some extra chicken nuggets."

"Yes please if you can bring it."

"I'll be there in a minute."

Mark got a plate putting some extra nuggets on there along with a prepackaged apple sauce and a spoon on the plate. "I'll be back guys." Mark called making his way upstairs. Mark entered their room setting the food to the side before giving a quick wave to Jack and then going back downstairs.

"Here Anti lets try eating something." He set Anti on the bed still wrapped up in his blanket. He opened up the package and started feeding him. Jack already knew he wasn't gonna feed himself so he did it for him. While feeding Anti he fed himself. Dark was eating peacefully taking some bites out of his watermelon before Wilford spoke. "Dark weren't you wearing something else?" Wilford called from table.

"I uh I don't know what you mean." Dark said not looking up from his plate/trays. "Yeah you had a different outfit on!" Dr.Iplier spoke. Dark started to play with the ends of his sleeves a bit nerves. A million thoughts where now running through his mind. Did they know? Did the figure it out? Was it noticeable what was underneath? "What ever happened to you? I last saw you in the kitchen and then-" Jackieboy was cut off by Mark walking in.

It was like perfect timing. Before Jackieboy could even finish Mark stepped in talking. "He was just dirty so I gave him a bath. And you all need a bath as well." They all pouted. "Don't worry about that now just eat your food." Mark continued. Dark and Mark both shared a look with each other. Dark still looking scared while Mark gave a soft smile. As if saying it's okay.

After lunch the boys finished and where all in the living room playing and hanging out. Well Dark was with Mark in his arms as he was cleaning up in the kitchen, when he heard faint excitement. He turned around seeing Jack in the kitchen with the plate in one hand and the empty apple sauce container in the other. He threw away the empty container in the trash and put the plate and spoon in the sink. "Jack what are you doing here? I thought Anti wouldn't let you leave." Mark questioned drying his hands still having a hold on Dark.

"Well he's in the middle of taking an early nap right now. I waited a bit to make sure he was asleep and then got up. I needed to stretch a bit and plus I felt bad you've been doing double work." Jack smiled and so did Mark. Dark looked a bit seeing Jack and Jack smiled at him. "Hey Dark." Mark was rubbing Dark arm as he gave a small wave back. Earning a chuckle from the two.  Jackieboy came running in attaching himself to Jack's leg. Both Mark and Jack looked down seeing how happy he looked.

Jack picked him up setting him on his hip. "Hey bud, you're excited aren't you?" Jack said ruffling Jackieboys hair. "I missed you!" He cheered. Mark and Jack walked into the living room where all the other egos where. "I've only been gone for a little bit of the day. And by gone I was just in my room is all." Jack fixed Jackieboy's hair.

"Jack!" Chase said running up to Jacks leg. Jack ran his finger through Chase hair. "Geez guys again I've been in the room, it's not like I've been away at Ireland or something." "Yeah but iz waz boring wiz out you." Schneep said. "Hey!" Mark said pretending to be hurt. Both Schneep and Jack laughed. Mark was defending himself to the egos until he heard Jackieboyman started squealing between fits of giggles causing everyone to look over.

Jack was laying on his his back and his legs where straight up and so where his arms. Jackieboy was holding Jack's hand as his lower half of his body was being help by Jacks feet. He moved his legs towards himself making Jackieboy come closer to him still holding him. Jackieboy kept squealing, "I'm flying! Higher! higher!" Jack chuckled before picking him up and sitting up right and started tickling him.

Im trying my best to describe this I hope you know/understand what it is. I personally call it "airplane" idk what it's actually called but I'm trying my best to describe it I'm sorry.

Again another fit of giggles came out of him as he started squirming. "N-No m-o-o-ore!!!" He kept giggling before Jack stopped and setting him down. The other egos where looking kind of in awe. "I wanna fly!" Wilford said jumping off the count and standing in front of Jack. "Are you sure?" Jack asked making Wilford nod. Jack picked up Wilford and placed him just like he did with Jackieboy .

He did the same thing moving his legs back and forth still holding him. Jack loves his legs really close to his head making Wilford almost touch the ground, before moving back to his original spot. Wilford was giggling and laughing a lot. "Darky look I'm flying!!" He cheered looking at Dark. Dark embarrassed by the name hid his face in Mark leg. He hated when Will used the name, well..at least in public with others around.

Mark chuckled ruffling his hair. The other egos watch in amazement saying "Me! Me!" or "Me next!" Dr. Iplier had walked over to Mark raising his arms up making a grabby motion. "You want me to pick you up?"Mark asked causing him to nod. Mark picked him up throwing him up into the air and then catching him. Dr. Iplier squealed with joy as he giggled.

Mark threw him in the air again and caught him again. "Again! Again! Again!" Mark repeated the process catching himself smiling. As he caught him he heard more loud giggles looking up, seeing Jack tickling Chase and Jackieboy at once. Then Wilford being caught up in the mix. Hearing Wilford giggle is it's own experience. Marvin came over to Mark and held on to his leg looking up smiling.

He kinda looked like a koala wrapping his arms and legs around his leg. Google to Mark surprised came over and did the same thing with his other leg. To Mark, Google didn't seem like the type to do this in any form but he was happy to see him like this. The room by now was filled with laughter coming from everyone.

Mark saw Jack with Chase, Jackieboy, Schneep, Jameson, and Wilford. Wilford was actually playing with Jack and others. Even if they weren't from the same person you can tell he felt really comfortable around him. He was playing with JJ as well, they've become really close. Jack was playing with the others and their toys they bought them.

Schneep playing with his doctor set on Jackieboy as if he was in a intense crime fighting fight. Chase was there to help "treat" Jackieboy and Wilford was interviewing Jackieboy man with his microphone. Asking questions about his crime fighting. How did it go down, who threw the first punch, what did they do? So many questions! JJ was there pretending to hold a camera.

Though Jack let him record on his phone to make it more real. He thinks it made the boy really happy he could do something and it seem to boost everyone around them. Making this "crime fighting" seem more real. Jack looked up locking eyes with Mark before bursting out laughing. "You're like a jungle gym!" Jack said seeing how many egos where on him.

Beside the two on his legs, Dr. Iplier was now on Mark shoulders as he was holding King up very hight. He was the king after all, he did need a higher stance point. Mark also tried walking like that. Key word 'tried'. As having so many kids—he means egos, on you it's hard to move, but they seemed to like it. Giggling and smiling holding on tightly so they don't fall. "I am the strongest man alive! I can carry all of them at once!" Mark bragged making Jack laugh once again.

Jack looked over seeing Dark being shy in the corner. Dark at first wasn't looking but must have felt eyes on him because once he looked up he looked right at Jack. Jack gave a warm smile before making a small gesture with his hands to come over. The other egos where being distracted either by Mark carrying them around, or joining in on check ups and interviews and more. Again they each had their own toy they where playing with if they weren't with Mark.

But even if they had their own toys they all still played together. Mark also had now  sat down playing with them and their toys even rough housing with them a little. Gently of course since they where still very small and very sensitive. King actually liked to rough house so Mark was doing that the most with him and a few others. Seeing King smile could make a room light up and his giggles could make anyone happy.

Jack made a hand motion again calling Dark over and thankfully he did. Dark in a way speed walked over to Jack before he sat him on his lap. "Hey what's up Dark? You're all alone in the corner. You know you can come play with us right?" He said hugging him close while petting his hair. Dark nodded shyly not looking up. Jack felt bad he seemed so down and he wasn't sure why.

"You wanna go with Mark?" Jack asked remembering how close the two had gotten so far. Dark didnt answer he just leaned into Jack. Jack looked at Mark for help as Mark now noticed he had Dark with him. "Here guys go play with the others for a bit I need to take care of something." Mark said as he stopped playing with them. The others nodded but King wasn't gonna let go. "Noooo" he mumbled into his shirt.

"Come on King it'll only be for a little. Don't you wanna play with your toy?" He asked running his fingers through his hair. "Just for a little and then after you and me can spend some time together alright?" Mark said knowing that's what King wanted. It seemed to work as King started to get up. "King let's play!" Chase said smiling next to King toy. His face lit up smiling as he made his way over to Chase and the two started playing together with his toy.

Mark smiled before making his way over to Jack and Dark still looking down. "Hey buddy what's wrong?" Mark said softly as he picked up his face gently. Dark just pouted a small low whimper came from him. "You wanna play with your toy? Remember the one that lights up?" Mark tried to encourage him. It seemed to work a little but he wouldn't budge. The two looked at each other very confused and very concerned.

Jack was trying to think and without realizing it he started to gently rub Dark side. Which caused him to squirm a bit but for a second there was a smile. Mark saw it. "Jack." He leaned into his friend. "Yeah?" The Irishman replied. "I think you accidentally tickled him. Do it again he smiled." The half Korean man whispered. Jack nods before his hands without Dark knowing crept up on his sides before attacking with tickles.

This caused him to squirm around smiling wide and very high squeals with giggling following. He tried to stop him but he couldn't even lift his hands up without Jack tickling him more. Both he and Mark let out relived sigh, it was strange and new to see him smiling and laughing like this but it was good. They both think they all needed this as they could never really catch a break when they where older.

His laughed sounded so pure too. Like he'd never experienced life and hasn't gone through any hardships yet. So he was so full of joy and his laughed showed that. Does that make senses? Jack stopped when he saw tears leading Mark to pick him up as he caught his breath. Mark threw him up in the air and caught him. At first Dark was scared and you can see it on his face, though he tried to hide it still playing into his tough act he had previously and when he was bigger.

"It's okay Dark I'm not gonna drop you, trust me okay?" Mark said calmly having Dark nod. The first few catches Dark was scared he yelped a bit but by the third catch he was laughing again. He did this for a little before Jack checked the time on his clock. Jack tapped Marks shoulder causing him to stop tossing Dark and was now holding him. "It's almost 11." Jack said.

Mark knew what this meant, nap time. Both he and Jack knew this wasn't gonna be easy as it seemed the child like part of their brain kicked in. They where so distracted by their toys I don't think they even noticed the slip in themselves. "Let's just get the youngest first and then get the rest." Jack said to Mark who now had Dark resting on his shoulder looking tired. To be fair the rest looked tired too, you can catch a few yawning or rubbing their eyes.

Mark nods. "Can you take Dark I'm gonna get the rest." "Yeah no problem I'm gonna get Marvin too since it's part of his punishment." Jack said taking Dark in his arms. "Marvin come here please." He called. Marvin looked up from where he was playing before coming over rubbing his eyes. Once he got close to Jack he started speaking. "Hey bud it's nap time now. You know how you get early nap time so let's get going okay?" Jack says making Marvin nod.

He got up as he took Marvin's hand into his own walking up the steps to their room. Mark followed shortly after with King and Chase in his arms. He lead Marvin to his room to his bed with Mark following with Chase. "Here I got him." Jack said as Mark handed Chase to him. "I'm gonna put you down for a second okay Dark?" Jack said to Dark as he gently placed him on the floor. Dark stood there by the crib obviously tired.

Jack places Chase in his crib before tucking him in, putting a soother in his mouth and turning on the mobile. *Didnt have time for a bottle today* Jack thought. It's not like it mattered though they all seemed pretty tried so it was easy for them to knock out. Chase eyes keep dropping as he tried staying awake. The soother bobbing in his mouth. Jack tucked Marvin in his bed seeing as he was already sleeping before picking up Dark again and leaving the room.

Dark had his head resting on Jack's shoulder leaning into him. Jack discreetly checked Dark pull up seeing it was wet. The print on the front was noticeably faded away a bit. "Dark I think you need a pull-up change bud." Jack said quietly causing Dark to sit up. He had a hint of scared in his eyes before having the look of embarrassment and a bit of anger on his face. Before sinking into Jack's chest letting silent tears fall.

How could he let that happen!? He didn't even notice. He just wet himself like a child. He probably wouldn't have noticed if Jack or someone had said something. Even then if he did noticed he knows he wouldn't say anything. He'd be too shy or embarrassed to. His breathing picked up and more tears came out before he felt a gentle squeeze around him.

It made him feel safe a bit? He clung on your Jack as Jack kept hugging him rubbing his back. "Hey hey it's okay. That's why you wear em, so you don't have anymore accidents. It's okay Dark. That's the whole reason they're there. There's nothing wrong with it we'll get you changed." Jack said calmly and softly entering his and Marks room.

He set Dark on the bed laying him down a bit. He got out the supplies and a new pull up. He pulled down his pants and did what you would do during a change. "Wh-What if he sees me!?" Dark whispers shouts causing Jack to shush him. "Dark he's asleep he's not gonna say anything. Plus he can't judge either." Jack still in a whisper, replied setting the stuff on the bed. "Why?" Dark asked. "Don't tell him but he's wearing one too and he's used it so if anything you two are the same. Now lay down I'll try to be quick." Jack replied.

Jack tried making it quick because he saw how embarrassed Dark was and he was even squirming around a bit. But before he knew it, it was over. Jack threw it away before washing his hands and coming back "Here just stay here for a bit while I help Mark with the others. If you fall asleep too. Just be quite cause Anti's sleeping alright?" Jack said in a whisper.

Dark nodded seeing the little glitch wrapped up like a burrito in a light blue blanket. It has white fluffy clouds on it as well. His hair messy and all over the place very fluffy, while his favorite space soother bobbed in his mouth. You could see his pointy little ear sticking out of his hair a bit. "I'll be back just rest here for a little okay?" Jack helped Dark lay down on the bed before he left the room. The sound of the door closing was the last thing he heard before the room went quite.

Now it was just Dark left alone with his thoughts. Well beside Anti but he was asleep. If it was true what Jack it made Dark feel a little better? For some odd reason he didn't know why but it did. Like he had someone with him. He kinda wanted to wake him up just to talk and even play—No! Dark what are you thinking he's your enemy and you don't need anyone. This is all dumb! Though it would be nice to talk and play with him—God Dark what is wrong with you!?

He thought this all while looking at Anti. He seemed so peaceful. He wanted to be peaceful too so he laid next to him facing him. Just starting at him trying to relax but his thoughts wouldn't shut it. It was all mixed emotions going back and forth. Though he did feel kinda peaceful and even tired for a moment. He again looked at Anti pacifier and how it looked like it helped him. He wanted something like that—wait no that's for kids and babies and he's none of those!

But it did look comfortable—Gah! Dark! He shouted to himself in his head. Unknowingly to himself he put his thumb in his mouth and was pouting, but soon got over it feeling comfortable for some reason. His eyes slowly relaxing. Downstairs was still calm but that was soon gonna change. See while Jack was upstairs taking care of Dark downstairs got a little hectic. Mark had got Jackieboy, Schneep, and Google up walking upstairs for their nap.

Mark was soon to follow ready to tuck them in but before he had to pick up JJ since he was one of the younger ones. And the youngest slept a little earlier. "Come on JJ up we go. Nap
Time." Mark said calmly. Jameson was okay with it resting his head on Mark chest. Wilford however did mind this. "Hey!" He shouted. "We're still playing!" "Wilford it's nap time he needs to nap and so do you. You both can play after you nap." Mark said again calmly not trying to provoke the situation.

"No!!" He shouted again leading to Mark giving him a glare as a way to say 'Be Quiet.' But Wilford wasn't having it. He stood up stomping his foot. "I wanna play more!" *Oh boy a tantrum* Mark thought rolling his eyes in his head. "No. You can play after. I'll be back for you." Mark decided to cut it short a bit as one he still needed to tuck them in and two it could give Wilford some time to cool down. He tucked in Jackieboy and Schneep falling asleep very easily.

He then put JJ in the crib with Chase who was fast asleep by now. He popped the mustache pacifier in his mouth to help him sleep. He curled up on his side smiling it seemed as his breathing became steady. Showing he was asleep so he turned off the mobile. Next he went to tuck in Google who was already in his bed but he still checked up on him. He was all good. He just moved some of his hair out of his face.

He came back downstairs seeing Wilford still pouting crossed arm glaring at him. He took Dr.Iplier by the hands before offering his other to Wilford. "Wilford nap time now." He just shook his head and whined. "I want JJ! I wanna play! I don't want your stupid nap!" He shouts getting teary eyed. "I'm not gonna ask you again." Mark said a little stern this time. He knew he was just tired but he also knew Wilford wasn't gonna admit it.

"NO!!" Wilford started stomping his foot again clutching his fist. A few tears falling down his face. "Here Iplier lets go get you to bed." He looked down at him seeing him rub his eyes and nod. "Wilford you better behave yourself once I get back you're going to nap wether you like it or not." Mark turned and walked upstairs to his egos room, tucking in Iplier in his bed. Everyone was asleep so he left the room seeing Jack leave their room.

Jack saw Mark and walked over. "Hey Mark sorry I kinda left you alone with them, Dark had an accident so I had to change is pull-up." Jack explained. "Oh no it's fine thanks for taking care of him. Surprised he even let you." Mark said. "Is everyone asleep?" Jack asked. "We still got Wilford and he's on the verge of a tantrum because he doesn't wanna nap. He also wants to play with JJ more." Mark reply walking down the stairs Jack following him.

"Wilford, you already know what I'm gonna say. Let's go now." Mark crosses his arms his voice a little stern. "No!! No!! No!! It's not fair!! I don't wanna nap!! You can't make me!!" Now Wilford went into full tantrum mode. He was screaming and crying, stomping around even throwing some toys that where near him. His stomping grew as he kept whining and screaming.

Mark sighed bending down to pick him up from under his arms. This caused Wilford to scream louder. He tried kicking and punching at Marks chest or his face. His little fist not making even leaving a mark so they didn't hurt. He tried grabbing a toy and throwing it at Mark's face but Mark thankfully stopped him. "Wilford no! Don't even try." Mark said now in a stern tone of voice. Well more of a dad tone of voice.

Wilford again screaming, face red his voice giving in due to screaming so loud, more and more tears coming down his face. He tried squirming around or even throwing his body weight back to be put down but Mark had a tight hold on him. He looked over wondering where Jack was until he saw him in the kitchen. He was making a "bottle" as you can say. Just in a sippy cup. Mark just held Wilford's head close to his shoulder.

Of course he tried getting away by pulling away whining and such. "Let go! Let go! OOOOOFFF!!!!" Wilford cried but Mark didn't let go he kept holding him. Something telling him this was something he needs to do while slowly rocked him side to side. This caused his tantrum to slow down and stop turning into soft sobs. His breathing slowed down and so did his tears but they still kept falling. At least the last few. He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand,yawning.

"Here Wilford have this." Jack handed Wilford a warm sippy cup of milk. He took it sipping on it. Mark was still rocking him. As he sipped on it he laid his head on Marks should relaxing. "Thanks Jack." Mark said swaying still as Wilford drank from the sippy cup. He eventually finished it and kept closing his eyes. Jack got the sippy cup putting in the sink as Mark went upstairs to tuck Wilford in to his bed.

He was still awake but just barely. He kept closing his eyes and it seemed once he laid down on his bed he fell asleep fairly quickly. He checked everyone in the room to see they where all asleep so he left the room and shut the door, heading to his and Jack's ego room. He saw Jack making sure everyone was tucked in and asleep before leaving the room closing the door. The two headed to their room having a smile on their face seeing Dark.

He had his thumb in his mouth and was curled up next to Anti slowly falling asleep. Facing him. Jack closed the door as Mark sat next to Dark picking him setting him on his lap. Jack sat next to them petting Anti hair making sure he was still asleep. "What are you doing up Dark? I thought you'd be asleep by now." Mark said holding him close getting a hum in reply from Dark. "Hey Dark what was up with you downstairs?" Jack asked calmly.

"You where all by yourself." Mark said. "I just wanted to play with someone but I had no one." Dark mumbled very shyly into Mark shirt. Which was very unlike him. He was also very tired too. "What do you mean you had all the others to play with and we where there too." Mark said rubbing Darks arm. "Yeah but.." Dark turned his head to face Anti once again.

"You wanted to play with Anti?" Jack asked him quietly. There was a pause before a quick nod came from Dark. "Awe Dark I'm sorry. He's sick right now but when he's recovered he can play with you." Jack said looking at Dark. "But I wanna play now.." he mumbled again thumb still in mouth. Mark looked at Jack before speaking. "Maybe when you guys wake up you two can talk for a while. Just be careful again because he's sick and we don't want you sick too."

"Does that sound good? You two can talk for a while." Jack restated the point. Dark nods closing his eyes. Going a bit heavy in Marks arms. He was asleep. Now he was sucking his thumb instead of it just being in his mouth. "Hey Jack can you get me a-" Mark tried to ask before Jack gave him a baby blue pacifier that had a bear on it. "Here you go!" He smiled. "Oh thanks." Mark replaced Darks thumb with it and he was sucking on it. To both of their surprise.

He was still curled up on Marks chest as Mark laid on the bed. Jack laid next to him with Anti on his arm curdled up in his blanket. Mark sighed a little but with a smile on his face. "Watcha thinkin bout over there Mark?" Jack whispers. The house now very quite as all the tots where sound asleep taking their naps. The house no longer filled with lousy chatter, laughing, running around, no sounds of toys being dragged. Just nice comfortable silence.

"Nothing really just today seemed like a kids day you know? They're acting so kid like at least right now they where. Wonder if it will stay like that even after they wake up." Mark said. "Yeah I hear you on them being more kid like. You know Anti called me dad. Well he called me 'daddy' but same thing." Jack said looking down at Anti. "I'm not sure if that was his kid brain or just him." "Really!?" Mark said surprised.

"Yeah I know I was shocked too, he was crying so again it could have been his kid self coming through."

"I think me and Dark are getting a bit closer. At first when he had his accident he wouldn't let go of me not even to take a bath. I think I got him t act his age during the bath. He liked the toys. But it wasn't all good."

"Oh really how so? Did something happen?"

"He started getting fussy and I broke some walls."

"What do you mean?"

"He was angry at me. Basically of what happened in 'Who Killed Markiplier?' I didn't think it was gonna hurt or effect him but it did. I felt so terrible too he sounded so hurt."

"You can blame yourself you didn't know. It's a mix between us and our audience. They helped push the idea they where real and so did we in a way that includes when we develop them it's not on you really."

"Yeah I guess so." Mark said sighing now laying down. The blanket covering Dark as well as Mark, Jack, and Anti even though he had his own. He was also laying on his turtle stuff animal too as if it was a pillow of his own. "He does seem like he has an attachment to you. He also seems like he's falling into his 'kid instincts' as you can say,more like how he is right now or when he was talking about Anti." Jack said playing with Anti hair.

"Yeah I know it's kinda weird but I don't mind it, he looks like he's happy and so do the others. Antis really close to you." Mark replied. "Yeah, I'm not sure if it's from him being sick or just in general we'll have to see." Jack smiled. "Oh Mark one more thing?" Jack asked still in a whisper getting a 'hm?' in response from Mark. "How did he have the accident? Did he just not make it?"

"He was trying to go to the bathroom but Wilford wouldn't let him, lead him to the kitchen and scared him and well it happened he didn't see either. So after I brought you yours and Anti food I heard them talking. They noticed Dark's clothes where different so I stepped in saying he needed a bath and so did the rest of them because they do. Not sure if I'll do it before or after dinner." Mark said now laying down more into the pillow.

"Probably after it could get messy then it would be waste of a bath time." Jack said nearly falling asleep as well. "We should get some sleep, these boys have drained me and I haven't been fully awake since last night." Jack started to close his eyes Mark soon doing the same. "Yeah but today has been a nicer day a few bumps but still nice." Mark said cashing Jack to laugh as they both also fell asleep.

~Time Skip to after nap time~

Mark woke up and so did Dark. Both Jack and Anti where still asleep. Anti again cuddled up close to Jack and Jack had a protective arm around him. Mark just held Dark on his hip and silently walked out the door before going to Jack's ego room. Seeing some of them waking up. He nugged them speaking softly to wake up. Mark set Dark down to pick up JJ and Chase and had Jackieboy and Schneep walk them downstairs.

Dark tugged on Marks pants causing him to look down. He took his pacifier out of his mouth a bit mumbling "I wanna go with Anti." Mark smiled a bit before speaking. "Okay we can go in a second let me wake up the others." But to Dark that wasn't good so he gave a small whine. "Okay okay we can check if they're awake, if not I'm gonna wake up the others and then them."

Mark picked him up before slowly opening the door to see both Jack and Anti awake. Jack was sat up while Anti was on his lap facing him. He was still in just his shirt and pull up no longer wrapped up in his blanket. Anti held his turtle close to him while saying some things to Jack that he couldn't hear. When he opened the door Jack looked over and smiled causing Anti to look.

"Someone wants to play with you." Mark came over with Dark before setting him on the bed. Anti being embarrassed on how he looked in front of his enemy tried hiding in Jack. He pulled his shirt down, took his soother out and hid his face in his turtle while leaning into Jack's chest. Jack wrapped his arms around him while shushing him. Dark being scared he did something wrong looked at Mark teary eyed.

"Dark it's okay don't cry, he's just a bit shy right now." Mark said sitting next to Dark keeping him close. "Shh Anti he just wants to play. He won't judge you in anyway right Dark?" Anti peered up at Dark a little seeing him nod. Dark slowly made his over to Anti, before sitting in front of him. The two didnt say anything just stared at each other.

"Go on Dark go ahead and ask." Mark said trying to hurry this up because he did need the others to wake up. It seemed unfair. And just about as Dark was gonna say something Anti spoke. "Do you...wanna color? And play with my action figures?" He said very shyly. Dark eyes lit up a before nodding exigently. "Uh-huh!" Anti tugged at Jacks shirt looking up at him.

"Daddy?" Anti says a bit low but loud enough for Jack to hear and Mark since he was right there. "Can I has the coloring books please?" "Yes of course you can." Jack moved Anti off him a little before reaching to the side of the bed picking up two coloring books and a jumbo crayon packet. "Where'd you get that?! Thought we put everything away." Mark asked not really knowing where those came from.

"I guess we forgot about this since of what happened. You can take the rest I let Anti pick one for himself anyways at the store. The one he's using now is his. Plus there's more crayons." Jack explained but while Jack was talking and handing the stuff to Anti, Anti was talking to Dark.

"Um here's some of them. I got the dinosaurs one but I can give you some pages if you want. I-I also has superhero, monsters, Spider-Man but I think my brother- I mean Jackie! Would like that one." Why did he call Jackie his "brother?" It was weird to say definitely got him out of his mind set quickly. He didn't even like him so why did he care!? Though once he saw the coloring books again he kinda went back to that mind set.

"Anyway I Uh also have  animals, space, this one has random pictures, Disney-" Dark cut him off. "Can I have the Disney one pleae?" Anti nods handing him the Disney themed coloring book as Dark opened the crayon package Anti already opened. What was cute is that they didn't notice Jack and Mark stopped talking and where just watching them. Both he and Mark heard the slip up with Anti. But weren't gonna say anting at least with them in the room.

"Do you think you can handle them? Anti's sick and I know he's a lot just don't want another one getting sick." Mark said looking over. "They'll be fine I'll just keep Anti closer. Plus he's been coloring most of the day at least around lunch when he didn't feel terrible. It's kinda off and on. Here take these downstairs to them maybe they'll like it." Jack said handing the bag of the coloring books and jumbo crayon backs to him.

"Thanks I will. Also do you have the action figures or?" Mark said as he got him. "No, not sure where he got it from but I know you need to wake them up you can bring it later." Jack said. "Thanks Jack! I'll see ya in a few." And with that Mark left the room and kinda bolted to his egos room waking them up. It wasn't even that long they where asleep maybe three or so minutes of extra sleep. Though he got them to wake up King obviously wanting to attach himself to Mark.

So he let him. Mark carrying King with the bag still in his other hand. As they came downstairs the other egos noticed. "Mark what's it the bag?" Chase said looking at it making everyone look too. "Oh this?" Mark crotched down a bit to the floor emptying out the bag. Showing four extra jumbo crayon sets with all the colors of the tia own and more. Along with all the coloring books minus the two Anti and Dark had.

this is what I mean. and fwy I have this one irl and it's great. I have more art supplies but this one just vibes in my desk.

"Oooooo!!!" They all said. "Can we color for a bit!?" Wilford asked obviously very excited. Seeming as their child brain may have kicked in again. Maybe. "Would the others like to color?" He looked up seeing most nod and some verbal answers. "Okay here, make sure to share and don't break the crayons." He set the extra books down and there where a lot. They opened the coloring packs and began to color.

Jackieboy got really exited over the Spider-Man one. "Whoooooaaaa!!! Coooool!!! It's spider man!" He gladly took the book and sat down to color. Wilford and Jamie where coloring together in the same book on the same page. Schneep and Iplier where also coloring together just not in the same book. They where near the second half of the couch while the JJ and Wilford where next to the coffee table. Google and Marvin where together actually.

Hanging out and talking as they colored. Sitting next to each other near the TV. Jackieboy at first was alone coloring by himself near Marks leg. He didn't mind being alone at the moment he was way too interested in the coloring. The only one who wasn't coloring was King. He was having cuddle times with Mark since he hadn't all day. Mark was sitting on the couch with King laying on his chest. One arm around him the other holding on to the TV remote.

He was trying to find something for them to watch when he noticed they kept squirming. Or at least moving positions a lot. Even though the floor wasn't carpet it could still get uncomfortable after a bit. "Hey guys stop coloring for a second let me get something." Mark said as he stood up setting King down on the couch. Obviously earning a frustrated whine from him and a bit of the others. "But I just started!" Google said.

Mark went into the closet, ignoring their statements for a moment before pulling out a really big soft blanket. It was a light blue with white squiggly stripes along with gray ones on it. He came back, "Everyone get up for a bit take your stuff." They listened moving to the couch still complaining a little. Mark moved the coffee table aside for bit before folding out the blanket. And setting it on the floor for them.

He spread it out so there was no bumps or wrinkles. "Wait almost done." He said as he saw they where about to get on the blanket. He went back to the closet getting some pillows and came back spreading them all around. The pillows where more for their age than adults. As they where more soft and more for their size and had child like designs to them. He put the coffee table back to where it was seeing as they all watched in delight the little comforter in front of them.

Behind the couch was a toy box. He pulled it out in view they all started at in. "We where gonna show you this a little later but." He opened the box and in the box was stuffed animal, toys for all of their ages, and even the paint kit that lead to last nights events. Their eyes grew and they started to bounce a little. "Yes you can go back now." They all jumped down crowding around the toy chest.

It was a regular rectangular box with a lid over it. It was dark blue with a bunch of stars over it. They pulled out some stuffed animals that where there before closing it and going back to their original spots with their coloring books and such. "Thank you Mark!" Marvin said smiling. "Thank you Mark!" The others said after. Mark sat back down smiling having King immediately clinging to him again. "You're welcome." Mark laid back again on Marks chest.

Head in the crook of Marks neck. Mark again had his arm around him holding him close. One of King's arms was under his head, holding onto Marks shirt while his other hand has his thumb in his mouth. Mark went on Netflix trying to find a movie for them all to watch noticing King thumb in his mouth. "Ah Ah Ah. Don't do that King that's yucky. Wheres your pacifier?" Mark asked taking his thumb way causing him to whine.

"In the room." He said trying to put his thumb back but Mark stopped him. King pouted as he got up still holding King. Instead of his arm on his back his arm was under his bottom to keep him up. He walked up the steps going into their room. "Where is it?" Mark asked. King pointed to his crib, "In there." He mumbles. Mark went to the crib taking the pacifier out. It was a blue ish green one with a squirrel on it. It was plushy squirrel, small enough to fit on it.

Basically that. That's his. I think it's cute for him.

King happy sucked on the pacifier. He loved it a lot! It had a squirrel on it how could you not? As he sucked on it he put both hands around the squirrel, playing with it. He would squeeze it or even play with its tail. He didn't even realize they went back to the couch. His favorite spot back on Marks chest with his head under Mark neck. "What movie do you guys wanna watch?" Mark asked. He switched to a kid's profile since it would have more movies for their age.

"Woody!" Schneep said happily. "Woody? You mean Toy Story?" Mark says just to make sure. "Yez!" He shouts again smiling. "Is that what everyone wants, because I'll only put it if everyone says yes." "Can we watch the last one?" Google ask. He looked around the room seeing excited nods. "You guys sure?" Again more nods with mumbles of 'yes'. He said okay and played it. A few of them stopped coloring completely to watch while others would color and take either glances at the tv or, watch for a few minutes and then color again. Repeat cycle.

King's eyes where fixed on the TV. Not looking away. Mark thought it was a little sweet that they had their kid minds on for a half of the day. It was easier to take care of them since their adult minds weren't fighting the kid stuff. Upstairs Anti and Dark were having so much fun together. They where coloring together and talking and even watching 'The Rugrats Movie' after Jack so kindly put it on for them. They would color and talk it was really cute.

Jack was still there obviously and it's like they forgot he was there. Because it seemed like no one else was in the room but them. Jack was on his phone still watching them, what he was looking at was the video Jameson took earlier. I guess he actually hit record. It was so cute seeing them talk and even more chitchat in the background. Jack may or may not have recorded a bit or Anti and Dark talking to each other but that's a different story.

After a while they did stop coloring and now wanted to play with something else. "Jack?" Dark called. "Yes Dark?" "Can we play with the otha toy now please?" "Yeah of course let me ask Mark if he could bring it up okay?" They nod and decide to watch the movie while they wait. Anti was hugging his turtle while they watched and Dark soon took interested in it.

"What's his name?" Dark says as he points to the plushie. "Tortillen." He says hugging him closer. "I want one." Dark pouts a little. "Ask Mark." Dark went over to Jack tugging on his shirt. "Jack, can you ask Mark to bring a plushie please? I want one like Anti." "Of course bud let me ask okay go watch the movie." Jack says.

Jack: Hey Mark, if you're not busy can you bring Dark a stuffed animal or something please? He wants one because Anti has one.

Mark: Oh yeah for sure I'll be there in a second.

Jack: Hope I'm not bothering you.

Mark: No you're not they're just watching a movie while coloring. I set a blanket and some pillows down for them so it's more comfortable.

Mark: If you want I could bring Dark down here to pick a plushie, instead of me tryna guess. Also I showed them the box if that's okay.

Jack: Yeah it is, honestly forgot about it myself. But yeah that sounds good I say do it. He'll probably like it more if he picked it.

Mark: Sounds good I'll be up there in a minute.

Mark set his phone down before looking down at King. He was focused on the tv, he won't notice right? He gently started to pull King off his chest but of course he noticed and gripped on tighter more whines. "King please let go for a bit. I need to do something real quick." Mark said still trying to take King off but he wasn't moving. "Noooo!!" He whined a bit louder. "Stay!" "King I need you to let go for just a moment. The longer you hold onto me the longer I'll take."

"Na-uuuhhh!!!" He pouts. "King if you let go once I'm back you can cuddle me all you want." "Even at the table?" He looks up with big puppy dog eyes. Mark didn't really want to say yes but he knew this was the only way he was gonna let go. "Yes you can sit with me at the table when we eat okay? But for tomorrow." Mark didn't want this to be a recurring thing. They got a highchair for a reason.

King let go of his shirt so Mark set him on the couch. Making sure he was leaning back against the pillows so he won't fall. "Stay here." He told King who nodded in agreement. He quickly went upstairs opening the door to his and Jack's room. Anti was leaning against Jack who had his arm around him, but still happily talking to Dark. The two kept smiling and giggling together.

"Dark come here please." Mark said as Dark got up walking to the edge of the bed where Mark was. "Can you come with me please?" He picked up Dark but Dark immediately started squirming. "No! I don't wanna leave yet I'm still playing!!" He tried to push off Mark to go back to Anti. Anti looked up at Jack. "He go?" "No Anti Mark is letting him get a toy downstairs and come back, he's not leaving yet." "Ooooh okay."

Anti went back to snuggling Jack and his turtle. "Dark I'm not gonna deal with another tantrum today. You're just getting a toy downstairs and when you finished picking it you can come back. Unless you want no toy and you can stay here and play with nothing. Do you want that?" Mark said. Was it a little harsh? Yes. But sometimes you need that especially for kids sometimes. He just needed him to see the idea of it basically. That made Dark stop real quick.

Dark shook his head no sheepishly. He stopped squirming holding onto Mark. "Okay let's pick out a toy from downstairs, and you can come back." Mark left the rooming heading downstairs to the living room. Not many seemed to noticed as they where all hypnotized by the moving toys on the screen. "There's some on the floor but there's more in the chest there." He set Dark down and honestly he looked a bit scared.

"Go on don't be scared." Mark said standing by. Dark started looking around on the floor or the blanket mostly. Nothing seemed to interest him so he went over to the toy chest and opened it up. He looked through it still nothing. Dark felt bad nothing looked good for him. Until something caught his eye. In the far edge of the corner of the box. Underneath some regular toys instead of stuffed animals was a plushies hand to something sticking out.

Or rather a nubby hand. He pulled it out and it was a soft gray plush rabbit. With two floppy ears. A bright pink nose and it even had two different button colored eyes. One light brown and the other black. It's like Dark fell in love immediately because he held it close to him before waking over to Mark holding it up. "Can I play with this one?" He mumbles. "Yeah of course come on." Mark picked him up taking him back upstairs.

Dark was so into the bunny by playing with its ears. Mark brought him back upstairs to the room setting him on the bed. Dark quickly went over to play with Anti showing him his new toy. Mark let them be coming downstairs. The movie had ended and it was close to dinner time. Just as he was about to say something he heard sniffling. Lots of sniffling. "Are you guys alright?" He went a little closer and Yup they where crying.

He went over to king who was whipping his eyes as he picked him up holding him. "What's got you all in a bad mood?" "Sad." Dr. Iplier said. "Woody went away." Wilford added. "He gone forever." Jackieboy looks down. Did this really movie get them this down? "Boys don't cry it's not meant to be sad." Mark tried saying. They all came closer to him since he went on the blanket and they all went around him. "Why'd he leave then?" Google asked.

"Well he went with someone who made him happy. He felt better with her then with Bonnie. He's happy and you should be happy too." Mark tried to explain. "But why?" Marvin started to wipe his tears more. "Well, when someone makes you happy and you feel right with them you should be with them. If you're not happy don't be with them. Your happiness matters guys. And you should be with people who make you happy. Understand?"

Mark wiped some of their tears with his thumb. Sure this was a bit adult way of saying it but he hoped they understand. And they did. They nodded slowly. "Here dinner is gonna start soon do you guys want to help me?" Suddenly their mood changed to very happy. "Yes!Yes!Yes!" They all shouted. Mark smiled. "Okay okay let me get a few things and we can start. Why don't you guys clean up while you wait." Mark got up still holding King while the others scrabbled to put their crayons and such away.

"Mark where are we going?" King ask still with his squirrel pacifier. "Well since we're gonna he cooking and I don't want you getting hurt." He went to his egos room, went to one of the drawers before pulling out a baby carrier. It was a regular black one that made him face outward. It was a struggle to put on since King was still on him. But he got it on and placed King into it. "It's easier to hold you and cook without me risking you getting hurt."

King didn't mind it was cozy. He went back to the living room seeing as they where all waiting. "Ready?" Mark ask as they all nod. "What are we making?" Schneep says following everyone into the kitchen. "Taquitos and some sides." "Dark what's your bunnies name?" Anti stopped playing. He shrugged not giving much of an answer. "Are they a boy or girl?" Anti ask playing with the shell of his own toy. "Boy." Dark mumbles.

"Let's pick a name!" Anti cheers. A little too much since he started coughing. Jack patted his back, and then started rubbing his back. "You alright Anti?" Jack says softly. "It hurts." He looks back up at Jack whining a little. "Here let's get some medicine, and get some water." Jack said getting up. "Noooo!!! No medicine, back!" He whined but Jack was already getting up. Anti started coughing again Dark was behind him handing him his turtle.

Anti took it and started tearing up. A mix between Jack leaving and having to take medicine. Jack came back from the bathroom with some medicine and a spoon before sitting in front of Anti. Anti held his arms letting some tears go down. So Jack scoped him up in his arms and sat him on his lap facing him. "Dark can you do me a favor please?" Dark looked away from Anti to Jack.

"Uh-huh!" He replies. "Can you ask Mark to make a sippy full of water please? And if you want something to drink you can have something okay?" Jack was rubbing Anti back as he clung onto him. "Chocolate milk?" Dark ask behind his bunny. "Hmm you'll have to ask Mark on that one." "I want chocolate milk.!" Anti perked his head up. "No Anti. You can't have anything to heavy right now you'll throw up. You can't have milk when you throw up it'll make you want to throw up more."

Jack explained. Anti whined louder once again throwing his head into Jack's chest. "Can you do that for me please Dark? You can bring your bunny if you want." Jack ignored Anti for the moment just to deal with him after Dark is gone. "Can you watch him while I'm gone please?" Dark says as he put his bunny down. "Of course Dark." He nods and heads off the bed(with a little help from Jack) and went to the kitchen.

"I wan chocolate milk." Anti mumble whines. "Anti I said no." Anti pouted. "Don't give me that look, I already said no." Jack got the medicine and poured it onto the spoon. "Open." Jack said but Anti covered his mouth. "Anti open your mouth." "No! It looks gross!" "Anti just take it." "No it's gross and it doesn't even work!" "Do you wanna feel sick all the time? Or have a sore throat? Or throw up a lot?" Jack says a bit irritated.

He knows that's how kids are with medicine that's how he was too. "No." He looked down ashamed he didn't want him to be mad. It just looks gross. "Then can you take this for me please?" Jack softly said lifting his head up. He slowly and hesitantly opened his mouth as Jack spoon fed him the medicine. The taste alone wanted him to spit it up again, and Jack could tell. So he kept the spoon in his mouth. "Anti no. Swallow it. Be good."

Anti listened and swallowed it as Jack took the spoon away setting all of it to the side. Really on his bedside table. Anti made a face of disgust but he drank it. "Did I do good?" Anti said leaning into Jack. Jack once again wrapped his arms around him. "Very good." Downstairs Dark has made it to the kitchen. Seeing everyone cooking. JJ,Chase, Marvin and Wilford where all shredding meat. Taking big chunks and ripping it to smaller pieces putting them into a big bowl.

They where sitting at the table on the chairs. While JJ and Chase where on the actual table since they where far to small for the  chair. Jackieboy, Marvin, Schneep, Google, Iplier where all mashing potatoes. Of course Mark made it the right way but at the end when it was done cooking, he put it into a separate bowl two actually for them to work with. They where on step stools near the kitchen counter top.

Mark was also making rice while cooking the taquitos. King was still in his carrier that Mark was wearing. Music was playing and everyone seemed to be chatting and having fun. Dark went over to Mark tugging at his pants making him look down. "Hi Dark what's up buddy?" Mark set the fire to low heat and bent down a little. "Um Jack asked for a sippy cup with water and he said I can have one too. Can I have chocolate milk!" Dark got a little excited at the end.

"Okay you can have some chocolate milk." Mark turned off the fire stove and got two sippy cups and went to the fridge and opened it up. Getting one jug of chocolate milk and a pitcher of water. He closed the fridge door with his foot and set those two on the counter near the cups. He filled one sippy cup with water before screwing the lid onto it and the other with chocolate milk before doing the same thing. He handed the two cups over to Dark who took one in each hand.

"Here Dark be careful with these. I don't want you spilling them." Dark nods saying thank you before heading upstairs. Mark put the drinks away and went back to finish making dinner. He had to make a lot since there was so many people in one house. It was a surprise they could all fit in a car. Dark came back upstairs to Anti curled up in Jack's lap as they watched a new movie. Jack saw Dark calling him over. Jack took the sippy cups next to the medicine before helping Dark up onto the bed.

By now Jack was in the middle of the bed and Anti was cuddled onto his lap hugging his turtle close. "Here Dark, here's your bunny." He says handing over the plush rabbit to Dark. He got happy and held it close to him before sitting next to Jack leaving some distance between them. Jack got their sippy cups handing them each their respectable cup. As Anti drank from it he rest his head on Jack.

While Dark drank from his he kept staring at Anti and then looked up at Jack every once and while. He wanted something to lean on too. The pillows where nice but it wasn't the same. He stared at Jack not even drinking from his cup at all. He was so lost in thought. He wanted to cuddle too. He wanted to cuddle with Mark but he wasn't here. So he wanted another cuddle buddy but was too shy with Jack. He got a bit jealous. Eventually Jack took a notice to him and spoke.

"Dark do you want to lay with us too?" Dark being brought of out his thought turned a bit red playing with his sleeves and looked away. "It's okay to want to be with someone you know that right? Do you want Mark?" Dark nods a little but then shook his head. "I wanna lay with you." He mumbles into his rabbit. "Come here." He opened his arm giving him room to slip into his side, and that's what he did. He laid on Jack's left side leaning into in sipping his chocolate milk.

After a bit the two had finished their drinks about half way. Jack had set them to the side and gave them their soothers since they where using their thumbs. Basically using the ones they used before. Both cuddled into Jack with their plushie in hand watching cartoons. Jack was pretty sure the medicine was kicking in as Anti felt more relaxed and even tired. His burning went down a bit as well. Jack was petting Anti hair while rubbing Dark arm. The room felt so calm.

Eventually the two had fallen asleep. Anti from beaning awake and asleep all through the day. So it was pretty usual to see him asleep. Dark, Jack assumed he was just sleeping since it was calm. Not sure if he should wake him up or not. Jack set them down careful not to wake em up as he got up from the bed. As quietly as he could. He shut the door going downstairs. He heard giggles and music coming from the kitchen.

He walked over to Mark, "Well it seems like you're enjoying yourself." It caught Mark off guard a bit as he was finishing putting the last bits of dinner together. "Ah! Jack you scared me." Mark said chuckling a bit. King had looked up at him and Jack gave him a small wave. Earning a smile behind his pacifier in response. "How are you down here. Anti doesn't let you leave and Dark there." "Well they both feel asleep. I'm not sure why Dark did but Anti did because he's been falling asleep all day. I'm not sure if I should wake Dark up or not." Jack said.

"If you can that'll be good. I don't want him sleeping early just in case he won't sleep tonight." Mark said turning off the stove. "Yeah I know I'll go wake him up." Jack said just was he was about to leave Mark called him over. "Oh before you go can you help me get them ready to eat?" "Oh yeah sure." Jack smiled and went over to the table seeing how the egos where happy Jack was back. "Jack look! We cut up the meat." Chase said showing his dirty fingers.

"Yeah I see that let's go clean your hands. Come on all of you." He picked up Chase and JJ having Marvin and Wilford follow. He helped clean their hands with some wet napkins. Once they where clean he helped them to their seats. Buckling Chase and JJ into their highchairs and made sure the others where in their seat. He helped the others clean up a bit and gave them sit at their seats. Jack had picked up King from the carrier. Of course he was a bit uneasy since he's only used to Mark picking him up.

But let it be as Jack in his mind was pretty comfortable and gentle with him. "Here King you gotta take this out now." Mark said as he took King's pacifier. He set aside with the baby carrier but King wasn't too happy with that. He looked heartbroken ready to cry out. He tried to reach out for it but Mark had already set it aside somewhere else. He whimpered more tears coming up from his eyes. "Noooo." He whined into Jack's shirt. Jack started to bounce King up and down trying to shush him.

"King not right now." Mark said. Jack could feel King start crying and you could kinda hear it. "I'll go calm him down and I'll go get Dark." Jack said to Mark who nods as he hands out the plates to the boys at the table first. Jack went to the living room still bouncing him as he cried. "I want! I want! I waaaant!" King cries. "Shhh I know you do but you can have it after." Jack says softly moving some hair out of his face. "Whyyyy." He cried more rubbing his eye with the back of his hand.

"Because it'll get dirty buddy. Then you'll have to wait longer. We don't want it to get dirty then it'll be sad." Jack kept bouncing him as King's tears fell. "I don't want it to be sad." He mumbles. "It won't be if it doesn't get dirty. The sooner you finish eating the sooner you can have it back. And I know you want that right?" King nods. "Then let's stop the crying now and go eat okay?" Jack wiped King's tears heading back to the kitchen seeing everyone eating.

Jack gave King to Mark who bucked him into his highchair handing him his food and a bottle. Jack went upstairs to get Dark who was still asleep. He hoped this wouldn't effect his sleep schedule as he was only asleep for five minutes or less. He gently picked him up leaving his bunny there and taking out his soother. Of course he whined from lost of something that comforted him but he shushed him leaving the room. Making sure Anti was still asleep.

Outside the room Jack started to wake him up. "Hey bud it's time to get up now it's dinner time." He groaned a little in response and tried hugging his "bunny" but it wasn't there. He jolted awake looking around. "Wheres bunny?" He looked around touching his lips, no pacifier. Jack could tell he was a bit started so he hugged him close before speaking. "Bunny is in the room and so is your soother. I just left it there so they won't get dirty. Let's eat and then you can have em back okay?"

Jack said as Dark nods cuddling into him. "What about Anti?" Dark ask. "He's asleep you can play with him after first ya gotta eat." He come downstairs buckling Dark into his highchair. He didn't put up a fight as Mark gave him his food and drink. Mark was standing off to the side eating his own food as Jack joined him. "You're not gonna go back with Anti?" Mark said taking a bite of his rice. "I'm letting him have a bit of a nap. At least until I'm done eating. Then I'll go back."

Jack said eating some of his food. "I also put the extra camera in the room and connected it to my phone. So I can check if he's waking up or not, right now he's fine." They talked as they ate and so did the others. "Remember guys it's bath time after you eat expect for Dark." They whined a bit but kept eating. As time went on most mostly older had finished eating. Mark let them sit in the living room watching TV while they waited.

Though some had trouble for example Chase. See they also had peas with their food and he was NOT fan of that. Originally the mash potatoes where meant for King since there was no way to babyfy the food. Though Mark did let the others have some since there was extra anyways. But King still had to have peas just mushed up. He also wasn't happy about that either. "M' done!" Chase said smiling. His cup was empty and so was his plate expect for the peas.

They where untouched. "Chase you didn't finish your peas, finishes that then you're done." Jack said walking over and sitting in front of Chase. He pulled one of the dinning chair, chairs over in front of his highchair. "I don't want it!" Chase said scooting the plate away. "Chase come on just eat it." Jack gently pushed the plate back to its spot. "Nooo." He whined. "They're gross." "You haven't even tried them." Jack got Chase's colorful baby spoon and took a spoonful of peas.

"They look gross." "Chase please just try it it's good for you." Jack tried moving the spoon next to him but Chase moved his head whining a bit more. Becoming a bit teary eyed. He tried again and the same thing happened just a different direction. "Chase just take a bite it's not that bad." Chase shook his head whining some more. He kicked his legs a bit and covered his mouth. "Gross!" He says sounding very baby/chid like. Well more now than before. Like he was actually one.

"Chase if you don't eat some of this you won't be able to leave the chair." That didn't do a tiny just made him whine more and slide more into his highchair. He kicked his feet more looking like he was about to throw a fit and Jack wasn't gonna have that. Chase still had his hands over his mouth with an obvious pout under. Jack noticed his underarms where unprotected and he went for it. Jack used his free hand to carefully reach over and started tickling under his arms.

This made Chase completely forget about what he was upset about as he started to giggle and squeal. Since he was laughing his mouth was open so Jack did what he could do. He quickly placed the spoon into Chase's mouth and stoped tickling him. Chase didn't realize why the tickling stopped but he saw it right after that the spoon was in his mouth. He tried throwing his head back to get the peas out but that didn't work.

Jack gently lifted his head back up the spoon still in his mouth. He just gave Chase the look like a parent look and Chase knew there was no way of getting out of this. So he ate the peas or at least that spoonful. He wasn't happy about it but he was eating it that's all Jack wanted right now. Jack spilt up the peas the back in a bigger group and the front a regular kinda small size. "See this Chase." Jack points to the front part of the peas. "All you have to do is finish that then you're done."

He got another spoonful holding it up. Chase was finishing up the first one but he was still being stubborn. Jack huffed a bit thinking, *Wonder if this'll work.* He got the spoon making a "brrr" sound before saying. "Here comes the airplane!" This seemed to lighten Chase mood as he got exicted and opened his mouth. Jack spoon-feed him. He kept feeding him until he finished his food. He put his food away. He helped him out of the highchair and onto the floor.

Mark was getting the older ones ready for a bath. He gathered the oldest first leaving the youngest downstairs to watch TV. "Here you guys stay here watch TV. I'm gonna get you guys ready for a bath after them okay." Mark states watching the younger ones nod or say yes. "Dark do you wanna stay down here or go upstairs?" He asked him crouching down. Jack was getting some mashed foods for Anti when he woke up. He wasn't gonna get mashed potatoes because he felt it was too heavy for him.

He got a small baby food type cup and a spoon before checking the camera. He saw Anti stirring in his sleep and starting to wake up. That's when Jack knew he better get going or Anti might come out looking for him or even throw a fit. He had passed Mark and Dark talking and as soon as Dark saw Jack he put his arms out for him. "I want bunny and Anti." He mumbles.

Jack made his way upstairs to his and Mark room. Mark telling the younger ones to stay put as he was gonna bathe them after and headed to the bathroom. Jack didn't even have to enter the room to hear faint crying coming from behind the door. He opened it slowly seeing Anti bidding in his turtle before looking up. He held out his arms making a grabbing motion with his hands. "Awe poor bug." Jack closed the door behind him setting Dark on the bed.

The TV was still playing cartoons just at a very low volume. Jack had sat next to Anti setting his food aside as he picked up Anti. He clung to Jack. "Shh Shh you're alright bug I'm right here." Jack whispers. "You where gone." Anti mumbles back more tears coming. "I know bug I'm sorry. I just went to get you food are you hungry?" Jack ask as he pulled away a bit to see his face. He saw him give a nod as his crying stopped and Jack wiping some away.

"It's okay Anti I'm right here." Jack turned up the volume on the TV for Dark to watch. "Here Dark." He handed him his bunny and his soother. "Thank you." He held the bunny close setting the soother to the side at least for right now. Jack was feeding Anti who was also watching cartoons. Back to the bathroom with Mark he was currently washing all the oldest. Surprisingly they fit.

((okay Ik that's kinda hard since there's SIX of them but I don't wanna keep going back and forth for your sake and mine. I think we'd both get a little annoyed and also cause my Wattpad is kinda glitching due to all the words so just roll with it.))

He had put lots of bubbles and toys in there for them and was currently washing their hair. The boys where playing with each other having fun. Wilford trying to show Google how certain toys work like the one on the wall. Jackieboy, Marvin, and Schneep where playing with some sharks and a few people as well. Iplier was playing with the bubbles in his own world. They all seemed to be enjoying themselves. "Close your eyes guys." Mark said and they did.

Mark had covered their eyes his hand as he poured a cup of water over each other head. Hearing faint giggles here and there usually them smiling. He washed their bodies and let them play for a bit more before grabbing a towel for each of them and wrapping them up. He drained the tub since he wasn't gonna use that bath water for the others, that's just unsanitary. He dried off each ego first doing Jack's while his where in their own room.

He gave them their regular pjs trusting they knew how to put it on. "Do you guys need help or you got it?" "We got it Mark!" Jackieboy said smiling while Marvin gave him a thumbs up. Schneep already getting dressed. "Okay call me if you need help." They nod as he heads to his egos room. Doing the same thing drying them off and handing them their clothes.

((I never explained their clothes like pjs so uh I'll do that now you guys already know what Jack's ego pjs look like so.))

Wilford was in a pink and light blue shirt and pj pants. The shirt was light blue with pink stars on it same for his pj bottoms. The shirt was a bit big on him and hung off the side of his shoulder a bit. The collar and the ends of the shirt where pink as well. Google had a Cookie Monster shirt. It was gray and had his face on it with blue sleeves and blue pants. Iplier wore a light yellow shirt with a red collar and ends of the sleeves. There was a fox on it and his bottom pants where the same color just with multiple foxes on them and red ends.

"You guys can get going now go head downstairs." They nod going back as he passed Jack's egos room. He heard a bit of whining and complaining. He looked inside and saw Jackieboy struggling with his pjs. The others weren't in there so he assumed they left already. "What's up Jackieboy?" He said a little awkwardly bending down to his level. "Need help?" Mark asked. Jackieboy shook his head struggling with the zipper. "Here let me help." Mark said gently pushing his hands to the side and zipping up his onesie.

"You know you could have asked for help." Mark said smiling look up at him. "Didn't need help..Imma big boy!" He says a bit embarrassed. "Yeah well even big boys can ask for help bud. Now let's go downstairs for a bit yeah?" He nods running downstairs as Mark followed after. "Okay your guys turn now." He said picking up King helping the other two off the couch. They head upstairs and he did the same thing with them. Filled the bath with warm water (not to hot) and lots of bubbles and toys. Chase was occupied with the bubbles, JJ more with how the toy looked more than playing with it.

King was also playing with the soap putting some on Marks hand or arm. He had a fun time putting bubbles on Mark. He did the same thing for their hair expect it was a towel instead. Was this seen as unfair? Maybe. But does it really matter? Finishing that he finished them up wrapped them up in towels and drained the tub. Now since they where too little to dress themselves he had to do it for them. He helped Chase and JJ first and yes King was with them.

Mark dried them off getting them into their pjs. (Again you already know) he called over Schneep or one of the other older boys to help them come down. Jackieboy came to help JJ while Schneep helped Chase. He picked up King and re dried him in his ego room before helping him into his clothes. Wondering if a diaper was too much. If one was having accidents the others soon might. Even if it wasn't on purpose he still used them.

He'd have to talk to Jack on this one maybe tonight. He did diaper him though but King didn't really notice. As he was more distracted with his squirrel pacifier. He finished up the diaper putting some white socks on him and put him in an orange snap crotch onesie. It had white on the ends and even a hood and it looked like a red panda. (So basically imagine a red panda kind of look on it like the face is on the hoodie and the body of on the body and it has a tail on the back. It's not a tail like Anti pj it's printed on does this make sense?)

"Alright let's get you downstairs I'll be there in a minute." He walked downstairs set him on the couch leaving them all downstairs. Some where watching TV, others where playing and talking. He went upstairs to get Dark in his pjs the sooner the better. He knocked on the door hearing a "come in" from Jack. "Hey Dark can you come with me please? We need to get you in some pjs." Mark said softly seeing both Dark and Anti cuddled into Jack.  Both holding their stuffie and a pacifier.

He looked up confused but nods holding out his arms for Mark. Mark came over and picked him up. "I think I'm just gonna take him downstairs and get him settled in with the others. They won't be up for much longer." "Sounds good I should start settling Anti in anyways." Jack said bribing Anti closer. Who was nodding off a bit. Mark made sure Dark had his bunny and pacifier and went to his room. He helped him into his pjs.

Dark had a light yellow sleeved shirt with white stripes along it. The middle with slight gray color and it had a sloth on it handing from a single branch with a few leaves on it. The ends a bit more dark gray. His pants where the same color as the center of his shirt with mini sloths on it along with gray ends. He picked him up as Dark held onto his bunny leaning into Mark, he decided to leave the pacifier here on his bed. "We're just gonna relax for a few." Said Mark as he's now in the kitchen getting sippy cups and bottles for them.

He filled them up with water and gave them each one. The oldest sippy cups younger bottles. Mark sat on the couch and sighed as he handed Dark his sippy cup. Everyone was drinking it King cuddled into Mark while Dark kept his distance but still next to him. He couldn't show others that he was clinging to Mark. Mark had spaced out a bit he himself was tired from today. The only thing really he could hear was the sound of the TV playing.

That was until he felt a tug on his pants causing him to look down. It was JJ holding a story book. It was a book that had different fairytales in it all in one. He held out the book with pleading eyes. "You want me to read it?" Dapper nods happily still holding the book up. "Alright. Come here." He said lifting JJ onto the couch next to him. He opened the book, "Got any specific story you want?" He shook his head and just shrugged. As if to say just pick any.

"Alright let's see how about this one." "Once upon a time there was.." ((insert your own fairytale story here)) He hadn't realized it but he started getting the attention of everyone. First it was just JJ and King and a little bit of Dark. Then Chase and Jackieboy along with Google. Following them was Marvin and Wilford. And last the two doctors and Dark fully. He was showing them pictures as he read along to them. Making silly voices for each character cashing them to giggle. He'd even move around a bit which just added onto the fun.

Eventually they all got tired after about two and half stories. They started falling asleep nodding off. But that wasn't the case for Jameson. He was wide awake and ready for more stories. He looked up at Mark pointing at the book, putting his hands together as if saying please. "Fine I'll finish this last one since there's only two pages left but after it's bedtime." He says in a soft low voice making JJ nod. He settled back in looking at the book following along as Mark read.

His soft low voice eventually did make some fall asleep. He picked up King and Chase mugging the others a bit to wake up if they fell asleep. "Hey guys I think you'd be more comfortable sleeping in your beds don't you think?" Silently they got up leaving their cups there. He had them all walk upstairs into their own shared rooms into their own beds. First he helped Chase and JJ into their cribs before leaving their room for a second and going to his ego room.

He set King down and covered him up. He didn't put on the mobile as he knew he was gonna fall asleep anyways. He tucked in the others into their bed. He tucked in Dark handing him his bear pacifier letting him snuggle into his bunny. He made sure Google was charging since it would suck if he woke up not charged. Seeing as everyone was asleep or falling asleep he said goodnight before turning off the light and shutting the door.

He checked in Jack's ego room seeing them asleep, Chase cuddling his blanket Jack had gave him. Again he said goodnight and turned off the light shutting the door. He went into his and Jack's room seeing Anti asleep the room dimly lit and the TV off. The area was cleaned as well. "When did you clean up?" Mark said playfully. "Just now I also cleaned up those cups for you while you where tucking them in. I saw you had a story book there too." Jack was laying down on his side of the bed smiling at Mark.

Jack was in his pjs and Mark was changing into his. "Yeah Jameson wanted a story. Apparently they really like story time because they all were listing that's how I got them to sleep." "Doesn't surprise me JJ picked it." "Surprisingly he didn't fall asleep he was wide awake ready for another one." Mark turned off the light laying down next to Jack. Or at least kinda as Anti was in the middle. Turtle in his grasp pacifier in mouth same old. "Well let's hope he falls asleep." "I'm sure he will." Mark said.

"Hey Uh thanks." Jack said looking at him. Eyes adjusting to the dark.

"For what?" Mark replied.

"Everything. Helping out with them. I know they're a lot and there's a lot of them but you did it. You could have said no or left me with them and just taken your own. I highly doubt I could have been there to help since Anti was super clingy today." Jack said a big quite and not just cause of Anti.

"Jack you know I'd never leave you like that. I mean we're both in the same position here. Why would I? I'm glad to help. Plus you let me come over with all of them into your house. While you already have six running around, you gave them a whole room it's the least I could do." Mark said patting his shoulder a little.

"Trust me I know you want to help and you did for a little anyways. And you even took care of Dark too and he's hard to get through." Mark added.

Jack chuckled a little. "Thanks Mark I just wanted to let you know." Jack started to close his eyes.

"Oh wait before you go to sleep can I ask you something?"

Jack kept his eyes closed, "Yeah go ahead."

"So about this whole diaper and pull-up thing for them. Do you think we should start doing it or? If two are using it, who knows if it's only a matter of time if the others start you know?" Mark said a bit nervous as this is such an odd question. "Sorry."

"No it's fine. I haven't thought about it yet. Maybe if another has and accident or something I don't know. We'll see tomorrow just get some rest, you need it."

And that was it. They both fell as lore peacefully.

Words: 22288

Hey, Howdy, Ho, it's me C.J !
so hi ! i know it's been a while and i mean a WHILE. so first apologies for my absence. school and then this whole COVID-19 which i hope everyone is staying safe and are well. i hope things aren't too bad for you all right now if you ever wanna talk I'm here. so online school and more stress. I'm trying guys I am. But you know how I am I try making a good chapter or the best chapter I can to make up for me being gone. I also try making it as long as possible. hopefully this is all done soon so things can go back to now it was.

ALSO i was thinking about making them more like their age if you know what I mean. like speech, walking, *cough* bathroom ability *cough* etc. so if you guys want that or like see them slowly fall into a mindset like that let me know. I'll only do it if you guys are comfortable because I don't want anyone behind weirded out. and always if you have ANY suggestions that you want to see in the next chapter let me know I'd love to hear your ideas. Anyways that's all for now take care of yourself, stay safe I love you all, you're awesome and I will see all you lovely's in the next one.

See ya !


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