Games and more Games

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The person who suggested this was Stardustdragon136 im so rude I didn't put this in I forgot cause I didn't put it down first. I'm so so so sorry !! I feel so bad! But this is who suggested this chapter

Jack's eyes slowly opened up from a extremely comfortable sleep. He took a moment to wake up a little bit as he just started at the celling. Just as he was about to get up he felt a little warm body next to him, well two actually. He looked down and saw Chase well no surprise there on one side of him clutching his arm, while Jackieboy was on the other side of Jack also clinging on to his arm drooling a bit. They where both snugged under him basically near his underarms. Well Jackieboy was clinging more to Jack's side then arm.

*When did he get here?* Jack thought though he shrugged it off. It was kinda cute the way they where. He checked over to see the time 8:25 am. *Huh actually got to sleep in for once.* It was a little surprising that everyone was quite. No noise, no fighting, no screaming, no nothing. A small little smile came on his face that if he actually had kids of his own, they'd be yelling and having such high energy every second of the day just like their dad.

In a way them turning little is helping him become a dad and dealing with everything and anything. Jack sat or actually laid with the two for a bit before he got up eventually having the two lay on the bed. He walked over to the room where everyone else was and opened the door slowly. The stars where still going but it's not like you could tell since the sun from the outside was shining through the window. So with that Jack turned it off before looking at the rest of them. Everyone was in a dead sleep.

Of course the same boys had their thumbs in their mouths, Anti, Marvin, and JJ. As quickly as he could he changed their thumbs to pacifiers as they each let out a little noise of approval for the switch. When he looked up at the clock checking the time 8:50 he decided it was a good time to wake everyone up. First he got Schneep shaking him gently and spoke  softly. "Hey Schneep wake up now. We slept in a little let's wake up and have some food." He got up and rubbed his eyes before Jack helped him down the ladder of the bunk bed since he was on top.

Schneep was still tired so Jack let him sleep in his bed with Chase and Jackieboy. Jack has moved some of Schneep hair out of the way, he didn't have messy bed head just the way he sleeps it gets everywhere. He nodded walking away to Jack's room as Jack went to wake up Anti, again shaking them gently and talking softly. "Hey bud, wake up now, it's time to get up." Anti's eyes fluttered open. His messy bed head which made his hair look curly in a way. It also didn't help with the pacifier in his mouth that and pointy little ears made him more cute.

He got up and walked close to Jack as he got Marvin and Jameson. The two on them put their head on his shoulder their eyes still closed. Jack walked over to his room where the rest had woken up. Chase and Jackieboy hair was ruffled in some way but still tamed. Since half where on the bed Anti and Jack got on as well and since Jack was holding two that added on. All of them where still half asleep. He didn't notice at first but when he got closer to them all of them, there where tear stains on their faces. Some had faded a small bit showing that they cried a while ago in the night and some where still a little fresh. So that's why everyone's quite this morning.

The only ones who didn't have tear stains where Chase and Jackieboy. They had very very small ones. Schneep also had small ones but you had to be in a certain distance to see. The "youngest" obviously had them. "You guys got scared huh?" He made sure to speak quietly to not disturb the peace. They all nodded. "I told you guys you couldn't handle it. You're too young." Though right now wasn't a good time to say that. They knew now but it didn't make em feel any better.

Jack sighed, "Look guys it's okay. Nothings gonna happen to any of you, nothing happened last night nothings gonna happen now. You're all safe with me alright?" Anti looked up at him his eyes wide. "Pwomise?" Words being muffled by the pacifier. Jack smiled. "I promise." "Now I'm sure you guys want some food but since it's 9:05 we could have brunch." They all got off the bed went downstairs as they all laid on the couch watching tv. As the rest watched Tv Jack was making biscuits eggs and gravy. (I hope you guys know what that is it's amazing)

While in the middle of cooking he felt small arms wrap around his legs. He assumed it was maybe JJ or even Jackieboy since Chase likes having his alone time with Jack, though it was none of them. It was just Anti, still with his soother in his mouth. Thank god everyone is too tired to say anything or notice other wise there would be hell right about now. "Hey Anti hows it going bud?" Jack ruffled his hair. Anti just hugged his leg more and burying his head on his leg.

He wasn't that tall to be honest. Quite short actually but still a good enough hight. He looked around the room like he did last night, scared. "Anti are you okay?" Jack asked looking more concerned. Anti didn't respond he clutched onto jack's pj bottoms. "Are you still scared?" Anti heisted but nodded looking away from Jack. "Com'er buddy." Jack scooped him up in his arms before swaying him.

Anti was surprisingly okay with this. He didn't scream, kick, or make a big fuss about this like he usually does. Instead he just cuddled up with Jack falling back to sleep. One of Anti's arm was slightly around Jack's neck (he still had some of his morals)while the other clung to his chest with some fabric of his shirt in his hands. Jack smiled softly as he pulled Anti's hoodie over his head since that was part of his pjs.

A little while later after breakfast was done and Jack had to wake up Anti again, they all got ready at the table to eat. Jack let Chase and Jackieboy join Schneep at the table for today since they said their legs would hurt when they sat there. So Jack Anti, Marvin, and Dapper in their highchair as Jack gave each of them their food. He cut up small but still edible pieces for Dapper and Marvin so they could eat and not choke.

*~Time Skip to after everyone had their breakfast and got in regular clothes for the day~*

Once everyone was dressed in regular day clothes and hair was done everyone was still calmed down. Jack had taken out Marvin's and Jameson soother while he tried getting Anti's. "Anti you gotta give it to me now you can have it later." Jack was leveling with Anti who refused. "No!" "Come one Anti please?" "No!" Just as Jack was about to say something Marvin and Jackieboy came into the room since they where in Jack's room.

"Jack! Jack! Jack!" Jackieboy shook Jack's arm. "Yes Jackieboy?" "Can we play hide and seek please!!?" Marvin perked up with excitement. His eyes where big and hopeful with his hands together on his chest as he bounced around impatiently. "Please!?" Jackieboy helped beg as well. *Why not?* Jack thought. *It'll be fun!*

"Sure, we can play hide and seek." The two of them got really happy as they ran to go get the others. Jack turned back to Anti, "We don't want it getting dirty or lost so let's put it away for now Alright.?" Anti nodded taking it out of his mouth handing it to Jack as he went downstairs. Jack left his room putting it in the boys room before he came down to going everyone who where excited to play.

"Alright so who's it?" Jack asked before looking over at them. Marvin has his finger on his chin with his tongue out. "Hmmm." "You're it!" He tapped Jack's leg and ran away laughing causing the others to do the same. Jack had a smile on his face again. Jack closed his eyes and started counting to 60. (He's giving them time) Once done he called out "Ready or not here I come!"

First was the living room where they where. He checked behind the couches, tv, corners, curtains, coffee table, etc. Nothing. Next was the kitchen. Under the table and in cabinets nothing as well. "Hm you guys are very good at hiding, but I'll find you!" He headed upstairs and walked around the halls. He saw that the door to the boys room was slightly open. *Perfect* Jack thought. He entered the room looking around.

As he walked around he heard giggling. Jack followed the giggling as it came from under Marvin's and Jameson crib. He walked over with a grin on his face. "Hmm I wonder where that noise is coming from?" The giggling continued as Jack kneeled down, pulling out Jackieboy from under. "Gotcha!" He said as he started to tickle Jackieboy. "Noooo!! Ch-Chase run!!!" Jackieboy called out through laughs as the closet door opened.

Chase ran out but got caught by Jack who got him by his other arm and tickled him too. The room was filled with high pitched laugher of the two as they tried to squirm away. "No more!!!" Chase cried as he laughed, Jack tickled them for a little more before stopping. "You can help me find the others." The two boys nodded before running out to find the others.

He checked the room throughly (though there wasn't much places they could hide could hide)    before leaving the room. Next was the bathroom. Checking everything even the cabinets again no one. He checked a spare room and saw nothing. Well almost. Just as he was about to leave he took one good look at the room before seeing a figure in the curtains. Jack slowly walked over before pulling the curtain back seeing Schneep. "Found ya!" He said with a smile on his face.

Schneep smiled back, "I almost won though." "I didn't find everyone but you where close I almost didn't see you good job bud." He ruffles his head before Jack patted his shoulder a bit. "You can join Chase and Jackieboy to find everyone else." Schneep got really excited and ran out obviously ready to find everyone but also to not be behind the curtain anymore.

Next room Jack's recording room. Shouldn't be hard not many places to hide anyways. As he entered he checked under the desk and even his chair but like he guessed not many places to hide. Though he still heard rustling coming from the lights on the ground and saw the tip of pointy little ears. "Anti you're behind the broken one I can see you bud."

Jack picked him up before swinging him around. "Weeeee!!!" Anti smiled before being put down. "Ready to go find Marvin and JJ?" Jack asked causing Anti to nod. "Let's go!" They quickly went downstairs seeing the others. "Couldn't find them?" They all shook their heads. "We looked everywhere too!" Chase whined. "Don't worry I'll help I'll check outside you boys stay in here." Jack turned on the tv while Anti had a pout on his face.

Just as Jack was about to leave outside he noticed Anti pouting. "What's with the pout Anti?" "I want to help!" He stated still with a little pout. "Okay you can help." Jack walked over with Anti as they went to the side door. They looked around outside nothing much. Even around in the little forest. Jack was starting to worry. What if he couldn't find them?

Where they even hiding together? What if they're lost? *Shit! Shit! Shit! Where are they!??* Jack was having an internal breakdown at the moment fearing he's lost them forever. Does he call the cops? Would they take the others away? Though they would question there being no records of them- "OW!!" Jack looked over seeing Anti with his hand on his head looking up at a tree.

He was gonna shrug it off and ask if he was okay but then Anti called out. "HEY I FOUND YOU!" Jack quickly ran over seeing Marvin and JJ high up in the tree. "HOW DID YOU TWO GET UP THERE!?!?" Jack was relived he found them but another panic set in when he saw (I'm gonna cry future CJ here I was writing and I passed this but accidentally deleted all of the rest I'm gonna cry so sorry if it's sloppy :,) ) how high up they where. "Magic! I won!" Marvin smiles innocently. Dapper gasped tugging at Marvin's sleeve pointing at him. "Oh yeah and Jameson as well."

"Yeah I'm getting the ladder." He walked over to a shed getting the ladder seeing their little feet dangle off the branch. First he got Jameson and brought him down first then getting Marvin. He let the three walk in as Jack put away the ladder. Just as he was about to scold them for how high up they where all of them around the little game section he has under the TV. They where going back and forth on what to play when Chase picked up a game and shouted, "This one!"

Chase ran over with the game "Mario Kart" in both his hands to Jack, shoving it in his face. "Can you set this one up please!?" "Is this what you all want to play?" "What is it?" "Mario Kart." "YES!" Jack set up the game and got the controllers. One red, green, blue, and purple.  "Okay only four people can play so who wants to play first? Remember give the controller to someone else when all rounds have ended."

Jack said as the boys got ready on the floor or couch. The first ones to go up where Chase, Marvin, Jackieboy, And Schneep. Chase and Jackieboy where both sitting on the floor in front of the couch on the left side. Marvin was on the couch in the middle, feet dangling a bit but not really. Schneep was next to Marvin on his left side just sitting back on the couch. Jack was sitting on the couch on the right side with JJ next to him. Anti was on the floor next to Jack's leg, well not to close a little far.

Marvin has red, Schneep blue, Chase green, and Jackieboy purple. The round started and there was a lot of shouting, but it was nice, it was playful fun shouting and lots of laughing and cheering. "NoNoNoNoNoNOOOOO!! Not again!!" Chase cried as he got hit with another blue shell by Schneep. Schneep had a devils grin on him. Schneep was in 1st, Jackieboy in 4th, Marvin 5th, and Chase in 8th.( since he got hit by the shell it gave Schneep a huge advantage.)

During the game Jameson went on Jack's lap smiling and cuddling up with him. Jack didn't mind happily cuddled up with him back, wrapping his arms around him. Anti saw this was pretty grossed out looking away or rolling his eyes, though he didn't say anything. The rounds ended with Schneep winning. "No fair Jack can I go again! Please!" "Alright you can go but someone has to give their controller." "Here." Schneep handed the controller to Anti before sitting down as Marvin gave his to JJ.

Dapper tugged on Jack's shirt the pointing to the controller. "Want me to help you?" He nodded with a smile. "Okay I'll help ye." Anti did another eye roll at that. As the round started Jack helped JJ get the power ups and staying on the road. Anti had gotten closer to Jack's leg getting his attention every so often when he moved. Anti would look over at Jack when he wasn't looking as well.

Jack could tell Anti wanted some attention. He kept looking over especially at Dapper. Anti was just looking up at Jack not really playing. "Here Anti come on the couch." He did and brought his controller. "Here Dapper do you mind if you let Anti sit here?" He nodded and smiled as he slid off Jack's lap and next to Schneep. "Jack can I help JJ pleaze!?" Schneep called. "Only if he says yes." Jack replied while getting Anti near him. He didn't put him on his lap just yet.

"Do you want me to?" JJ nodded as they both took control of it. "'Marvin here you can play." He handed the control over as Marvin gasped. "Yay!" The round started and Jack was helping Anti control it. "Here you move the sticks like this  just stay on the road." Jack helped with the sticks as Anti slowly made his way on Jacks arm leaning into it. Though everyone was still having fun. Lots of laughter and playing and that's how the day went.

I'm ending it here cause I have a special surprise for the next chapter sorry I took forever no I'm not dead or left the book I'm just really busy lately. I hope this was long enough and good enough for the wait. I'm working on Punk Rock and Baby Boy that's also gonna be a long chapter like this. Anyways again I hope this is good enough I'm so so so sorry for the wait but I hope you enjoy and hopefully when summer comes I can get back on schedule.

one more thing
Mark x Jack yes or no. No if ands or buts just yes or no. Like please I know you guys say If I want to and I appreciate it I really do I just want this story to be great and good for everyone and I want everyone to be happy with it (that should give a big hint for next chapter) anyways have a great day/nigh


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