Glithcy Days and Scary Movies

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CONTEXT: Jack said he called pacifiers dodies (my queen) so that's what they're gonna be called here okay ? Just making sure we know what we're talking about here. Oh also I think I'm not sure if he said they also say soothers I'm not 100% sure I'm gonna say it anyways but if I'm wrong I'm sorry correct me I'll change it.

I'm sorry I am very rude i did suggestions last chapter and I didn't even mention who gave me these ideas. For the glitchy part captainsparklez1not . For the scary movie Bishoppawncat24 thanks guys.

3rd person POV

Jack was soundly asleep, happy that he could get some rest and not worry  about the boys for once. Chase was still cuddled into him clutching onto his shirt a little snoring just a small bit. Jack had an arm around Chase keeping him close while the other was chilling on a pillow since he tends to sprawl out while he sleeps. Jack was sleeping in for a bit thinking it would go on for longer until he heard this. "NO I WAS NOT!!!" Jack got a baby monitor for both rooms though the boys had no clue.

This made  Jack to jump awake causing Chase to wake up a little or at least move around. Jack got up  quickly knowing it was fighting, he entered the room to see Marvin up holding himself up by clinging onto the bars, and Anti had his arms crossed pouting with an angry expression on his face. "Yeah you where!!!" Schneep was sitting at the edge of his bed. His little legs dangling from where the ladder. "What is going on here!?" Jack said finally in a stern voice. "SCHNEEP KEEPS SAYING WE USER THESE STUPID SOOTHERS !!!" Marvin screeched. When he looked over Dapper was sitting in the crib looking up at Jack, when he saw Jackieboy's dummy was on the floor. I guess he didn't need it.

"JACKIEBOY WAS USING IT TOO!!!" Anti chimed in yelling. "No I didn't.! I took it out of my mouth unlike you two!!!" He stood up on his bed sticking his tongue out. "Enough! All of you! I only gave it to you guys cause you needed them but Jackieboy didn't really so you don't have to use it." Jack said calmly picking up the dummy. "THATS NOT FAIR!!" Marvin and Anti said together. "Yes it is fair you two where the only ones who really needed it." Jack put it away in the beside drawer. They both turned bright red immediately causing Schneep to snicker.

Jack gave him a look making him stop and look down. "Everyone come downstairs we've gotta figure this out then we can have breakfast." At this point Chase was behind him rubbing at his eyes. All the older boys went downstairs thought the only ones who stayed where Anti, Marvin, and Jameson. Marvin and Jameson where to little to go downstairs themselves. He had to tell these boys the rules at some point, Jack had been thinking about it and thought it would keep a little peace. Anti stayed cause he was embarrassed.

"I didn't need that JACK!" Anti growled at him. "Anti If you saw what I saw you'd agree too." Jack was looking at him shrugging it off. "Fuck off!!" He didn't make any eye contact at all. Jack didn't bother though he just got Dapper and Marvin out of the crib. "Come on Anti let's go downstairs." "No!" "Anti, let's go-" "I DON'T WANT TO GO!!!" He glitched out a bit taking Jack by surprise, though he held himself together. The last time he saw Anti like this was his big tantrum. "Anti it's early in the morning I don't want to fight and I'm sure you don't ether, now let's go." Jack was heading to the door about to leave when he heard Anti get off the bed pushing past Jack to walking down the stairs.

Jack let out a heavy sigh but got downstairs, setting Dapper and Marvin on the couch with the others. "So none of you know at all how you got like this?" He was eyeing everyone. "Like we said before we don't know. Just a big bright light blinding us then we woke up here." Chase looked up at Jack. "What where you guys doing before all of that?" "Maybe something happened that can help us figure this shit out ." Jack thought. "Well we where all in the same room just talking and stuff before that." Jackieboyman stated. "When we got here we thought it was weird before we realized how small we where and just trying to process it." Marvin added. "Then you came to help uz and that'z it really." Schneep finished this off.

"Did that happen to you Dapper? You saw a big light too?" Jack was looking at JJ with concern if that only happened to them or if he had that as well. Jameson nodded. "He wasn't in the room with us so we have no clue how he got here." Jackieboyman looked over at him. Anti was oddly quiet during this. "Who even cares at this point.!" Anti muttered. "We're probably stuck like this forever and we have no way of going back! What's the point." Anti glitching started coming back. "Anti I don't think you're gonna be like this forever-" Jack tried calming him down but he got cut off. "Yeah exactly you "think" you don't actually know! What happens if this goes on for to long!? What if you get tired of us!? What then!!?" His words where getting a bit louder and louder, glitching growing more and more. Everyone moved away from him out of fear.

"I'm not gonna get tired of you Anti, any of you-" "Yeah that's what you say NOW! YOU PROBABLY ARE ALREADY THINKING OF WAYS TO THROW US OUT FOREVER!!! MABYE WE SHOULD LEAVE NOW!!! I HATE TALKING ABOUT THIS STUIPD STUFF IF WE KEEP GOING INTO DEADENS WE HAVE NO IDEA WHAT EVEN HAPPENED." Anti's glitching was so bad the lights where messing up, his voice was more and more distorted, and more static like noises can be heard. Everyone else was freaking out and getting really scared.

Jack then got Anti quickly carrying him upstairs. This wasn't working as it only made things worse. "NO! NO! NO! NOOO!!!!! PUT! ME! DOWN!!!!! I HATE THIS I HATE THIS I HATE THIS I HATE THIS!!!!!!!" The whole house was getting darker by the minute so Jack put Anti in the room, but before closing the door Jack told Anti, "You can come out when you stop this. You're glitching out way to much to the point where it's freaking everyone out." "I DON'T CARE!!!!! SEE YOU DO WANT US GONE CAUSE OF THIS!!!!" "Anti for the last time that is not the case at all I'm gonna come for you when I feel like it's time. You're gonna skip breakfast at least for right now." Jack shut the door and groaned loudly, plopping himself on the floor.

He sat there for a few moments before hearing whimpers from downstairs. This made Jack get up right away coming downstairs to see the boys still scared and shaken up by what happened, some where even crying or at least looked like they where. "Hey hey guys it's okay. Nothing bad is gonna happen I promise he won't do anything , not while I'm here I promise." They all came to him hugging him for comfort. Jack wrapped his arms around them speaking softly. "You're okay guys you're okay. he's in the room you guys are fine." They all slowly nodded before getting off him. "You guys can watch tv I'll make some breakfast. Does eggs and bacon sound good?" Once again they nodded before they got settled on the couch turning on the tv. Jack made breakfast.

~Time skip to after breakfast cause I'm lazy •~• ~

Jack let them eat on the couch ONLY if the promised not to make a mess. Which they didn't thankfully. Though he still had to keep and eye on JJ and Marvin to make sure they didn't spill, and by that he just kept the two next to him. It's been about 30 mins since Jack put  Anti up in the room so he decided he should check on him. Before that though he got him a plate of breakfast since he was gonna be hungry as well as a cup of juice. As we walked upstairs it seem rather quite. Very quite. Not just the room but the whole top floor as well. Jack took a deep breath in before knocking on the door. No response.

"Anti can I come in? I have some food for you cause I know you're hungry." Jack asked. Still no response. At this point he thought he might have fallen asleep or even ran away so he opened the door to find Anti on his bed  with his head in his knees. The only thing that was a mess was his bed. He completely trashed it. Jack slowly entered the room putting his food and drink on the nightstand before making his way to Anti. "Hey Bud." Jack said calmly. Anti just looked up at him with a strange look on his face before going back into his knees. "Anti look at me, we need to talk." Anti took a minute before looking up at Jack.

"Anti I know you don't like talking about it but all we're doing is just trying to figure out how to undo this. I know you and the others don't want me taking care of you forever  do you?" Anti shook his head "no". "All I'm trying to do is help you out. Oh and one more thing bud I would never ever give you up ever. I don't want to. You're all special to me even you, take my word for it." Anti nodded before looking at his food. "Can I have some?" He pointed before looking down. "Of course." Jack got his food and handed it to him. Anti ate on the floor with Jack next to him.

~ Another time skip to later on in the day cause it's late and I'm running low •^• ~

It's been a while since the whole morning thing happened. Even though Anti calmed down the others didn't get TO close to him. Though that didn't matter at this point since it was getting near their nap time then after that it's their lunch when they wake up, but for now nap time. Jack thought of putting two "youngest" ones Marvin and JJ down for a nap first. Around 10 minutes before the others since 1 it would make it easier so he doesn't have to watch 6 kids , and two they shouldn't be to much trouble because they won't be full of energy. Then Jack remember Anti and his sleep thing so he decide to put him down for a nap with the other two instead of with Chase, Schneep, and Jackieboy.

Now he would only watch 3 while the other 3 sleep. Though Anti is gonna be difficult in putting him down for a nap. He had went to the kitchen to get a nap time bottle for the two "youngest." Jack went over getting Marvin and JJ from the couch. "Come on Anti let's go." He turned as he walked upstairs. "Go where!?" Anti turned his head away form the TV looking at Jack in a confused way. "Upstairs for a nap." Jack called back. "I don't want or need a nap! And these three aren't even coming that's not fair!" Anti whined back. Jackieboyman was just about to make a joke but Jack spoke up. "Oh don't worry everyone is gonna take a nap I'm just getting you guys first." Everyone faces dropped into frowns. "Now come on." Jack called from upstairs.

Anti rolled his eyes heavily before getting off the couch and upstairs with the rest of them. "Jaaack I'm not even tried!" Anti whined again. "Yeah me either!" Marvin spoke. "You guys are gonna take a nap wether you like it or not." The two boys posted expect Dapper. He was actually getting tired. Jack gently put the bottle in their mouth and at first Marvin was not having but he eventually gave in. Dapper was being good to Jack and drank it. "Plus Anti I wanna fix you're eye bags situation so I'm putting you down for a nap earlier with them." Jack started laying Marvin and JJ down in their crib with a nap time bottle which was almost empty at this point and their eyes where growing heavy.

The crib had a mobile which was blue and white. It had clouds on it with smily faces on along with blue stars who also had faces. It played a nice soft song on loop to help them fall asleep so he didn't worry to much about them and went over to Anti who was rubbing his eyes and yawing. "Is the song making you tired?" Jack picked him up which Anti didn't fight cause he was tired. He simply just shook his head. "Anti it's nap time now and you actually have to nap this time." "I don't...I don't need to.!" Jack started rocking him a little to help him fall asleep. "Yes you do remember what happened last time?" Jack was humming to the song playing on mobile, Anti closing his eyes until his grip around Jack loosened until they dropped completely. He was asleep.

He held onto the glitchy boy for a bit longer making sure he was asleep while covering up the two in the crib with the blankets in there. Along with making sure they where comfortable on the pillows they had. See they slept on opposite sides. Marvin's spot was near the door and Jameson was near Schneep and Chases bunk bed. They had a lot of blankets and pillows in there. Jack gently put Anti down in his bed with the cover over him. Just as Anti was about to suck his thumb Jack put the pacifier he had last time in his mouth as gently sucked on the thing. He went over and gave Marvin the one he had last time and cleaned Jackieboyman's giving it to Dapper for now.

Jack turned off the mobile before he made sure they where napping before getting the others a few minutes later. Nothing really happened. They all went asleep just fine. As Jack checked on everyone he smiled a small bit before leaving the room closing the door. "Finally some peace and quiet."  Jack took some time to himself and cleaned himself up a bit before deciding to make a YouTube video. He hadn't uploaded in about two weeks.

*WHOOPS'!* TOP OF THE MORNING TO YA LADDIES MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE AND WELCOME BACK TO WE HAPPY FEW! (Or whatever game you like) Sorry for uh not uploading for a while I missed it just a little....busy."

He couldn't really tell them what ACTUALLY happened. People would think he's crazy.

~After recording and nap time and lunch time cause again I'm lazy and saving my stuff for what this chapter is about I'm so sorry forgive for This long ass time skip and my writhing •~•~

It was getting late and everyone had their dinner. The boys where watching TV while Jack was washing dishes. Jack was almost done before he felt someone tugging on his pants. He looked down seeing Jackieboy pulling on his pants looking up at him. "Can we watch a movie?" Jack said yes obviously there was no harm to it anyways. He got on his Netflix account before going trough the options. "What do you guys wanna watch?" Jack looked behind him to face all of them. "Can we watch a scary movie!?" Chase said with a big smile.

"Hmm I don't know you guys aren't really ready for that." Jack was unsure but had a point. They may know everything from their adult sate but still their brain will go into their age state. This was something he didn't want to take a chance on. "Please Jack please!!!" Jackieboy started begging. "We won't get zcared! Promize!" Schneep helped out. "Pleeeeeease!!!" Jackieboy begged again. "I wanna watch a scary movie. Jack come on can we???" Anti joined in. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Please." Marvin got really excited with Dapper nodding his head. "I don't know guys I don't want you to get scared and then have nightmares and being awake up all night."

After a bit more begging and pleading and lots of promises later Jack gave in. "Alright alright fine. What movie then." "THE CONJURING!" (I literally picked the first thing I saw on Netflix so) Chase shouted making everyone agree. Jack let out a long heavy sight knowing he was gonna regret this as he turned off the lights and started moving. Since Jack has two couches the boys could sit wherever. Anti, Jackieboyman, and Chase sat on  the other couch while Schneep and Marvin sat on the same couch with Jack just not near him. Though the only one who did was Dapper, he sat on Jack's lap.

Later on in the movie as Jack thought they kept keeping scared. Every time something scary happened Jack would cover Dapper's eyes. Not like it did much he still got scared hiding more and more into Jack's chest. The boys where hiding under the blankets or getting close to each other. As the movie went on they all got closer to Jack. For example Chase got off the couch running across the floor and right next to Jack's arm before Jackieboy did the same thing to his other arm.

Schneep then went next to Jackieboy as Marvin hid behind Chase. The only one who wasn't there was you guessed it Anti. He was the only one still on the couch but hiding under a blanket. Jack looked over at him more than the movie and started talking to him. "Hey Anti if you wanna come over here you can." He looked at Jack, you can tell he was scared but still said no. "You sure? It's lonely over there and you'll probably feel a little safer over here." Jack sated but Anti wasn't hooked. He sighed hoping he would come over on his own before leaving him alone.

The movie was over and Jameson was holding onto Jack crying a little. While the others held onto each other and Jack's arm. Anti was hiding under the blanket. Not even looking up. Jack turned off the movie before sighing loudly. "I told you guys where gonna be scared, now you won't sleep." "W-We're not scared Jack." Jackieboy said as he held onto Jack's arm. "Y-Yeah." Chase replied shacking. Jack did a giant eye roll as he got up from the couch. He made sure Jameson was comfortable before gently picking up Marvin who clung onto him.

"Come on everyone time for bed." The others looked at him with a face of "are you serious?" He started walking and Chase quickly followed as he didn't want to be left alone. Soon Jackieboy and Schneep followed but Anti was still hiding under the blanket. Jack turned on the light in their room for them. He told them to get dressed in their pjs while he went to change Marvin and Jameson. Just as he got their clothes he looked over making sure everyone was there but one. He sighed putting the two down in the crib, "I'll be right back if you can change yourself you could."

They nodded as Jack went downstairs to get Anti who was shaking under the blanket. You know out of all people he'd expect Anti to be the least scared. You know being a glitch and all. He sat next to him on the couch as he gently removed the blanket from him. Anti however clung to the blanket looking at Jack. "Hey bud let's get going now it's time for bed. I don't wanna leave you here for the night." He shook his head no. "Come on Anti don't be scared." "I-I'm not scared!" "Okay well if you're not scared you'd come with me then."

"I'll be right next to you Anti, and plus I'm gonna bring a night light for you guys so you can sleep a little bit better." "But I-I don't n-need it." "I said you guys not just you." Anti slowly got off the couch. Jack new he was scared, they way he looked around the room in paranoia. Jack was walking right next to him. "I'm right here Anti you're okay." He nodded as they both slowly made their way upstairs because Anti was scared. When they got there everyone was dressed even Marvin and JJ.

Anti quickly changed into his clothes while Jack put on the night light. "What's that?" Jackieboy got up from his bed looking over to the corner of his room where Jack was. "Oh it's a night light. It covers the whole room." "Where did you get it from?" Chase asked yawing. "It's been in my closet for a while, I had it since I was a kid I got it while I got Anti." Everyone got into their beds as Jack turned off the lights and turned on the night light. The whole room was covered in starts as it circled around all of them. Chase ran up to Jack hugging his leg before Jack picked him up.

He looked around and saw that everyone was calming down and shutting their eyes. He noticed Anti was stirring a bit. "Anti, do you wanna come sleep in my bed with me and Chase" He shook his head no "no." as he laid his head back on the pillow looking up at the celling. *That should make him tired* Jack thought as he closed the door and went to sleep in his room with Chase in his arms. Today was a long day and he'd probably sleep in, well if they let him that is.

Hi. Um okay sorry for not posting it's the end of the school year and I'm trying to get my life together so I can pass. And sorry this is very long and took so long I thought I'd make it up to you guys by giving you this. I'm working on punk rock I promise like I said I'm trying to make it long to make it up to you guys it's just I'm having a little bit of writers block so yeah, sorry about that.

Also side note if anyone of you knows Eddsworld should I do a story like this with them? Like little Tom and maybe Tord maybe, I literally saw a picture of little Tom with edd and them and got all these ideas. Probably a bad idea since I'm running two stories and always behind schedule but eh only if you want. Anyways sorry for talking so much I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time. BYE BYE!!


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