Mark and Egos !

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kinda Marks POV but not really ???? still third person.
Side note we're not gonna bring in anything from the new videos on Dark aka Celine and Damien so just shhhh and if I get stuff wrong on dark I'm sorry you can tell me)
also let's pretend Jack lives in LA and so does mark. Does mark still live there idk but ayyy that's where I am so. Yeah.

It was a normal day at Marks place. Okay not really it was no where near normal nor was he at home. See here's what happened. Mark had gotten a call from King one of his egos, that somehow they all turned into toddlers. Now since the egos lived in one house out of state from Mark he had to fly over there to deal with them.

This was only his third day there and things where already difficult. The egos that turned into toddlers where King, Dark, Wilford, Dr. Iplier, and Google. Yeah things where not going well and today was no exception. Since it was a plane flight he had to leave in a few hours and had to bring all the egos with him. So right now he was packing for the egos or at least trying to back for them. There was so much fighting and shoving and screaming as well.

"MAAAARK!! WILFORD KEEPS TRYING TO THROW BUBBLE SOAP AT ME!!!" "But bubbles make everything better!!" "STOOP!!!" Mark looked up while he was getting some backpacks ready. Seeing Dr.Iplier being chased by Wilford with bubble soap. He was throwing it everywhere even on the carpet or wooden floor so you can easily slip on it. (I hope you know what kind of floor I mean) "You two need to stop right now Wilford I will take away the bubbles you're spilling everywhere!" Mark replied.

Right now Mark was in his room the door open while King sat on the bed next to all the bags. Dr.Iplier and of course Wilford where running around or being chased and Dark and google where in the on the bottom steps of the stairs talking. Right now he was packing Dark's bag, they didn't have many clothes or such so there wasn't much to pack. Only reason is Mark was lost and didn't know what to do their clothes shrunk with them so they kinda had that and a few small shirts here and there that mark shrunk a lot.

How is he gonna take care of all these..these things!? He can't do this by himself even though there isn't a lot they still are their own handfuls and putting them together gets a bit out of hand. It's Marks ego's what do you expect. He has to call someone but who? Everyone is gonna call him crazy. Well except one person maybe. That person was Jack. He'd had to call him up and ask if he'd wanna stay over and help out. Mark picked up his phone before going to his contacts and calling Jack.

~Back to Jack~

As we where playing my phone started to buzz. I look down to see Mark calling me. As usual I picked up my phone and answered his call.

J: Hey Mark whats up? Been a while.

M: Heh yeah I've been..alright some random stuff came up, been taking a lot of my uh time. *Mark looked over at king and outside his room at the others*

J: *Jack took a moment to look at everyone on the couch* Yeah same here.

M: So Jack I've called you for something important.

J: Uh okay? What's wrong?

M: Just hear me out and don't judge me yet, just let me finish first then you can say.



M: My egos, somehow became toddlers and I don't know how they got like this but they did. That sounds crazy I know but it's very much real.


M: Jack?


M: You still there buddy?

J: oh thank god!

M: What?

J: I thought I was the only one! I'm dealing with the same thing for a little while now they just showed up in my living room one night randomly and I've been watching them ever since.

M: Lucky you I guess, I had to fly out and I'm coming back today. Which is another reason I called. Do you think possibly we could meet up and just help each other out. You probably know more since you've dealt with them longer and me for 3 days.

J: Yeah yeah of course! What time are you landing?

M: Well I'm gonna head to the airport in a few so depending how it goes I'll probably be there around late 9 mostly 10 or so at night. If that's okay.

J: Yeah that's cool though I have to ask are you gonna stay at your place and come by every so often or do you wanna just come crash here for a bit. You know till whatever happened wears off. I have a spare room for them I'll just have to take things apart like the bed and stuff.

M: I'm sure you've done enough with your own let me help once I get there greenie.

J: *laughing * I'm not green anymore Mark!

M: You're still a green boy to me. *chuckling a small bit with a smile*

M: But seriously let me help I'm sure you've done a lot already.

J: Okay okay okay I'll let you help. Though question have you gotten any clothes or them or such?

M: No not really, I haven't gotten them any really.

J: Mark!!

M: Well sorry I didn't know what to do!

J: I guess that's something we have to get when you come over and other stuff like beds and such..well depending on how old they are.

M: How old they are?

J: Well yeah you can't just throw clothes at them. It tells their ages and that helps with a lot of things.

J: Well it's getting close to their nap so I'll call you back in a second or at least when you come back from your flight. Don't forget to text me when you're here!

M: I won't I'll see you soon.

J: Bye Mark!

M: Bye greenie.

J: *a small hint of giggles* Oh shut up!

*end of call*

Great now the two had big smiles on their faces. They really liked talking to each other it was always nice.Though that didn't matter they just went back to what they where doing. (3rd person rn it's back at Mark I know I'm sorry I'm bad at this first time.) "Mark how are we gonna get back home?" King looked up while he played with the ends of his backpack. "We're gonna go by plane King." "PLANE!?" "Yes King a plane you'll be fine it's not that bad."

~Back to Jack (there's gonna he awkward transition I'm sorry)~

"Okay it's getting close to your nap time now let's get you guys ready." Jack was just about to get up but a bunch of whines. "One more game Jack please!!!" Chase begged. "Fine one more round but after you guys are gonna nap. Make sure everyone has had a turn." They nod getting excited again. They played their round and another one since they had one more left why not just finish. Though after Jack turned off everything and put away all the controllers.

Everyone got up from the couch and headed up the stairs. Jack let the "younger" ones go alone since they could walk though Jack told them they had to hold onto the sides. While Jack was the last one to go up since he liked being behind everyone to make sure nothing happens Anti would not let go of his legs. Jack looked down and saw a little glitchy boy (he wasn't glitching) with his arms stretched out. "Up." He said.

"What?" Jack was confused since Anti never wanted this ever and would probably stab you if he had a knife.  "Up!" He whined with a bit of a pout. "You wanna be picked up?" Jack rose a brow at the little glitch. "Up! Up! Up! Up!!" Anti's pout grew as he whined more jumping up a bit, arms still stretched out. "Okay okay calm down Anti." Jack reached down to pick him up and he scooped him up while Anti put his head on Jack's shoulder burring it.

Once in the room Jack helped Marvin and JJ into the crib and had two nap time bottles in the crib. They could drink it if they wanted to though they did even though Jack thought they wouldn't. They laid on their backs making little noises as they drank. Jack turned off the lights and dimmed the blinds. He knew it wasn't gonna do much, but it was gonna help so the sun isn't right in their eyes. Everyone was comfy and asleep already. It was cute that some just didn't bother do go under the covers.

Chase and Schneep where on top of the covers. Schneep with his hands under the pillow as his face kinda squished into it and Chase was facing the wall spread out, while his hands where up like how you do when cops are around. (That is the best I can describe it I don't know how else to say I'm not trying to make it dark I'm sorry)He still had his hat on his so Jack took it off and placed it at the edge of the bed.

Jackieboy was kinda under the covers but he has one of his legs sticking out along with an arm over his chest and the other hanging off the side. Marvin and Jameson where done with their bottles and where asleep. Jack covered them and JJ was basically under the whole blanket while Marvin was like Jackieboy. Except his legs where in and one arm was upwards.

Lastly was to put Anti to bed, as he'd fallen asleep on Jack shoulder. He was still confused on how he actually asked to be picked up, but also a big part thought it was really cute. His hair was nice and fluffy a bit and soft. Jack laid him in his bed covering him up. Again he went into his burrito phase along with burring his face in the pillow. Jack did the usual giving a soother who needed it. Became a routine at this point.

Before he left the room he checked on everyone last time before shutting the door as he left. He was on debating on if he should nap as well or make a video. Though really he should be making videos, he's been slacking a bit and especially since Mark is coming he knew he needed a good amount. At least to hold the community for a bit. So that's what he did, in the span of them napping he got a good amount done and send them to robin to edit.

~Marky Mark~

As they gathered everything together, Mark did one final check before loading everything into the car. Which was Dark's car. Well technically all the egos but Dark drives it the most and the egos or some got their own, so they don't use it as much. Mark was gonna call another ego to pick up the car once at the airport, but right now he had to worry about a different thing. See now he has to get from point A to B without getting pulled over, because there are children not in right seats in a car.

The chances are a bit big but that's only cause a trip to an airport is no where short. (I was in a car for a good while,fun tho) Though he buckled everyone up,started the car and drove off. It was a semi peaceful drive. Dr.Iplier and King where talking to each other, while Wilford , Dark, and Google where chatting to themselves. Maybe a few "you're leg is touching me!" Or "you're too close!" And "move!! you're sitting on me!" or the usual "I'm gonna stab you if you don't move." Nothing to out of the ordinary.

Once they finally made it to the airport he got everyone out whilst getting their bags and having them wear it. They complained a bit since they didn't like how childish and humiliating it looked, but what could he do? A regular sized bag was just way to big for them, and marks bag was full of some stuff anyways. Mark picked up King since he was the smallest and was not losing any of them at the moment. Once they board the plane Mark put everyone's stuff and his on top. Dark sat next to the window with Wilford, Google and Dr.Iplier sat in the same seat in the middle.

(I know that's not how it actually works it could never but shhh. Let's just pretend I want it easier for me to have them together just let it happen)

King since he was very small, had to sit on Mark's lap. (Ik that's true just forget how old they have to be.) King wasn't having the best of times. The others didn't seem to mind since they were talking to each other, and Mark was used to it since he's been on a plane a lot in his life. King was holding onto Marks shirt or pants, or even his hands at times. Once the plane was up in the air his fears grew worse and started whimpering into Mark's clothes. "You okay King?" Mark was looking down as held him.

He didn't answer just held onto Marks shirt. Though he did look up at Mark with tears rolling down his chubby cheeks.*Shit Shit Shit Shit. Don't cry don't cry don't cry* Mark thought to himself. Mark consider himself good with kids, but when it's your own ego it's a bit weird. Though he knew if he didn't do something he'd burst out crying, and plus he wanted to prove to himself he'd be a good dad someday. "Hey hey hey what's wrong?" Mark started to wipe his tears a bit, the question made King's tear come more now he was crying.

Though he wasn't crying loudly there where still a lot of tears coming down, he was really trying to hold it in as much as he could. "Are you sacred of the flight? Is that all?" Mark let King hold his finger while kings other hand was clutching on Marks shirt m. His tears staining his shirt. Then King couldn't hold it in anymore and started balling his eyes out. In a quick panic to calm King down was a pacifier he had in his pocket. Now he did tell Jack he didn't get the clothes which was only half true.

See he did go out to get some shirts that he could shrink just a bit more so they'd fit them. Thankfully some boxers shrunk to their size so Mark just let them wear those, they didn't mind to much. Though while he was out getting them he saw King staring at some pacifiers in one sections of the store. Mark didn't think to much of it but got it just Incase though he highly doubt he would use it until now. He took it out (and it was an orange one) putting it in King's mouth, which started to calm him down a little.

Of course his tears where still Mark was able to sooth him much better now. Mark was stroking King's hand with his thumb since King was holding one of Marks hands. "You're okay King there's no reason to cry, You and me are both fine right? We're okay, just calm down and relax. I'm right here you're okay." It was at this point King had stopped crying and had his head on Marks shoulder. He was now sucking on the pacifier since before it was just in his mouth. Mark kept petting King's hand with his thumb to keep him calm.

For most of the flight, he did cry a couple of random times but only to Mark. The only few bad ones is when there was terbutaline and that freaked King out bad. One was really bad where it shook a bit which now made King cry out loud. Thankful they where in the back so the planes noises drowned it out a bit though the others could here and where not happy. Dr.Iplier and Dark where even covering their ears. Kings burst out caused his pacifier to drop though Mark caught it putting it back in King's mouth.

Since King for the most part of the flight was on Marks lap (not counting the first part) Mark lifted him to put his head on his shoulder and getting him comfortable. He was bouncing him in a small way but just rubbing his back and talking to him. "You're okay King this happens on planes. You're okay, you're doing so well I'm so proud of you! You're so brave. We're almost done do you think you can handle the last parts?" King came up to look at Mark nodding as he sniffled a bit. No snot just tears. He was rubbing his eyes and Mark put him back to his spot to let him rest.

Mark looked over at the others seeing them all asleep. Darks head was on the window his cheek being squished just a small bit, while Wilford had his head back facing up with his hands flooded together. Google was having his hand on the arm rest while his head was on his hand and Dr. Iplier was leaning to Marks direction, basically his head was kinda on the arm rest in a way. He thought the sight was just a tad bit cute but still felt weird that it's HIS egos.

~After they land let's just pretend somehow Mark got his car after he got out of the airport okay? Okay. Oh and the egos are still asleep.~

Mark settled everyone in the car making sure they where buckled up. Again he hoped no cops would see some kids out of a car seat. It was around 10:57 at night but he still texted Jack saying he was here. He had a to drive over to Jack's house, one to discuss plans about all of this but also to talk for a bit, he missed their talks. He pulled into Jack's driveway parking the car, he was kinda debating on leaving them in the car but they looked to comfortable to move. He did have a camera in the car and his car was inside the garage. He could check his phone and hear them as well.

Jack told him to use the door that connects from the garage to the kitchen so he did since it was unlock and left it open for easy access to them. As Mark walked into the kitchen he heard faint arguing. He saw Jack next to the couch bending down with he assumed was Chase standing next to him. Mark tapped Jack's shoulder causing him to look up. "Oh Mark! Hi!" He gave Mark a quick hug before going back to the couch. "What's happening here?" "Oh nothing really it's just I'm trying to get Anti to sleep but he's fighting and is now behind the couch."

"Anti come out of there." Jack said stern but still gentle hoping he could get him out without being too forceful. "NO!" He yelled back. "Anti if you don't come out of there right now you will go to bed and take a nap way earlier then everyone else, do not make me get you." Jack replied in a stern voice which eventually made Anti come out. Though Jack did pick him up which caused him to have a loud screaming fit. Now Marks glad he left them in the car. Mark saw Anti in his Dino onesie and thought it was kinda funny. "Nice Pjs Anti." Thankfully Anti didn't hear but Jack did "Thanks it matches his bed." He looked down seeing Chase trying to get Jack to pick him up by either tugging on his pj bottoms or making grabby hands. He was also in his pjs a long gray shirt and classic red flannel bottoms. Mark liked his pj choice.

"Chase honey I'm sorry I can't pick you up right now. I have to get Anti to sleep." Anti wasn't having it. He pushed off of Jack, (or tried) squirming, kicking screaming. Chase looked heartbroken which made Mark feel bad. "Hey bud you want me to hold you? So you're not on the floor plus I'm much stronger than Jack." That little comment made Chase laugh a little before he looked up at Jack to see if it was okay. "Go on Chase go with Mark he's nice I promise." Chase this whole time was behind Jack's leg, he's not shy it's just he's tired and wants some attention.

So he slowly at first walked over to Mark before going regular pace as Mark lifted him up. It felt different for Chase which you can clearly see how amazed he was with little things for example his muscles. Chase had both his arms wrapped around Mark's neck as he laid his head on his shoulder. Even though Anti kept screaming Mark took him to the living room where he could get Chase to sleep so it wouldn't be so hard with Anti screaming. Which he did by humming/ singing a small bit to Chase being already tired.

Mark came back with a sleepy, comfy Chase and came back to a tantrum throwing Anti. "Are these two always up this late?" Mark asked while Jack was heating up Anti a bottle. Jack was bouncing him up and down, he only gave him a bottle to see if it would calm him down. "No Chase likes to sleep with me in my bed. I told him he could lay on my bed while I deal with Anti but he didn't want to be alone. He has nightmares." "Anti on the other hands always throw tantrums but today he was actually pretty good a bit cuddly as well. Though I think cause it's late he's just cranky so he needs some sleep."

The mention of sleep was enough to make Anti throw his head back with a big fuss while still hitting Jack's chest with his little fist. Since his fist where small they didn't do any damage (what's your damage heather) but Jack still had to tell him off. "Anti you do NOT hit me. Stop that right now or tomorrow you can spend a good amount of your day in timeout in your room." Jack told him knowing he wasn't playing. Jack got the bottle having Mark test it saying it was okay. He tried giving Anti the bottle but he kept moving his head whining.

He fought and fought. Every time Jack tried putting the bottle near his mouth he would turn the other way or even move side to side. His voice was a bit raspy but not bad his whines where still very loud. "Nooooooo!!!!" He cried as he knocked the bottle out of Jack's hand. "Anti!" Jack picked it up going back to fighting. Mark came over looking at Jack before going to Anti and holding his face still that made him stop moving. "Anti you gotta take your bottle there is no reason to fight you gotta stop now." "NOOOO!!!" He tried moving his head but Mark had a good hold. He wasn't hurting him just had the strength to hold him still.

"Jack when I say go put the bottle in his mouth." "Wait what?!" With the free hand that Mark had, even though he was still holding Chase he was still able to pinch Anti's nose. Anti was covering his mouth but eventually very quickly and soon removed his hand to open his mouth to breath. "Go!" Jack put the bottle in Anti's mouth. He whined as Mark let go of his nose as Anti tried not to swallow the milk but did eventually and once he got that first sip sleep kicked in immediately after. Mark let go of his face as Jack got him in a more comfortable position.

They had walked over to the couch to sit down, Chase head still on Marks shoulder while Jack was holding Anti the way you bottle feed a baby. Head in crook of arm while Jack's arm was underneath him while he sat Anti up in a way so it would be easier to take the bottle. His eyes where a bit big but started to close and Anti did hold onto it for a little before letting go. Finally when the whole bottle was empty Anti was curled up asleep in Jack's arm. Jack putting the bottle on the coffee table as he also put Anti's head on his shoulder letting Anti get comfortable in his sleep.

"Thanks Mark for that little trick, we'd you learn that?" Jack asked with a smile as he asked in a quiet tone. "Let's just say my mom had to use that a lot on me." His voice being already deep was a lot deeper since he was whispering. "Well thanks for helping me put this one to sleep, I just feel bad I couldn't give Chase any attention." He stared at Chase and how comfortable he was. "Jack it's fine it happens when you've got more then one kid, plus I assume he's younger so." Mark rose a brow. "Oh yeah I guess I never did tell you their ages or literally anything other then they turned into children."

Mark chuckled a little, "Well you could tell me now? If you want." "Well Chase, Schneep, and Jackieboy are all 3 though either Schneep might be older or just really mature. Anti is 2 while JJ and Marvin are 1." Jack looked over upstairs to the room they all slept in. "Awe Anti's all by himself, that could also be why he's also a bit grumpy. He has no one his age." "Yeah I guess that's true but it's not like I picked it." Jack looked back at Mark, "We should probably go shopping for yours hopefully tomorrow and you guys can stay here."

"Have you told them yet?" Mark was rubbing Chase's back. Again it still feels weird even though it's not his ego it's not as weird in a way plus he's asleep so he can't really see his face. It helps in a way. "No I haven't gotten the chance I kinda forget to even mention it, I might just have to say tomorrow." "I still haven't said anything either so we're on the same boat." "At least I'm with you." Jack smiled at him as he sat next to him. "Me too." He replied. Jack placed his head on Marks free shoulder while Mark put his head on top of Jack's. "I just still don't know how the hell this even happened." Jack fixed Anti on his shoulder.

"I've tried asking but they don't even remember, just one big light." Jack continued. "I don't either Jack, but it's fine we have each other." "Yeah but there's two of us and eleven of them." "As long as we make the rules and act like the adults we should be fine right? Think about it Jack they have the bodies of kids and maybe act like them at times you've maybe seen it." "Yeah I have." "So there we go, might be a little hard at first but everything is." "Thanks Mark, making me feel like I'm having a child." The two laughed and talked some more about other things while the two little ones slept in their arms.

"Well I should probably be heading out now. It's already 12 and I gotta pay the sitter for Chica. So I might not come over tomorrow just cause I want them to get used to being in a way back home? You know what I mean right?" Jack smiled "Yeah it is late. And yeah I know what you mean just so they aren't pushed into something new right away." "I feel bad I left then in the car, though I have been checking the camera and they're doing fine. Here I'll help you take these ones to bed." "Right this way my dude."

Jack got up leading the way as Mark followed behind as they entered the room. Jack never really got rid of the star thing though they never said anything about it. It was on and as usual the room was filled with stars, the two small ones with soothers in their mouths, the older ones spread out on their beds. As Jack put Anti in his bed seeing how his thumb was really in his mouth. He assumed he didn't notice while downstairs so he did the usual putting a pacifier instead as they left the room closing the door. "I didn't know they used pacifiers.Also you where right it did match his bed." Mark handed Chase over to Jack while Jack set him on his hip.

"See I told you, and yeah well they don't like it they just use it in their sleep and wake up pretty embarrassed over it the next morning." "I would imagine so King uses it or he did on the plane, he cried pretty much the whole ride." Jack patted him on the shoulder, "Tuff luck there buddy. Anyways I think we should head to bed night Mark." He gave Mark a little peck on the cheek which made Mark smile doing it back to Jack. "Night Jack." Jack went inside his room closing the door while Mark left from the garage door locking it and the actual garage since Jack gave him the keys to.  Mark parked his car in the driveway as he payed the sitter bringing the others inside and letting them sleep in the guest bedroom. Putting them all in one bed and getting into his pjs (A regular white shirt and his markiplier pj bottoms) and knocking out as soon as his soon as his head hit the pillow.

Hello, hey, howdy ay
Guess who finally got a chapter out!!! Me!!!!! I hope this was good enough this took so long I'm sorry if they're mess ups it's so long I'm in the 5000 that's not the exact number I'm just saying that's where I am that's the level. There are bigger numbers on the side but still okay anyways. I hope you guys enjoyed this little chapter gave you all something to read since it's been a hot minute. Anyways welcome Mark and his egos to the story and more to come and to lilsdemons I know that I say this a lot but I swear your chapter is like what maybe two away two maybe 3 but hopefully two if I can jam pack the chapters. Trust me I've been wanting to do that chapter so badly!!! I'm sorry I keep making you wait I feel so bad!!!! I'm so sorry!!! Anyways that's all for today I will see everyone of you in the next time I update. Bye Bye


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