The Egos Meet

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The next morning Mark awoke, in his bed with a bunch of pillows all around him. Mark didn't really know what time we woke up since he doesn't check the clock, but got up and stretched anyways. Chica was awake smiling happy at Mark with her tongue sticking out. Mark had a soft smile on him, "Morning Chica-bicka." He patted her head for a little while which made her more happy as her tail started to wag. He walked out of the room having Chica follow closely behind.

Mark checked the room where the egos where sleeping. Wilford was on the left side of the bed on the edge pretty much taking up as much room as he possibly can. Next to him in the semi middle was Dark who was kinda curled up with his hands under his head, following him was Dr. Iplier he was on his back arms crossed over covering his face, then king who kinda buried himself under the blanket but he still had breathing room. Lastly was google who was on the right edge side of the bed. He was on his side facing right with the blanket covering all of him but his face. (Should I bring Bing in here for Chase or leave it?)

Mark was glad they where still asleep and that these where the only ones, but of course these ones can cause trouble. Chica was trying to get on the bed to trying to sniff Wilford he moved in his sleep causing Mark to call her down as he and her went into the kitchen. He was checking his phone at the moment debating on if he should text Jack or not. Though he decided against it, it was a long night last night and Mark thought he needed some sleep. He looked really tired.

Mark went into the kitchen making himself a cup of coffee while Chica ate from her food bowl. His coffee finished and he poured it into a mug. Though before taking a sip he did go back to check on everyone. Slowly he opened the door as they woke up. "Good morning everyone ." Mark closed the door behind him as he came over to the bed. "You guys wanna eat breakfast now?" Dr. Iplier got up sliding off the bed with Google following. Wilford got up as he kept poking Dark's face to wake him up.

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" Wilford said as he was now using two fingers from each hand. Going back and forth on poking his cheek. Dark however was not waking up and only moved to cover his face. At this point he got a little annoyed so he started shaking Dark. "Wake up!" He shouted. Now Dark was awaked and very annoyed with Wilford. Dark got up and pushed Wilford's hands away form him. "Don'" He said in low deep voice, or as low as he could since his voice was kinda high. Being turned into a child so his voice was a bit different.

"Relax there just trying to get you to wake up." Wilford got down and so did  nDark as he walked over to the door like everyone else. King was still asleep so Mark opened the door and told them they can watch Tv while he gets King. "What about breakfast?" Dr. Iplier complained. "You'll get it I just need to get King first then we can eat." He whined a little but followed downstairs where everyone was watching TV.

Mark went over to King shaking him just only a little. "Come on King wake up now." Mark said in a still morning soft tone of voice. King opened his eyes but hide his face in a pillow mumbling out, "I don't wanna.." in a small whiny tone. "You gotta wake up though. Can't be in bed all day." "I wanna.!" He whined out as he covered himself more with the blanket. Mark sat next to him on the bed, it's like getting a kid up to go to school. Mark pulled the blanket down a little but he shivered and pulled it back up.

When Mark saw this he kinda laughed a little. "You're just cold is that it?" King looked up at him and nodded. Mark sighed a little before making an offer with the little squirrel king. "Well...what if I cared you? That way you're warm and everyone could get something to eat even you." King then got up quickly after hearing this having his arms stretched out. Mark picked him up having him curl up in his arms while his head was on his collarbone. Mark was no where near used to this and still kinda weirded out.  Though he sucked it up knowing the others where hungry. He came back downstairs with King getting warmed up on Mark. "Alright who wants waffles?"

Jack woke up with nothing unusual happening. Chase still was curled up next to Jack but he was holding onto Jacks short sleeve of his pj top. Though Chase did get up when Jack did giving Jack a small little hug. Jack smiles and ruffled his hair a little. "Sorry little dude I couldn't give you any attention last night." "It's okay, Anti's annoying anyways." He said with a big smile on his face. Jack did laugh just a small bit, "Hey be nice to him though okay?" Chase nodded as he sat on Jack's lap playing with Jack's fingers.

Just as Jack was gonna get up he realized Chaes's clothes where a bit bigger, and he was a lot smaller. "Chase am I going crazy or did you get..smaller?" "You've been seeing us in kids size forever now." He looked up at Jack with a bit of a pout. "No no not that. You yourself have gotten a bit smaller, your clothes don't even fit." Chase just shrugged as Jack picked him up placing him in the ground as Jack stepped out of bed. From this Chase did look small and he couldn't walk as best as he did the day before.

Jack kept an eye on him as he and Chase (who waited outside the door) went to the room where everyone was. Gently Jack woke up everyone else though Marvin did look a little taller, and his clothes where a bit small on him. You can tell he was very uncomfortable. "Marv you're clothes are pretty small in you, do they even feel comfortable?" "Can't move." Marvin said. So Jack picked him up grabbing some clothes he thought would fit him and took him to his room. "You guys can stay here or go downstairs and watch Tv."

"What about Anti?" Schneep asked point at the sleeping thing in his bed. "Leave him be he was up all night he needs some rest." They nodded so Jackieboy, Schneep, and JJ all went downstairs since Jack needed to see Chase. It was kinda cute how they all went down the steps. Schneep was holding one of JJ hand while Jackieboy was holding his other hand. They all went down to the couch and watched whatever was on at the moment.

Chase was in Jack's room with Marv and Jack. The two of them sat on the bed while Jack took off Marvin's pjs. "Does that feel better?" Marvin nodded, "It was too tight." Jack held up the clothes he though would fit aka the ones he'd usually wear but they where all too small. So he got an outfit thats a bit bigger and it actually fit. "Huh that's kinda weird, you grew and Chase somehow shrunk." He was gonna gonna say something but didn't. "Here you guys go downstairs I'll get Anti, Chase let me roll up your sleeves."

Marvin got down and went down the steps while Jack rolled up Chase's sleeves on his bottom pjs and for his shirt since they covered his hands a bit. "I don't need them rolled up." "Chase please just so you don't trip." He helped him down as Chase followed the the steps while Jack went back to the egos room to get Anti. Jack bent down a little running his fingers through Anti's hair to get him to wake up. He did open his eyes before rubbing at them though he stayed in the  bed looking up at Jack with small sleepy eyes. "Morning Anti bug."

(get it cause bug, like a glitch when your stuff messes up. It's "bugged." I'll go home also yeah that's Jack's nickname for him )

Jack said with a warm smile still running his fingers through Anti's hair as Anti let out a little puff of hair, since his mouth was being occupied by a soother. Usually when they woke up Jack or the others themselves would take them out like JJ or Marvin or at least Marvin used to since he somehow grew. Anti still being asleep left it in there and was probably still not fully awake to realize/notice he still had it.

"Did you have a good sleep?" He stopped running his fingers through his hair as Anti nodded. "That's good, you put up a big fuss last night." Anti shook his head no earning a chuckle from Jack. "You ready to get up now? Or are you still tired." "Tiwed." Words being mispronounced by the soother as again Anti forgetting it was there. "Here you can lay on the couch for a little and rest while I get food ready sound good?" A nod came from him again as he slowly got up from his bed rubbing at his eyes.

"Here let's just take the soother out." He attempted to take it out but Anti pulled back like last time. "You wanna keep it in?" He nodded. "I know but let's just take it out I don't wanna deal with any teasing." Though Anti still held it close. "You wanna hide it in the blanket while you sleep?" Anti shrugged as Jack picked him up as if he let Anti walk everyone would definitely see. So he made sure he hid Antis face into his chest as he laid him on the other couch facing away from the other.

He put a blanket over him as he continued to sleep, though Chase did come over. "What's up bud?" "Sleep." He yawned into Jack's leg. "You wanna share a blanket with Anti? You can be on the other side, it's big enough for both of you." He shrugged so that's what Jack did. He laid Chase on the opposite side of Anti and pulled the blanket over him as let them sleep for a bit more. "Why do they get to sleep in?" Jackieboy lazily pointed with a small pout.

"They where both up very late last night so they're a bit more tired." "Why where they up so late?" Marvin  raised a brow a bit. "I'll explain that later, you guys want French toast?" "YES!" They all cheered, well except for JJ though he did throw his hands up in the air with a big smile and two thumbs up. "French toast it is then."

While Mark was waiting for the waffles to be cooked, he was taking sips from his coffee while still carrying King. Though King kept making hand motions (or grabby hands) to Mark's cup. Mark took a noticed and put his cup down on the counter causing King to try and lean forward to get it. Mark stopped him setting him properly on his hip. "What's up King?" "Coco." He replied staring at the coffee cup. "It's not coco, it's coffee and you can't have any."

"But..but please?" King asked turning his head away from the cup towards Mark, with big eyes. "No King it's too hot for you, and it'll get you all hyper so no." Now King had a big pout on his lips. "Not fair." Mark set him down on the ground as he got plates of food ready for everyone giving them forks and such. "Yeah I know."

Since everyone was in the living room he just brought the plates over there to them. Handing one to everyone and giving them syrup to share. Handing them some forks as well. "Please do not make any messes on my couch, I do NOT want to be cleaning any syrup up." They agreed not getting anything dirty. As they finished he gave them some juice. Wilford and Google both had orange juice, While Dark, King, and Dr.Iplier had apple. After cleaning up all the plates putting them away Mark went over to them.

"So I need to talk to all of you, about what happened." Mark stood in front of all of them. "As you guys know you're children. We don't know how or why but you are. Though I'm sure you guys remember Jack." "What does Jack have anything to do with this?" Google looked up at Mark with a bit of a scowl. "Well he told me that his egos have also been turned into children, and since we only live a few or so blocks away from him. Basically we're gonna he staying with him until this is fixed." Mark kinda took a while to say some words but he knew how they where gonna react.

"You're joking right?" Google asked not processing the information. "I wish I could say it was." Mark replied. "This isn't-We-We're not gonna stay with those-those septics." Dark spat very clearly not wanting this to happen. "We aren't going today or at least now. Either tomorrow or later on in the day. Plus it's gonna be easier to help all of you and keeping an eye on everyone." "Mark what about Chica?" King pointed outside where Chica was happily running around.

"Yeah exactly what about her this poor pup can't be on her own. You guys can go I'll stay here and watch her." Wilford excitedly and very proudly stated. "No no no, She's coming with us Wilford. And no you're not staying here alone all of us are going over to Jack's house. He was nice enough to offer and not call me crazy." "But do we have to?!" Dr.Iplier said with a good hint of complain in his voice even though he tried making it not so obvious. "Yes Iplier we are." Mark looking over to him.

"Wait a minute. When did you even talk to him? We where with you all day yesterday!?" Dark giving Mark a questing look. "Well I talked to him before we got on the plane, and I also went to his house when you guys fell asleep in the car." "Wasn't that late at night though?" Dr.Iplier responded. "Well you guys where long asleep before this, I left his house at around 12 or so and came home." No one said anything it was just silent.

"So we leave tomorrow or later today?" Google asked one last time. "Yeah I'll check in with Jack later to see when should we come." "Do the others know?" Wilford perked up with a question. "I'm not sure to be honest. He never said when he'd tell them. Though I'll check with him later you guys can watch TV and relax for now." "I feel like this is the only time we'll be able to do so." Dark commented facing the TV as he turned it on.

Jack let everyone hang out on the couch to eat. So one everyone was more relaxed and comfortable and two he didn't want to use the kitchen at the moment, and just thought it was easier to say the next step on what's happening. Though they did finish their food as Jack set the plates away and offering either Banana milk or chocolate milk to them, again so it helps break the news. Jack handed Jackieboy, Anti, Schneep , and Chase banana milk. While Marv and JJ got chocolate.

Most of them got sippy cups, Anti's a little more childlike but still a cup in a way. While Chase and JJ got a bottle. "Why do I get a bottle!" Chase pouts as he held onto the chocolate milk filled drink. "Somehow again you shrunk, and again I'm not risking anything." "Can't I just take off the top?!" "Just drink it as is please Chase?" He pouted but Jack new he was gonna drink it eventually. "Jack I thought we weren't allowed much sugar in the morning." Marvin said in between sips of his drink.

"Well I just though it would be nice little treat, since I have something to share." "Like what?" Schneep said now very confused along with everyone else. "You guys remember Mark right?" They all nodded still not getting it. "Well turns out some of his egos have turned into..smaller size then before. And they're gonna stay with us until it wears off." "NO!!" Anti shot up on the couch.

"We can't have more people in here!! There's too many!!" Anti kept going. Which was a bit true. "Yes but we do have a spare bedroom for them to be sleeping in." Jack explained. "How did it happen to zem? Zey where not wiz uz." Schneep said quietly. "I'm not sure, though it did happen." Jack replied. "Do you know which egos they are?" Jackieboy asks but Jack shook his head no. "He never told me."

"Great this is just what I needed." Anti said as he sat back down mumbling to himself. "Look I'm sorry guys but this can help both of us keeping an eye on everyone and such. Plus it shouldn't be that bad." No one said much but he could tell that some just weren't accepting it. "Look I'm sorry guys but they're most likely coming today or tomorrow." Jack said in a soft tone as he didn't wanna break the silence. "But they're annoying!" Anti pouts.

"You haven't been with them yet." Jack replied. "Yeah but I know they will." He said back. "Well I can't do anything now they're coming anyways. Plus Anti, Chase, you guys met Mark last night he was nice wasn't he?" All the other egos looked over at the two who now where a bit red in the face. Chase was looking off to the side while Anti just looked down. A bit more red as he remembered all of last night.

JJ looked up at Jack with a confused look pointing at Anti. Then putting his hands in his face looking down and hiding it, as if he was asking why was he so embarrassed. "It's a long story JJ, let's just get ready for the day I'll clean up okay?" They all nodded and headed off the couch while Jack headed to the kitchen with the plates in hand. Dapper didn't go with the others he went with Jack to help clean.

As Jack put the plates in the skin and was about to wash he felt someone tugging on his legs, looking down to see a smiling dapper with his arms raised. "You wanna help me clean Jameson?" He nods excitedly as Jack picked him up setting him on his hip. "You're kinda too small so, you can tell me where to put the dishes okay?" JJ nods as Jack starts washing,

As Jack washes he would wet his fingers and splashing small bits of water on JJ face, causing him to smile and clap his hands together and he even let Dapper splash his hands in the soapy water. JJ pointed at the places he thought the dishes and cups would look nicely placed. He dried both their hands and walked upstairs, JJ still on his hip as they checked on the others if they where dressed.

Schneep was done as he was helping Chase brush his hair by brushing it for him. Jackieboy was putting on some shorts, while Marvin was fixing his shirt. Jack set JJ down on the floor to the room, "Can you dress yourself." He asked Jameson. Dapper taps his finger on his chin making it look like he's thinking before nodding giving two thumbs up. "Okay, Schneep if he needs help can you help him please?" "Why yez of courz." He smiles looking up.

"Thanks bud, hey uh where's Anti?" Jack ask as he sees he's not around in the room with the others. "I think he's in the bathroom." Jackieboy says as he's climbing onto his bed bouncing up and down a bit. "Okay I'll get him, Jackieboy please be careful I don't need you getting hurt." "M'kay." He shouts as Jack exits the kids bedroom making his way to the bathroom. As he opens the door he finds a small, struggling Anti with overalls.

(I know I already put him in overalls I'm pretty sure. But leave me alone I'm a sucker for baby Anti in overalls ever since I thought of it I'm sorry you might see that a lot. Again I'm sorry!)

This was kinda amusing to Jack as he stood at the doorway smiling to himself at this. Anti on the other hand was having zero fun or enjoyment out of this.  You could tell as he let out frustrated huffs, while Jack watched this as Anti didn't notice Jack. He let this go on for a bit more, that was until he saw Anti let out frustrated tears silently fall down his cheeks. "Need some help?" Jack bent down to his level.

Since Anti didn't know he was there he quickly wiped his tears before looking up at him. "N-No I can put on my clothes by myself." He turned a bit pink. "You sure you seem to be struggling." He stayed quite before mumbling some words along "fine". As Jack went to help he noticed his overalls where on backwards causing him to chuckle a little. "What.?" Anti mutters back.

"Nothing nothing just, you have your outfit on backwards." His face turned red real quick as Jack tried pulling down his overalls down. His face was burning red as he helped Anti into the outfit the right way and buckled on straps. He was now in black overalls with white buttons and a dark blue shirt that had a little whale on it with a smiley blush face and some water coming out of its blowhole along with a white color and the neck and ends of the shortsleeved shirt. The overalls where shorts as well with some black and gray socks.

"Feeling better that it's on the right way?" He said with a smirk while Anti hid his face. He walked with him out of the bathroom going into the room. Schneep was wearing a light blue short sleeved shirt with black pants as his shirt was kinda tucked in. It's Schneep so it wasn't much of a surprise. Chase was wearing a red onesie aka a snap crotch onesie. Which says "Lil Bro" in white letters with a red background. He also has blue shorts on.

Jackieboy had a red long sleeved shirt that had a Spider-Man face on it along with light blue longer sleeved shorts a bit. Mar had gotten a light green shirt with two small blue stripes running across it with dark blue jeans that cut off right above the ankle. Lastly Jameson who was wearing a white shirt with small black stripes on it with a panda bear face on it. Over it was blue overalls but soft for a year old with a big pocket on the front with a bears face.

(I found this while trying to get outfit ideas for everyone's outfit. It's hard because a lot of them are Instagram outfits as in regular kids would never wear these so I had to make em up sorry if it's bad but JJ was the only reference. If you guys have outfits you want me to put the septic egos or Iplier egos do share them with me.)

Jack let them hang in the room for a bit as they where talking to each other when he got a call from Mark. So he left the room standing outside of it answering the call.

~Answers call~

Mark: Top of the morning to ya Jack.

Jack: Haha very funny Mark.

Mark: Sorry, sorry! Anyways I was just checking on you. I was gonna call you earlier but I let you sleep since you seemed really tired last night.

Jack: Yeah well that's what happens when you have some little ones running around. Though thanks for letting me sleep.

Mark: it's fine anyways I told the rest of them about what our plan is for coming over and such.

Jack: Oh yeah I told them as well, how'd yours take it?

Mark: They weren't too fond of the idea, they even promised me that they'll behave if we don't go over to you. What about you, same reaction?

Jack: Yeah kinda, they where upset as there's no room for anyone else. They didn't exactly want anyone else coming over either. They where upset when I told them you might come today or tomorrow.

Mark: Hahaha well about that, I was wondering if I could come later today? I need to get clothes and such for them anyways but still at least get them settled in.

Jack: Yeah of course dude, they're already ready plus I need to get some more outfits and other necessities for them. I think Marvin grew as Chase shrunk I swear it's weird, plus I still need to get the room for them ready.

Mark: Well I already said I was helping with that the thing is, how do I help if we have to leave them alone for a bit. They're gonna kill each other if we aren't there most likely.

Jack: Well we can meet up at around their nap time.

Mark: But they don't have a nap time.

Jack: No for mine, they have a nap time we can meet up then so they'll be asleep. Shouldn't take too long since there is two of us.

Mark: Yeah yeah you're right, uh when is their nap time?

Jack: *laughing* Why can't handle them?

Mark: Hey I'm a good dad, it's just they're watching Tv right now, and I'm not sure how long it's gonna distract them.

Jack: Well it's coming up soon as it's already 10:48 so you can get your things ready, like for you and the rest of them make sure you have everything so you're not going back and forth. They usually go to sleep around 11 or so.

(let's pretend they woke up early like six or so or even earlier whatever. I'm thinking about making their nap like around 11 or so yeah let's pretend time went this is really bad aaahhh I'm sorry I don't want you guys eating so much okay I'll shut up)

Mark: Yeah i should do that. Oh also Chica is coming if that's okay, she's gonna he good though.

Jack: Yes that's perfectly fine she's coming you know I love Chica. Plus I'm not expecting you to leave her behind, I can't wait to see the others reaction.

Mark: Heh yeah they haven't really seen her as she's been outside for a while and is now sleeping in my room. But anyways I'll get everything ready and I'll come by your place.

Jack: Sounds good I'll see you soon I'll start settling them down so they'll most likely be asleep in the store.

Mark: You're coming?

Jack: Well duh you're not the only one with tiny ego children. Plus I'm gonna help you find their age.

Mark: Yeah I know alright well I'll see you soon bye.

Jack: Buh bye.

Mark: That was low.

~End Call~

As Jack ended the call he saw that they weren't in the room anymore instead they where all I'm the backyard. It wasn't even tag but they would still tag each other and run after one another. The "oldest" where playing along with the two very smallest and "youngest" aka Chase and JJ where playing along. He saw Anti picking at some flower petals but he was using that to also throw them at the others.

Though they didn't mind really. Everyone kept playing. It was kinda weird how one second they would scowl at the baby stuff but then go around playing with each other. Though it was super cute as Jack stood on the steps on the porch area watching them all have fun. That was until Jackieboy ran too fast and tripped on one of the big growing trees roots in the yard. He ended up falling face first into the dirt. Seeing this Jack did not hesitate running over to help him.

After the shock wore off Jackieboy got up letting out a loud wail. Jack quickly picked up the crying child setting him on his hip bouncing him a little. While Jackieboy on the other hand let out an extreme cry of pain, as Jack shushed him. "Here let's go inside guys, it's close to your nap anyways go lay down on the couch." Jack said over the cries as they all headed in and started to lay down while Jack went upstairs to the bathroom.

Jack bounces Jackieboy while rubbing calming circles on his back, shushing him. "Shh Shh you're alright Jackie bud. You're okay. I know it hurts but I got you." He said calmly as he set Jackie on the counter near the sink. His cries calmed down a little or at least the screaming bit of it but he still cried out. His breathing was a bit fast so Jack wiped Jackieboyman's tears with his thumb in a soothing way.

Jack got out hydrogen peroxide and some cotton balls along with bandaids. Jackieboy tears calmed down a little. Jack knew this was gonna hurt him but he had to clean the wound before putting a bandaid on it. So he put some of it on a Cotten ball and spoke, "Jackie I need to put this on your wounds so it doesn't get worse, it might hurt a little do you think you can be brave?" He nods back in response sniffling.

He gently got Jackieboy's leg as his knee was bleeding bad, along with his elbow he started dabbing it on his knee. This however made him cry out much louder in pain as it started to burn. "OW!OW!OW! IT HURTS, IT HURTS IT BURNS!!!" Jackieboy cried as he kicked his legs harshly. Jack started blowing on it calming him down as he put a big bright blue bandaid on his knee. Jack got his arm and did the same thing to his elbow with a new cotton ball.

Of course Jackieboy cried out again but Jack held his hand rubbing it with with his thumb to call him down. Which thankfully it did as Jack put a bright green band aid on his elbow. He checked his face seeing as there was a bit of a bruise on his nose, it wasn't broken thankfully just bruised. So Jack got a yellow bandaid for him putting it on him. Jackieboy's tears calmed down at this point as now he's just hiccuping and sniffling. "Hurts" he mumbles.

"I know bud, but you where so brave! I could never be as tough  as you so thank you for being brave for me." Jack said softly with a smirk causing Jackie to giggle. Though he did still say it hurt so without thinking really more like on a natural instinct in a way he kissed his forehead. That made Jackieboy smile slightly pointing to his nose. Jack smiles back kissing his nose, Jackieboy pointed at elbow so he did, then his knee so he kissed his knee a small bit. "Is that better?" He nods back smiling toothily.

Jack picked him up rubbing circles in his back as Jackieboyman put his head on his shoulder closing his eyes. "Nap time now buddy, I bet that crying tuckered you out didn't it?" He didn't need an answer as he heard the little one snoozing away. "Heh I guess so." Jack mumbled quietly as he went downstairs seeing everyone else asleep. With that he got everybody in the car buckled up as he checked his phone texting Mark.

Jack: -Hey Mark I got them all in the car, I'll be there soon-

Mark: -Sounds good, they're staring to fall asleep so I'll buckle them up and see you soon-

Thankfully when they where falling asleep Mark could easily pick them and place them in the car. Mark isn't still used to it but he's kinda getting better. They're eyes would open and close a bit but when Mark buckled up King in the back seat he saw everyone was asleep. Mark then started to drive to the baby store where they where gonna meet at. He saw Jack already getting the egos in the shopping cart all asleep.

Chase was in his arms, JJ was in the seat of it. The rest where in the basket as Schneep was leaning against the wall of it as Anti put his head on Scheenp's shoulder not knowing he was. Jackieboy was near the seat leaning his head on Marvin's head as Marvin had leaned on his shoulder as well. (not putting shipping fuel just thought it was cute, do with what you will)

Jack shut the car door coming over to Mark as he also got a shopping cart. He put King in the seat as he is the smallest. He put the others in the basket, Google and Dr.Iplier where near the seat just across from each other. Wilford was next to Google with his feet on Googles lap and Dark was in the far end corner sitting up just in his side a bit. "They look peaceful when they sleep." Jack looked at all the egos together.

"Yeah they do. In a way." They both went inside and first into the clothes, Jack helping Mark figure out their ages while Jack gets some new clothes for Chase and Marvin. They got a stroller that could fit a lot of them. Along with more bowls,cups, food and such for them. They got them beds and toys and car seats for all of them along with some soft things for the play pen Jack got.

(I know Jack got one but let's pretend he returned it as I found a better one)

"Hey Mark where's Chica?" Jack asked quietly as he got more soothers for them as some even had clips for them. "Oh she's in the car asleep as well, it's not that hot and the AC is on  so she's okay." Mark replied back softly as he got some bottles as Jack got sippy cups. "I guess it's nap time for everyone." Jack chuckled quietly. Just as they where checking everything they needed Jack passed by for very young kids. Jack was now considering getting these things for them.

Mark was just about to go and pay for everything when he saw Jack I'm deep thought. He didn't know what he was looking at until he saw what he was staring at. "You okay Jack?" He asked putting a hand on his shoulder. Jack nodded but he wasn't really paying attention. "You wanna tell me what you're staring at?" "Well I found these...items I guess you could say for someone their size." Jack said hasty as he nudges his head to all the little ones in the shopping cart. "Yeah what about it?" Mark rose a brow.

"Well I was wondering if I should get it for them just in case." Jack quietly said to Mark as saying it out loud seemed too much of a long shot. "Well I mean are you gonna put it on them right now?" Mark asks pointing to the items. "No, yes, maybe, I don't know. Just thought I'd have them just in case better safe then sorry. I could put it on them just not now as I don't wanna push it." Jack laughed a bit nervously. "Alright." Mark said as he got a few diapers and pull ups for the boys.

"Wait really?" Jack turned to him as he put it in the basket. "Meh yeah sure why not. I mean you're right plus who knows how soon they might act child like if they're already using pacifiers." Mark said as he went over to the cashier. Jack shrugged paying for the other stuff as well. They both loaded everything in the car and met back at his place. First the brought the sleeping egos in along with Chica. Jack put the egos in their beds covering them, while Mark laid them on the couch giving them pillows and blankets.

Mark lead Chica to Jack's room. Well technically his and Jack's room as they would both be sleeping there. He brought everything Chica needed like toys, her bed, a leash, food bowl and water, along with food etc. He put her bed near their bed on his side and let her sleep there. Both Mark and Jack went to the second guest room and started taking apart the bigger bed and such. Both of them replacing it with beds for them to sleep in as this would be the room for Marks egos. Mark insisted on doing most of the bed work while Jack put the clothes away and such.

Jack did and also laid out clothes for them to wear when they woke up as they where in long baggy shirts that clearly weren't theirs. Jack did offer to help even though Mark kept saying he could handle it. Eventually though everything was all done. They got a crib for King, and bunk beds for the rest of them. As again takes up less room and isn't too much spending.

(King's Crib ^^^ obviously with more blankets, stuffed animals, pillows etc)

(Google and Darks bed. Dark has top goggle has bottom as it's closer to an outlet)

(Wilford and Dr.Iplier Wilford bottom and Dr. Iplier on top I know these are prettier then the septics bunk bed I'm sorry also I'm not gonna describe the beds as I still need to finish this story and I have a lot to talk about forgive me)

(Let's pretend this is Schneep's and Marvin's bunk as Chase is now smaller. Schneep is still on top Marvin bottom I'm sorry for making so many changes aaahhh also if you go back to the chapter "Getting Ready" I changed the Crib for the septics I thought it was cute)

Once done the two carried them into their rightful beds and let them sleep as Jack and Mark went on to set up the stroller, play pen, some toys and soft padding and such for both Chase and JJ crib along with Kings crib. It wasn't all bad they still had a lot of time left which lead them to dressing Dark and them in their clothes as they knew it was gonna be easier when they where asleep. So they wouldn't be fighting when they where awake. Jack did suggest maybe they could go to the toy store near by maybe later on in the day.

Jack suggested it could maybe help give them something fun to find/do so they aren't all mad about the baby stuff. They also agreed on who was gonna sit where like who can have the highchair as most not all of Marks egos where older so they didn't need highchairs. They two relaxed for a little on the couch watching TV, well that was until the little ones woke up. See Jack had a baby monitor in his room to check on his egos, since Mark wasn't here yet.

Though now he and Mark have to take care of more kids so, they both got a small camera for each room so they can watch them just in case of anything. They still had the monitor at least for Chase and JJ. They both checked the camera and saw everyone was waking up. Mark went to his egos as Jack went to his since they where more familiar with them. Jack went into the room seeing everybody getting up slowly. They all sat up a little some rubbing their eyes.

Jack closes the door a little behind him as he gets kinda in the middle of all of them. He takes Chase and JJ out of their crib as Jack sits on the floor the two on his lap as everyone else comes a bit closer. "Did you guys nap well?" They all nodded. "That's good. Well do you guys remember how I said Mark was coming over soon?" Once again some nods and a few sleepy "yes." "Well he actually came today, right now and is in the other room talking to the others. So they're all here now just wanted to let you know." Jack said calmly though all their faces dropped.

"They're all ready here since when?" Jackieboy looked up with a big pout on his lips. "Well since you guys took your nap." Anti shook his head to all of this. "I know you guys don't want it to happen but it is and it did alright. Can you please be nice to them so we don't have any problems? That's all I ask." Jack tried to compromise which seemed to work. "Which onez are here?" Schneep yawns out. "Well from who I saw was Dr.Iplier-" "great." Schneep mutters under his breath. "Google, Wilford, King-"

"Of squirrels?" Chase perks up a bit leading Jack to nod. "Cool." "Lastly Darkiplier." "DARK HERE!!?" Anti yelled causing Jack to shush him. "Yes Dark is here." Now Anti had a pout on his face and was more upset. "I know you guys aren't a fan of this or me right now just please behave and I'll see if I can make it up to you." Jack pleased  in a way to them. It was silent then a few mutters of "fine" and "okay" came out. "Good thank you. You guys can go downstairs I'll make lunch soon okay?"

"Oh and one more thing. It's about your ages." Jack's says. "What about them?" Anti spits out a bit. "Well Schneep you're actually four years old now. Not three." "Yez!" He shouts in reply. "Chase you're now one-" "Hahah you're younger now!" Anti mocks. "At least I didn't make a big scene last night about sleeping." Chase says causing Anti to turn red. "What happened last night?" Jackieboy gives Jack a questionable look. "Nothing Jackie and Marvin you're now three." "Yay I'm older!" He smiles.

"That's not fair! How did they grow!" Anti points. "I don't know Anti it just happened, I'm sorry it's a bit unfair but please. Anyways let's all go downstairs for food okay?" Jack says getting up Anti now in a semi bad mood.
They all up Schneep helping both Chase and JJ get down.

While Marvin and Anti followed. Just as Jackieboy was gonna join them Jack stopped him. "Are your scratches feeling any better?" "Yeah they are they're my battle scars!" He says back with a big smile. "Yeah they are! And you where the tuffets one out there." Jack ruffled his hair causing Jackieboy to giggle and run off to join the others as well as Jack. Mark knew what he was in store for. He knew they where gonna complain especially about the outfits and such, but it had to be done.

Just as Mark was about to enter not even fully in the door yet he felt a pillow hit his face. When he looked up Dark had a very angry look on his face. But since he's in the body of a child it wasn't all that scary. "Hey don't throw things." Mark said picking up the pillow holding it. "What the hell is this!?" Dark said angrily in a way through his teeth as he pointed at his clothes and everything around him. "It's clothes Dark, something that actually fits. And second it's just a few beds Jack and I aren't just gonna let you sleep on the couch." Mark replied.

"Jack?" Google continues. "I thought we weren't leaving by most till tomorrow." "Yeah well we're at his house now, and before you guys get all mad I had to okay? I just thought we could get it over with without having it being stretched out." "I..guess that makes some sense." Dr.Iplier quietly says. "Which ones are they?" King ask holding himself up by the bars. "Who Jack's ego's?" Mark ask leading king to nod. "Well theres Schneeplestein,-" Dr.Iplier gasped, "the doctor?" Mark nods making him smile.

"Then there's Chase, Jackieboyman, Marvin, Jameson-" "I've seen him around before I wanna talk to him!" Wilford gets up quickly. "Just wait I have a few more things to say last is Anti." "I have to live  with him!?" Dark raises his voice. "Great now we're stuck with all of the idiots especially that one." Dark said laying back in bed. "Look you guys are gonna have to deal with it okay.Just please be nice and don't try and start anything." A few fines and yes but they all still agreed.

"Oh yeah another thing I need to tell you your guys ages." "Ages?" King ask. "Well you are children now and not of your usual ages. Iplier is 4." "Yay!" Dr.Iplier shouts. "Along with Google and Wilford you're also 4." "At least I'm older." Google sates. "What about me or..king?" Dark ask. "Well king is around 8 months or so." "Whaaaat!!? That's not faiiiirr!!!!" King whines. "Dark you're 2, well two and a half but still 2." "WHAT! WHY ARENT I LIKE FOUR OR FIVE OR WHATEVER LIKE THEM!?" He shouts.

"Look I didn't pick your ages im sorry okay? Plus you're not the only two year old, Anti is two." Mark suggest. "Great now I'm stuck with THAT. This is perfect." He says as he throws his arms up. "And I hate these STUIPD outfits!" Dark was wearing a white shirt with black sleeves that go just above his elbow with a white center. In the middle tough it said in black "I'm two cute" which Dark was not a fan of. Then he had black leggings or sweats in a way. Wilford was in a white short sleeved shirt and light brown pants, with red overalls/straps clipped onto his pants.

"I don't know I like mine, it's like what I wore before." Wilford said playing with his straps. Dr.Iplier had a light baby blue shirt on with a white elephant on it and dark blue shorts. Google had on a white long sleeved shirt under a blue shirt which had white little starts on it and gray pants. Lastly king had an orange one pice with buttons at the crotch part. It was a short sleeved and it had a hoodie along with a lion print on the end of it.

"At least it fits Dark and it's better then worrying about being exposed in those big-T. Now let's go downstairs since we've been up here long enough. And please boys try and be nice or just don't start anything be nice to the others." They all silently nod as they got up going downstairs. First Mark put away the pillow and got King carrying him downstairs. Downstairs Jack was making lunch aka macaroni and cheese while the boys where playing around.

Jackieboy, Marvin, Chase, and Schneep where all playing Mario party on the switch. Anti was watching them play along with JJ. Schneep did let JJ help him play as Anti sat on the other couch watching. Though once Mark and the others came down the room went semi quite. As before it was filled with laughter. "Be nice." Both Mark and Jack mouthed to their own ego.  "What are you guys playing?" Dr.Iplier ask. "Mario Party." Marvin says. "Wanna play!" Chase smiles. They all look at each other and shrug.

"Sure!" Dr.Iplier says as me makes his way over to them as the rest follow. "We're almost done with our round then you can play." Jackieboy says. "Jackieboy make sure you share." Jack calls from the kitchen as Mark sets king down on the couch and joins Jack. "I am!" He shouts back. They traded off though JJ and Wilford where talking on the side. The ones playing where Google, Jackieboy, and the two doctors. They where playing one of the board game levels though there where no teams. Chase, Marvin, and King where watching and hyping them up.

Dark saw Anti alone on the other couch. He didn't want to go over and sit there. But seeing as the other couch had everyone talking and how Dark was still sour about the age thing, along with the whole situation in general he wasn't in the mood for talking. He started at Anti for little before Anti took a notice and looked back at him. This caused Dark to look away but ended up sitting on the couch with him. Just not near him on the other side. Mark was helping set up lunch in the kitchen and they kinda got close to each other.

Though not so much as the egos didn't know and weren't gonna say. "So you're the silent little fellow." Wilford ask holding his hand as if he was holding a microphone. Jameson nods in response. JJ then pointed Wilford then his hair and a thumbs up with a smile. "You like my hair?" Wilford says leading Dapper to nod again. "I like you. We're gonna have a good time together I can tell." Once the table was set and the food was in their bowls they called everyone over to eat.

Everyone came into the kitchen as Jack told Marvin and Jackieboy they didn't need to sit in the highchairs anymore and can sit at the table. Mark also told all the older ones that they could sit at the table while the youngest in the highchair. Jack helped his egos in Anti, Chase, and JJ. They where used to it but still turned very very red as they where only used to it around certain people. Though Dark and King, weren't to much of a fan.

"I don't wanna go in there!!!! I don't need it!!!" King whines as he holds onto Mark's shirt. He's been doing a lot of whining recently. "Yes you do you're too small to be in a regular chair, you'll be fine plus you get your own little table." "I don't caaaareeeee!!!" Mark did mange to get him buckled in the highchair. Though King did complain some more. Dark fought obviously. He was already humiliated by his age, now this. "I shouldn't be in here!!"  "Too bad." Mark said as Dark kicked his legs wildly.

That was until Mark somehow managed to get Dark buckled into the soft chair. Dark could see the other egos (marks) snickering and smiling to each other. A bit too much for darks liking. "What's.So.Funny." Dark said through his teeth arms crossed looking at them. He felt intimidating but in reality he looked nothing of the sort. "Ah nothing Dark. No need to worry dear friend let's just eat." Jack handed everyone their food at the table, while Mark handed everyone their food who sat at the highchair.

Kings food was like the others just very mashed up and more babyfided. JJ, Chase, and King all had to have bibs as a better safe then sorry kind of thing. This just raised up the embarrassment to a whole new level along with their faces being a new found red. King didn't even wanna look up from his tray. Actually nobody did. Everyone at the tables where eating and soon so did they. Dark then looked over at Anti while he was eating before he spoke. "Nice shirt glitch." he said not making eye contact with him.

Anti put his fork down looking over at him. "Oh really thanks. I thought it was TWO much." Anti says causing Dark to snarl. "You know I'd rather be the only two year old here then have YOU be here." Anti said. "I'd rather be in a big T at Marks home then to see your face everyday for who knows how long." The two glared at each other before counting to eating their food. "Can you eat on your own or do you need help?" Mark asked king as he seemed to be struggling just a small bit with the baby fork.

"M'fine." King mumbled shoving the gooy pasta in his mouth. "Alright just don't choke." Mark went over to Jack who was giving the boys at the table their some juice in a sippy cup. "Do we have to drink out of this?" Google says as he dangled the cup in the air a bit, looking displeased."Yes Google you do. I'm not taking any chances." Mark explains. "It's not like I forgot how to drink out of a regular cup." He rolled his eyes back at Mark. "Still Google you gotta drink it from there." Mark was giving the boys in the highchair their drink as well.

Though Chase, JJ, and King all had a bottle. "At least this has more dignity then...that." Dark points to King who's talking with Dapper, though he was really pointing at Kong's bottle. "At least we aren't that young. But it's no fair I should be way older!" Anti slumps in the soft seat as he had finished his food. "Well I think I should be older, you on the other hand not so much." Dark replies. "Hey i was being nice to you in a way! I thought you'd agree at least." Anti crosses his arms looking over.

"Fine I guess I do see your point." Dark looks over before looking back. As they all finished eating Mark and Jack got their bowls and cups and set them in the sink to wash. They did get the others out of the highchairs and let them run around for a bit as they washed the dishes. There was a lot as you can imagine. The two where a small bit flirty as they still wanted to keep their relationship a secret. Jack and Mark where snacking on some gummy bears in the kitchen and talking.

Google and Chase,were all playing Mario party. King was watching. Schneep and Iplier stole some gummy bears from the bag without Mark or Jack noticing. That was until Schneep was trying to get some plates for them. That's when Jack and Mark saw as Jack looked down at them. "What are you two doing?" "We want a plate for ze patientz." Schneep said as he held out his hand showing an abundance of gummy bears. Jack got two plastic plates for them.

As he didn't want them breaking anything or hurting themselves. He also gave them both plastic knives again so they don't hurt I'll or others. He also gave them a few more gummy bears on the plate each. "Be careful where you do it and clean up after." Jack says. They nod and head to the living room. "Just like that huh? Softie." Mark said smirking poking his cheek. "Hey I'm not soft. And plus I can see them and I trust them. It's gummy bears and a baby knife, they're safe." Jack said eating a gummy bear.

"Softie." Mark said eating another one before putting the bag away. Wilford and Jameson where walking around the house trying to find things to play with. "Let's play dress up!" Wilford says happily. JJ's eyes lit up with excitement and nodded eagerly. "I'm pretty sure Mark packed some stuff for videos let's go check." Wilford goes upstairs with JJ. Wilford was making sure JJ got up the stairs safely. Jackieboy and Marvin were running about outside with Chica. Their reactions where adorable.

The two asked if they could play outside, so Jack said yes since it was a nice day. Though once they Chica both their faces lit up, and so did hers. She ran over giving them a sniff casing the two to giggle before she gave them a lick. This made the two giggle more. She did however have them pin to the ground so Mark had to step in. "Chica off." She listened as Mark helped the two up. "Just be gentle with her if you play with her." Mark says to the two. "Okay!" They said together. Just as Mark was gonna come inside the two called out for him.

"Uh Mark?" Jackieboy said a bit shyly as he tugs at his jeans a bit. "Yes?" Mark ask. "Uh can we have toys for Chica to play with?" Jackieboy ask. "Can we please!?" Marvin calls as he's petting Chica. "Yes you may." Mark went inside to get some of her toys for them while Jack watches and smiles. He gave them some dog toys for Chica. They said thank you and played with her with the toys. Like as a ball or a squeaky toy. They had the sliding door slight open enough for the boys to get in and out along with Chica.

"Well they sure like her already." Mark says going over to Jack. "Who wouldn't she's so sweet." Jack replies. Anti was bored of watching them play, or really he was bored of just sitting there. He wasn't even paying attention to the game he just sat there. Anti sighed as he slid off the couch thinking of something to do. He walked passed the two doctors who where on the floor doing "operations." He looked upstairs seeing JJ and Wilford enter Jack's (and Marks) room.

He didn't know why they where up there. All he knew is that it looked like they where having fun and he didn't care. Anti walked a little further seeing Jackieboy and Marvin outside playing with something, but couldn't see what. Again he didn't really care. He went over to Mark and Jack, not really sure why just did. In his mind it seemed right maybe there was something he could do. What anti really wanted to do was to watch a movie or something and just rest on something or someone.

Maybe have Jack carry him-wait no what is he talking about!? It's Jack that's disgusting! He hates him! He was just gonna ask Jack if he could watch YouTube on his phone in his room. Well the room he shares with the other egos. "Jack can I watch YouTube on your phone please?" He says faintly, kinda shy and quite. "Is that all you're gonna use it for?" Jack ask. He nods. "I wanna watch it in the room." He mumbles a little. He hands him his phone unlocking it with his password.

"Only stay on YouTube if anything pops up don't click it okay?" Jack says leading Anti to nod again. "And don't post anything Anti." "Kay." He went upstairs and pushed the door open slightly. As he laid in his bed watching any video that caught his interest. Anti just snuggled up in a way into his pillow thumb slightly in his mouth. Mark and Jack where watching through the camera on Marks phone. "How much do you really trust him Jack?" Mark says looking at Jack.

"I don't know, he kinda changes through the day or for the day. I'll just watch him through the camera. Though it did seem genuine he's just sitting there." He says as he watches Anti through the camera. Dark went over to his own room just sitting on his bed. Trying to take everything in. Why was this all happening? Why all of them? Why does he have to be stuck here In Jack's house with Mark!!? And why of all reasons is he two!? All of this was unfair, and just confusing.

His legs dangled over the edge of his bed while his elbows where on his knees, as his head rested in his hands. Dark was so angry and irritated. And worst of all the only other "two year old" was that STUIPD glitch bitch. He needed to figure out how to revers this. This is all ready too much. After a little while he was about to go downstairs to see if anyone was doing anything remotely interesting. As he was about to walk downstairs he heard a bit of giggling coming from the room.

He looked into the room very child like. He peeked his head in seeing Anti giggling on his bed with a phone most likely Jack's. Dark never really saw their room. He saw a bunk bed, crib, two regular beds, some clothes and a really big closet. Along with some other items he couldn't really make out. Anti was giggling with something semi in his mouth. It was kinda bright baby blue in a way. He wanted to see more but he knew he would see him so he just watched him watching the phone.

At least for a second before going past another room. More giggling but there was more moving around. Dark went into the room seeing Wilford and Jameson. Clothes were everywhere and so were some bags. Bags from a store but just couldn't see or care which  store. Wilford was wearing one of Marks flannels while JJ was wearing one Jack's Berlin's sweater. "What are you two doing?" Dark questions coming a bit closer.

"Playing dress up!" Wilford shouts putting his arms up as JJ does the same smiling. "So you're Mark and Jack?" Dark looks. JJ nods. "What's with all of that?" Dark points over to the pile of bags on the bed. "We're not too sure but we can't really see." Wilford says. "Right okay, well I'm gonna go downstairs and see if there's anything to do." Dark says as he was just about to leave. "I think I saw anti come up here why not go with him?" Wilford says as he put one of Marks hat onto JJ.

"I do NOT want to spend any time with that glitch!" He shouts. "Well I mean he is the same age as you, you both are pretty young." "This isn't even fair how come you guys are older what the hell happened to me?!" "Oh don't fret dear friend, it's not thing to get upset about really." Wilford said patting Dark on the head. Dark hated how they can act older and he can't plus this felt so weird as usually he's in charge. "This isn't about-This-Just stop touching me Will." Dark said moving Wilford hand away.

"It's not about that." Dark said turning back. "You sure?" Will asked. "Yeah well I'm gonna go, you two do whatever you're doing before." Dark says leaving the room. Wilford turned over to JJ seeing how he had the hat on. "You look wonderful Jamie." He says making Dapper smile. Dark went downstairs and saw Jackieboy, Marvin, Google, and Chase playing super smash bro's ultimate. The doctors still working on their gummy bears, and Mark and Jack where both talking on the couch.

As Jack and Mark where talking King was trying to get Marks attention. He was tugging on Marks pant leg. Though Mark wasn't paying attention causing King to whimper a bit but still no answer. Then King kept tugging as he let out a louder whine. Still no answer. So King tried climbing up onto Marks lap. That's when Mark finally noticed. "Whoa buddy hold on." Mark said as he set King on the ground causing King to flop and sit on the ground and whine loudly.

"What's wrong?" Mark ask looking down at him. King just put his arms up in the air with a bit of a pouty lip but with pleading eyes. "Awe Mark pick him up he wants some attention." Jack said looking at Mark with a smile. Mark looked at Jack for a little before picking up King and setting him on his knee. But King didn't want to be on his knee.

"Mark let him sit on your lap he'll be more comfortable." Jack said picking up King who squirmed a little not being used to Jack yet. Jack set King on Marks lap leading King to have a happy smile on his face. "It just feels a little weird, it's me holding me." Mark says a little uncomfortable but still holds King close to him. "Isn't it weird for you?" He ask Jack.

"No not really. All they really have is our faces but their personality and behavior are completely different from ours. Plus they're in kid form." Jack explains. "I guess you're right." Mark says looking down at King who was snugged up against. "They're tiny now what much can they do much." Jack said smiling down at King who got a bit shy and held Marks hand over his face only seeing his eyes. Since Mark did have his arms around King.

"Don't be shy King Jack's very nice." Mark said giving him a bit of a warm smile. King just looked up at him shot before looking away. "King." Mark states but Jack cuts him off. "It's okay let him get used to me." The two went back to talking to each other. Dark decided nothing much was happening out here either so he went back upstairs again. The most "entertaining" thing was to kinda just watch Anti.

He made his way back upstairs passing the room with Wilford and JJ in it and peeping into the room where Anti was. Anti was just lazily watching the phone before he dropped it off the side of the bed. Anti picked it up but Dark picked it up first. Handing it to him with a smirk. "Looking for this?" Dark said as he handed it to him. Anti scowled but took it anyways. "How long have you've been here?" He says looking back at the phone.

"Just now what are you watching?" Dark says looking up at Anti who's sitting on his bed. "YouTube." He scooted the phone away from Darks point of view. "Can I watch?" Dark says trying to peak at the phone but Anti wouldn't let him. "Why?! Don't you have something better to do?!" Anti spat still holding it away from him. "Well not really. There's nothing entertaining going on right now." They both look at each other before Anti said.

"Do you wanna sit on the bed?" Dark said yes and climbed up onto the bed sitting next to him. "What do you wanna watch?" Anti says going to the homepage of YouTube. "Hmmm this I guess." Dark picked <insert your favorite YouTube video or something you like>.

It was after a good while when Jack suggested to Mark that maybe they can go to a toy store with them or something. At least to get them out of the house and actually be awake. "I mean I guess we could what about dinner?" Mark says. "I'm sure we'll be back before dinner and it might be easier to give them some energy to burn off." Jack says. "Sure, let's just get em ready." Mark set King down who you obviously wasn't a big fan as he whined and hugged Marks leg.

"I'll pick you up in a sec okay?" Mark said as he got up helping King off his leg. "Come on guys no more smash bro's." Jack said as he went over to the TV. "Please Jack a little more?" Jackieboy pleads. "No Jackieboy we're gonna go somewhere and we can't have this on." He pouted and so did the others but let Jack turn off the TV. "Doctors can you please put the gummy's away we're gonna be going somewhere so we gotta clean up." Schneep nods but Iplier got a little sad.

"I never got to tell her she was dying." He said as the two cleaned up the gummys and the plates, putting them all away. Mark was helping King and the others get their shoes on while Jack went to go get the others upstairs. He past by his room not expecting anything until he saw something move in his room. When he looked over into it he almost had a mini heart attack.

The room was a complete mess with clothes everywhere and Marks bag was wide open. Thankfully the bags Jack and Mark bought from the baby store weren't touch as they where on top on the bed but still. He looked down seeing JJ and Wilford in their clothes. Seeing this was kinda cute so it makes him chuckle a little. "What have you two been up to?" Jack ask picking up some of the clothes and folding them.

"Dress up!!" Wilford says happily. "Where you two having fun?" Jack ask putting some more clothes away as the two nod very happily. "Okay well do you think you can take off the clothes please? We're gonna be leaving somewhere soon." "Are we going right now?" Wilford kinda whines and flops a bit. Or at the most bends his knees. "Yes Wilford." "But we're not done yet!" Wilford says as JJ comes over to calm him down. JJ comes over and shows him a thumbs up as he starts to take off the cap and the sweater before pointing to the door with a smile.

He then pointed at Wilford and put his hands together like he was asking Wilford to do the same. "Alright I'll go, only for this chap. Can I sit next to him in the car?" Wilford ask looking up at Jack. "Yes you can." Wilford then takes off the flannel and starts walking out the door with JJ. "I'm pretty sure your shoes are downstairs." Jack called before going into his egos room. Since he knew that's where Anti was.

He opened the door expecting to see just Anti but he sees Anti and Dark on his phone watching YouTube. Though they where fighting a bit. "Let me pick! You already picked for the last videos!!!!"Dark says trying to grab the phone which is off at this point. "Nu-uh!!! It's my turn you already picked!!" Anti said pushing Dark off him. "IT'S MY TURN!!!" Dark replies. "NO ITS MINE!!!" Anti shouts. At this point the two dropped the phone on the bed and where about to start fighting before Jack stepped in.

"Hey boys! You two stop fighting right now.!" He calls in a calm but still a bit stern voice to at least get their attention which he did. They looked over a bit embarrassed realizing what they where fighting over and how childish it sounded. Jack picked up his phone putting it in his back pocket before speaking. "What happened?" "Dark was hogging the phone so he picked all the videos!!" Anti whines. "Not even it was you!" Dark points they where about to fight again before Jack pulled them apart.

"Alright for right now no phone for you guys. You two gotta learn to be nice to each other since you're both in the same house okay? And beside you're both two so please try and get along ." They both stuck their tongue out at each other causing Jack to sigh. "Anyways go get your shoes on we're gonna be going somewhere right now okay. Dark I think Mark has your shoes." Dark went downstairs.

Jack helped Anti put on his shoes even though he fought a bit. The only reason his shoes where upstairs was because he took them off before he got on his bed. "I don't wanna go." Anti mumbles. "You'll like it bug I promise let's go downstairs we don't wanna keep the others waiting." He gave a small pout to Jack but came downstairs holding Jack's hand a little. He didn't tell him to he just did it which Jack found a little weird. But maybe Mark was right how long until they start acting their ages.

It seems like certain times when they do go like a little baby like it helps control them. They really need to set rules. As they walked downstairs everyone was ready to go as Mark was getting everyone in the car. The car was thankfully big enough to fit everyone. Though he could already here some complaining from them. As they didn't tell the boys that they had gotten some of them car seats.

this is Kings car seat as he's the youngest

this one is chase

this is JJ sorry if these are bad it was hard to google them

this one is Darks

this one is Anti sorry anti you cannot leave the dinosaurs also I'm only giving these ones car seats cause they are technically younger and cause I don't want a car full of car seats. But like if you want the others to have car seats you can imagine any of them it's fine.

King, Chase, and JJ where already in their car seats though King and Chase where very red face. JJ not so much as he felt a little special having his own seat. Anti was just about to tease when he got set into his own seat and turned bright red. Ready to throw a tantrum and so was Dark as he got set in two. Dark felt humiliated he can tell the others where having a great time. As Google couldn't stop snickering to himself.  "Jaaaaack I don't wanna be in here!!" He whines a small bit mumbling to Jack. "I know but it's just to keep you safe." He says as he close the door and gets on the passenger side while Mark drives to the toy  store.

<Time Skip>

Nothing much happened on the car ride. Just a lot of asking of "are we there yet" or just the younger ones getting embarrassed. That was until Mark parked into the toy store parking lot. Both Mark and Jack could tell they where in semi Baby mood but still not too happy with where they where. "Toy Store? Really?" Google says looking up. "Well we figured to get you out of the house and so you can have a you'd actually like instead of all the other baby stuff." Jack says softly.

"I guess." Google replies. Mark got two shopping carts one for jack and one for him. Jack lets them  walk around. Mark lets the others walk around except King as it's hard for him to walk a little. They two went into different directions and let their egos pick a toy. Jack was walking around the his egos as they slowly started to get more excited. As Jack watched them he past by some soft baby blankets and thought maybe he can get one for Chase. He always has nightmares and needs someone to help him sleep.

Hence why he always sleeps in the same bed he gets scared. So he picked a soft light blue blanket with dark blue and white starts on it. It also had this nice silk blue around it.

basically combine these two together. like the bottom blanket is the whole blanket and the pattern form the first blanket is on the second one if that makes senses.

He saw Chase walking around looking for a toy before he called him over. "Chase bud come here please." He did and Jack picked him up. "I know you have nightmares and you get scared." The thought of his nightmares made Chase whimper a bit. "That's why I think you'd really like this blanket. Maybe it'll help you sleep better so you don't have to be in my bed." "You don't want me in your bed?" Chase said softly a little teary eyes.

"No bud it's not like that. I just want you to sleep better. Here if you want you can still sleep in my bed with your blanket so if it doesn't help you still got me okay?" Jack says letting Chase touch the very soft blanket. He was already getting attached. "You like it?" Jack asked smiling. "Yeah , but do I still get a toy or is this my toy?" Chase ask. "Yes you can get a toy still." He set Chase down who ran off.

As Jack was checking on the others he found some coloring books and crayons for them. He got many coloring books and multiple crayons and a very but panting kit. So for all of the egos to share. Schneep came to Jack with a big doctor kit that came with a little banged bear as a patient. "Jack can I get this please?" He ask. This pack came with everything.

doesn't come with a bear but let's pretend it does. But like how cool and perfect is this for him.

"Yes you may here let me put it in the basket." Jack says as he got the toy putting it in the cart. Chase come over very happy with a big squirt gun and a big nerf gun that had lots of soft bullets. "Please Jack?" He bounces a little as Jack nods putting it in the shopping cart making him squeal. Jackieboy came with his Spider-Man toys and obviously squealing like crazy. "Jack I found my toys!" He shouts.

"Oh wow that's a cool Spider-Man toy bud!" Jack helps him put it in the basket. Marvin came running up putting his toy in the basket. "Whatcha got there Marv?" Jack smiles. "Magic kit!" He smiles back. Jameson waddled over with a big box and almost fell over so Jack caught him quickly. He set JJ on his feet and looked at the box seeing as it was a plastic toy drum set for a 1 year old. It had one big drum and two little ones on the side with one symbol on it.

(Is that what's it called?")

"Looks like we got another little drummer! You like making music huh." Jack said ruffling JJ hair causing him to smile and nod while hugging Jack. He put Schneep, Jackieboy, Marvin, and Chase in the basket of the shopping cart with their toys while JJ was in the seat for babies. "Why is anti always getting lost?" Jack questions to himself as he looked around. He passed by the stuff animal section seeing a tiny little glitch hypnotized by all the soft objects.

He set the cart at the entrance of the aisle keeping them in sight and in the basket as went down over to Anti. "See something you like?" Jack said going next to Anti. He didn't even respond just sat there looking in awe. "You can get one you know." Jack says but Anti shakes his head a little still staring. "Anti really it's okay you know which plushie do you want?" Jack says going over to the row. Anti slightly pointed at the middle row of toys.

"Bug you're gonna have to actually show me." Jack says scooting Anti a little closer. So Anti pointed in the middle to show Jack what he was pointing at. He was pointing at a turtle plush. It was super soft with little cute black eyes on it. It was a little small but it still caught Anti attention. "You want the turtle?" Jack ask making Anti nod and do a bit of grabby hands.

I'm sorry :) idk if the turtle joke is old now. I was gonna give him a shark but I've seen so many memes of him with turtles or him freeing a bunch of them and going "BE FREE MY BRETHREN" so yeah I'm sorry

Jack was about to get the plush before Anti started whining. "What's wrong?" Jack ask. "That one." Anti points to the one next to the one he was gonna grab. So he did he got the one Anti wanted and handed it to him as Anti held it closely to his chest, while Jack picked him up setting him in the basket. As they went over to go find Mark and the others.

Mark put King in the basket which he wasn't happy about as he would rather be picked up or at least walk around, but Mark said no. Wilford came with a microphone that echos a little when you speak into it. It could always play music. "A mic huh?" Mark says smiling down a bit. "Well of course! I need something to help with my interviews!" Wilford says "fixing" his "bow tie". "Well you always are a fan of your own shows." "All the ladies love me!" Wilford said playing with his straps.

"Uh-huh slow your roll bud." Mark said letting Wilford admire his mic. Google came with (so I'm using amazon to find toys for them I'm sorry it's so specific) a leapfrog game system. (I had two leapfrogs when I was little) "little gaming set?" Mark ask. "The got phones weren't as interesting as this." Google replied not really looking up at Mark.

Dr.Iplier came up very happily with a toy LEGO set. It was a hospital and it came with some LEGO doctors and nurses with a few patients as well. "Wow it even comes with the nurses." Mark said looking at the box. "UH-HUH!" Iplier said. "What's the one classic line we use on the nurse?" Mark smirked a little looking down at Iplier. "Uhhh." He said back. "Come on I know you know." Mark said ticking him a little making him giggle a bit.

"Shut up nurse!" Dr says giggling some more while Mark ruffles his hair. "That's right!" Mark said chucking. "Mark I don't wanna walk." "Here you wanna go in the basket?" He nods so Mark picked him up letting him sit down. Dark came over with a pout on his lips. He crossed his arms as well. "What's up with the pout?" Mark ask causing Dark to snap out of his train of thought. "I'm not pouting!!" He stomped his foot. "Alright alright don't throw a fit whats got you all upset?" Mark ask.

"It's not a fit!!" Dark shouts a little stomping some more. "Dark, stop it now, calm down okay? What's got you all upset?" Mark says calmly so Dark doesn't go any further and throw a fit. "I can't find a toy I like." He mumbles very lowly. "What was that?" Mark replies. "I can't find a STUIPD toy I like!!" Dark whisper shouts you can tell he was getting frustrated. He would tense up with anger. "Do you want me to come help you look?" Mark says smiling down at him a little.

"I already checked." Dark says looking down. "Well you never know here we can go look." "Fine." Mark pushed the cart as Dark walked very close to him as they walked looking for things Dark might like. Dark passed by this one toy that caught his eye. It was a Crayola Light Board, Drawing tablet. It wasn't really for Darks age as it was 6 and up but Mark could tell he really wanted it. "You like that one Dark?" "Can I get it please?" He ask looking up at him.

(again getting this off Amazon I'm gonna day the actual turtle of the thing can't really show cause I'm reaching the picture limit but you can google it or I'll just show a pic in a next chapter as things you missed or something)

"Well yeah of course." Mark said picking it for him and putting it in the basket. Dark saw his toy in the basket so he wanted to be in there as well. Dark tried "climbing" in but Mark ended up just picking him up letting him sit there. "Alright King we just gotta get your toy and we're done. See anything you like?" "I saw a crown." He said looking away a bit. "Where was that?" Mark asked ready to move the cart. "Over there!" King says pointing to the section they where just at.

As they walked down Wilford talking to Dark and Google trying to figure out how his toy worked. Even though it needed batteries. While Dr. Iplier was just ready to open his toy and start playing right now. They found the toy crown which was a blowup crown that was kinda too big for King's head. It covered his eyes every time he put it on which made him laugh. Though King did find another toy as Mark one had a feeling that King wasn't gonna he set with just a crown.

And two Mark wanted him to get another toy just in case and again all he got was a little crown. He should get something else. So King found a (another amazing title) Turn and Learn driver toy. King got really attached very quickly. Even though he didn't say it you can just TELL he wanted it, so Mark let him. Jack had caught up with them as Anti wanted a toy sword so Jack got two just Incase. "Did they find something?" Jack says looking at Mark. "Found a lot of things that's gonna make my wallet non existent anymore." Mark replies in a sly tone all fun of course.

"Yeah well same here at least you got one less. But hey don't they seem pretty happy?" They both looked over at all the smiling faces with their brand new toys. "Yeah I guess you're right." Mark looked over into Jack's basket seeing some more pacifiers and teethers. "Teethers huh?" Mark says. "It's just for King just Incase I only got four." Jack replies smiling. "Well let's get these all payed for and go home and eat some dinner." The Egos heard what Mark said as they all cheered and did exactly that.

After they payed they loaded everything in the trunk of the car. Mark put everything in the trunk while Jack buckled up everyone in the car and into their car seats. Mark drove home as Mark and Jack brought in all the toys. As soon as they stepped foot into the house all the egos where very excited and really wanted to play with their toys. That's pretty much all they asked for on the car ride home and even in the house. They set the bags down and as soon as they did they all went searching for their stuff.

Of course most of the toys needed batteries which luckily they got them and gave the batteries to whichever toy needed it. Which was Jackieboy, JJ, King, Dark, Google, and Wilford. So that lead to a lot of begging to be the next person for their toy. Mark and Jack had set up a play pen for the youngest and put them in there. That means JJ and King where in the play pen playing with their own toys. Nobody really noticed that they where in a play pen let alone there was even a play pen. But everyone was having too much fun to notice.

The two doctors where playing with each other again. They wanted to set up the LEGO hospital first before using Schneeps toy. It was really cute how the two played with each other. They got to know each other over legos. Chase and Jackieboy where playing with each other. JJ shooting webs and Chase using his nerf gun. No squirt guns in the house is what Jack said so he used his nerf gun. The two where having a very fun time with each other. Google was on the couch playing with his gaming set.

He looked like he was having a lot of fun with the games excited when he found a new game. Wilford was next to the playpen where JJ was. The two where making like a little band. Wilford got bored of being outside the playpen so he went in with JJ. Anti was sitting in front of the TV watching "CatDog" holding his turtle close to his chest while coloring in a coloring book Jack got. Dark was also watching TV with Anti but was also playing with his toy. Marvin however didn't feel like playing with his magic set. At least not now.

So he got the paint set Jack got and went over to the wall. He had a very devilish plan in his mind that he wanted to do. Jack and Mark where upstairs watching tv and talking. Deciding what to do for dinner. Marvin went to the wall and before he started anything he looked over seeing if anybody was watching and no one was. So he dipped his hand into multiple color paints and began spreading it all over the walls. Painting different designs and such all over the wall. He also put an A on the wall in green.

More and more colors and pictures where being added to the wall. No one was around or at least the ones who where were distracted by the things in front of them. After a good while of painting the wall a new look while his hands where still dirty with paint he went over casually to Anti. He his his hands behind his back before speaking. "Anti can I see your hands." Anti being distracted showed him his hands while still watching TV. Marvin then smeared all the paint from his hands to Anti's.

Though that's went Anti took a look at his hands. "Marvin!!! Why'd you put paint on my hands?!!???" He ask but Marvin didn't answer just smiled and left. Anti was gonna say something but his brain mostly heard cartoons so he did just that. He didn't touch his turtle though he wanted to keep it clean. Marvin on the other hand left the paint there (closed) and washed off the remaining paint on his hands. After that was done he waited a few letting the paint dry he made sure of that.

Once the paint was completely dried he went upstairs to Jack's room. He entered in slowly seeing the two laughing and what not before he went over to Jack's side of the bed. "Oh hi Marv." Jack smiles. "Jack I'm hungry can we eat please?" Both Mark and Jack looked at the clock. Both agreeing they should eat but it was too late to make something so they were gonna order food. "Pizza sound good?" Mark ask Jack. "I'm fine with that what about you Marv?" "Yeah!" He said with a cute smile.

"Okay let's go downstairs since we've been up here for a while." Jack says as he and Mark got up from the bed while Marvin followed or really he left first. Marvin waited downstairs an evil grin on his face knowing what was gonna happen. Mark came downstairs first seeing the new look on the wall. He basically just stood there in shock. Jack was just about to ask what's wrong before he saw it himself. Marvin just watched. "What even happened!?" Jack shouts a little. Seeing the paint on the floor and such before seeing the little green A.

When Jack saw the A he looked over at Anti who was still watching TV, before seeing his hands. How it was all covered in colors. "Anti come here." Jack says pretty low. Causing everyone to hear, so Anti got up walking over to Jack. "Did you do this?" Jack points to the wall he was way more serious now which scared Anti. "No." Anti replies in a bit of shaky tone. "Oh really then why is there a bunch of paint on your hands. And that A? No one else here has an A in the start of their name." Jack replied. "It-It wasn't me!" Anti says a few tears slipping.

"Stop lying Anti! We know it's you." Jackieboy called out. "N-No i-i-it was-snt!" More and more tears coming from Anti. "Anti you're already starting to act out. I know you're upset about them coming in but that is no reason to act out. I even got you toys and you still wanna cause trouble?!" Jack says stern a little soft but still. At this point Anti was crying so many tears. It was hard for him to form a sentence. "N-N-No It's-s not- I- not m-me! It wa-as m-m- I DIDNT do it!!!" Anti tried explaining but he felt so scared.

"You're gonna be in a lot of trouble for this. Give me your hand we can talk about your punishment upstairs. It starts today." Jack says having his hand out. Anti didn't take it he was crying way too much. Anti wasn't and did not wanna admit to something he didn't do. Jack still had his hand out though. "Anti I'm gonna count to 3 if you do not take my hand by 3 I'm gonna carry you up there." Jack saws lowly. Still Anti didn't take it just cried. "1." Jack began to count. Everyone was just watching now, even Marvin.

"2." Still nothing. Right as Jack was gonna say 3 Anti bolted out of the living room and outside . Crying. He wasn't thinking all he wanted to do was get away from something he didn't even do. "Anti!" He could hear calling but he didn't go back. He just left onto the streets and kept running. Everyone in the house just stood there in shock. Mark and Jack just looked at each other. "I'm-I'm gonna go get him." Jack said.

"Let me come with you." Mark says. "No no I'm gonna go look for him you gotta look after them. Order pizza for them I gotta go." Jack got his car keys taking the car and leaving to find Anti. While driving in his car it was 9:57 at night. Jack was so scared he's so small and he's out in the open. Pretty much anything can happen to him. Anybody could have harmed him. So many thoughts where rushing through his mind. His breathing pitched he couldn't even pay attention.

He called out his name even getting out of the car. It went down 4 blocks and with every block he went down the more scattered his mind went. So many bad and dark thoughts filled his head. Things he shouldn't even be thinking about. The later it got the more he wanted to cry. God he hated himself so much right now. He was on the fifth block nearing a park. It was already 11:30. He stepped out of the car and it started raining. Great. At this point he didn't even care all he really wanted was Anti.

"ANTI! BABY BUG! ANTI BUG WHERE ARE YOU!?" Jack shouted into the park. No answer. Every time he called his name he lost so much hope. At that point in the rain he called again and again and again but no answer. Jack felt hopeless and was just about to breakdown before he heard a rustling in the bushes. Any normal person would have thought it was an animal, and so did Jack but he still hoped. "Anti!?" He calls. "jack?" A weak faint voice calls back. Before Anti pops his head out.

"ANTI!" He opened his arms wide. "COME HERE BUG!" Anti pretty much speed run into his arms. And just in that Jack wrapped his arms around him finally feeling able to breath after what seemed like years. Jack lifted up Anti spinning around with him in his arms. He held on tight to Anti and Anti did the same to Jack. Or at least he tried. He felt so limp and weak and even though there wasn't much strength into the hug you can still feel or at least tell he was using everything.

Jack was so happy he held one hand on Anti head and back which means Anti head was on Jack's shoulder while Jack other hand was holding Anti bottom. Anti had both his hands around Jack's neck and crying into Jack hoodie. He cried into Jack's hoodie with his hands around it. "Oh my god baby bug you had me so scared don't ever run off like that ever! I'm so sorry Anti I'm so sorry!" Jack said hugging Anti closer and closer. He has moved to under a tree so they weren't soaked in the rain.

Anti was balling his eyes out. Crying and crying and crying. "I-I-I-I'm s-s-s-sorry!" Anti cries. "No no it's okay it's not your fault. I'm so sorry." Jack was bouncing Anti and rubbing circles into his back. "I-It was-snt m-m-e." Anti finally said. "Who was it?" "m-m-m-Mar-rvin." "How was it Marvin?" Jack looked at Anti who let some silent tears fall. "He-He has paint on him then put it on my hands." Anti said looking up at him before going back to his hoodie.

Jack held him close giving kisses to him all over his head. They hugged for a bit more before thunder started to come. It was loud and it was roaring. Because of that Anti got really scared whimpering and holding onto Jack more. Jack could feel some tears fall. "Shh Shh hey don't be scared of the thunder. You're okay I've got you." Jack said softly. Another roar came from the sky make Anti shake. "Let's go home okay?" Jack said walking to the car feeling Anti shiver. Not only cause he was scared but cause he was really cold.

Anti just held onto him. Keeping him close as possible. Jack places Anti into his car seat buckling him up. Anti however kept making grabby hands and whined for Jack to pick him up again. "Shh you're okay I'll pick you up when we get home." Jack says. He felt Anti skin, it felt like ice. So Jack took off his sweater and laid it on Anti as a blanket. Since Jack is a lot bigger so was the sweater. Anti snuggled into the sweater. Jack pulled out a pacifier he had hand picked for Anti in the many pacifier he got.

He got it for if he found Anti and he did! "Here bug I got this for you." It was a glow in the dark space themed pacifier. It also was a clip on. The string had some spaceships and planets on it and on the actual pacifier was some starts. He put it in Anti mouth he didn't clip it but Anti was gently suckling on it. Jack closed the door going into the driver side and driving home. It was now 12:24. Jack could tell Anti was slowly falling asleep. His eyes would drop every few seconds.

"Anti why don't you take a nap I'm sure when you wake up it'll be morning." Jack spoke soft. Anti shook his head. "Just rest okay?" Jack started humming. And with the humming , the peaceful ride, and the rain hitting the car Anti slowly stared to fall asleep. And eventually he did. Jack had took a noticed that while Anti slept he would tap the tips of his feet very lightly. It was really cute. As Jack came home he parked in the garage and got Anti out of the car seat.

He wrapped Anti up in the sweater like a little burrito. Anti was awake just having his head in Jack's neck gently sucking on the soother. Jack walked in the house seeing Mark panicked out of his mind. Though when he heard the door open he looked over seeing Jack and a little burrito Anti. Mark ran over giving Jack and Anti a tight hug. "You found him!" Mark said happily. "Yeah I know he's safe now." Jack said looking down at him. "Jack." Anti mumbles behind the soother.

"Yes?" "M'hungry." He said snuggling into his neck. "Mark can you-" "I've got it I'll get his pizza." Mark said going over to the pizza box. Jack went into the living to go upstairs with Anti when he looked up at the top of the stairs he saw all the little egos. "What are you doing awake it's-" Jack panes his head other to the clock. "12:57 you guys need to go to bed." Jack says. "We just wanted to know if you found Anti." Google says. "All of you?" Jack ask leading them to all nod.

"Mark did you put them to bed?" Jack ask him. "Yeah right after dinner." Mark calls from the kitchen. "It's fine all of you bed time let's go." Jack says coming up the stairs setting Anti in Jack's room as he needed to eat first. He put all of his egos to bed expect for Marvin he slit into Jack's room. Jack had tucked all of them but Chase was trying to get out of the crib with teary eyes. "No no Chase here." Jack gave  him the blanket he bought him.

"Remember how we said we you can use this? Try it bub." Jack said laying  Chase down covering up with a blanket before giving Chase the other blanket in his hand. "Noo can I sleep with you." He begs. "Anti with us and it's very late you're gonna be cranky." Jack spoke very soft while playing the mobile. "But you protect me." Chase said trying to get up and go with Jack but Jack gently pushed him down the rain and thunder coming down hard. "I'll always protect you, you know that. If you ever feel scared come to my room I've got you okay?"

Chase laid down listing to the mobile music holding the blanket close to him while Jack slips a soother that's was light yellow in the center gray all around. And in the center was a bunny sleeping on the moon with a cloud and some stars. Jameson had a white one, with a little mustache on the center. Then it had black and white strips as a handle around it. Just like Anti Chase soother glowed in the dark. Everyone in this room was asleep.

isn't it cute !??

Jack went over to the Iplier a room and saw them all asleep. Some still struggling a little so Jack went over and made sure everyone was tucked in he saw King thumb in mouth. So he gave him a soother that had a big squirrel plush on it. It was very soft. He saw everyone was peaceful in their sleep so he quietly left the room closing the door and went over to his room. Though in Jack's room Marvin was fighting with Anti.

"Go away!" Anti said trying to hide in Jack's sweater. "Why are you here!? Jack doesn't even want you here! You're supposed to be in trouble!" Marvin shouted. "You're the one who got me in trouble!!" Anti cries. "H-H-He does want me!" Now Anti was crying all over again. "No he doesn't I don't even know why he brought you back!" Anti held onto Jack sweater and just cried he gave up. He cried so much he was coughing. "You should have gone further away! Nobody wanted you to come back anyways." Marvin said with attitude. "I should have spelled your name on the wall."

"MARVIN." Jack calls from the doorway. He heard everything. "You where the one who painted on the wall!?" Jack says sternly. "JACK!" Anti cries as he runs over to Jack crying as Jack picked him up swaying him. Jack ran his fingers through his hair while Anti cries. "N-N-No!" Marvin says back. "I heard what you said and that's very wrong of you. How dare you do that. You are in so much trouble today and all day tomorrow." Jack said very sternly while still swaying Anti.

"No!!!" He whines. "Give me your mask." Jack said holding his hand out. Marvin still had his mask on even though he was in his pjs. "No! No! No! Noooo!" Marvin started whining holding it close to his face. "Give me the mask or you'll be in more trouble." Eventually Marvin did give him mask and Anti did stop crying. Jack called Mark up who had Anti pizza cut up on a plate. Mark set the food down on the bedside table. "Can you take Anti please?" Jack ask while Mark took Anti from Jack's arm into his.

Anti tried going back to Jack but Mark shushed him getting his laptop out. "Shh it's okay Anti here let's watch something yeah? Anything you want." Jack took Marvin's hand and tucked him in to his bed in his room. Marvin was still upset with the mask thing and Jack spoke quietly. "You will be punished tomorrow but for now get to sleep." Marvin had some silent tears coming down his face. Marvin turned away from Jack leading him to sigh but Jack got Anti pjs and left closing the door going to his room.

When he came back he saw Mark feeding Anti his pizza while the two where watching Invader Zim. (I feel like Anti would love Invader Zim) Anti was giggling and smiling making Mark look every time something funny came up. Jack smiles sitting next to the two smiling at Mark. After Anti finished by now it was 1:24 in the morning. Mark put the laptop away along with the food in the kitchen while Jack was putting Anti in his Dino pjs. "Jack?" Anti mumbles rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah?" Jack says finishing. "Do you want me around?" "No matter what anyone says just know *I* want you around. Forever and always okay?" Jack said hugging Anti who hugged back. "Can I sleep in your bed?" Anti says into Jack's side. Mark had just came into the room hearing this. They both looked at each other and shrugged. "Sure." Jack smiles. All three went to sleep Anti in the middle of the two. All snuggled up together.

Later later that night Anti woke up. He felt so dizzy and hot, and when he got up he felt like vomiting. He needed to puke. Anti tried getting up wegging his way out of Jack and Marks (mostly Jack's) arm. Again once he sat up and started walking everything felt dizzy and fuzzy and he couldn't even walk straight. He kept falling over. As Anti was walking off the bed Anti could not hold it in anymore and threw up in the middle of the bed. He was coughing and gagging causing Jack to wake up and saw the poor glitch.

"Oh no no no Anti it's okay." Once Anti was done he cried again. "Tummy!" Was all Anti said through his cries that Jack tried to calm. Mark no surprise woke up from all of this seeing Anti and the puke Mark couldn't help but feel bad. "Does your tummy hurt?" Jack ask as Mark put his hand on Anti forehead. Anti nodded while Mark looked at Jack. "HES burning up." "Okay here let's go brush your teeth and cool you down." Jack said to Anti who's cries where now low hiccups.

"Sorry Mark for waking you up." Jack said picking up Anti. "You can sleep on the couch or something while I clean this up." "No no it's fine I'll clean up the sheets while you take care of him." Mark said taking off the sheets. "You sure?" "Yes Jack it's fine." "Thanks Mark." Jack went to the bathroom setting Anti near the skin on the counter. He got Anti toothbrush and helped Anti brush his teeth as he was really weak and limp. He couldn't even hold the toothbrush. Once he spat it out Jack took carried him to his room.

Mark has already put new sheets on the bed so Jack set Anti down feeling just skin, it was boiling. "Mark can you get him out of his Pj? I'm gonna go get him just a shirt to wear." Jack ask. "Yeah sure I got you." Mark said as he did just that he took Anti out of his pjs though he fought a bit. Jack went into his ego room seeing them all asleep as Jack grabbed a short sleeved shirt. Which was gray in the middle and red sleeves. Jack came back seeing Anti out of his pjs but still hot. "Anti can you put your arms up for me please please?" Jack ask.

Anti tried but they ended up flopping back again on the bed. "Here I'll help you bud." Mark said as he helped Jack dress Anti in his shirt. He didn't really have shorts and they didn't want his..stuff hanging out. "Should we just put him in one? At least for now so he can cool off?" "That seems like a good option." Mark says. It was still raining and loud thunder  was roaring but Mark was doing his best to distract Anti as Jack had told him how he got scared. As Jack was putting the pull up on him he noticed Anti kept squirming around.

"Stay still please Anti." Jack said just about to put on the last strap on. Anti refused and kept squirming. "Here this might help him." Mark pulled out the space pacifier and out placed it in Anti mouth. He then clipped it to the bottom of Anti shirt and surprisingly he calmed down and Jack was able to finishes. "He's still burning." Jack said putting his hand on Anti forehead. "Here I'll get some ice cubes for him it should help." During this whole time Anti was whining or groaning in some sort of pain.

Jack had Anti on his lap trying to calm him down. "I know it hurts." He sighed. "You're really sick bud. Though that's no surprise is it? You're body small so you can get sick easily and you where out for so long in the cold and the rain. It was bound to happen." All Anti did was whine in response. Just then Mark came back with a bowl of ice and something behind his back. Mark then sat in front of Jack and Anti. "Here bud take out the pacifier real quick." Mark tried but Anti moved his head but Mark got it out.

Mark held the ice to Anti and he instantly started sucking holding it himself. "Oh and I thought this would make you feel a little better." He said pulling out Anti turtle plush. Anti eyes widen with happiness and started making grabby hands with his free hand. Jack and Mark laugh as Mark gives it to him as he holds it. Jack felt his forehead again and it was cooling down a bit from the ice. Anti feel asleep before finishing the ice so they set the bowl aide and laid Anti down. They put the soother back in his mouth as Anti still cuddled the turtle.

Just like before Mark laid on the left side, Anti in the middle, and Jack on the right. Both Mark and Jack cuddled him in a way also cuddling each other. They both just looked at each other, giving a tired smile. "Sorry for keeping you up so late, you're first night and it's already so much. I'm sorry." Jack whispers. "No no it's fine. They aren't used to each other yet I expected some sort of act out just you know not this much." Mark yawns in the middle of it. "Tomorrow's gonna be a rough day I can tell. Let's get some sleep while we still can. Maybe we can sleep in." Jack giggled a little.

"I highly doubt it but yeah we should. Maybe we can get them to early nap or bedtime, but probably not." Mark whispers with a small smile looking at Jack causing him to giggle again. "Goodnight Mark." "Night Jack." And with that the two went into a peaceful slumber hoping to forget about this day and just rest. Knowing that tomorrow wasn't gonna be easier.

Word count: 18758

this story or at least this chapter, is the longest I've ever done. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. You guys should know me by now if not basically I always feel really bad for having you guys wait so long for a chapter. So to try and make it up to you all I try making a longer chapter. But the longer the chapter the more wait so I'm so very sorry. Life and school is basically murdering me over and over and I've gotten more just yeah I'm-I'm sorry. i really hope this was in some way worth the wait or something I hope it was okay. lilsdemons I got your chapter. Or at least half of it. I know you asked for Jack to take care of him and he will next chapter but hope this was a good start. i had a better version in my head but it was kinda hard to show it because I guess I took so long. Idk but I hope this was good enough. Next chapter Jack is gonna care for Anti. Also if you have any ideas for what could happen next chapter go ahead and tell me I love hearing your guys ideas! I might most likely do a tantrum throwing Dark next chapter. So if you want that let me know but also if you have other ideas for next chapter please please let me know. 🌟ALSO ANNOUNCEMENT !! 🌟

I have an art account on Instagram it's @_.strawberryshake._ it's not really good art so don't expect anything AMAZING cause it's not. But if you wanna follow some crap art go ahead. Anyways I hope you guys liked this chapter I hope it made up for all the time I've missed. Have a good day everyone. Also I would reread this story but I've been doing it so much I'm so tired so yeah sorry if it's bad.


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