Turn your phone off.

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She turned in her phone.

She didn't need it anymore.

She wasn't going to be answering calls from her family.

She wasn't texting her friends about weekend plans.

She wasn't answering her friends FaceTime calls to tell them what to wear.

She wasn't answering no one.

She wasn't answering herself.

She told her friends she broke her phone.

Her parents didn't know.

If they asked.

She would say, she lost it in the house.

She would say her phone dies quickly.

She would say she didn't get their calls.

She believes she should be in a movie.

With all this acting and lies.

She could land a roll.

Because no one.

Has ever lied as much as she has.

And no one has acted as much as she has.

Not even a lead roll on a broadway play or in a movie.

She was breaking so much.

And no one can see it.

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro