chapter five - class

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Omg thank you so much for 100+ views and 10 votes!!!!!!


No body's pov

"Katsuki?" Said (y/n)

"Yo katsuki you know this hot stuff" said kirishima as he looked at your figure up and down.
"I see you know each other th--" as all might was about to finish there came a boy with green and black hair
"Sumimasen sensei, watashi wa chikoku shite imasu[sorry teacher I'm late]" the late boy said as he took his breath than bow than stood back up than realizes he was looking at the one and only ALL MIGHT!!!

"YOU SHITTY BRAY DEKU!! YOUR GOING TO FUCKING PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID!!!!!!" As katsuki shouted all might sigh and grab katsuki by the back and have a little chit chat with him at the back. and that izuku sat on his chair with a guilt look

"Hey" aizawa said as he looked at your figure. You pointed at your self than gave a puzzle look

"Yes you, introduce your self to the class"

"(F/n)(L/n)"you said and bow

"Hello (f/n)" said the class

"Take your seat" aizawa said

The only vacant seat was the back
'great, darkness my only friend' you thought as you sit down. Than katsuki went back and side still having that pissed look of his than he sit down

"Today class we will examine your strength in by defeating a robot" said aizawa

"AGAIN!!!!!!" The whole class said except for you though you really didn't care

_-+t!m3 sk!p+-_

"Each and one of you will try using your quirks on defeating a 10 foot tall mega hyper titanium metal solid robotic cyborg alien Lazer insect reptile alligator" aizawa said with grin

"WHAT!!!" the whole class said again

"B-but you gotta be a p-pro hero to d-d-defeat that..." Said one of your classmates

"Than why not giving it a try" as aizawa said he pushed a button  than left to the other side of the White solid room than looked at the monitor.

As the door opened you where all pushed inside the room. the alarm went on and on and on, and than another door began to open slowly as it began to show  six yellow golden eyes and a eight reptalic arms than a scaly shark double tale.s and when it got out all was silent for like a minute. Aizawa was so impatient that he pressed an alarm button inside the room than the alligator began to rampage in went on the side of the room on the ceiling, everyone of us began to use their quirks but it didn't work even the punch of izuku, aizawa wanted the battle to be more exiting so he turned off the lights all we could see is the  reptiles glowing eyes and shining double tail. Every one couldn't see

Katsuki's pov

'That FUCKING toilet paper asshole!!! I'm gonna wipe my fucking ass using his shitty face when I get out of this hell hole: I thought as I began to use my quirk for light than I saw (f/n) cutting herself than began to look for. . Wait WHAT!!!

I ran to her direction but I was being shoved and hit by the reptiles tale

Your pov

I began cutting myself to use my quirk as it formed in to a gun. I pointed at it in the right moment. . . The right . . . Time

Cliff hanger catch your quirk on the next chaper bunbuns BYE!!!!!!

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