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A/N: hey people so this is a new story...obviously...but I hope you guys enjoy this story! Lately I've been slightly obsessed with The Outsiders so without farther dew I present to you *drum roll* LITTLE MS GREASERS...Btw I don't own any of the other characters except Charlotte, Tessa, Emerald, Violet, Scarlett, Jade and Sage. The credit goes to S.E Hinton!!!!

Tessa's P.O.V

My feet were pounding down on the earth below me. I was running up the hill and into the stables. I ran the the farthest end and saw my black horse. "Hey there bud" I said breathless. I scratched his neck and he rubbed his head against mine.

"That's a good boy" I laughed. "Now come on we are going on a run" I said and pulled him out of his stable. I pulled myself ontop and exited the stables. "Finally some free time by my self" I thought and breathed in the morning air. "More like 4:00 in the morning, Charlotte is sure gonna kill me for this one" I thought.

I groaned and my horse huffed. I pet it's neck and ask out loud "Why does Char go so hard on my sisters and me, I mean I get it that she became a adult at a young age after our parents left us but come on loosen up a I not right Mickey". I straighten up and look ahead, the sun was barley rising. It looked beautiful, the way the colors mixed together and became one. I love to see how the sun rises and how the sun sets.

It was clam, silent and I liked it this way. No younger sister to bother me, no noisy gang complaining that there is nothing to do, no chores, just complete silence. Peace...its been like that for a few years now. Charlotte was 10 years old, I was 6, Emerald was 5 and Violet was 3 when our parents left us. Not like, died left, but like left left us. They left us for drugs.

After our parents left, our aunt and uncle took us in, which made us move back to New York. You might think "oh that's so generous of them to take you in" but no they abused us. They made us work hard until we couldn't walk. They wouldn't feed us until we did everything, and sometimes we didn't even eat and we took big beatings afterwards. Finally Charlotte had enough of them and she planned to escape.

On the night of her birthday, she turned 16, she ran away. She promised she'd come back, and she did. About two months later she came back. The night of my birthday,when I turned 12, we all escaped. Charlotte had made enough money for us to live in a small apartment in Tusla and had enough money to buy 5 month's worth of food.

After a year or 2, Charlotte decided it would be best for us to move to Windrixville. She bought a small farm, which in about 2 years worth of time and hard work, became a big one. When each of our 13th birthday's were up, Charlotte got us a horse and I'm very thankful for that. But I guess Charlotte just has a hard time with me because no matter what I can't stay out of trouble. It follows me were ever I go.

I guess trouble is my middle name. When I met Scarlett, or Scar, I was being chased by some store owners because I stole a pack of weed. I only laughed and ran faster. I bumped into Scar while running and she helped me escape them. That is how we meet.

Slowly we got to know each other and grew attached. She met my sisters and Charlotte took her in when she found out that Scar's parents were having hard times. Then we meet Jade and Ashley. Jade and Ashley were in the out skirts of Tulsa, me and Scar decided that it would be fun to mess around with the people there for a while but when we saw Jade and Sage in trouble we helped them fight of this group of guys. Jade and Ash lived together.

Both of them had moved out of their homes because their parents didn't give a single duck about them. I introduced them to the rest a day or two after we met. Charlotte being the nice one welcomed them in like family. Pretty soon the whole "gang" came to live together at my house. I mean it was fine and all considering the place was big and it was awfully silent there.

All of us go to school except Charlotte. Well if everything turned out to be pretty and all she would have already gotten her collage degree and would have became a doctor but since things went down she dropped out and worked instead. Currently, Scar and Jade are Seniors, Ash and I are Junior's, Emerald is a Sophomore and Violet is a Freshman, we all go to the same high school. I didn't like school but I still tried my best. I keep an eye out for the gang and cause trouble.

But they can't really get me into to much trouble because my grades are excellent. All straight a's just like Violet. Emerald on the other hand brings a's and b's home and Charlotte gets mad a little and instantly gets on poor Emeralds heels. I try to help both of my sisters so they can get good grades and they do, the get a's on their tests when I tell them to study really hard.

"You know if you keep doing this I'm going to have to do something" Charlotte's voice came. I got startled and looked back at Charlotte. She was on her horse, Magic. "Holy shit...Jesus I almost got a heart attack because of you" I said clutching my chest. "Jesus has nothing to do with this" she smirked.

I frowned a bit and looked forward again. "Exactly how long have you been out here" she asked. I stayed silent decided to ignore her. "So are you just gonna ignore my question and act like an ignorant child" she said. "No I just don't feel like answering" I thought but I sighed.

"Since 4 in the morning" I mumbled. "Excuse me but I told you to speak up not mumble, now how long have you been out here" she asked again but more sternly. "I've been out here since 4 in the morning geeez Char" I groaned. "You were our here since 4 in the morning...exactly doing what" she demanded.

Geez someone has a fucking attitude. "Thinking...thinking about life" I answered turning Mickey around. "Tess you know you can't be out that early in the morning, god knows what would I do if something happened to you with out me knowing" she sighed. I took a long look at her face, how beautiful her features are. Her lips were full and a soft pink color, high cheek bones, perfect nose, and her eyes...don't get me started on her eyes, they are a dreamy baby blue with grey surrounding the iris.

They turn full grey during winter though. The turn half baby blue and half grey during the fall and full on baby blue during spring. How I wish I could be like her and my sisters. They all had the same feautures except there eyes. Char has those dreamy baby blue/grey eyes, Emerald has those green eyes with baby blue surrounding the iris and like Char here eyes change color with the seasons, Violet has full on baby blue eyes, and then there is eyes are grey with baby blue specks and green surrounding the iris.

My eyes change the same seasons as well but during winter they turn grey with green surrounding the iris, during fall the are baby blue with green specks and during spring the turn full on grey. "God has nothing to do with this" I mimicked her words. "Are you daring to mimick me" she gasped and put a hand over her heart. "Totally" I said while smiling. "Come on" she said motioning me to follow her.

I sighed and started following her. Knowing that once we go home she is going to yell at me. I put my head down as I remember the last time I did the same thing. And let me tell you it wasn't a very pleasant conversation to hear. "Come on this way" Char said making her horse run.

I ran after her knowing that this wasn't the way to the house. "Where are we going" I thought....

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