The Negative

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I got a litttttttle lazy, and may have copied this from my one-shot book.... not sorry


"Six, time to pee on a stick," Three said placing the box next to the other.

Six looked at her co-worker and friend, a small 'you can't be serious' look on her pale face. She went to walk away, before Two caught her hand.

Six had a small feeling of dread coil in her belly. Surely they were joking, right? Yet when Six looked at the others, she couldn't find any playful shines in their eyes.

"I don't wanna know!" She said quickly.

Three gave a small sigh, shaking her head. "C'mon, honey, you've waited long enough," she said, Two joining her side. "Get to it and do it."

"Alright, girls, enough!" Six let out a groan, glaring at them as she walked to the door, Two grabbing her again.

"You know what we mean," Two said, before playful nudging her, though she knew the reason behind it was from concern.

"I hope you drank this morning," she muttered.

Three rested her large hand on her shoulder, looking to her with those sweet blue eyes. Her tone was soft and comforting as she spoke.

"Come on, sweetie, it's better to know. We'll right here with you, so."

"It's no or it's yes," Two said, trying to convince her more, her normally fun loving attitude dropping, a small frown on her face, "you still gotta take the test."

Six gave a groan, why was her co-workers be so caring?

"A squat and a squeeze, a prayer and a please, it's nothing!" The larger waitress chimed, "A stick and a line."

"One of them if I'm lucky..." Six whispered slightly.

"A pot and a piss, here we go, sis! And we'll keep our focus on the negative!" the two girls sang, following the now nervous one to the restroom, standing outside the door.

Three tossed the box to her friend. "Read the instructions."

Two looked at the words, a small Spanish twinge to her voice. "Se puede saber la duración de la-"

"English!" Three shouted.

The lime wearing girl chuckled nervously. "Oh. Do not insert the test stick into your vagina."

Three gave her a small side glare, rolling her eyes as she spoke. "Wow... thank you, Two..."

The sound of the door unlocking made the two look, Six let out a nervous sounding sigh as she went to the sink to wash her hands. "How did I get myself in this mess? One drunk night in that stupid yellow dress..."

Two smiled brightly, hoping to encourage her. "Ooo, I love that yellow dress! The way it sparkles it looks like an ice skating outfit."

The larger waitress groaned, following the two others back to the bar counter. "Stay with us, Two."

Two came back to them, taking a seat at one of the bar stools next to Six. "Maybe his machinery is broken somehow? What if his boys don't swim- I mean- whoa, miraculous luck!"

Three groaned, side eyeing her as a 'don't give false hope' look. "Yeah, miraculous. To get away with an unprotected f-"

"Funny how one night, can ruin your whole life," Six said out of the blue, head on the counter.

Two and Three got concern immediately, both laying a hand on her shoulder. "Don't go there yet, we don't know what the tests said," the both said again.

"I'm already panicked," she whined, running a hand in her hair.

"Just calm down, damnit!" Three said, trying to hide her own anxious nerves.

"Maybe we'll all be fine," Two started, smiling to them. "Maybe there'll be just one line."

The three looked at one another, already knowing what they were all thinking. 'Come on negative'.

Two tried to lighten the mood, looking to Six with a curious glint in her eyes.

"So when did this all happen?" she asked.

Six looked at her with an annoyed look, a groan following her words, "Well, I... I got drunk, and I do stupid things when I'm drunk... like sleep with strangers."

Two chuckled, "Honey, we've all made that mistake before."

"Focus on the negative!" the three said as one.

Three laid her hand on Six's, the young woman looking to her with worried brown eyes as she spoke, "It will all be alright."

Two smiled back. "It was only one night."

Six looked up at the cieling, mumbling softly, "Someone send me a sign."

The co-workers looked to one another. "One line, one line!"

The timer Two had set up went off, making all of them turn to it. Six's face was pale, realizing what this could all mean.

"That means the test is ready... this is it,"

Six drug herself to the bathroom, grabbing the test she put on the sink counter. Her eyes were closed, sending a small prayer to whatever god would listen to her. Slowly she opened her eyes and looked at the results.



Finished - Sept. 23rd

If you see any he/him/his pronouns, don't worry about it. Like I said I copied it from another.

I'm tired, good night, love you all

Take care!

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