A New Plan

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It's time for a new story! Hope you guys like it, it's kinda an old theme, and there's basically nothing new I can add to it, but I just couldn't resist doing it.

This is set after 'Hands of Time'. So Wu is still missing, sadly. Please enjoy the fanfic. 😉

"Curse those pesky ninja!" Clouse yelled in his secret hideout, while pacing around.

After failing to get the Teapot of Tyrahn, and instead getting chased by the people of Stiix, Clouse, who was still a ghost, has been hiding in his new base. He only left when it was absolutely necessary.

Now, Clouse was pacing back and forth, wondering what his next move would be. The ninja haven't even bothered to look for him because of the other villains that were keeping them busy. They had most likely even forgotten that he was still around. Which worked out in his favor, as he didn't have to worry about the ninja hunting him down and finding him.

So, for the past few months, Clouse has been trying to come up with a way to finally destroy the ninja and get his revenge on them. He had come up with countless plans, but all of which always had one thing wrong with it. Weather it was a small thing or big thing. And his biggest problem was Nya, the Water Ninja.

'Nya!' Clouse thought. He hated that girl so much. It was because of her that the ninja were able to beat him and his master.

Had she not stolen the spell, then the ninja would have never learned of their plan, and they wouldn't have destroyed the very thing he had been preparing for almost his whole life.

'Of course it wasn't all Nya's fault.' Clouse thought to himself again. 'It was because of all those pathetic ninja that the plan was ruined. Especially Garmadon!'

Clouse couldn't help but let a small smile appear, remembering that Garmadon was now gone, forever.

Then his frown reappeared. He could stop thinking about what those ninja did to make him hate them.

Nya warned them about their plans, her annoying brother, Kai, turned Skylor against them, Cole and Zane helped all the prisoners escape, Lloyd was the son of Garmadon, (Not a good reason, but he hated Garmadon) and Jay got his mech blown up and caused him a lot of pain.

Clouse had finally stopped pacing and sat down in his chair, still thinking about what to do and the ninja.

If he had just gotten his hands on the teapot, then he could of wished for his spell book, then to become human again. He wasn't sure what his third wish would be though.

The worse part of that failure was that he was beaten by the pathetic citizens and not the ninja. Apparently, they were at the hospital when he was chased by the people. He also saw on tv that Jay and Nya had gotten back together.

Clouse was very surprised that those two weren't actually together during the tournament. From the way Nya reacted when he told Chen that the Master of Lightning was hurt, and when Jay had stalled him from getting to Nya with his mech. They seemed perfect for each other in Clouse's opinion. Not that it was any of his business, though.

"If only I had something I can use against the ninja." Clouse said aloud to himself. "But what can I use against them?"

He then remembered how he and Chen had gotten the ninja to join the tournament in the first place. They used Zane to get them to enter the tournament. Maybe, he could do something like that to get his revenge. Just the thought made Clouse smile again.

He quickly formed a plan in his head and went through it to make sure there were very little or no ways it could go wrong. It was almost foolproof. Almost. There was still one little thing Clouse needed to get before he could put his plan into action.

He quickly put his hood up and left his secret base. He was headed for the nearest library to get the final thing he needed for his plan of revenge.

"It's time for the ninja to pay." Clouse said as he left.

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