Speak of a Slut and a Slut shall appear

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Yugi's Point Of View

It had been a couple weeks since I had moved in with Yami and those weeks had been the best in my life, right now we where snuggled up on the couch together with a bowl of popcorn in his lap while watching Pitch Perfect 2, the movie was almost done when someone knocked on the door, Yami got up with a sigh and kissed my cheek.

"I'll be right back my Aibou" I nodded tiredly and he chuckled softly, I could hear him opening the door.

"Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy Yami!!!" And annoying shrill voice yelled, I sat straight up fully awake.

"What is it Tèa" he sounded angry "I told you already your not welcome here" there was a very girlish giggle and the sound of crash before a girl with bobbed brown hair walked in and sat down on the coach, she hadn't noticed me so I quickly dived behind the wall and out of sight, Yami came running into the room, his eyes searched and finally spotted my hiding he out a finger to his lips and I nodded.

"Yami darling come sit with me" she said in that terrible voice, a flare of jealousy went through my chest.

"Tèa we broke up at the start of this year" Yami growled and Tèa just giggled before putting a hand on his chest and moving her face very close to his.

"But Yami we where perfect together" she moved in for a kiss but Yami backed up.

"No" he crossed his arms "you cheated on duke and I won't let you do something like that again, now get out of my house before I call the cops" Tèa made an agitated noise but stood up and strutted towards the door.

"If you ever change your mind I'll be there" she winked at him and blew a kiss before slamming the door behind her.

"I'm sorry Yugi" he said and I moved out from my hiding spot "she was always a slut"

"It's okay I'm here now" I said and gave him a kiss before hugging his chest, dam I was short he returned it and laughed softly "who is she?" I asked after a couple minutes.

"She was once my girlfriend, but then I found her cheating on one of my friends" he said sadly "I don't know if I ever got over it" I rested my head on his chest

"Only love can mend a broken heart Mou Hitori no Boku" I whispered and he just hugged me tighter and moved to kiss me.

"I KNEW IT!" Tèa's voice shrieked "YOUR SEEING SOMEONE" She grabbed me by the ear and threw me into the wall "HOW DARE YOU KISS MY BOYFRIEND" she pushed me against the ground and went to punch me but Yami grabbed her arm and punched her

"Yugi are you okay!" He kneeled next to me and helped me up "you Slut I'm not your boyfriend!" He screamed "now leave!" She smirked at him

"Watch your little pet Yami because you won't love him if he doesn't have a head" she gave me the evil eye and walked out of the house, for the second time.

"Yugi your shaking" he said concerned, I looked at myself and saw that I was.

"I'm sorry but that just brought back memories of mum and dad" I said softly and his eyes widened in realisation "I was so scared" tears streamed down my face, Yami picked me up bridal style and kissed my head before taking me up to my make shift room.

"Yugi I'll never let her harm you" he said as he tucked me into bed "if you need me I'm always here, he stroked my hair and I let out a sigh "just rest" I looked up at him lovingly, before closing my eyes


"Yugi wake up" I heard a familiar baritone voice say "Abiou" I slowly opened my eyes and grinned up at him "do you want to go to school" I shot up instantly awake

"Yes!" I yelled, I had seen students in uniforms walking past the window but I had never gone myself "when" I asked and he took a bag of cloths out from behind his back.

"Now" he said smiling and I gave a very girly scream before hugging him and kissing him senseless, before rushing into the bathroom and changing, the uniform was okay but I bit tight, I walked shyly out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, when Yami saw me he smiled and pushed some toast towards me.

"Eat up" he said and I grabbed it taking a bite.

"What's school like?" I asked and Yami just shrugged.

"You learn stuff I guess" he looked up at the clock and grabbed my hand "we should start walking" I nodded and followed him out of the house and down the footpath.

"Hey Pharaoh" I boy with long white hair jumped on Yami and got him in a head lock another boy with spiky platinum hair walked up and punched Yami in the arm playfully "who's this" he asked

"This is Yugi, Yugi meet Bakura and Marik say hi you two" Marik laughed crazily and hugged me to his chest.

"He's so adorable not as cute as my Malik but very cute" he said and hugged me tighter, Yami growled loudly before snatching me out of his grip

"Back off Marik he's mine" he said very protectively "you to thief" he looked at Bakura who just laughed.

"Oh come on don't be like that" he joked and two other boys that looked like Bakura and Marik jogged around the corner.

"Malik!" Marik yelled before tackling his look alike that let out a small cry.

"How are you Ryou" Bakura asked the boy that looked like him as he took hold of his hand.

I'm good thanks" ten boy Ryou said giving him a peck on the lips, he noticed me and held out his hand "you must be Yugi, Yami's said a lot about you" I looked at at Yami and he smiled awkwardly "my names Ryou and this is Bakura" I shook his hand.

"Nice to meet both of you" i said in a polite voice "if I may ask who our your friends" pointing at the people on the ground, Bakura and Ryou laughed

"Their Marik and Malik the crazy couple" Bakura said as Ryou moved to pry Marik of Malik "this is pretty normal"

"I detest being called crazy" said Malik he looked at me and smiled "hi I'm Malik and this is Marik also called the 5 year old" Marik didn't seem to hear that last comment but everyone laughed.

"See Malik, Yugi is cute" Marik said poking him in the arm, Yami gave a groan before grabbing me hand and walking off

"Where going to be late and we better not see Joey and Kaiba making out again" he called out and the other four ran to catch up, when we reached the school gates we saw a tall brunette kissing a shaggy blond "what did I say people" the brunette glared at him and broke away from the kiss.

"Oh shut up Yami" he said angrily the blond turned to look at us and gave a lopsided smile at me "who's the runt"

"Don't say stuff like that to Yugi pretty" Marik defended me and I tried to hide behind Yami.

"Kaiba this is Yugi the boy I told you about" Yami said tiredly "now be nice" Kaiba snorted but gave me a little nod, the blonde moved to stand next to me and shook my hand

"Hey there my names Joey" he said happily, I smiled up at him

"Nice to meet you Joey" I giggled, just then we heard some sniggering from behind us, we turned and saw Tèa and some other girls pointing and laughing at us.

"Oh great the slut has arrived" Bakura said crossing his arms "perfect" Tèa glared at me and whispered something to one of the girls next to me who also gave me the evil eye, I gave a small whimper and moved to hide behind the others, Yami and the others noticed my distress.

"Aibou are you okay" he asked concerned, I just put on a fake smile

"I'm fine Mou Hitori no Boku" I reassured him, but he didn't look convinced "really I'm okay"

"Would you like us to kill her?" Bakura said and Marik laughed "we could" Ryou and Mail both told them off

"Maybe" Yamisaid, at first I thought he was joking but my eyes widened when I realised he was serious.

"Bad Yami" I said giving him a small punch "none of that" Marik let out a laugh

"Yugi pretty speaks!" I rolled my eyes.

"Don't scare him Marik" Malik said grabbing hold of my hand and pulling me along, just as the bell went "you go to class guys us Hikari's cane take care of him" Yami gave me a quick kiss before walking off with Marik, Bakura and Kaiba "okay let's get you signed in" I grinned, school is awesome!


Legacy: I'm super sorry guys I've been focusing on my To Control A God series

Yami: you hurt my Aibou!

Legacy: yeah things are going to get pretty bad for him

Yami: if anything happens you will meet the shadow realm

Yugi: do I get a say in this?

Yami: shhhhhh Yugi I won't let her hurt you *hugs Yugi*

Legacy: okay well you two have fun

Yugi: Legacy_Solider does not own Yu-Gi-Oh or any of the characters she does own the plot though so no stealing, any flamers will be used to roast mine and Yami's marshmallows so there

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