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The medic worked hard on trying to figure out how to reverse the effects or at least slow the process down. He wasn't sure what he was even looking for at this point. He just hoped he had enough time. Optimus watched him quietly for a few minutes then wandered off as he explored.

He looked up the stairs and could see the kids as they talked. He glanced at Ratchet then proceeded up the stairs. Miko furrowed her brow as she heard someone and looked over as Optimus made it to the top.

"Hey Opie!" She said as she smiled brightly. The sparkling smiled and walked over. He looked at the TV as they played the game and he sat down. He cocked his helm slightly as he stared at the screen.

"Fun huh?" Miko said as she grinned happily. He didn't answer as he watched quietly. He pointed at the racecars and looked at them.

"Oh ya those are cars, remember?" Raf said as he sat by the sparkling. "The team transforms into them. You turn into a truck, or used to." He said quietly. Optimus watched him then looked at the race. A few minutes later he stared at the boy again.

"Raf." The sparkling said quietly as he set a servo on his head. The boy smiled brightly and nodded. Optimus poked his glasses and gave him a questioning look.

"Oh these help me see. You put them on your face." He said and set them on the little Prime's faceplate. He set the ear piece carefully over his audios. The sparkling blinked a couple times as his optics adjusted, and stared at the other two.

"Aw! Opie you look so cute!" Miko squealed and took a few pictures. Jack smiled slightly and shook his head.

The Prime just stared at them for a moment then smiled. Miko squealed happily as she took pictures. Raf laughed quietly and gently took his glasses back. Optimus blinked a couple times as his optics adjusted again.

"I can't get over how cute you are." Miko said as she sat by him and poked an imaginary nose. He giggled and rubbed his face plate where she poked. Miko squealed happily and poked him again. Jack chuckled softly as he watched them and Raf grinned.

"Miko..." the sparkling said quietly as he smiled at her then looked at the other teen. "Jack." He said as he smiled more.

"Optimus?" The young man asked as he sat by him. "Are you.... well you?" He asked quietly. The sparkling just stared at him as he smiled.

"I don't think he is... I mean... Ratchet did say his sparkling mind was remembering things he normally... well knew." Raf explained and they watched as Optimus ran down the stairs. They walked over to the railing and looked at him as he stood in the middle of the room.

"Autobots!" He yelled in his little voice as he held his servo high in the air. The team stopped what they were doing and looked at their little leader. He had a serious look on his faceplate.

"Tranferm and roll out!" He shouted and grunted quietly as he worked on transforming. After a moment he turned into a really small truck and drove around. They watched him and couldn't help but smile.

"I'm sorry, but that's cute." Smokescreen said as he smiled. Ratchet sputtered and gave him a nasty look.

"I can't handle the cuteness!" Miko squealed and took pictures of the little truck.

"It's not cute." The medic growled. "It's concerning if anything." He muttered.

::He's doing his best Ratchet.:: Bumblebee chirped quietly and transformed into his alternate mode. Optimus squealed happily and drove down the hallway. Bumblebee followed to keep an optic on him. The others just watched quietly.

"Is it just me or does it seem like Bee is real sensitive about this?" Smokescreen asked as he folded his arms.

"No... he is." Arcee muttered and looked at them. "Bumblebee is trying to be careful with Optimus and his... lack of better terms... state of mind." She said quietly.

"And we're not?" Smokescreen asked defensively, she glared at him.

"Why don't you think about that? None of us even thought to figure out if he was low on energon. No one took into consideration that small things could hurt his feelings." She said as she poked his chest plate. "We're all treating Optimus like the mech we know. Not the sparkling he is now." She said seriously.

"What are you saying?" Bulkhead asked hesitantly and she looked at him.

"This situation is hard for everyone. But maybe we should follow Bumblebee's example, and find a way to help Optimus feel comfortable. No matter what state of mind he's in." She said angrily and glared at them before wandering off. The room was silent as they thought about what she said.

"Arcee is right..." Ratchet muttered. "We need to be more careful with his... state of mind." He mumbled and thought of how annoyed he had been with him. He felt a little guilty now.

"Well... let's see what we can do then." Bulkhead said seriously and walked to the hall. He yelled in surprise as a little truck came speeding in. The little Prime laughed happily and Bumblebee ran passed as he chased him.

::Got you!:: he chirped happily as he picked him up. Optimus squealed and transformed before Bumblebee tickled him. The scout set him down and ran slowly as the sparkling chased him. A few minutes later the computer beeped once.

"Prime!" The sparkling froze in his tracks and looked at the computer as he whimpered quietly. He didn't know what he did wrong for it to yell at him. Bumblebee walked over to him and Optimus hid behind his leg as the screen came on.

"Prime! Where are you!?" The man asked angrily and Ratchet went to the computer. The sparkling whimpered and shook with fear as he held on to the scouts leg. What did he do wrong?

"Agent Fowler, I would ask that you lower your voice and soften your tone." The medic said calmly. The agent stared at him blankly for a few minutes.

"You of all bots are asking me to be... kinder in how I speak?" He asked and raised an eyebrow.

"We have good reason." Bulkhead muttered and stood by Bumblebee. Optimus peeked out from the bots leg and looked at the screen.

"Agent... Fowler." He whispered quietly as he recognized the man. He furrowed his little optic ridges and held on to Bumblebee as he looked up at the wrecker.

"Someone please tell me where Optimus went. The Decepticons are causing problems again and the only ones that can do anything are-"

"Agent Fowler." A small voice said firmly. They all turned to the little Prime as he walked over to the computer. He looked up at the screen as he stood as tall as he could.

"What in Sam hill happened?!" He yelled as he looked at them. Optimus was back in his regular state of mind. He kept a blank expression as he tried to have an air of command. Which was a little hard when he was smaller than everyone else, and his voice wasn't the same. But he tried anyway.

"During a recent battle with the Decepticons, I was confronting Megatron and was not aware that Shockwave was nearby. Megatron distracted me as the scientist approached. I realized too late that he had injected something into my system. I wasn't able to...." he trailed off as his mind wandered and after a few minutes he rubbed his helm. Ratchet looked at him with concern.

"You weren't able to what?" The man asked. The medic crouched by the sparkling and cocked his helm as he watched him.

"Look I'm sorry this happened, I really am. But the cons are out there causing problems and I need my team out there. So I need you to figure something out." He said seriously as his voice raised a little. Optimus whimpered and hid behind the medic as he shook. They lost him again.

"We're working on it Fowler." Bulkhead growled angrily as he walked over. Ratchet carefully stood up and grumbled as he walked to the computer. Optimus followed close behind then hid by the wrecker. Bulkhead stopped moving and looked at him.

"We'll take care of the Decepticons and let you know what happens." Ratchet muttered and hung up before he could protest. He sighed forcefully and looked at the sparkling.

"Oh great, now what?" Smokescreen asked as he looked at them. Ratchet glared at him and crouched by the sparkling. Optimus looked at him as he hid behind the wreckers leg. The medic sighed quietly and picked him up.

"Honestly I'm not sure." He muttered and set the little Prime on a berth. He then started scanning him again. Arcee walked over and watched for a moment.

"We can go fight the cons while you help Optimus." She said seriously. Ratchet looked at her then nodded slowly. The sparkling watched them as they talked about what to do. He wanted to help, knowing he had before. He stood up on the berth and thought for a minute.

"Autobots!" He yelled in his little voice. They looked at him and then each other as Ratchet typed the coordinates.

"Tran... trans.... trans... tranferm..." he frowned, that wasn't the right word, even though he had used it before. They smiled slightly knowing he was trying to left their spirits.

"Roll out!" He said with a serious look and pointed to the portal as it formed.

Bumblebee smiled and nodded once then transformed with the others before going through. When the portal closed Optimus looked at Ratchet and grinned happily. The medic smiled sadly and walked back over to finish the scans. Bumblebee was right, the Prime was doing his best. Trying to be a leader in either state of mind. Trying to help his team.

After a few minutes of scans and tests Ratchet had figured a few more things out. He concentrated as he tried to create something to reverse it, or slow the process down. He had more information about what he was up against and knew where to start now. Optimus sat on the console as he watched quietly and played with a wrench. He stopped suddenly and stared at nothing in particular. After a moment he looked at the medic.

"Ratchet?" The sparkling asked quietly as he watched him.

"Hmm?" He muttered without looking at him as he worked. Optimus stared at his tiny servos and fiddled with the wrench.

"Wheres my sire and carrier?" He asked quietly. Ratchet stopped suddenly and looked at him. He knew he needed to be sensitive with the little one. But how was he supposed to explain this one to him?

Optimus still didn't look up as he fiddled with the wrench he had claimed as his own. Ratchet hesitated and stood in front of him. Optimus looked up at him with his big blue optics. It was so hard sometimes to talk to the little Prime. No one wanted to hurt his feelings.

"Thats... for another time." He muttered unsure what else to say. The sparkling nodded slowly and looked at the portal.

"Thats okay Ratchet..." he whispered. "You don't have to tell me." The medic furrowed his optic ridges unsure what mind set he was in.

"They'll be back for me." He said quietly and smiled at him. "They always come back for me." He whispered as he smiled more.

Ratchet stared at him for a moment then picked him up, and hugged him tightly. He didn't have the spark to tell him that everyone they knew, was gone and in the AllSpark.

How could he? The little Prime was just a sparkling.

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