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The next day the bots did everything they could to help Ratchet. Bumblebee spent most of the time keeping Optimus occupied and away from the medic as he worked. Ratchet moved the project over to a smaller computer so the main one didn't interrupt him. It was easier to jump between it and the formula as well. He started mixing and concocting in a desperate attempt to save his friend. The others did their best to help, but also stay out of the way. At one point during the day they left on patrol. Optimus came into the room crying.

"What's wrong?" Ratchet asked quietly as he looked at him with concern.

"I can't find Brian." He sobbed as he rubbed his optic. Ratchet furrowed his optic ridges and blinked a couple times.

"Whos Brian?" He asked as he frowned.

"He's my wrench." The sparkling said quietly and looked at him. Ratchet gave him a look and stared at him.

"You named a wrench... Brian?" He asked in disbelief.

"I like the name Brian." He said as he looked at the floor. The medic just stared at him blankly for a few minutes. He looked in his stash for the wrench and handed it to him.

Optimus looked it over and found the indents where he chewed on it. He grinned happily and hugged it tightly. He asked Ratchet to weld the name into the wrench. The medic grumbled something but did. The sparkling hugged his ped then wandered off with the wrench named 'Brian.' He came back a little later.

"What are you doing?" He asked quietly. The medic grumbled something under his breath. Then figured he should answer him.

"Trying to make a cure." He muttered without looking up.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because you need to be... big again." He mumbled.

"Why?" He asked again.

"Because... we need our leader." He muttered and stopped suddenly as he furrowed his optic ridges. Was this a game?

"Why?" He asked as he looked at him innocently, Ratchet sighed forcefully. It was a game.

"I'm not answering any more questions." He said seriously as he glared at the console. It was quiet for a few minutes.

"Why?" He asked. The medic sputtered and looked at him.

"Optimus please. Be still and quiet for a few minutes." He said seriously and looked at the little Prime.

"Why?" He asked quietly and cocked his helm slightly. Ratchet sighed in exasperation and drug his servo across his faceplate. He decided not to answer any more questions.

An hour later, the little Prime was playing with the wrench as he sat on the berth. Miko had joked that it was his teddy bear. No one dared to try and take it. The medic listened to the sparkling play with himself and talk quietly.

After a few minutes it was suddenly deadly silent and he glanced at the little Prime. Optimus was just staring into space as he held the wrench in one servo. His helm twitched and he seemed to be fighting something inside. The medic furrowed his optic ridges and turned back to his work as he gathered a few things.

"Ra.... tch... et." The medic whipped around and looked at the little one. He hesitantly walked over.

"Optimus? Are you... still.... in there?" He asked hesitantly, hope etched in his voice. The sparkling swayed as he sat there and stared at the wall.

"What's.... happ.... en... ing.... to.... me?" He asked weakly. Ratchet realized that the Optimus they knew was becoming too weak to stay in control. He was fading rapidly. The sparkling started to fall over and the medic quickly caught him. He gently laid him on the berth.

"I'm not sure... that's the problem. But don't give up, I almost have it completed. Just hold on for... maybe another hour or two." He pleaded as the sparkling started to faded again.

"I'll... try..." he whispered weakly then looked at him. "Thank... you.... Old Friend." He said quietly and closed his optics. Ratchet hung his helm and listened to the sparkling as he slept.

"Hold on... just a little longer." He muttered and got up as he worked on finishing. He didn't have much time left if any.

The team came back a half hour later and he quietly explained things as the sparkling slept. They nodded in understanding and did what they could to help Ratchet. Later the kids arrived and the bots had to take off again to conquer another mine.

Optimus was sitting with the kids as he listened to them talk about paintball and Miko was trying to convince them to do it. The sparkling looked over as the portal opened and realized he had to help. He got up and ran down the stairs straight for it.

"Opie!" Miko yelled as she ran after him. Ratchet turned around and his optics widened. He quickly ran over to stop the little sparkling.

"No Optimus! You can't go with them!" He shouted.

"I have to fight Megatron and end this war." He said seriously as he ran faster. Ratchet managed to grab him and he sighed in relief.

"You can't fight Megatron little one." He said gently yet firmly. "Not like this."

"I can do this old friend." He said seriously as he looked at him and narrowed his optics. Ratchet stopped suddenly and stared at him.

"No... I'm sorry Optimus, but you can't." He said quietly and went to close the bridge. The little Prime narrowed his optics again and wiggled free. He grunted as he hit the floor and ran back to the portal just as the medic closed it.

"Sire!" He yelled in frustration. He folded his arms and pouted. Ratchet sighed in exasperation and walked back to the computer. The sparkling eventually got over it and went back to the kids as they talked.

"I'm just saying it would be a lot of fun to get some paintball guns and play around the base." Miko said as she smiled brightly.

"I don't think Ratchet would like that." Raf mumbled as he typed on his computer.

"Plus where are we going to find paintball guns?" Jack asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Duh we go and buy them." Miko said as she rolled her optics. Optimus stared at them for a few minutes then looked at his servos.

"Paint guns..." he mumbled and thought for a moment. He suddenly grinned happily and transformed his servos into cannons. He looked at them.

"Guns!" He said as he smiled brightly. "Paint guns! Play!" He shouted and their eyes widened.

"No Optimus! Those aren't-" Miko screamed and ducked as he fired at her. The blast hit the wall and the kids stared eyes wide.

"Run!" Jack yelled as he grabbed their hands and darted down the stairs. The sparkling squealed happily as he realized they were playing his game.

"Ratchet!" Raf yelled as the sparkling fired at them again. The medic turned around optics wide as he saw them.

"Optimus! What are you doing?!" He yelled as he stepped between him and the children. They hid behind the medic's ped and watched as they caught their breath.

"Playing!" He shouted happily and fired at them. Ratchet winced as he grazed his ped. "Paint guns!!" He said excitedly. Ratchet sighed in exasperation and shot the kids a look.

"Tag!" The sparkling said excitedly as he pointed his cannon at the medic's helm. The bot turned and his optics widened in surprise.

The little Prime giggled and fired. Ratchet barely dodged the blast and they heard an explosion. The medic turned around and his optics widened as he saw the smoking computer. He slowly stood up and walked over to it. The sparkling felt something was wrong and he turned his cannons back into servos. He watched the bot quietly as the kids took cover elsewhere. The medic stood there and clenched his servos tightly.

"Optimus. I. Needed. That." He seethed angrily through gritted teeth as he shook with anger. The sparkling whimpered quietly and looked for a place to hide. He hadn't ever seen the medic this angry. That he could remember.

"You have. No idea. What you've done." He seethed as he turned and glared at him. Tears filled his little optics and he whimpered as the others came in. He quickly ran over to Bumblebee and hid behind his leg as he cried.

::Ratchet? What did you do?:: he beeped angrily as he glared at him.

"Me?" He seethed angrily. "I didn't do anything. Optimus blasted the computer and now it's gone! I almost had a way to turn him back, and it's gone!" He yelled. The room fell silent and they all looked at the little Prime. He stared at the floor and sniffed sadly. He knew it was his fault.

"I-I'm... sorry... sire." He said through sobs. Ratchet was silent and his expression softened. He didn't know what to say and suddenly felt bad for yelling at him. His best friend.

"Optimus..." he mumbled as he walked over. The sparkling whimpered quietly. and sobbed as he held on to Bumblebee.

"No no no. It's okay... I was just... I..." he wasn't sure what to say. The sparkling darted passed them and down the hall. Ratchet felt horrible and went to follow but Bulkhead gently gripped his shoulder plate.

"Let him calm down first." He muttered and the medic stared at the floor sadly.

A half hour later they were getting more energon from the mine they had conquered. They were all busy and trying to get as much as they could before the cons got back. Optimus peeked around the corner into the main room. He looked around then at the open portal.

"Come on Brian." He whispered quietly as he looked at the wrench on his back. "We're going to make things better." He muttered and looked around.

He darted from hiding place to hiding place. Eventually he got to the portal and looked around again before quickly going through.

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