Little Principe

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How long had it been, 1000, maybe 2000 years? It all just blurred together after a while, but still, Xander would never forgive and forget. He couldn't after what that vampire did and continued to do as he abruptly found himself aloft and hurtling through the air at neck breaking speed. 

Falling about as gracelessly as Bambi on ice he looked up to find a massive, brute of a vampire mid pounce. Cute.

Vaporising at the last second, yawning as he did so, caused the titanic vampire to go crashing into the wall Xander once occupied. Vampire or no vampire, that got to have hurt. Grinning at the thought, he leant on the adjacent wall to where he had once been. Idiotic oaf.

Preparing to clash into him again, the 6ft something vampire went to rush him but was stopped by a single, pale hand in the air.

"Felix, I will personally tear you limb from limb if u so much as take one more step." Curling maniacally, laughter bubbled from the mad King's  after the words had dripped sickly sour from his foul mouth.

Hadn't missed that.

"Little Principe, it has been too long. I've missed you." The act of scoffing lightly seemed to echo eerily on the cavernous, grand hall.
"Seems we do not share the same sentiment Father as I can say with confidence, I have not missed you.

You wound me Alexander, my only heir and yet you reject everything that would befall you if my tragic end came to pass."

Tragic... Xander could think of a multitude of words but that would not be in the assortment. Not even a synonym for anything in the like.
" Well, I guess I'm just lucky you haven't decided to keel over in the last  couple centuries aren't I?"A mad rip of laughter exited Xander's bloody lips. It was catching.
The uncanny resemblance in both vampires was unnerving as they both seemed as unhinged as the other. One just wore the mask of sterile calm with more grace than the mad Titan, who's had cracked and smashed long ago. 
An intoxicating scent tickled and teased the edges of Xander's nose as he scanned the occupants of the room. Seemed a couple days old at the least - but still- it lingered. Smouldering fires, sweet as sin. Quite opposing scents really however they seemed to marry together quite beautifully.

He caught himself.

What the fuck was wrong with him?

He'd spent too long already in this shit show of a family reunion and he wasn't planning on spending any longer as his nose and wandering mind weren't doing him any favors.

Zoning back in on the present caused him to realize his beloved father was on a mad spiel of chattering and decided to cut it short. He'd got enough of those. "Sorry Dad but this is going to have to be cut short because I've got people to meet and eat so if u don't mind. I think I'll book my next impromptu visit, hmmmm, never."

Everything seemed to happen at once as with just a flick of Aro's hand all of the volturi guard were rushing towards him to ensure the prince's capture but to no avail as with just a flick his body had already started to curl into its true form. Wild, free.

Just before his presence left the throne room he felt a different kind of smoke mingle with his and submerge itself in his plume. Weird.

Deafening silence clogged the grand hall as the guard turned towards their master for further instruction with no prince in sight. They turned to find Aro cradling Marcus's hand as his ever present smirk seemed to grow further. Alexander would be back sooner than he thought because, although unaware, his mate was residing within these stone, cold walls.
"Alec, Jane, Demetri mission report. After that, I have a mission for you- where Felix can join." You'll need the extra muscle Aro mused. "That involves a certain prince."

The hunt is on.

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