Deliver the Goodies

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The wolf was a clever devil which left the human deeply deceived. As a creature of the night, one left all responsibilities behind and that freedom worked just as strong as many drugs. America struggled silently in Russia's arms as he thought about his family. Of course he missed them, but his new life was so adventurous and thrilling. Could he really give it all up to be 'normal'? He rested his striped cheek against Russia's sharp shoulder. Could he actually give his Russian up?

What a tragedy... The conflicted American sighed and leaned into his lover. He had to choose between family and love and it was breaking him.

Suddenly, a friendly growl snapped both countries out of their thoughts. An amber wolf crawled out of some nearby bushes and transformed into a slightly toned male. "Do you have it?" The country's gruff voice pierced their ears as the stranger searched in the insides of a pouch hanging loosely from his hips.

"Yes, elder." Russia handed over the large dusty book immediately. "I'm sorry I stole the rule book."

The elder simply nodded while pulling out an old canister and lifting the liquid to his pale yellow lips. "At least you brought it back." He deadpanned with an uncaring look burning in his dark yellow eyes.

The small group settled into an uncomfortable silence until the elder spoke up once again. "Do be careful... there's a difficult journey ahead for both of you."

America's bright eyes glanced at Russia nervously as worries began to fill his crowded mind.

Russia gave the elder a quick nod before turning towards the thick forestry ahead.

"Well that wasn't very fun." America chuckled with a grimace plastered to his lips.

"No worries, my love. Everything should be fine now." Russia smiled warmly and planted a wet kiss on America's cheek.

America simply giggled and held Russia close. As he nuzzled closer into the other, a slow frown formed on his face. Maybe they were no longer in immediate danger, but the fact that America would soon no longer be adventuring with Russia brought a dark cloud to loom over his head.

Russia pushed away a heavy branch filled with shiny leaves to reveal the very house the couple was searching for. It was almost if America was manifesting the end of their time together.

"Ah.. Russia, maybe we should stay!" America shrugged his shoulders and batted his bright eyes with an easy, sly smile.

"But America... your family?" Russia blinked down at his lover with confusion. He thought that this is what the American wanted most, so the suggestion brought him a surprising electric shock. "What's going on?" The Russian's voice lowered as he pressed his forehead against his lover's.

America's breath hitched as his slender fingers wrapped around Russia's bicep. "I just... I'm not ready to see my parents yet." The liar bit his lip as his bright blue eyes fluttered seductively.

Russia snorted and shook his head. "What are you doing? Don't play with me." He abruptly placed the American down and marched into the open field besides America's grandmother's summer home. The sun glazed hotly through the tall, waving grass as America rushed after his partner.

"Wait! Russia!" America yelped with dread stirring in the pits of his stomach. He finally reached the Russian's side, though, not without being severely winded. A pearl white hand grabbed roughly against a deep red one. America's bright blue eyes finally met Russia's dark brown ones.

The Russian softly grunted as he recognized the fearful look in the American's expression.

Tears brimmed in the corner of America's vision, but he quickly blinked them away. He didn't want Russia to know how upset he was by this.

"Ame..." The towering Russian sighed fondly while pulling America into a warm hug. "I'm not leaving you."

America smiled brightly while returning the hug. Hearing Russia's promise calmed his pounding heart.

Everything was completely wonderful until Russia yelped in pain and leaned heavily forward into the American.

"Russia?" America cried out while trying to support his mate.

"Don't worry, son, I'll save you!" A familiar British accent came from behind Russia.

America slowly let go of Russia in order to gently lay his lover down. His hands brushed against the Russian's torso which left them painted in blood. "Russia, no!" America fell on his knees and began to cry. His shaking hands never left his lover as he tried to search for a pulse. The panic coursing through his veins sent into a blind rage of fury. The white wolf crackled into its glorious form and slowly set its sight on a shocked Britain.

"Now, America, let's talk about this." The Brit's hands trembled as he backed away from his own son.

The snow white wolf only growled and without any warning it lunged...


Ahaahahahaha sorry for the cliff hanger guys

Love y'all



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