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The most dangerous drug I know, has green eyes and a heartbeat

« Little Riddle »

Chapter 4 : Classes and dorm room

The great hall filled with chattering students after Professor Dumbledore's announcement to enjoy the rich spread infront of them, but Jade couldn't eat nor digest anything at the moment.

She had heard Ron, not one witch or wizard who came from the Slytherin house always turned out evil. Jade was more than concerned about the sorting hats decision and nothing could get that out of her mind. She sighs and questions the girl seated beside her.

"What are muggle-borns?" She ignites the conversation.

"You mean you?" The blonde giggles. "I'm sorry my bad-- Muggle borns are those who have non-magic parents, like you" she says with her lips curled up.

Jade takes a deep breath and looks at her empty platter. She looks around at the sea of people, the noise overwhelms her and she closed her eyes for a minute of peace. People begin looking at her an commenting.

"Do you know? She's one of the only muggle born sorted into Slytherin" someone from the Ravens law table comments. Jade balls her fist and her nails dig into her palm deeply.

After another hour of cat calling and hushed talks the head boy of Slytherin house begins to lead them up a flight of stairs.

"We'll meet you tomorrow" Harry nods sadly, with that both go their separate ways.

"The Slytherin Dungeon, also known as Slytherin Common Room, is located behind a wall in the cellars of Hogwarts. To get into the common room you must first know the password to the room  and then you must know which wall to whisper this password to." The head boy informs.

Draco and his two fellow buddies brush past Jade to stand infront of a wall.

"Sorry mud-blood if that hrut your weak body" he says and a girl joins into their roar of laughter.

"Did you just call her mud-blood" she asks horrified. Jade's heart skipped a beta to know someone from the Slytherin house was standing up for her. A faint smile creeps up her lips.

"Yes as a matter of fact I did Pansy" Draco tells her.

"Awesome!" Pansy remarks and Jade immediately lifts her head astonished.

"Stop it!" The head boy yells. "You won't be doing any such nonsense, we're family" he snorts. "Remember without the password and the right wall we'll never be able to get in" he reminds.

"Just tell us the bloody password already" Draco hushes.

"The password is pure-blood" he monotonously says looking at Jade dead in the eye.

"Ooo" Draco giggles "Pure Blood? You heard that you filth?" He says coming dangerous close to her face.

"Pretty much, I'm not dead you idiot" she says pushing him off and walking into the Slytherin Common Room. This was going to be a long night, even for Jade. She enters the girls dormatory to find her luggage already been laid out. She sighs as she places herself on the bed.

"Oh look it's green eyes!" Pansy mocks with other girls behind her. "You'll not sleep on the bunker until we sleep, or we'll play marbles with your vicious green eyes" Pansy warns. "Now get off!" She yells causing Jade to jump, she quickly gets off her bed and sits by a window.

She looks at the stars and smiles, star reminded her everything was eternal, pain, love, everything in this world was eternal. Little did she know, something would come to prove her wrong, but for now she was a first year being bullied.

The next morning Jade woke up tired, her classes had begun and Professor McGonagall had already assigned her with a lot of work. She begins walking out of McGonagalls class and Hermione catches upto her.

"So Jade, how's your common room?" She asks.

"Well it's in the dungeons and it's ordinary" she weakly smiles.

"Haven't you slept enough?" Hermione asks hinting concern.

"Thanks Hermione for the concern but I don't need it" she says walking away faster leaving Hermione on her own. She settles into the potions class and soon people fill in. Ron places himself next to her and greets her with a smile.

"What a wonderful sight" he sarcastically remarks looking at Jade, expecting a retort from his new friend but she just looks into her books. Before Ron could question what was up with her, Professor Snape barges in flinging the door wide open.

"There will be no silly incantations or wand waving in this class" he begins "only a few can appreciate this subtle science of potion making" he says looking directly at Draco.

"Clearly fame isn't everything" he says looking at Harry making Jade bend her head sideways to have a view of Harry jotting down something in his notebook. She shakes her head at Harry's stupendous behaviour and goes back to staring at her book.

Some girls are full of heartache and poetry, those are the type of girls who try to save Werewolves instead of running away from them, Jade was one of them.


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