Chapter 5: Elemental Meeting

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We just got back from meeting Raven and Vernal and most of us came out. Covered in black suite

Weiss: Well that went better than expected.

The end of Weiss hair was a but on fire

Weiss: Can you get that?

Y/N: Sure

I licked my finger and pinched the flame out.

Weiss: Thanks

Y/N: Your welcomed.


After we entered Beacon we all took showers to get rid of of the black suite.

Yang: ( Sighs ) Much better

Vernal: I needed that

Raven: You said it.

Summer: Well I got to go to my class,I'll see you around. Bye sweetie.

Y/N: Bye mom

She kissed my check and walked away.

Blake: With that taken care of should we take you two to Ozpina.

Raven: Might as well.

As we went to see Ozpina we ran into JNPR

Yang: Hey guys

Weiss: Where have you four been?

June: I had to see my sister

Pyhrra: I went to visit my mom

Lia: Same here

Nora: I honestly don't have a excuse. I have no parents so I just went on vacation.

Blake: What did you even do?

Nora: Simple. Gambling

Y/N: Oooookkkk.

They all looked at me with them not saying anything.

Y/N: What?

Pyhrra: Y/N

Lia: You

June: Are


Nora than hugged me tight so hard I was losing circulation.

Y/N: Nora. I. Can't. Breathe!

Lia: Nora take five.

Nora: Ok

She let go and I fell on the ground catching my breath

Y/N: I'm ok.

June: Ok are we going to talk about the girl with the bowl cut.

Nora: And the evil looking Milf.

Yang: First that's my mom

Weiss: Second this is Vernal

Raven: And I'm Raven and is it because my eyes red?

Nora: No... Maybe

Raven: ( Sighs ) I'll let it pass.

June: Oh Ozpina wanted to see your five anyway.

Yang: Really for what?

June: I don't know.

Blake: I guess she has a mission for us.

Y/N: Either way we best get going. We'll see you guys later

Pyhrra: Take care

Lia: We wish you luck

Nora: See you around cutie~


Weiss: Well

Rose: Is there something you want to say.

June: Sorry I got nothing they basically said what I was going to say. Well expect for Nora.

Y/N: No problem, come on guys.

We left with with them heading to their dorm.


We made it to Ozpina office where we saw she had contacts instead of glasses.

Ozpina: Ah Y/N glad to see you made it. I'm guessing you figured out what you and your team are needed for?

Y/N: A mission right?

Ozpina: Correct, but I must ask why are Raven and. That girl here?

Y/N: Well first this is Vernal my new step sister

Vernal: Hey.

Y/N: Why they are here cause they want to come to Beacon. With Raven being a teacher and Vernal a student.

Ozpina: I see, well Raven Vernal stay here while Y/N and the others go on their mission. Gylnda you mind getting the admission/ application forms

Gylnda: Alright, I'll see if I can find them.

She grabbed a hard helmet with a head lamp and opened to file cabinet not before turning to me.

Gylnda: Good luck on your mission.

She kissed her hand and blew me a purple kiss that hit my lips at which I blushed and looking at her as she walked down into the file cabinet with her foot steps fading away.

Y/N: First I can't tell if she is magic with the air kiss, and second how deep is that thing.

Ozpina: Can't tell really, I never went down there now you best get going.

Y/N: Alright let's go guys.


As everyone left they had some thoughts of Gylnda werid air kiss.

Weiss: "A air kiss doesn't caught as a real kiss right? Right?"

Blake: "I probably given Y/N more than a kiss"

Yang: "Only I can kiss him that way"

Rose: "I wonder if me and Y/N will kiss, I wonder it will be like"

Vernal: "I might have just met the kid but I can't lie saying I wouldn't love to kiss him"

Raven: "I bet he would prefer a more sexier woman like me, and someone who could actually do a romantic kiss"

Glydna: "That felt good, can't wait for the real thing"

Ozpina: "Maybe I should remove Gylnda as combat teacher for that. Maybe give her Port's old job or something like that"

Y/N: "Maybe Glynda is actually a witch?"


We made it to Argus which was the location that Ozpina wanted us to go for our mission.

Yang: Now where should we begin?

Blake: It should be best to ask the civilians if they've seen anything.

Rose: What are we looking for anyway?

Y/N: An old abandoned castle that looks like this

Yang: Well let's get this search party started!

Y/N: Split up we'll cover more ground.

We all nodded and and split up to see if there was anything to find or if someone had any idea where the castle was.


We all met up in the center of the town where all of us combined any if our information of the whereabouts of the castle.

Y/N: How was the search?

Weiss: I got nothing

Blake: I looked in the library to see if there any maps about the castle.

Rose: My end was more dry then Weiss cooking.

Weiss: I'm improving. No one said nothing bad about my soup

Rose: That's because our mouths where glued shut and I know what glue feels like I have sniffed it plenty of times.

Y/N: That's besides the point. Yang you got something

Yang: You bet I do.

She pulled out a bunch of souvenirs in forms of tiny warriors and paintings

Yang: I got all this cool stuff at the gift shop

Weiss: YANG!!!

Yang: What I got you something Weiss

She put a hat on her said, "World's biggest loser" which she ripped it off her head

Yang: Hey I spent 2 bucks on that hat!

Weiss: Yang we are looking for a castle not nicknacks from a gift shop! We'll never find it by this rate

I looked at one of the paintings she got and looked back at the photo.

Y/N: Wait maybe that can help

Weiss: What?!

Yang: See told ya

I took the painting Yang bought and put it next to the photo

Y/N: Now look at the tree at the end of the painting, look familiar?

Blake: Nope

Rose: I got nothing sorry.

Weiss: Where you going with this?

Y/N: Now look at the photo if you put them together you get something like this

I put them together and we got a better view of where the castle was.

Rose: That's it!

Blake: Wow quite impressive. Good work.

Y/N: Thanks, now Rose you went to a library to find a map does that forest look familiar?

Rose: Yeah it should be East from here.

Y/N: Then east it is


After what felt like hours of walking we found the castle.

Y/N: That's it, that's the castle alright.

Yang: Then what are we waiting for let's get inside and this mission.

Yang pushed the doors opened and on the inside it felt cold and dark as we walked down the halls.

Weiss: It's freezing in here

Blake: You said I feel like all four of my ears are going to fall off.

Rose: What you talking about I don't feel it.

Y/N: Maybe it's your body, maybe you can't feel cold like we do.

Blake: I does seem possible.

We entered a room where it looked like a bed room with four beds and one baby crib.

Yang: Yeah this doesn't look creepy.

We looked and each bed and the crib where different colors. The beds where Green, Pink, Orange, and Blue while the crib was the same color red as my cape.

Rose: Strange

Yang: I second that.

Blake: Maybe we should rest.

Y/N: Ok we'll take turns taking watch if something happens.

Weiss: Well sence I doubted Yang I'll take first watch.

Yang: Thanks I'll see you later

She laided down in the orange bed while Blake took the green bed, Rose took the pink bed, and I took the cyan bed.


It was my turn to stay up as I kept watch to see if anything showed up and mostly nothing.

Y/N: ( Yawns ) Man I feel so sleepy.

I closed my eyes for a second but then something happened

???: Oh little brother

I opened my eyes as I heard that voice, it sound female, and it was coming outside the room, so I grabbed Cresent Nightshade and opened the door.

Y/N: Hello someone there?

I looked around and saw some pink mist.

???: This way dear brother.

It's sounded really sweet while the other sounded mature. It than started to move down the halls into another room

Y/N: What in the world?

I looked back at the others who where sleeping

???: Come don't be late for the party.

Something about this voice was different, I couldn't place it but it was less sweet than that pink mist voice.

Y/N: ( Sighs ) I'm going to regret this.

I turned Cresent Nightshade into Magnum mode and attached a light onto it as I walked down the halls.

???: This way

I turned to the voice and it was a orange mist making that voice. It than passed down the dark halls into another room

Y/N: Ok so the mature voice is to a unknown mist, pink is sweet, and orange we'll. I don't know how to put it still.

I opened the door where it looked like a dining hall with it decorated for a party. And as the lightning flashed it had my name on it

Y/N: Ok this is very strange, better call the others.

I try to call them but there was no service, but as I tried to get it to work the pink mist covered me. I tried to fight it off but nothing and like that my scroll short circuited, but the mist left. Even though it felt like it was trying to attack me it didn't hurt me at all.

Y/N: Ok I better just get them

I tried the door but it was covered in orange mist and when I touched the door it burned my hand.

Y/N: Man that's hot! Ok so I guess only forward.

I kept going as I walked passed the table and like the mist where saying. This was a party but was it for me but for what reason. I passed the chair that had my name on and while the other chairs where cover in dust this one was cleaned and polished.

Y/N: For a haunted castle have to admit this is quite impressive for hospitality.

I kept going into what loomed like the kitchen and it looked like something was baking. And it smelled so good.

Y/N: Oh man what is that beautiful smell!

As I went in I saw a green mist above me and as I stepped foot near the kitchen I felt a strong gust of wind sending me flying back into the dining hall.

???: Ah ah ah. You can't have the cake until it is done.

This one sounded like me if I was a girl or if my mom was younger.

Red: Come on take your seat.

I turned to see the other three mist

Y/N: Um ok, you sure it's not trapped?

Blue: Don't worry there's nothing to fear, you trust us.

Y/N: Ok

I sat down in the seat and as I did the orange must went through the candles and lit them up to give this room some light and the pink and blue one closed the blinds.

Blue: Much better

Soon the green must came in with the cake.

Green: Done, Nya you think you can light the candles.

Orange: Say no more

Nya or the orange mist than lit the candles on the cake.

Green: Thank you.

Y/N: Ok, who are you four?

Blue: Hold let us show ourselves.

Soon the mist took physical form in the form of four girls

Blue: Hello I am Blue the oldest sister

Red: I'm Rain second oldest

Nya: I'm Nya I'm the thrid oldest

Green: And I'm Dawn I'm the youngest.

Y/N: I'm it's nice to meet you all, so what is this about?

Dawn: Oh our baby brother doesn't know it's his welcome home party.

Y/N: Wait welcome home?

Nya: Yeah don't you remember?

Y/N: Um sorry I don't live here, I live in a cabin in Patch.

Blue: Well this has been our home for the longest time, and we wanted to welcome you here.

Y/N: Well, thank you for your hospitality but I'll- Wait did you call me little brother.

Dawn: Yeah just a few sentences ago.

Y/N: Well not to be rude but I already have a sister. Two of them, my new step sister Vernal and my sister Yang?

Blue: You don't know?

Y/N: Um no, can someone fill me in what I'm missing?

Rain: I guess you haven't met our mom.

Y/N: Ok, well thanks for the cake.

Dawn: You like it I made myself. Completely made from love itself.

Nya sliced everyone a piece and gave each one of us a piece, while it looked good I had my doubts.

Rain: Something wrong?

Dawn: You don't like ice cream cake?

Y/N: No it's just with this being made by four. Ghosts? You all ghost right, or is that offensive?

Blue: No we are alive and it's not offensive.

Y/N: How you know?

Nya: We talked to spirts before.

Y/N: I see, but maybe if you can settle my suppsions if you all take a bite.

Dawn: Sure

They all took a bite and they seemed relatively fine even enjoying it.

Blue: Mmmm delicious

Rain: This is amazing

Nya: Dawn you are a mistress of your craft.

Dawn: Thank you, your turn Y/N

Y/N: ( Sighs ) Alright, down the hatch.

I took a bite and it was.  AMAZING!!!

Y/N: Oh this is good!

I kept eating it if I was a pig.

Y/N: Man I might have just met you all but this is great!

Dawn: Thank you dear brother.

Blue: Now how about games

Y/N: Sorry but I must be getting back with my friends.

Nya: Please, tell you what if you play some games I'll remove the fire seal on the door.

Y/N: Well. Alright I'll play some games then I get to go.

Dawn squealed as a giant just off wind lifted me from my seat into her arms

Dawn: Let's go play

They than ran into another room.

Y/N: What have I gotten myself into.

Ross POV

I woke and looked around and saw Y/N was missing

Rose: Everyone get up Y/N is gone!

Everyone shot up awake and started looking

Yang: Where he go!


Blake: It came from the west!

Yang broke down the door and started moving and when we try to open the door to the dinning hall it was locked and it burned Yang's hand.

Yang: Gah! What the I'm fire proof how does that hurt?

Weiss: Let's take the long way.

We kept running to where Y/N voice came from and soon we found the room Y/N was in

Yang: Hold on bro, I'm a coming!

Yang than slammed the door down with dust covering our eyes.


Y/N: AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! There goes one of my properties.

I removed my castle and Blue gave me 50000 dollars.

Blue: Monopoly is a cruel game.

Soon the door broke down with the others appearing.

Y/N: Oh hey guys.

Yang: Y/N!!!

Yang hugged me tight with the others joining.

Blake: Your ok!

Weiss: We thought we lost you for a second!

Rose: Please don't leave us like that!

I was able to slip out Yang bear hug

Y/N: Guys I'm fine, I was just hanging out with them.

I jesters them to Blue, Rain, Nya and Dawn.

Yang: Um bro

Blue: Who

Yang/Blue: Are they?!

Y/N: Oh yeah, well guys these four are Blue, Rain, Nya and Dawn. Blue, Rain, Nya, Dawn these are my teammates. Rose, Weiss, Blake and my sister Yang.

Nya: So these are your friends?

Dawn: And sister

Y/N: Yep this is them.

Weiss: Can someone explain what's going?

Y/N: Ok so while you guys where asleep I heard Blue voice and I soon met the rest in the kitchen for sometype of "Welcome home party" and they started calling me their brother.

Blake: Brother?

Yang: Sorry to burst your bubbles but he's my brother not yours.

Rain: Yes we are, we've been watching him ever sence he was a kid.

Rose: Wait then that means?

Weiss: You four where stalking him!

They armed thenselves with their weapons while others channeled their powers, but I got in the middle.

Y/N: Wait wait, let's hear their story. So what you mean you've been watching me.

Blue: Simple we've been doing what any sisters would do, and protect their little brother.

Y/N: Who so?

Rain: Have you ever felt like someone was protecting you.

Y/N: Yeah, my mom called it as a guardian angel.

Nya: Think more of guardian angels.

Dawn: We where the ones protecting you.

Y/N: What?

Blue: Remember when you where younger and a Grimm try to kill you but it soon turned to ice.

Y/N: Yeah.

Blue: That was my doing.

Rain: And when you game was losing battery and it soon had more battery then it could ever could. That was me.

Dawn: Remember when you where trying to fly a kite and there was no wind. I made the largest gust of wind, your kite flew so high it could reach the skies.

Nya: Remember you when the heater broke and it was a cold winter day. I warmed you and I kept you warm until the heater was fixed.

They just looked at me as they all smiled at me

Y/N: You all have been there from the beginning.

Blue: Always have, just like any sister would. Could you agree Yang.

Yang: Well, I guess.

Weiss: I have my doubts.

Blake: Well I guess our mission is done, we should head back to Beacon.

As the others left I looked at the four and I couldn't leave them here.

Y/N: How about you four come with us.

They soon came back with the four stairing at me.

Weiss: You want to take them with us.

Y/N: Why not they clearing don't have any malice against us and they really care about me, so why not.

Weiss: Ok but what if they can't fight.

Nya: Oh we can fight.

Blue made two sapphire rapiers, Rain made a red Kanata that looked like the blade was made from rubies, Nya made a bladed staff that was in a bright Topaz and Dawn made a nunchucks that where emerald.

Y/N: Nice, let's go


We made it back to Beacon with Raven and Vernal finished sighing the papers.

Y/N: Just in time.

Vernal: Why's that?

Y/N: Cause we got four more students.

We than showed them Blue, Rain, Nya and Dawn, and with that Ozpina dropped her jaw

Ozpina: You found. The orginal maidens

Yang: The orginal what?

Ozpina: You see

Blue: We are the maidens, each and everyone of us have a ability to control a different element, like with me I'm the winter Maiden I control Ice.

Rain: Spring Maiden and with electricity.

Nya: Fall Maiden with fire

Dawn: And finally me Summer with the power of wind.

Raven: But wait I'm the spring Maiden

Raven than pulled her sword out which as she did it sparked with electricity and her eyes glowed red.

Rain: So am I

She did the same eyes glowing and everything.

Blake: What makes you two different if you are both the spring Maiden.

Rain: Well you saw my mist form but I can also fuse with my sisters.

Everyone: Fusion!?!

Blue: Indeed as the orginal maidens we have the ability to fuse other.

Y/N: Ok but how are you and my step mom both the spring Maiden.

Ozpina: Simple when a Maiden dies whoever they think of that person gets the powers.

After she said that the OG maidens or my sisters laughed at that analogy.

Ozpina: What's funny?

Dawn: That's not how it works.

Nya: How it "really" works is that we can pick anyone to get a sample of our powers and then they can choose who they want to give it to.

Rain: We mostly choose by random for the first maidens after we went into hiding.

Y/N: So what can't they do but you can.

Blue: We'll obviously our mist forms are one and two no fusion. They can only use a sample of our power and open the vaults.

Ozpina: I see.

Yang: Wait but if you guys wanted to protect Y/N, why not give it to him?

Nya: Because we can't, he's locked off from using our powers. For now

Rose: What you mean by "For now"?

Blue: You see unlike most Y/N is the only one who can use all our powers at once but when he was born he was given a magic lock so he can't use his powers.

Rain: And the only one who can break the lock is our mom sence she casted it.

Dawn: But we don't know where she is.

Nya: Or what she looks like, it's been centuries or millennium sence we've seen her.

Vernal: Wait you said millennium?

Blue: Correct infact we use to look quite you all but our mother performed a spell on us that made us immortal and that's why we are the way we are now.

Weiss pulled us together to talk privately.

Weiss: Ok am I the only one thinking that their mom might be gone

Yang: Nope just you

Blake: If she did it to them she probably did it to herself to. They just don't know where to look.

Y/N: Maybe we can help them find her. Like it's worth a shot.

Rose: I guess we are all in agreement. Sorry Weiss.

Weiss: Fine but I have my eye on them.

We broke apart and walked to them

Y/N: We'll help find her

They all hugged me tight

Dawn: Thank you brother, this will be the best family reunion ever!

Nya: We just need to find her, but I'm sure we'll know her when we see her.

Y/N: Ozpina can they stay here, they cleary can fight and they can help so can they.

Ozpina: Acrouse.

Blue: Will we share a room with our dear brother.

Ozpina: If you are implying Y/N then no but you will get a room next to him.

Rain: I'll take it.

Ozpina: Just sign these and your free to go.

As they started to right their names I looked at the sun setting with it my life getting werider and werider but getting better and better as each day passes.

Blue: One question? Is this world a female dominant world still?

Blake: Yes.

Nya: Well I guess we can still date our brother.

Yang: Wait that was a thing back then

Blue: Indeed, people could date at any age and with anyone.

Yang: Sweet!

And I spoke too soon. Well it was normal while it lasted but now I have these girls who are calling me their brother now wanting to date me who are millennium years old. What's next I ask you, I'm guessing I'll have to get used to it I guess.

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