Chapter 7: Weapons in Hand

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We where in our dorm just relaxing with team ELMT or Elemental being the orginal maidens getting adjusted to their new life while Vernal was still on the side until there where enough to make a full team.

Yang: I'm bored. You guys got any ideas?

Blake: Well I can flirt with your brother

Yang: Hands off!

While they argued I looked at Rose who was just by herself.

Y/N: Hey Rose, something wrong.

Rose: Oh it's just. I'm feeling lonely.

Yang: OUCH! That one hurt.

Rose: No it's not you guys are not good company it's just, there's no one else like me.

Blake: Well she is the only human weapons.

Yang: Then let's just make more. I'm sure it's not that hard to make that green dust.

Weiss: Well.

Y/N: Please if not for Rose but atleast do it for me.

Weiss: Well alight but just this once.

Yang: Cool who should do it.

Weiss than just smirked as she looked at Yang

Weiss: Well sence it was your idea I guess you just volunteered.

Yang:... Sure I'm cool for it. I'm enough on my own.

She clipped off Ember Celica and handed them to Weiss.

Blake: Well if s.he's doing it I'm in.

She gave her gambol shroud and all of us just looked at Weiss as she held their weapons.

Weiss: What?

Y/N: It should be fair that you take part in this. I'll make you a new weapon in return.

Weiss: Well. Alright.

She placed Mynstmaster in her collection of weapons.

Yang: Now how do we make green dust?

Weiss: We don't have that time to make it

Rose: Then can we just do a TIMESKIP with us having green dust?

Weiss: Ok let me ask. Hey Aurthor can we get a time skip with us having green dust.

Dr.Roxas: Alright, just give me a moment


We soon had green dust made for us ready to use.

Weiss: Thanks

Dr.Roxas: Anytime now if you mind I have a wall to fix after it was blown up by Jinn with that stick of dynamite.

Weiss: Anyway we have the dust now, now it be best we take safety precautions before we do anything.

We made a wall of books as Weiss slowly moved the dust to the weapons with sweat running down her face, and Blake holding a fan uo to her head so she stay cool.

Weiss: Ok stand back.

Yang: Fire in the whole!

We all duck as Weiss and Blake jumped behind the wall and ducked for cover with... Nothing happening

Weiss: Strange usually something hap-

We where all fine expect for Weiss who was hit by the explosion.

Weiss: Ouch

Yang grabbed a fire exterior and put any fires out with the fog remaining of the explosion.

Yang: Hello, is anyone there

The fog cleared out and we saw who was there

( The one with metal legs is Ember and Celica is the one with arms )

( She has cat ears )

We saw the one who was Mynstmaster was the tallest, Blake's weapons being second tallest and Yang's weapons being the shortest.

Yang: Wow, it worked. Again

Mynstmaster: Hello, it is so glad to finally meet you mistress Weiss and Master Y/N

Y/N: Thanks but you can just call me Y/N

Weiss: As much I like to take it but why did Yang and Blake weapons make doubles?

Ember ( 1 ): Well daw. If Yang made the both of us across they'll be two of us even if we are one weapons.

Ember ( 2 ): Same goes with Blake's weapon

Blake: Well we got a answer to that but what about the different sizes. Yang's weapon is barely her height, well unless you don't count them stacking each other on their shoulders.

I looked at them and back Rose and I thought of something.

Y/N: Hey Rose, can you stand with them.

Rose: Ok sure.

She did and we saw that Rose was the tallest

Gambal ( Cat ): What is this ment to prove?

Y/N: Well when Rose was well Cresent Rose she was the tallest weapon, with Mynstmaster being second, Gambol shroud being thrid and Ember Celica being last.

Yang: I guess that's the best way to putting their size difference.

Rose: I don't care ( hugs the human weapons ) I finally have people who are like me

Ember ( 1 ): Yeah expect shorter.

Gambol ( Human ): Wait what do we call ourselves, in our new forms we don't have names.

Y/N: I guess we got to fill that roll I guess.

Yang: Pssshhh no problem cause I got that cover for my girls. ( Points to Ember 1 ) Your Ember ( Points to Ember 2 ) and you are Celica.

Ember: Ember

Celica: Celica. I can roll with it

Ember: Same

Blake: Then I guess, ( Points to cat Gambol ) you are Gabriel and you ( Human Gambol ) can be Shade

Shade: Shade, does fit my looks quite well

Gabriel: I agree.

Y/N: Now all is left is Mynstmaster, what you got Weiss.

Weiss: Well I always wanted a daughter named Crystal and Mynstmaster is kinda like my child so I guess that's your name.

Crystal: Crystal Schnee, I'm quite thankful for the name Mistress Weiss.

Y/N: So the full team is. Rose, Crystal, Gabriel, Shade, Ember and Celica. I like it.

Yang: What are you going to call yourselves.

Ember: How about CRDL

Celica: That sounds fucking stupid

Crystal: Team KNDM

Shade: That name is taken

Rose: Wait how about. Team WEPN ( Weapon )

Celica: Well we were weapons so I'm cool with it

Crystal: I think it's lovely

Shade: I like it

Gabriel: Same

Ember: Count me in

Y/N: Then that's your name. Team WEPN

Weiss: Now we just need to take you to Ozpina office so we can make your team official.

Crystal: Very well

Rose: Follow the leader.

They left with Ember and Celica following behind

Celica: Why is she the boss?

Ember: Well she was made first so seems fair to me.

Celica: ( Groans ) Fine.

They left with them going to talk to Ozpina

Yang: Wait aren't we going to ask what their weapons on?

Blake: Well with Rose it seems she uses a weapon similar to Y/N so it's not hard to say they use weapons like ours too.

Yang: Fair speaking of which we need new weapons anyway

Y/N: Already made some plans for it so let's go make them.

We left to make Weiss Blake's and Yang new weapons

And that is it. I can tell you it was a pain because of the images but anyway I hoped you enjoyed and I'll see you later. BYE!!!

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