Little bonding

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At the college

Jungkook is sitting with lili and angel is sitting with Rose...

Angel - I hate this subject.. *yawn*

Rose - study is important...

Here lili is looking at Felix..their eyes lock with each other for a moment.

Jungkook - who made this subject?? I am tired of studying..

Lili - but.. I like the view

Jungkook - view???..

Lili - *panic*I-I mean.. I love study...

Jungkook - ohh.. That's it
Jungkook throw a paper ball on angel's face with a msg

Msg - hay looser.. I am bored here.. Let's go out side..

Angel smirk after reading that msg. Ready to show her acting skills. She hold her back and start shouting in class. Make everyone worry.


Teacher - What happened Ms. Choi.?

Angel - sir.. My back is hurting to much.. Aaa!!

Teacher - someone take her to nursing room..

Jungkook - sir.. Me.. Me.. Angel let me help you..

Angel - Thank you jungkook

They left..

Teacher - so students....

Out side

Jungkook - haha!!... Your acting... That's really a next level...

Angel - Did you see his face... hahaha... .

Now they both are sitting on the roof... And eating ice cream which is bought by jungkook as a treat.

Jungkook - I like the view.. This view always relax me..

Angel - yes you are right..

Angel looking at sky.. And give a soft smile..

Jungkook - Sometimes I think.. How lucky I am..

Angel - yes.. Of course you have a loving family and friends...

Jungkook - ohh.. Yes.. But you also have.. See now every one accepts you.

Angel - yeah.. *soft smile*

Mafia's Home

Jin - Nancy??

Nancy - yes

Jin - Dad told us to shift to his house..

Niki - but why??

Jhope - For everyone's security..

Karina - No way.. I don't come with you all..

Suga - you have..

Teahyung - Now pack your important things..

All - OK

Time skip

Lili- we are home..

Ri-aa - oo you all are here.. Go and pack your important things.. Dad told us to shift us to his house..

Lili - we are going to his house... Yayyyyyyy...

Everyone ready to go...

At Mr. Hwangs house

Jtj 's mother - o my kids are here..

JK and I 's mom - lili!! baby

Jk-mom what about me??

JK and L 's mom- come my boy *hug*.

Everyone went to dinning room.
Mr. Hwang - from today you all have to live here..

Lili - Really that's really really amazing...

Mr. Hwang - OK... Kids... You all's rooms are ready...

Everyone -OK.

Lili - so this is my room

Lili about to open the door..

Mr. Hwang - lili???.. What are you doing here???

Lili - D-dad.. I am just going to my room..

Mr. Hwang - this is not your room.. Never try to come in this room...

Lili - ohh... OK..

Mr. Hwang - OK.. Go.

Lili left

Angel - Mr. Hwang??!!

Mr. Hwang - ohh Angel.. Go fresh up.. And sleep..

Angel - ohh.. OK..

Angel is sitting on her window.. And talking with the sky.. With her mother who is becoming A Star....

Angel - Hay mom.. You know what this is not that bad... I like to live here.. I know I am not important as lili.. But at least they give me a little space in their hearts. *yawn*Aaa!!I am tired.. I am going to sleep mom.. Good Night..

Next morning..

Angel's room...

Angel is sleeping peacefully because she have holiday today.. Suddenly her phone star making sound..


Angel - *sleepy voice*...Hello!!


angel - what???.. (She check date)...yayyy today is my birthday THANK UUUU oppa and unnies.

Felix - I wish you will achieve everything.. You deserve world my little cutie.

Angel - Thank you oppa..

Felix - love you princess...

Angel - love you too oppa..

Angel get up from her bed...and get ready. you wear your favorite colour dress. Kiss your ring necklace and ready to go out because you always celebrate your birthday outside with yourself. And in night with your oppa and unnies.

Angel - where should I go today.. Yes yes their..

when she go down stairs there is no one.. She told a maid about her going out.. And left

*Time skip*

At breakfast time

Mr. Hwang - That's really great we all are together... Wait.. Where is our birthday girl...

Lili and JK - Birthday girl??!!

Lili - dad we never saw you talking about birthdays... We think you hate birthdays.
Mr. Hwang - I am your dad.. I know what I am talking....let me call her..

When he went to angel's room their is no one....

Mr. Hwang - where is she??
Maid - Sir.. Queen is going outside.. She told me to tell you..

Mr. Hwang - ohh.. OK

Time skip to evening

Angel's side

Angel- Chocolate cake.. Done
            Tulip flowers..... Ready
let's go..

She went to her mother grave.. And sit beside that grave ...

Angel - Mumma.. See.. What I bought for you... Your fev cake and your fev white tulip... Let's celebrate my birthday together past every year.. There is a old lady... Who is seeing her from long time...

Old lady - hello young lady.. What are you doing??

Angel - I am celebrating my birthday with my mom.. Granny please join us..

Old lady - ohh.. OK.. Young lady.. Don't you have family..

Angel- *A soft smile appaire on her face *yes.. I have a beautiful family..

like this they talk lough and spend some time together..

At Mr. Hwang's house

Mr. Hwang walking here and there like crazy.. He is looking scared for someone. No one saw him this panic.

Mr. Hwang - where is she go.... This is already 10 pm..

On the call

Man 2 -yes....Sir...

Mr. Hwang - find.. Where is she.?

Angel just enter in the hall .she is too much happy. She is singing her favorite song with a low voice a big smile is on her face make her glowing  more .her smile fade up when she notice dead silence in Mafia house.

Angel - (mind - this is really too late hope dad.. Forgive me... No no.. He will forgive me.. I was just with my mother)

Angel - Mr. Hwang ??!!

Mr. Hwang - O you are here.. Did you see watch.. This is too early..go back from the fucking you back why you come this early?

Angel - Mr. --

Mr. Hwang- shut up.I am worried about you.And you. You are just hanging out with you friends..

Angel - at least listen to me Mr--

Mr. Hwang - I said shut up !!*slap angel * you are also like your mother never think about other. Selfish..

Everyone shook because Mr. Hwang never raised hand on lili or any other girl...

Angel - *tears*do you know what was the....real don't even know her properly... No *crying*..No.. Then Who are you to say that.?. *crying*..y.. Yes.. I am her.. Th... Thank g.. God... I Not..*crying* U... A.. Monster who kill innocent people. B..but also .. A.. We.. Weak man.. Who d.. Don't able to save his. Own wife...I know about you mr. Hwang I know about your story.

Mr. Hwang - *reality suddenly hit him*Angel..I-I don't mean that..

Angel - *don't able to talk because of crying hard*

Left to her room

Mr. Hwang - Ang--

Phone ring
*Ring ring*

Man 2 - boss.. She was went to her mother grave and stay there whole day...

suddenly phone slip from his phone .his eyes showing real guilty feeling. He thought to much without knowing real reason.

Mr. Hwang - *pulling his hair on the back side*what I do with her. I should first find out reason.

Suga - calm down dad...

Jin - yes... Dad.. Calm down...

Jhope - dad she is your bestfriend's daughter... She will understand..

Mr. Hwang - I did a really big mistake I have to say sorry to her..

Nancy - Dad.. You should talk with her in the morning...

Niki - yes dad... She is right..this not a right time to talk with her.

In the angel's room

She is crying too hard... Her tears flow like river.. She is not crying because of slap.. She is crying because of his words... She is crying because of his judgemental words about his mother..Now this is become hard for her to breath properly.. This time need just a hug.. A warm hug... But there is no one for her.. There is only darkness.. She need warm words but she just listening sound of her own cry..
That night angel sleep on the cold floor whole night .. She becomes weak because this much crying .she don't eat anything from this morning..

In the morning

Nancy about to enter in the kitchen but she shook seeing Mr. Hwang there.. Everyone come in kitchen for breakfast and shook by seeing Mr. Hwang in the kitchen..

Rm - Dad what are you doing in this kitchen??

Mr. Hwang - O Naamjoon when you come from mission...

Rm - just last night..

Mr. Hwang - I am making angel's fev food for her forgiveness..

Rm - forgiveness???..

Ri-aa told  every thing to Namjoon.

Mr. Hwang go to her room. With breakfast and knock on her door.. But no response..
*knock *

Mr. Hwang - baby... I am really sorry.. Please open the door.
*No response *

Mr. Hwang - Angel???... Cupcake??

*still no response *

Rm - dad something is strange... Let me break this door..

Mr. Hwang - ohh.. OK

After four times door finally open... Everyone shook after seeing the view.. Angel's room is a full mess her pillow are riped, her bedshit is on the ground.. Angel is lying fainted on the ground..her eyes swallowed and her face is all red... They can see dry tears mark on her face.. That's all show how much she hurts by his words. Angel's mother is everything for her.. She can easily wear any pain any hurt..but when that come to her mother that thing break her..

Mr. Hwang - Angel!!

They run to her. Mr. Hwang hold her in his arms.

Niki - she have high fever... I have to give her injection..

Mr. Hwang - then give..

They lying her on her bed... Niki give her injection...

*Time skip*

Angel is still not awaked.. Mr. Hwang is sitting on her bad holding her hand no one is here...

Mr. Hwang - I am sorry cupcake.. That's because of me.. I am really sorry. .....

So guys how was that??.. I hope you like that... Thank you for reading... 😊

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