serious work...

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Author's pov

After some days everyone busy with that plan.. Angel become crazy over that plan. She is not eating well now days. Angel take off from college... On day on dinning table...

Everyone is eating and talking with each other.. They are laughing... Teasing each other.. But there is Angel who sit quietly without touching plat.she looks like a lifeless body..

Angel - (mind- who trying to harm me. Hwang's family and why he shoot me.. Everyone is under my control then.. Who left.. What if he one of the best friend of dad (Mr. Choi). No I don't want that anyone harm them...)

Taehyung saw her from some minutes.. He put his hand on her shoulder... Because of sudden touch.. She flitch..

Angel - *gasp*"w-what happend?"

Suga - "why don't you eat anything.. "

Angel -" ohh.. Y-yayy..."

JK - "dad!!... Angel!! ..I also want to join you.. "

Rm - no this is dangerous..

JK - not more than maths.. Don't forget I am a well train Mafia.
Mr. Hwang - OK.. You can..

Angel - OK.. But you have to work under Lisa..

JK -of course boss (mind - I also want that..)

Blackpink enter in mafia house...

Rose - hay princess!!

Angel - unnie.. What are you doing here..

Jisoo - "O princess.. Mr. Hwang invite us... He want we live here "

Angel - Mr. Hwang??

Mr. Hwang - only because of plan...

Angel -" hmm OK.. Lisa Now jungkook also help us.. I want you take him under you. Because he have no idea about this mafia world... "

JK - I have...

Angel -shut up bunny!!

Lisa - "It's okay angel.. I will take care of him.. "

Time skip...

Namjoon's pov

When I enter in my room.. I see my cute wifey..she is sleeping.. Why she look so beautiful.. Then my eyes fall on her little baby bump..

Namjoon - "hay baby come fast.. I am waiting for you.. Your dad is waiting... "


Here I am sitting in my room... See my wife who is working on his laptop.. There is a wonder she is not bothering me..

V- "Karina!!!??"

Karina - "hmm...

V- are you busy??

She leave her laptop.. And say

Karina - not for you handsome..

V- O god I was wrong... Well I like it...

Author's pov

Everyone is busy with their stuffs... Lisa trying to connect everyone's chip to computer...

JK - hay Lisa what are you doing..

Lisa - work??

JK - great answer .hay lisa I join your team because I want to spend some time with you.. Please listen to me...

Lisa- I have to much work jungkook...

Jungkook hold Lisa's hand..

JK - Lisa.. From the day I see you first my heart beat become crazy.. I only want to talk with you.. I only want to listen you.. I really like you..please accept me
Lisa become shook after listen this.. She is happy...and sad too.. Sad because she don't have a normal life like other girls..
Lisa - I also like you too gukk but..

JK - but..

Lisa - I want time..

JK - I will give you time..

Rose see this all from a distance..
Rose -(mind- at least Lisa can live a beautiful life now.. )

*Time skip*
Now everyone is sitting in meeting room...

Angel - Jisoo unnie.. Did you find someone.?

Jisoo - from our sources I only find out that he is not from Korea...

Suga - that's mean he is out of Korea..

Rose - maybe.!

Angel - good.. Try to find more..

Bp - OK Queen...

Blackpink left...

Angel - "O my god my head is killing me... I dont't know anything who is he why he do this?"

Taehyung - "you should take some rest you are taking to much stress."

Angel -" hmm.. I should take a nap."

Angel left...

V- dad... Let's sleep together tonight..

Rm - together??

V- yes.. In the garden.. Like old.. That's will help everyone (mind-specially my bear)

Jin - hmm.. I think you are right..

Mr. Hwang - OK.. Fine..

Time skip

Mafia's house..

Angel - "O my god.. Someone save me... "

JK - "stop you kitten.. "

Lili - "Angel... Gukk... stop "

Angel is running around the house like a mouse who is trying to save her life from a cat.. JK running behind her.. And lili trying to stop them... Kai and ji-ah are enjoying that show... Then mafia boys enter in the house..

J-hope - "ji-ah baby.. What are they doing??"

Ji-ah -"uncle hobi... Some minutes ago they were playing game... Due to playing game angel drink.. Jungkook uncle's last banana milk that's why gukk uncle trying to kill her.... Suga sit on the couch like nothing happened... "

JK throw a pillow toward angle...
But angel did not stop... After half hour they three sleep together in the angel's room..

Nancy - that's why I love siblings fight...

Niki -" you are right unnie.. "

Ji-ah -" Kai opppaaaaaa!!. Give me my color pen back... "

Kai - no I want to use this..

Ji-ah - give me back...

They both also start running behind each other...

Nancy - Not again!! *done face*

Karina - why everyone is cute today ..

Si-aa- because they are...

Time skip

Night time

Everyone is sitting on the ground talking with each other, laughing, teasing forgetting about their mafia work...

Nancy - and you know what that day Karina fall on the ground... Hahaha..

Karina - unnie.. That's not my fault...

Hyunjin - then who see her husband like a--

Karina - unnieeeee*blusing hard*

Si-aa- OK OK girls..

Kai - aunties me and ji-ah are bored do something...

Nancy - baby --

JK - it's okay kiddo.. Let me tell you all a story..

Kai - story yayyyyyyyy..

Now me your gukk will tell you all a story..Please listen to me carefully..

Rose - don't make us bored..

Jennie - at least listen to him..

Angel - bunny.. Start your story..

JK - "OK OK... So let's start story...
This story about a little bunny and his mother bunny they both are living with their family happily.. But one day when they were roaming around in the forest a team of hunters attack them. They are trying to run.. But they catch little bunny. And take him with them."

Ji-ah -" then what happened uncle gukk??"

JK - "then they take him with them.. And lock him.. They don't give him anything to eat and they touched him.. And--

Nancy - "koo what type of story you are telling to kids.. "

Lili - "this boy... And his story is useless.. Sit here.."

JK - "no one worth me... "

Angel's pov

"Kookie's story why sound similar to me like I listen this I feel this... Aa!!.. Why my head is aching... O god.. This is killing me... "

Author's pov
Jisoo looking at angel..

Jisoo - "what happened angel?? Are you OK.??"

Angel - ya I am OK.. I am just sleepy..

Suga - "Me too.!!"

Mr. Hwang -" OK everyone now sleep.. "

Everyone lay down on their places.. Angel is lying beside suga...

Angel -" why starts look so beautiful.. Like they are trying to say something.. They are someone.. Who is close to our heart"

Suga - because they know our story..

Angel - oppa.. Are you not sleep yet.

Suga - "I am just.. OK good night."

Angel - "Good night!!"

Mid -night...
Angel's pov

"Mom run fast."

Jessica - I am trying baby...

Angel - "did dad pick call??"

Jessica - I am trying ..

Man hit Jessica..
Jessica - So-haa baby run..

So-ha(Angel) run fast as she can..
They shoot her mom..



I still awake because.. Ji-ah did not sleep.. I was about to sleep but suddenly angel hold my hand tightly.. When I looking at her.. She is sweating Badly.. She saying something in her dream..

Angel - Mom!!.. *breath heavily*..

Suga shake angel to wake her up but she didn't..

Suga - I think she have a night mare.. But why my heart aching seeing her like this.. ANGEL!!

fanily angel waking up and tightly hug suga. Her whole body is shaking. She is sweating very badly. Her hairs are all over her face.

Angel - yoongi oppa.. Don't leave me.. Please.. They will kill me *breathing heavily *

Suga -( calming angel) shhh.. No one kill you.. You are a strong baby.. Now sleep ...

They end up sleep together.. Hugging each other.. Angel hug suga like a baby...

Morning time
Author's pov

Lili wake up early... She sit and looking at everyone.. But she shook when she see suga and angel.. She shake jungkook hard..

JK - "What happened let me sleep.. "

Lili - see there..

JK - "what they are sleeping together...( About to sleep again but his mind work) WHAT THEY ARE SLEEPING TOGETHER!! "

NANCY-" jungkook why are you shouting in this early morning.."

Jungkook point toward them.. Now everyone looking towards Angel and suga...

Rm - "is this real?? "

Jhope - Nikki pull my cheeks.. Ouch this is real..

Mr. Hwang , taehyung and jisoo are happy seeing them like this.. Because of too much sound suga and angel also wake up.. And become shook after seeing eathother hugging. Suga and angel both scream....

Suga /angel - AAAAAAAA!!


Taehyung - jin hyung!!

Rm - from when you both become this close..

Suga - hmm--

Then suga remember about angel's nightmare..

Suga - "O yeah last tight she had night mare.."
V/jisoo - "Nightmare!!"

They both run toward angel..

Jisoo - are you OK.. Princess..

V - don't be scared bear..

Angel - calm down you both I am OK.. And thank you suga oppa.

Suga - your welcome (mind - well I like that yoongi oppa)



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