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Author's Pov

Jessica and Mr. Hwang already reached South Korea....
Jessica - this is Korea... Woaah so beautiful...
Mr. Hwang - yeah... Let's go home...
Jessica - okiiiieeee... Leggo..

They are on their way... He already told his wives about Jessica... But he is afraid of Jessica's reaction... When they reached home... Mr. Hwang's men vow Mr. Hwang and Jessica both... When they entered in the house..
Jessica - woahh... This is your house....
Mr. Hwang - Ye--
Taehyung - Dad...

Jessica's Pov
When we reached house... I were shocked because I never think about living in that type of house... When we entered a little boy run to hwang and call him dad... But how... And who is he??
Jessica - Jagi who is he??
Mr. Hwang - He--
Taehyung - O Hello Auntie... My name is taehyung and I am his youngest son...
Jessica - Son??
??- yes son...
Jessica - Now who are you??
??- ohh he don't tell you... I am his first wife..

Author's Pov

Jessica - *shook*first wife??
??2-yes new lady... We three our his wives...
Jessica -*shook* T-three... A-are you kidding me... N-nice joke jagi... Nice... Hehe..
??3- this is not a joke young lady..
Jessica - Hwang... Tell them me... This is a joke..
Mr. Hwang - No.. Sweetie.. This is truth...
Jessica leave me. Hwang's hand... Now she is broken down... She don't have any words...
Mr. Hwang - Sweet--
Jessica - you cheat me... *broke*
Mr. Hwang - I were about to tell you..
Jessica - this all was drama *broke*
Mr. Hwang - Noo*tears*
Jessica - you never love me..*crying*
Mr. Hwang - No... I love you.. *Tears*

Jessica - you are a cheater.... You never love me... This all was drama... Kill me.. Kill me now *broke down*crying hard *
Mr. Hwang - No jagi... I love you I really love you... Please don't leave me alone... I can't live without you please *crying*
Mr. Hwang hug Jessica tightly live someone come and steal her from him... Jessica also melt by his word.. Because she loves him unconditionable....

Jessica - OK.. But you have to give me a promise... .
Mr. Hwang - yes... Yes... I promise...
Jessica - I am you last wife...
Mr. Hwang - promise.... No pinkey promise...
Jessica - hehe... Pinkey promise..

After some days

Jessica get along with them well..
Now Jessica and suga become best friends they play piano all day... Write song... Sing together
Jessica become his real mother more like a best friend...  Suga freely say anything to her...
They play together..  Yoongi never become shy around her..
Jessica was his first teacher.. Everyone Jessica too much...
Taehyung and yoongi can't sleep without listening song from her..
Jessica also love them like her real children... Jin learn how to cook from Jessica.. Jhope learn dance... Jessica always help namjoon with his studies....  Like they become best family.. Everyone is happy laughing.. Celebrating birthdays.. Ceremonies.. Anniversary..

After some times Jessica give birth to a girl and Mr. Hwang's third wife give birth to twins (lili and Jungkook)... Everyone is very excited to see their sisters... When yoongi first saw that little girl...
Yoongi - Mom... Is she my sister??
Jessica - yes.. Yoon
Taehyung - what is her name??
Jessica - umm... She want that her brothers give her a beautiful name..
V And yoongi - we??
Yoongi - OK let me think... Umm..
V and yoongi - SO-HAA!!
after listening her name that little girl giggle..
Yoongi- she lough.. Mom is she understand us??
Jessica - yes... Yoon..
Taehyung - Hello SO-HAA bear.. I am you big brother I will always protect you..
Yoongi - Hello kitten... I am your biggest brother.. I never let anyone hurt you...
Jessica is looking at them.. Everyone look so happy...
Like this time passed... There bonding become strong... Yoongi and taehyung only have soft point for lili and So-haa...
On day on the dinning table..
So-haa - I want some chocolate..
Jessica - no first finish your Food..
So-haa - Ani... Ani.. Queen want chocolate...
Yoongi - as your oder Queen..
So-haa - yayyyyyy chocolate... Thank you meow yoongi oppa...
Taehtung - Now what about my chocolate...
So-haa - woaahh... Thank you so much Taebear..
Jessica - yoon.. Tae... What's that babies..
Taehyung - it's okay mom... Don't think much..
Jessica - *sigh*now where are you going so-ha baby...
So - haa - Momma chim chim is waiting for me... Wait... Where are lili and that monkey...
Jessica - So-haa..
So-haa - I mean Jungkook... Hehe..
Jessica - they are out with their mom...
So-haa - okiiee
So-haa run with chocolates...

In the park
So-haa is running toward a little boy...
So-haa - Chim chim!!
Chim chim - Dumpling.... Why are you too late...
So-haa - sorwwwwyy...
Chim chim - it's okay...
So-haa-  see I have chocolates... Do you want this.. Then catch..
So-haa run and that boy run behind her... They are laughing together...

Present time

Lili - mom.. Why don't we remember that...
Lili and JK's mom - because we always out of the city...
JK - but why??
Lil and JK's mom - because of your grand father health...
Lili - ohh...

Back to story

Today is so-haa 's birthday..

Everyone is preparing for her birthday.. So-haa wake up early and go downstairs... Then her dad come to her... And take her in his arms...
Yoongi - aaaa!!.. Dad this is not fair... I wake up early today just for wishing my queen... And you do that before me... 😑

After listen yoongi's word so-haa jump on him.. And giggle
So-haa - okieee... Meow.... .Now say...
Yoongi - Happy Birthday kitten... *Kiss her on her whole face*
So-haa - Dad.. Why jinie oppa.. Joonie oppa and hoba oppa are here??
Jhope - who say we are not here...
So-haa see them... And run to ward them... Like a puppy run to it's owner...
Jin - Happy Birthday cupcake..
SO-HAA - Thank you.. Thank you.. thank you oppas...
Taehyung - BEAR!!!... SEE WHAT I HAVE...
so-haa - woahhhh!!... Taddyy bear... Yayyyyyyyy... You are the best Taebear... .

So-haa - Thank you Taebear ...😄
Taehyung - your welcome queen.. Let's have a picture.. .

Mr. Hwang - in the evening we have party so prepare on the time please... .

Boys and So-haa - yes boss....

Party time
Party hall

Party is going on very well everyone is happy.. They are dancing, singing and laughing together... Mr. Hwang gift so-haa a beautiful necklace..
   After some days
Everyone is sitting in dinning room doing thier breakfast..
Jessica - Jagi??!!
Mr. Hwang - yes... Sweetie..
Jessica - I have to buy something for lili and jungkook... They are coming today...
Mr. Hwang - OK go... But make sure to take some bodyguard with you...
Jessica - someone want to come with me..
Boys - no mom we have some works...
Jessica - OK
So-haa - yes.. Mom I am coming with you... I will buy some beautiful dresses for lili.. 😄
Jessica - okiee

Mr. Hwang went to his work and boys are went to tranning room..
In the evening
Jessica - so-haa come baby..
So-haa - I am here.. Legoo..

They reached mall and buy some beautiful thing alot of gifts for everyone... Now time to go home back.. Jessica and so-haa are sitting in car bodyguard are went for take things from mall... Suddenly someone start shooting on their car... Jessica become panic and start car...

So-haa - Mumma... What happened.. Who are they...
Jessica - n-nothing baby.. Everything is OK...
So-haa - Mumma I am scared.. Please do something..
Jessica - you trust me n...
Jessica is also scared because she never face this type of thing... She drive very fast.. This time fear look in her eyes... She don't scared for herself.. She is scared for her little girl...
So-haa - mom here is a gun..
Jessica take that gun and start shooting...
Jessica - so-haa call dad...
So-haa call her father... But he don't pick up the call.... She again try but no response... Now their car crash on a three... Jessica take so-haa and run away from car.. Their is a dark forest.. She is running and running... They are badly injured... Speacily Jessica... When she see a tree.. They hide behind that tree...

Present time

Jtj's mom - then we don't know what happened with them...
Hyunjin - why dad don't save them...
Suga and rm's mom - that time someone kidnap lili jungkook and their mom... That's why he didn't know anything about so-haa and Jessica... But when lili, jungkook and their mom reached home he understand that... That all was just a trap to distract them... He chack his phone he found hundred of calls from Jessica... When he call back... That was too late..
Nancy - too late??

Back to story
Mid -night
Mr. Hwang - why don't she pick up my call... Everyone go and try to find her and my baby..
Men - sir someone send this letter..
Mr. Hwang - read..
   In the letter

Hello dear,
         How are you hope you are good till now.... Sorry for this late news... But you know what... Today I play a game... That game was great.. And interesting.. You know what with whom... With your heart and heart beat... But oops they are weak... And they loss... So I have to kill them... Off  my bad I have to kill them....I  am sending their body to you.. Sorry dear I don't have that little girls body... She was too little.. So I think.. Let lions eat her little fresh body... But don't worry I already make sure that she was dead..
    I will pray for there soul... Hahaha...
     Say goodbye to them..

   When Mr. Hwang listen this he become numb... He don't understand anything... His mind become stone... He don't say any word.. He have tears in his eyes.. Tears of blood... He want to kill everyone...
Man 1- boss here is a box..

When he open that box he find his life in that box.... .She is life less ....her face showed that how much she struggle before die... Now her beautiful smiley face have no smile now... Her deep ocean eyes are close...
Everyone is crying.. Mr. Hwang also broke down.. They are crying hard... But their is two boys who don't have any tears... Yoongi and taehyung... Yoongi become numb and silent... He don't have any emotion... And taehyung become deep... Now he just want to kill that man who kill his little bear and his bestfriend....his mom....from that time everything changed... That bright house become dark... Music become silent...

Present time
Jtj's mom - from that time I never see again my old tae and yoongi...
Suga and rm's mom - from that time yoongi change his name because he don't want to listen yoon or yoongi oppa.... He become call... He never play piano again.... .

Suga's Pov

I were come here to call hyunjin... But I were listening this from starting... Yes... She was my life.. My little kitten... My smile... My always make me remember her... Her voice... Her Everything... Always kill me from inside... I failed to save her... I broke my promise... I never become a good brother... *tears*

   Thank you so much for reading 🙂

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