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Abhi's POV

"Save me Abhi"He is begging me.

"I will,I will"I stood up and looked around.I felt someone watching us and dragged him to a corner.Avinash arranged two bouncers,Private security for us.I looked at them and they came to us running.

He fell down,He fell down on his knees and I am totally stunned to see a bullet in his shoulder.Who did this and when?I didn't believe my eyes.

I looked around and saw Seshi literally trembling everyone is screaming and saw a guy with a mask running away from the place.

Akhil came to us panting,He wrapped his arm around Seshi.I blinked at him and I started chasing this guy.I couldn't catch him,he is running really fast.He escaped quickly.I cursed my fate.What a fate it is?!

Don't know why I feel that I saw him earlier.His eyes looks so familiar to me.Who is he?

I ran through the tube and entered the main road finally.

He mingled in the crowd.Ahh!I saw bouncers following us and what's the use?He was truly quick.

I went back to hotel and saw Seshi and Akhil were waiting for me.

"I couldn't find him"I stomped my foot.

"No problem yar"Akhil hugged me.

"What about him?"Suddenly I got worried about him and looked at Akhil.

"We took him to hospital,Thankfully he is out of danger.Avinash talked to Mr.Stevenson and he took care of everything"He answered my question.
"Hu.."I sighed and looked away.

I didn't slept last night.

I talked to doctor and he told us that Pranav is out of danger.The guy who was attacked is Pranav.He was Neelu's classmate.His parents were abducted and he was forced to attack us.I felt pity about Pranav.Akhil promised me that he will take care of him.

Doctor sucessfully took out the bullet from his shoulder and it's his pure luck that he got shot at his shoulder not any vital organ.

I talked to him.He told me a name which I haven't expected at all.I was literally shattered to listen his name.He is in India and now I need to face him.Akhil promised me that he will take care of this guy and he will arrange security for him.He took the help of Police and they are searching for his parents.

We spread news that Pranav is still in danger and striving for his life.I hope this rumour would keep his parents safe and sound.I hope everything will go smooth.I am really worried about Seshi,they are after her and they really don't want us to be together.

         .......After few hours.........

Finally we reached India,Several things has happened in L.A.

We are in airport at the exit.I saw media waiting for us desperately.I know something like this would happen.Those pictures have dragged Media's attention a lot.I asked her to cover her face with her scarf.I put my goggles and hood.We almost ran away from airport and got into the car.

Avinash brought his car and waiting for us in the car.We got into the car in time and smiled nervously at each other.

"We escaped finally"She said giving a sad smile.

"Yes"I looked at her with a wan smile.

"That was really tough"She gulped some water and looked at me.She looks completely drenched in sweat and sweat beads are glittering on her forehead.I couldn't take my eyes off her.My hands arw itchinhg and want to hug her but her words echoed in my ears.

I looked out and reality struck me so hard.We have to leave each other.We will part away in our ways in few minutes.I closed my eyes.She is glaring at me and caught my expression.

Her smile got dropped at the veryy next second and her shoulders just slumped.

I looked around and found that we misssed the way.I looked at the driver and found that it's not Avinash.

God!We were mislead.Someone took advantage of our miserable situation and god?!What now?I saw Seshi,She titled her head a bit and looked at the driver for a moment,She gulped her own saliva and stared at me with a sullen and sunken expression on face.

"Who are you?and Where are you taking us?"I shouted at him.

It's all my fault.Avi told me that he brought his Red Chevrolet and I just rushed into the Red chevrolet without a thought as it is the only one Red chevrolet among ten to twenty cars at the stand.How can be I this reckless?

He didn't say anything.He chuckled at us and my temper rose to peaks.

"Who are you?"I shouted again.

He turned for a second and punched me.I controlled my anger and I am completely clueless now.I am oblivous about my surroundings and this person.I mustered all my patience to keep quiet.I embraced my arm around Seshi and patted her shoulder.She looked so pale and tears are falling from her eyes.I wiped those tears and smiled.

He stopped his car infront of a huge bungalow but it is far away from city and not in a good position.Two goons came to us and stood beside us.I tightened my grip over her wrist and clenched my other fist tightly.

I am ready to punch these fellows on their grumpy faces but I a thinking about Seshi,her security.

I want to pummel them to death but suddenly a guy took a gun from his back pocket.I took a step back,if Seshi isn't here I would've beaten them to death but what if they do anything to her.I felt miserable for the first time.Yes,She is my strength,my Weakness.I thought to myself.

I am concerned about her and don't want to get a scratch on her.

He gestured us to walk inside.We walked in and I am still holding her hand tightly.I can't leave her hand,I have to protect her.

They threw us in a dark room in the next second and left us alone there in the room without a word,a clue.

What I can see is little light and threatening darkness.

I dragged her into my lap

She didn't protest.I tightened my grip over her waist and nudged her closer to me.

"I am with you,Don't worry"I mumbled

She didn't say anything but nodded at me with moist eyes.

"I promise you that no one can even scratch you till I am alive"I smiled rubbing the pad of my thumb on her cheek.She hugged me tightly and I can feel her breath.

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