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Abhi's Pov

"Grudge?"She looked at me with a shock written face.Her eyes are red and they are shedding tears.My heart got crushed seeing them.Why she?Why is everyone hurting her?One damn night.Everything got changed.

"Leave it,dear"I consoled her.

"Hmm..."She is not in a mood to listen anything further.I too felt the same.

"Go and have a shower"I budged her a bit and she nodded.

She moved to washroom like a lifeless soul and I am dying inside to see her like that.

I want to know two things.

1.Reason behind his actions.Though I know he holds some grudge on her for making his life miserable which in turn is a pure lie.

Why do I think something is beyond this?

Actually someoone is behind him?

If my assumptions are true than who is he?What are those reasons?

2.Does he know that we stay here?

Does he know that we patch up?

If yes what will be his next step

Still I don't know whether he is the one who kidnapped us or I am assuming things.I felt like tangled in my own thoughts but our next move must be bold and carefull.

We shouldn't give a single clue about our status to society especially him.

I sighed and made necessary arrangements.

"Avi"I called Avi after a long time.

I apologised him inwards as I am not going to reveal a single thing to him now.

"Abhi"He is truly delighted to hear my voice again.

"Avi,I need your help"I  mumbled and could hear his voice booming from other side before I could finish my sentence.

"Where have you been damn it?I was waiting for you at airport.If you couldn't make up can't you bother to make a single damn call"He shouted.

"Sorry Avi"I said quietly.

"Where are you and I want to meet you at this moment"He almost ordered.

I told him to meet me in a restuarant and left Seshi there in the room itself.I asked hotel staff to take care of her and

I am waiting for Avi.

I looked around to see whether anyyone is after me but thankfully I couldn't find any one suspicious.

"Abhi"Avi came to me and gave a bone crashing hug.

"I am really worried about you"He patted my shoulder and sat in front of me.

"Actually I was kidnapped"I told him half of the truth.

"What?"He screamed at my confession. He looks really really worried and I gave a wan smile.

"Yes,Few unknown people kidnapped me and I escaped from them tactfully. "I nodded.

He looked at me with concern and he looks very much terrified.

"Oh my!"He gasped some air and took a second to digest the thing I told him.

"He stole all my gadgets,my laptop,my phone.I blocked all my cards and did necessary actions to stop him from doing anything dangerous.Still I am not convienced."I shook my head and looked at him.

"Ohh..."He slumped his shoulders and became speechless.

We looked at each other with a pale faces.

"What...What about Seshi?"He took a second to process the information I gave him and asked me keeping a sulky face.

"I don't know"I frowned.

"She too didn't come to home I thought she was with you but now I am really really  worried about her"He sighed pursed his lips and rubbed his forehead.

"We need to search her"I mumbled slowly and he nodded in response.

"Hope she is fine and sound"He patted my hand gently.

I gave a small smile trying to hide the truth.

"Mom and dad got panicked terrifically.Let's go home"He caught my hand and I nodded.

"Mom didn't take food properly abd didn't sleep for a while.She almost fainted after knowing that you were missing"He said

I felt bad about to them.I felt like seeing mom once.

We reached home and mom came to me running and hugged me insantly.

I kissed her forehead and looked at her.

She is sobbing profoundly and couldn't speak words.

"Mom,I am okay"I hugged her and she nodded smiling a bit with teary eyes.

"Love you Mom"I tightened my hug and caressed her hair.

"Are you fine Abhi"Dad too came to me and checked me from top to toe

"Yes Dad"I smiled mildly

"What happened?Where were you these two days?"He asked me.

"I was kidnapped and I escaped from them tactfully"I said the same thing and gave the same information I gave to Avi.

"Oh my god!"Dad freaked and I hugged him asking him to calmdown.

"We need to contact police"Dad insisted.

"Yes"I nodded half heartedly.

"What?Any problem?"Dad asked me while catchting my expression.

"We need to keep a press meet after approaching police"I said and Dad nodded quietly.

"Who are they may be?"Dad made me sit on sofa and Mom gave me a glass of water.

"I have no clue"I said lowering my head a bit.

"I am happy that you are safe.I don't want to listen anything more"Mom smiled and wiped her tears.

I went to my room and shut the door.

I opened my phone and called Seshi.

"Abhi"I felt bad to leave her alone at Suite.

"Reached Home Seshi,I met mom and Dad."I said slowly.

"That's great"She tried to cheer up my mood.

"Miss you"I can't hide it anymore,more over guilt is killing me for leaving her all alone but I am helpless.

"Miss you too"I can sense she is sobbing.

"We are helpless Seshi,bear this lonliness for few more days"I mumbled with heavy heart.

"I know,I will"She cooed and I just want to kiss her forehead now.

"I will arrange press meet tomorrow"I informed her.

"Okay"She answered.

"Sorry for doing this to you sweetheart but I am helpless. I can't risk your life"I tried to explain her.

"I believe you Abhi,,no explanations please"She said as softly as she can.She is an angel truly.

"I love you"I kissed her on phone.

"I love you too Abhi"She too kissed me back.

I closed my eyes trying to drift into sleep.

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