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Abhi's POV

I came home a bit late and I know that my Seshi hasn't eaten anything from evening.I brought few sandwiches for her hiding in my blazer.I pretended as I am tipsy.I entered hall and saw Mom and dad waiting for me.

Yes I took alcohol but I am fully sober as I know my limit.I took it to show my family,eveyone that I am doing everything out of revenge,vengeance.

I hurt my girl but noone knows the biter fact that every word,every act I am doing to hurt her are hurting me thousand times more.I can't see her shedding tears that to for me.

"Abhi"Mom called me soon I climbed a step.I stopped and averted my gaze.

"We want to talk to you"Dad said in a stern tone.

"What's there to talk Dad?"I said curtly and stood there frowning at them.I am clearly showing my disinterest to have a conversation on this issue now.

"Abhi,I told you that I want to talk to you"He stressed each and everyword in the sentence

"Okay tell me what do you want to tell"I came and stood infront of him.

"Send her away"Mom said looking away.I chuckled for her words.

"I want to reopen the case.It's very unfair on your part Abhi you can't blackmail me,your own father.I can't uunderstand your motto behind this marriage.If you want revenge then this is not the way.You need to present those evidences to court and leave the decision to judiciary.You can't take law into your hands."Dad warned me.

A smile creeped on my lips and I felt relieved by dad's words.He still the same old person whom I worshiped as my ideal.I know my dad well he can't torture Seshi in the name of revenge.He can't stoop down to that level.

"Speak out something Abhi"Dad shouted dragging me from my own thoughts.

"I have already told my decision to you both.Now what's there to say again"I said and twirled around and went back to my room without a word.

I felt sad to see my parents suffering like this but I am helpless.

I went in and saw Seshi sleeping on couch.I went to her and kissed her forehead.She didn't woke up.I slowly lowered my head and gave a gentle,soft peck on her lips.She started responding to my kiss even in deep slumber.I deeped my kiss and started exploring her mouth fully.

She woke up twitching from sleep and sighed seeing me beside her.I smiled at her act and hugged her.

"Abhi"She placed her hand on my cheek and rubbed the pad of her thumb gently.

"Did you eat anything?"I asked her lowering my head.

"No"She nodded and gave a pale smile.

"Have this"I took out the sandwich which I hidden in my blazzer and gave it to her.

I can see tears in her eyes.My heart got overwhelmed with mixed feelings such as guilt and love.I cupped her face and wiped those tears.

She took a bite and got hiccups immediate.I gave her a glass of water and she drank it once.

I took that sandwich from her hand and fed her slowly.She finished it pretty quickly.I can sense how much hungry she is?!I felt someone stabbing my heart for starving her like that.

She caught my expression and patted my shoulder.I waited till she drift into deep slumber and walked out of our room.I went to balcony and sat there staring at stars.They are shining under moonlight.I found some sort of peace after a long time.May be I am happy that my Seshi is with me,at least I can see her all the time.

Suddenly my mobile started rattling.I took it into my hands and glanced at the screen.It's a private number.

Who it might be?!Several thoughts started pondering in my head.

I picked it after a second hesitantly.

"Hello"I heard a very familiar voice.

"Abhiram?!"He spoke very politely.

"Yes"I answered.

"What do you want Mr.Abhiram?Why did you marry my daughter forcefully.I found a letter in her room,she left a message that she married you to protect her self respect.What did you do to her?What did you...."He stopped as he is chocking bitterly.

"Don't you know why I married her Mr.Viswanath?"I chuckled.

"I know you want revenge but she is an innocent girl.She didn't kill you sister."He is begging me.

"Really?!But evidences are saying something else"I said in a sarcastic tone.

"Those are fake evidences.She is not a murderer,she can't harm anyone then how can she kill her friend.Don't torture her in the name of marriage.Don't tie her in a forceful relation.I will give you what ever you want.I will do what ever you want to do.Leave her"He is begging me leaving all his pride and ego.His words spat me fervently.

But I am successful in making everyone believe that I married her for revenge.I sighed and felt really relieved now.

"Will you do anything for her?Will you give anything for her?"I asked him.

"I will"He said confidently.

"Then get arrested on behalf of your daughter"I asked shocking him.

"I......ahhh...."He is searching for words.

"You can't do it,right?!Then leave her.Leave her to her fate.She deserves this.She killed my sister.You can't bribe me because what I want is revenge.Vengenace."I cut the call abruptly.

I walked to our room and saw Seshi waiting for me.I went to her straight and hugged her.She embraced her arms around my waist and we stood there like that for few minutes.

Her  breath hitched at my touch,intimacy shared by us.

I smiled and cupped her face.She relieved herself from hug and stood there blushing.

I caught her hand and made her sit on bed.She looked at me with questioning eyes.

I told her everything about her dad's call.She didn't speak but sat there gloomy shedding tears.I hugged her from side and patted her back.

She got normal after ten minues or so.I smiled seeing her smile back.

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