Chapter 2

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the sound of footsteps echoed, wind blowing through trees. Alivinia opened her eyes, finding herself in a open field. She looked around, a curious look on her face. "Ethan, Eugene!"Alivinia calls getting to her feet. She got up, walking towards the woods. "Aunt Willow, Night, Uncle Hiko, Grandpa Eli!"Alivinia calls. A twig snapped behind her, causing her to whirl around. Dark blue hair whisked away out of view, Alivinia stepping down after the figure looking nervous. "Grandpa Eli!"Alivinia calls shakily. A woman wearing a snow white dress stepped out, sky blue eyes staring down at her. The woman smiled, and turned away, stepping down the path. "Mama.."Alivinia stared stunned. Jasmine stopped and looked at her, holding her hand out. "Walk with me?"Jasmine smiled. Alivinia stepped forward, then stopped. Terrance walked past her, grabbing Jasmine's hand. " this one of Papa's memories of Mama"Alivinia stared. "Ali." She closed her eyes, darkness surrounding her.

Alivinia opened her eyes, finding herself on a couch. Terrance sat in a chair beside her, his arms crossed over his chest as he slept sitting up. "Papa..."Alivinia mutters patting his hand. Terrance opened his eyes, looking at her startled. "KID!"Terrance smiled grabbing her shoulders relieved. "Ali"Ethan says running over. "I'm thirsty"Alivinia says. "You should be, you were out like a light for a month"Eugene retorts handing her a cup of water. "For someone who's blind, you sure don't act like it"Terrance says giving his son a look. "For someone who abandoned his kids, don't think we're gonna forgive you, pathetic man..."Eugene snorts looking away. "I forgive Papa!"Alivinia says grabbing Terrance's arm. Terrance stared at her stunned as she smiled up at him. "Papa, Mama was so pretty!"Alivinia beamed. Terrance smiled, startling his two sons. "She is, isn't she"Terrance chuckled. "Do you both wanna see her?"Terrance asked looking at the startled boys.

Jake came downstairs, holding a plate of food. He stopped, staring in surprise. Terrance laid asleep with the triplets, his hands resting on Ethan and Eugene's heads Alivinia laying curled up by his head their temples touching. "Jake?"Willow blinked. "Look"Jake smiled his eyes starting to water. Willow stepped out from behind him, smiling slightly at the sight before her. Terrance opened his eyes, then sat up. "Mom was really pretty"Eugene mutters Ethan smiling at him. "I know"Terrance says quietly. He stretched, Ethan copying him. He smiled at the child, looking amused, Eugene leaning against him. "Which of you is the eldest?"Terrance asks. "I am!"Ethan beamed. Terrance whistled, an infernus slug hopping up onto his shoulder. "This is Burpy, he was your mothers, take care of him"Terrance smiled. "I will!"Ethan grinned Burpy hopping onto his hand chirping.

"Lokiko"Terrance smiled. A thugglet popped into view, Terrance gently scratching its head. "This Thugglet was also your mothers, his name is Lokiko, Eugene...I am gonna give this little guy to you"Terrance says. Eugene held his hands out, Lokiko hopping down onto his palms. "Hey..."Eugene greets. "What about me.."Alivinia asks. "You'll get yours when you're a bit older, they're too strong for you to handle right now"Terrance replies. "Can you tell us more about Mom?"Alivinia asks. Terrance stared at her, then looked down. Night appeared, flicking his tail. "Time for you kids to head home"Terrance says quietly. Night picked Eugene up, Ethan holding his hand. "We can come back tomorrow right?"Alivinia asks. ".......sure, as long as I'm not asleep"Terrance nodded patting her head. Alivinia beamed and pressed a kiss to his cheek before hurrying over to Night.

Terrance touched his cheek, a stunned look on his face. He smiled, Jake silently laughing behind him. "Awww, you being a dad is amazing"Jake grinned making the stunned male jump. "JAKE!!!"Terrance yells getting to his feet. Jake laughed as Terrance shook him, yelling about how he wasn't supposed to listen in on peoples private business. "Alright, I'm sorry"Jake chuckled. Terrance sighed and released him, sitting on the couch, his legs crossed. "You're a snake"Terrance says. "I know"jake chuckled handing him a plate of food. "Have those kids been picked on?"Terrance asks. "Eugene is, most kids bully him because he's blind"Jake responds. "Well, soon those kids will show some respect"Terrance grinned. "They have Blakk blood flowing inside of them...and we Blakk's don't get on our knees and cry.....we get revenge and bite back"Terrance smirked.

Eugene fell to the ground, mud staining his clothes. "EUGENE!!"Ethan yells running over, his eyes wide. Alivinia wiped the mud off her brothers sleeve, looking worried when she noticed the blind male trembling. Eugene got to his feet, a lion like aura waving off of him. He stared the bullies down, then smiled, chuckling. "I should chop your hands off your bodies"Eugene smiled a dangerous glow in his eyes. Alivinia smiled, a spark appearing in her eyes as Ethan smirked cockily. "Dear brother, think we could do the honors, I wonder how much that hand would go for on the black market"Alivinia wonders tapping her chin as the bullies stepped back, a tigeress like aura waving off of her. Ethan grinned, an aura like a snake ready to lunge coming from him. "I want the left hand"Ethan smiled. A scream came from the lead bully, the boy takingoff with his friends screaming for their parents behind them. "That felt good"Eugene smirked. "It did"Ethan agrees Alivinia giggling.

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