Chapter 28

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I pressed my body against a wall and slowly slid to the floor. With one leg bent, one flat against the floor, I put my elbow on my bent leg, and put my head in my hand. I huffed and closed my eyes. In the backround you could hear muffled arguing. I didn't open my eyes when I heard the door swish open and close, then the sound of sitting on the opposite side of me.

''You tired of the arguing too, Eric?'' I asked, still not looking up.

''Huh? Yah, yah. Heard it time and time again. . .Tammy, there's something I need to tell you.'' I heard Eric say.

I opened my eyes and looked at Eric. His nose piercing was gone and he had recombed his hair out of his face. He looked better without the whole emo look.


''Tammy I-'' Eric started but was interrupted by Fury stepping through the door.

''Agents,'' Fury said, ''I need you back in the room.'' I quickly stood up and walked in with a frustrated Eric behind me. I took my seat next to Clint who sent me a wink when I did. I held back a blush, and looked at Fury who was at the front of the room. Eric took his seat which was right next to Thor.

The guy who's name I don't know, was sitting next to me, and honestly, he was nervous. I could smell it. And everyone else in the room was, strangely, scared. I didn't understand why they were scared. They were the Avengers, and I was a part of them.

"Anyway, before the argument, we were talking about Lucas Scale." I locked my jaw as he said that name.

"There have been a number of disappearances in New York, and they are all connected. How? Well, it's because they're all either homeless, or poor. They're believed to be taken by Scale. But, we don't know why."

Bells rang in my head as I understood what was happening.

"Director Fury, if I may?" I said.

"Go ahead,"

"Scale is trying to make an army. A new, unstoppable army, if wanting detail. He's taking the homeless and unfortunate, convincing them that he can get them a better life, then either killing them with the experiments he's conducting, or turning them into an army." I said simply.

"So basically," Tony said, "Scale is kidnapping the unfortunate and turning them into monsters?"

"Exactamundo." Tony nodded.

"Thank you, Agent Banner, you really helped in this meeting." Fury said, but it sounded forced when he complimented me. "And there will be a mission. The agents who'll be going will have a file in their bedrooms. Agent Banner. You are one of the agents going, you have a month to train before the mission begins." I nod.

"Yes sir." I say.

"Before this meeting is adjourned. I bet most of you are wondering why Loki is here." It all clicked in my head. I was sitting next to the very master mind that would've taken over the world if it weren't for the team I just joined.

"Loki is here because we believe that he can help with our dilemma with Scale. Meeting is over, get you asses out of here." Everyone got up and exited the room. I stuck to Clint, who, I was hoping, knew the way to my new found room.

And thank everything holy he did know the way.

''Here's your room.'' He said as he opened the door to my new room. I looked around it and I wasn't exactly impressed. The bed looked like the sheets were just painted on it, it was so straight and perfect. The walls were plain, gray, and dull.

I took a few steps into the room, looking around it like if I turned a few times that something would appear on the dull gray walls.

''Wow, I could watch paint dry and it would be more damn exciting this room.'' I said jokingly.

''I know right? I had the same reaction when I first got into the agency.'' Clint said, moving up to my side in the middle of the room.

''Yah,'' I saw the file that Director Fury mentioned on my bed and I moved over to it and picked up the file. I opened it and skimmed my eyes over the papers taped inside the folded cardboard.

''Okay, so I'll see ya later?'' Clint started backing out of the room. I closed the file, and looked up at Clint.

''Yah, you'll see me, if I can find my way around this place.'' Clint chuckled.

''See ya.''

''See ya.''

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